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==Under Construction Content==
==Under Construction Content==
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'''''EPISODE 1''''' is the first of ''Phantasy Star Online 2'''s six Episodes and the first installment of the Oracle Arc.
==Chapter 1: Using the Divergence Matrix==
Following a harrowing encounter with the Falspawn, the enemy of ARKS and the primary threat to the universe at large, the player is bestowed with a mysterious device called the "Divergence Matrix", an artifact that allows its user to change the course of destiny itself, from the even more mysterious Xion. When the cadet comes into contact with Matoi, a girl with no memory of her past, the wheels of fate begin to turn...
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! | Title
! | Quest Info
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010101.png|250px|link=An Encounter with Xion]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[An Encounter with Xion]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Xion
| '''Location'''<br>ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010102.png|250px|link=A Mysterious Voice]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[A Mysterious Voice]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Afin
| '''Location'''<br>Naverius - Forest
|  rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010103.png|250px|link=Close Encounter with a Masked Demon]]<br>[[File:UIStoryQuests.png|link=|Story]] '''[[Close Encounter with a Masked Demon]]'''
| '''Description'''<br>The pair continues through Naverius, guided by a mysterious voice. They then come upon a masked stranger, who brandishes their sword against [PLAYER NAME]
| '''Difficulty and Level'''<br>'''Casual:''' 5-16 - '''Hardcore:''' 16-75
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010104.png|250px|link=Protecting a Fallen Matoi]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Protecting a Fallen Matoi]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Afin and Matoi
| '''Location'''<br>Naverius - Forest
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010105.png|250px|link=Notice from the Medical Bay]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Notice from the Medical Bay]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Afin, Matoi and Filia
| '''Location'''<br>ARKS Ship - Gate Area
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010106.png|250px|link=Two ARKS in a Pod]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Two ARKS in a Pod]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Pati and Tia
| '''Location'''<br>Naverius - Forest
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010107.png|250px|link=The Shadow Servant]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[The Shadow Servant]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>???
| '''Location'''<br>Naverius - Forest
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010108.png|250px|link=ARKS Being Here]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[ARKS Being Here]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Oza
| '''Location'''<br>Naverius - Forest
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010109.png|250px|link=Being ARKS]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Being ARKS]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Marlu
| '''Location'''<br>Naverius - Forest
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010110.png|250px|link=Risa the Sharpshooter]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Risa the Sharpshooter]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Risa
| '''Location'''<br>Naverius - Forest
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010111.png|250px|link=Nothing Understood]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Nothing Understood]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Matoi
| '''Location'''<br>ARKS Ship - Gate Area
| rowspan="4" | [[File:UIStory010112.png|250px|link=Seeking to Change History]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Seeking to Change History]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Xion
| '''Location'''<br>ARKS Ship - Gate Area
| '''Reward Details'''<br>{{icons|Ticket}} SG 20 Ticket
==Chapter 2: Encountering the Draconians==
The planet of Amduskia is a multi-biome planet featuring a volcanic core surrounded by a myriad of fragmented, floating landmasses orbiting its center. Although ARKS and the planet's local inhabitants, the Draconians, have maintained a fragile peace, the heightened activity of the Falspawn is forcing both parties to make a move. With the threat level quickly rising, the player joins an ARKS researcher named Aki and her assistant Wright to investigate the Falspawn situation.
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! | Title
! | Quest Info
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010201.png|250px|link=The Professor's Gone Missing!]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[The Professor's Gone Missing!]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Wright
| '''Location'''<br>ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010202.png|250px|link=Seeker of Truth]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Seeker of Truth]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Aki
| '''Location'''<br>Amduskia - Volcanic Caves
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010203.png|250px|link=A Vacant Presence]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[A Vacant Presence]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>???
| '''Location'''<br>Amduskia - Volcanic Caves
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010204.png|250px|link=Greenhorn]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Greenhorn]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Gettemhult and Melfonseana
| '''Location'''<br>Amduskia - Volcanic Caves
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010205.png|250px|link=Investigating The Draconians]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Investigating The Draconians]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Gettemhult and Melfonseana
| '''Location'''<br>Amduskia - Volcanic Caves
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010206.png|250px|link=A Multitude of Falspawn]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[A Multitude of Falspawn]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Aki and Wright
| '''Location'''<br>Amduskia - Volcanic Caves
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010207.png|250px|link=Draconian Remains]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Draconian Remains]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Aki and Wright
| '''Location'''<br>Amduskia - Volcanic Caves
|  rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010208.png|250px|link=The Dragons' Malady]]<br>[[File:UIStoryQuests.png|link=|Story]] '''[[The Dragons' Malady]]'''
| '''Description'''<br>Deep in the Volcanic Caves, lives the Draconian Hi'Roga, who has lost his senses due to the effects of Falspawn corruption. The Draconian youth, Hi'En, failed to reach his elder and Aki has pledged that ARKS will offer whatever assistance it can to help.
| '''Difficulty and Level'''<br>'''Casual:''' 4-14 - '''Hardcore:''' 14-75
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010209.png|250px|link=Deep Affinity]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Deep Affinity]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Gettemhult and Zeno
| '''Location'''<br>ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010210.png|250px|link=I Don't Talk to Anyone Else]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[I Don't Talk to Anyone Else]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Matoi
| '''Location'''<br>ARKS Ship - Gate Area
| rowspan="4" | [[File:UIStory010211.png|250px|link=A New Divergence Matrix]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[A New Divergence Matrix]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Xion
| '''Location'''<br>ARKS Ship - Gate Area
! class="unsortable" style="width:65px;" | Icon !! Name !! style="width:200px;" | Aquisition !! style="background-color:#FFCCCC" | {{Icons|NGS Sword}} !! style="background-color:#FFCCCC" | {{Icons|NGS Wired Lances}} !! style="background-color:#FFCCCC" | {{Icons|NGS Partisan}} !! style="background-color:#FFCCCC" | {{Icons|NGS Daggers}} !! style="background-color:#FFCCCC" | {{Icons|NGS Double Saber}} !! style="background-color:#FFCCCC" | {{Icons|NGS Knuckles}} !! style="background-color:#FFCCCC" | {{Icons|NGS Gunblade}} !! style="background-color:#FFCCCC" | {{Icons|NGS Katana}} !! style="background-color:#FFCCCC" | {{Icons|NGS Soaring Blades}} !! style="background-color:#CCCCFF" | {{Icons|NGS Rifle}} !! style="background-color:#CCCCFF" | {{Icons|NGS Launcher}} !! style="background-color:#CCCCFF" | {{Icons|NGS Twin Machineguns}} !! style="background-color:#CCCCFF" | {{Icons|NGS Bow}} !! style="background-color:#FFFEBB" | {{Icons|NGS Rod}} !! style="background-color:#FFFEBB" | {{Icons|NGS Talis}} !! style="background-color:#FFFEBB" | {{Icons|NGS Wand}} !! style="background-color:#FFFEBB" | {{Icons|NGS Jet Boots}} !! style="background-color:#FFFEBB" | {{Icons|NGS Harmonizer}} !! Marketable !! class="unsortable" | Notes
| '''Reward Details'''<br>{{icons|Ticket}} SG 20 Ticket
| [[File:NGSUIItemVerschmelzSword.png|64px]] || * Camo A || Drop Location A || <!--{{Icons|NGS Sword}}--> || <!--{{Icons|NGS Wired Lances}}--> || <!--{{Icons|NGS Partisan}}--> || <!--{{Icons|NGS Daggers}}--> || <!--{{Icons|NGS Double Saber}}--> || <!--{{Icons|NGS Knuckles}}--> || <!--{{Icons|NGS Gunblade}}--> || <!--{{Icons|NGS Katana}}--> || <!--{{Icons|NGS Soaring Blades}}--> || <!--{{Icons|NGS Rifle}}--> || <!--{{Icons|NGS Launcher}}--> || <!--{{Icons|NGS Twin Machineguns}}--> || <!--{{Icons|NGS Bow}}--> || <!--{{Icons|NGS Rod}}--> || <!--{{Icons|NGS Talis}}--> || <!--{{Icons|NGS Wand}}--> || <!--{{Icons|NGS Jet Boots}}--> || <!--{{Icons|NGS Harmonizer}}--> || {{Icons|UICheckMarkIcon}} || Yes
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! | Title
! | Quest Info
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010212.png|250px|link=Guns are Glorious]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Guns are Glorious]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Risa
| '''Location'''<br>Amduskia - Volcanic Caves
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010213.png|250px|link=Watch Out for Falspawn!]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Watch Out for Falspawn!]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Pati and Tia
! class="unsortable" style="width:65px;" | Icon !! Name !! style="width:200px;" | Aquisition !! style="background-color:#FFCCCC" | {{Icons|Sword}} !! style="background-color:#FFCCCC" | {{Icons|Wired Lances}} !! style="background-color:#FFCCCC" | {{Icons|Partisan}} !! style="background-color:#FFCCCC" | {{Icons|Daggers}} !! style="background-color:#FFCCCC" | {{Icons|Double Saber}} !! style="background-color:#FFCCCC" | {{Icons|Knuckles}} !! style="background-color:#FFCCCC" | {{Icons|Gunblade}} !! style="background-color:#FFCCCC" | {{Icons|Katana}} !! style="background-color:#FFCCCC" | {{Icons|Soaring Blades}} !! style="background-color:#CCCCFF" | {{Icons|Rifle}} !! style="background-color:#CCCCFF" | {{Icons|Launcher}} !! style="background-color:#CCCCFF" | {{Icons|Twin Machineguns}} !! style="background-color:#CCCCFF" | {{Icons|Bow}} !! style="background-color:#FFFEBB" | {{Icons|Rod}} !! style="background-color:#FFFEBB" | {{Icons|Talis}} !! style="background-color:#FFFEBB" | {{Icons|Wand}} !! style="background-color:#FFFEBB" | {{Icons|Jet Boots}} !! style="background-color:#FFFEBB" | {{Icons|Harmonizer}} !! Marketable !! class="unsortable" | Notes
| '''Location'''<br>Amduskia - Volcanic Caves
| [[File:UIItemWeaponStealthing.png|64px]] || * Camo A || Drop Location A || <!--{{Icons|Sword}}--> || <!--{{Icons|Wired Lances}}--> || <!--{{Icons|Partisan}}--> || <!--{{Icons|Daggers}}--> || <!--{{Icons|Double Saber}}--> || <!--{{Icons|Knuckles}}--> || <!--{{Icons|Gunblade}}--> || <!--{{Icons|Katana}}--> || <!--{{Icons|Soaring Blades}}--> || <!--{{Icons|Rifle}}--> || <!--{{Icons|Launcher}}--> || <!--{{Icons|Twin Machineguns}}--> || <!--{{Icons|Bow}}--> || <!--{{Icons|Rod}}--> || <!--{{Icons|Talis}}--> || <!--{{Icons|Wand}}--> || <!--{{Icons|Jet Boots}}--> || <!--{{Icons|Harmonizer}}--> || {{Icons|UICheckMarkIcon}} || Yes
==Chapter 3: A Small Benefactor==
The planet Lillipa was once inhabited by the Erzimaruts, a race of humanoids from a distant planet who left their home after it was attacked by a Dark Falz. However, all that remains is a desert landscape, populated only by abandoned machines and rabbit-like creatures that have come to be known as Lillipans. During their expedition, the player meets Fourie, a CAST who wishes to connect with the Lillipans. What secrets does the barren planet hide underneath its surface?
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! | Title
! | Quest Info
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010301.png|250px|link=Saved by a Tiny Silhouette]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Saved by a Tiny Silhouette]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Fourie
| '''Location'''<br>ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010302.png|250px|link=The Indiscriminate Threat]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[The Indiscriminate Threat]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Melfonseana
| '''Location'''<br>Lillipa - Desert
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010303.png|250px|link=A Certain Dragon's Destination]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[A Certain Dragon's Destination]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>???
| '''Location'''<br>Lillipa - Desert
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010304.png|250px|link=A Chance Meeting]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[A Chance Meeting]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Haddred
| '''Location'''<br>Lillipa - Desert
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010305.png|250px|link=Traces of Existence]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Traces of Existence]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Afin
| '''Location'''<br>Lillipa - Desert
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010306.png|250px|link=A Beneficiary's Lost Item]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[A Beneficiary's Lost Item]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Fourie
| '''Location'''<br>ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010307.png|250px|link=Wanting to Meet a Benefactor]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Wanting to Meet a Benefactor]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Fourie
| '''Location'''<br>ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010308.png|250px|link=So Close, Yet So Far]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[So Close, Yet So Far]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Fourie and the Lillipans
| '''Location'''<br>Lillipa - Desert
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010309.png|250px|link=The Cause of Fear]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[The Cause of Fear]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Fourie and the Lillipans
| '''Location'''<br>Lillipa - Desert
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010310.png|250px|link=An Unforgettable Kindness]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[An Unforgettable Kindness]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Fourie, Gettemhult and Melfonseana
| '''Location'''<br>Lillipa - Desert
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010311.png|250px|link=Something New at Every Turn]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Something New at Every Turn]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Matoi
| '''Location'''<br>ARKS Ship - Gate Area
| rowspan="4" | [[File:UIStory010312.png|250px|link=Signs of Improvement]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Signs of Improvement]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Xion
| '''Location'''<br>ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
| '''Reward Details'''<br>{{icons|Ticket}} SG 20 Ticket
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! | Title
! | Quest Info
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010313.png|250px|link=A Balanced Party]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[A Balanced Party]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Marlu
| '''Location'''<br>Lillipa - Desert
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010314.png|250px|link=Forming a Balanced Party]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Forming a Balanced Party]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Oza
| '''Location'''<br>Lillipa - Desert
==Chapter 4: Broken Cosmogenic Arms==
The Tundra region of Naverius is a geographical anomaly unlike any other, suffering from an eternal winter where there would otherwise be lush forest. As the player is dispatched to the Tundra, they discover a fragment of a "Cosmogenic Arm", a class of weapon wielded exclusively by the Council of Six from which all ARKS weaponry is derived. When a shadowy figure attempts to claim the fragment for themselves, the player and their allies are tasked with getting to the root of the situation.
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! | Title
! | Quest Info
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010401.png|250px|link=A Ranger at Heart]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[A Ranger at Heart]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Zeno
| '''Location'''<br>Naverius - Tundra
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010402.png|250px|link=An Unfathomable Relationship]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[An Unfathomable Relationship]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Melfonseana
| '''Location'''<br>Naverius - Tundra
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010403.png|250px|link=A Matter That Must Be Settled]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[A Matter That Must Be Settled]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>???
| '''Location'''<br>Naverius - Tundra
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010404.png|250px|link=Nothing To Do With Me]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Nothing To Do With Me]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Sarah
| '''Location'''<br>Naverius - Tundra
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010405.png|250px|link=The Council of Six Unleashed]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[The Council of Six Unleashed]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Klariskrays
| '''Location'''<br>Naverius - Tundra
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010406.png|250px|link=Deep Regret]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Deep Regret]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Ulku
| '''Location'''<br>ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010407.png|250px|link=That's ARKS, Folks]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[That's ARKS, Folks]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Theodor
| '''Location'''<br>Naverius - Tundra
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010408.png|250px|link=The Swordsmith Who Lost His Determination]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[The Swordsmith Who Lost His Determination]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Zig
| '''Location'''<br>ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010409.png|250px|link=The Cosmogenic Arms of Legend]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[The Cosmogenic Arms of Legend]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Pati and Tia
| '''Location'''<br>Naverius - Tundra
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010410.png|250px|link=The Geological Features of Planet Naverius]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[The Geological Features of Planet Naverius]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Rojio
| '''Location'''<br>ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010411.png|250px|link=A Lingering Shadow]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[A Lingering Shadow]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Persona the Masked and Rojio
| '''Location'''<br>Naverius - Tundra
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010412.png|250px|link=Anomaly on Naverius]]<br>[[File:UIStoryQuests.png|link=|Story]] '''[[Anomaly on Naverius]]'''
| '''Description'''<br>The scholar Rojio had ordered the gathering of data on the Tundra that spread beyond the Forest region. However, there remained a lingering, uneasy sense that somebody, or something, had already gotten there first.
| '''Difficulty and Level'''<br>'''Casual:''' 5-16 - '''Hardcore:''' 16-75
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010413.png|250px|link=A Resonance-Induced Headache]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[A Resonance-Induced Headache]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Matoi
| '''Location'''<br>ARKS Ship - Gate Area
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010414.png|250px|link=Reignited Passion]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Reignited Passion]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Zig
| '''Location'''<br>ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
| rowspan="4" | [[File:UIStory010415.png|250px|link=The Path You Must Trod]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[The Path You Must Trod]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Xion
| '''Location'''<br>ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
| '''Reward Details'''<br>{{icons|Ticket}} SG 20 Ticket
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! | Title
! | Quest Info
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010416.png|250px|link=The Mantle of Suffering]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[The Mantle of Suffering]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Risa
| '''Location'''<br>Naverius - Tundra
==Chapter 5: The Second Fragment==
With the first piece of the mysterious Cosmogenic Arm in their possession, the player returns to Lillipa on the trail for the second fragment. However, they aren't the only one picking up the pieces, and it quickly becomes apparent that there's much more to this weapon than it seems.
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! | Title
! | Quest Info
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010501.png|250px|link=A Step Forward]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[A Step Forward]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Fourie and the Lillipans
| '''Location'''<br>Lillipa - Underground Shafts
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010502.png|250px|link=Meeting of Minds]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Meeting of Minds]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Fourie and the Lillipans
| '''Location'''<br>Lillipa - Underground Shafts
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010503.png|250px|link=Gettemhult's Past]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Gettemhult's Past]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Melfonseana
| '''Location'''<br>Lillipa - Underground Shafts
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010504.png|250px|link=Determination And Talent]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Determination And Talent]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Ulku
| '''Location'''<br>ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010505.png|250px|link=What is Aptitude Anyway?]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[What is Aptitude Anyway?]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Theodor
| '''Location'''<br>Lillipa - Underground Shafts
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010506.png|250px|link=One Is Not Enough]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[One Is Not Enough]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Zig
| '''Location'''<br>ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010507.png|250px|link=Persona Rummaging Through the Underworks]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Persona Rummaging Through the Underworks]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Persona the Masked
| '''Location'''<br>Lillipa - Underground Shafts
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010508.png|250px|link=Search for the Damaged Weapon]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Search for the Damaged Weapon]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Afin
| '''Location'''<br>Lillipa - Underground Shafts
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010509.png|250px|link=A Mysterious Mark]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[A Mysterious Mark]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Afin, Fourie and the Lillipans
| '''Location'''<br>Lillipa - Underground Shafts
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010510.png|250px|link=Hidden Beneath the Sands]]<br>[[File:UIStoryQuests.png|link=|Story]] '''[[Hidden Beneath the Sands]]'''
| '''Description'''<br>With the expert guidance of the Lillipans, the party made their way to the deepest reaches of the Underground Shafts in search of weapon fragments. However, they were met by a guardian of those same depths, blocking their advance.
| '''Difficulty and Level'''<br>'''Casual:''' 5-16 - '''Hardcore:''' 16-75
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010511.png|250px|link=Yet Another Resonance-Induced Headache]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Yet Another Resonance-Induced Headache]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Matoi
| '''Location'''<br>ARKS Ship - Gate Area
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010512.png|250px|link=The Leading Edge!]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[The Leading Edge!]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Zig
| '''Location'''<br>ARKS Ship - Shopping Area
| rowspan="4" | [[File:UIStory010513.png|250px|link=To Find, You Must Seek]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[To Find, You Must Seek]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Xion
| '''Location'''<br>ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
| '''Reward Details'''<br>{{icons|Ticket}} SG 20 Ticket
{| class="wikitable table-responsive-md" style="text-align:center; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; width:60%"
! | Title
! | Quest Info
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010514.png|250px|link=A Force Can Be Dangerous]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[A Force Can Be Dangerous]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Oza
| '''Location'''<br>Lillipa - Underground Shafts
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010515.png|250px|link=Hunters Are Exhausting Partners]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Hunters Are Exhausting Partners]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Marlu
| '''Location'''<br>Lillipa - Underground Shafts
==Chapter 6: The Last Fragment==
The player pays a visit to the Floating Continent of Amduskia in search of the final fragment needed to complete the Cosmogenic Arm. With [Persona] hot on their trail, the player may need to rely on the Draconians to secure the third fragment before it's too late.
{| class="wikitable table-responsive-md" style="text-align:center; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; width:60%"
! | Title
! | Quest Info
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010601.png|250px|link=A Race Against Time]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[A Race Against Time]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Aki and Wright
| '''Location'''<br>Amduskia - Floating Continent
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010602.png|250px|link=Not Knowing When to Quit]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Not Knowing When to Quit]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Aki and Ko'Riu
| '''Location'''<br>Amduskia - Floating Continent
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010603.png|250px|link=The Savior of Legend]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[The Savior of Legend]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Aki and Ko'Riu
| '''Location'''<br>Amduskia - Floating Continent
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010604.png|250px|link=Looking for Something of Great Importance]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Looking for Something of Great Importance]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Afin
| '''Location'''<br>Amduskia - Floating Continent
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010605.png|250px|link=Told You Not to Work Too Hard]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Told You Not to Work Too Hard]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Theodor
| '''Location'''<br>Amduskia - Floating Continent
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010606.png|250px|link=Zeno and Gettemhult]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Zeno and Gettemhult]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Gettemhult and Melfonseana
| '''Location'''<br>Amduskia - Floating Continent
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010607.png|250px|link=Surveillance or Observation?]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Surveillance or Observation?]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>???
| '''Location'''<br>Amduskia - Floating Continent
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010608.png|250px|link=Pining]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Pining]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Haddred
| '''Location'''<br>Amduskia - Floating Continent
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010609.png|250px|link=Persona Probing the Floating Continent]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Persona Probing the Floating Continent]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Persona the Masked
| '''Location'''<br>Amduskia - Floating Continent
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010610.png|250px|link=A Haphazard Investigation]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[A Haphazard Investigation]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Zeno, Echo and Hi'Roga
| '''Location'''<br>Amduskia - Floating Continent
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010611.png|250px|link=Recognition]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Recognition]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Zeno, Echo and Hi'En
| '''Location'''<br>Amduskia - Floating Continent
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010612.png|250px|link=A New Age]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[A New Age]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Zeno, Echo, Ko'Riu and Persona the Masked
| '''Location'''<br>Amduskia - Floating Continent
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010613.png|250px|link=Entrusted by the Draconians]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Entrusted by the Draconians]]'''
| '''Description'''<br>By request of the Draconians, the party went to the deepest part of the Floating Continent, where Ro'Kamiz waited. He thanked [PLAYER] for dealing with the Draconians and entrust them with a special request.
| '''Difficulty and Level'''<br>'''Casual:''' 5-16 - '''Hardcore:''' 16-75
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010614.png|250px|link=A Huge Resonance-Induced Headache]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[A Huge Resonance-Induced Headache]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Matoi
| '''Location'''<br>ARKS Ship - Gate Area
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010615.png|250px|link=The Core!]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[The Core!]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Zig
| '''Location'''<br>ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
| rowspan="4" | [[File:UIStory010616.png|250px|link=The Path with the Answers to Everything]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[The Path with the Answers to Everything]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Xion
| '''Location'''<br>ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
| '''Reward Details'''<br>{{icons|Ticket}} SG 20 Ticket
==Chapter 7: Emergency==
With the pieces of the Cosmogenic Arm gathered, the player entrusts the weapon to master weaponsmith Zig, who returns to his shop on the ARKS Ship Themis 128 to complete the repair. However, when Themis comes under attack by the Falspawn, it soon becomes apparent that something has gone horribly awry...
{| class="wikitable table-responsive-md" style="text-align:center; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; width:60%"
! | Title
! | Quest Info
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010701.png|250px|link=Hard Work Pays Off!]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Hard Work Pays Off!]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Ulku
| '''Location'''<br>ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010702.png|250px|link=Finally Looking Forward]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Finally Looking Forward]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Theodor
| '''Location'''<br>Amduskia - Floating Continent
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010703.png|250px|link=Cultural Exchange]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Cultural Exchange]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Aki and Ko'Rela
| '''Location'''<br>Amduskia - Floating Continent
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010704.png|250px|link=State of Emergency]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[State of Emergency]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Brigitta
| '''Location'''<br>ARKS Ship - Gate Area
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010705.png|250px|link=Falspawn Full Assault]]<br>[[File:UIStoryQuests.png|link=|Story]] '''[[Falspawn Full Assault]]'''
| '''Description'''<br>Falspawn were bearing down in a full assault on ARKS Ship 128 Themis. Flustered by the sudden turn of events, the ARKS membership aboard received their deployment orders. They would have time to enjoy some peace and quiet later.
| '''Difficulty and Level'''<br>'''Casual:''' 10-18 - '''Hardcore:''' 18-75
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010706.png|250px|link=Theft of a Weapon Restored]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Theft of a Weapon Restored]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Zig
| '''Location'''<br>ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010707.png|250px|link=Why Was It Her?]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Why Was It Her?]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Theodor
| '''Location'''<br>Naverius - Forest
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010708.png|250px|link=What Is Peace Anyway?]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[What Is Peace Anyway?]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Matoi
| '''Location'''<br>ARKS Ship - Gate Area
| rowspan="4" | [[File:UIStory010709.png|250px|link=In Between Fact and Truth]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[In Between Fact and Truth]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Xion
| '''Location'''<br>ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
| '''Reward Details'''<br>{{icons|Ticket}} SG 20 Ticket
{| class="wikitable table-responsive-md" style="text-align:center; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; width:60%"
! | Title
! | Quest Info
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010710.png|250px|link=Something Even Worse Than Humans]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Something Even Worse Than Humans]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Risa
| '''Location'''<br>Amduskia - Volcanic Caves
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010711.png|250px|link=Have You Heard About the Council of Six?]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[Have You Heard About the Council of Six?]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Pati and Tia
| '''Location'''<br>Naverius - Forest
==Chapter 8: Advent of the [Elder]==
The player and their allies are joined by Casra of the Council of Six in a race against time to stop Gettemhult from instigating the revival of Dark Falz [Elder], the Dark Falz who nearly bested ARKS in battle over 40 years ago and was only stopped by the combined effort of the Trio of Heroes. When the situation quickly spirals out of control, someone may have to pay the ultimate price.
{| class="wikitable table-responsive-md" style="text-align:center; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; width:60%"
! | Title
! | Quest Info
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010801.png|250px|link=This Can't Be Possible]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[This Can't Be Possible]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Rojio
| '''Location'''<br>ARKS Ship - Gate Area
| rowspan="3" | [[File:UIStory010802.png|250px|link=The Missing Scholar]]<br>[[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] '''[[The Missing Scholar]]'''
| '''Major Characters Appearing'''<br>Reda
| '''Location'''<br>ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
{| class="wikitable table-responsive-md" style="text-align:center;"
! | Story Information
! | Name
! | Quest Type
! | Reward Details
| [[File:UIStory010802.png|250px|link=]]
| [[The Missing Scholar]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory010803.png|250px|link=]]
| [[A Girl's Invitation]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory010804.png|250px|link=]]
| [[A Failed Assassination and its Reasons]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory010805.png|250px|link=]]
| [[Something Hidden]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory010806.png|250px|link=]]
| [[When the Falspawn Draw Near]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory010807.png|250px|link=]]
| [[ARKS Patrol]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory010808.png|250px|link=]]
| [[A Noisy Nuisance]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory010809.png|250px|link=]]
| [[A Harmless Lie]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory010810.png|250px|link=]]
| [[The Beginning of the End]]
| [[File:UIStoryQuests.png|link=|Story]] Story Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory010811.png|250px|link=]]
| [[The Revival of Dark Falz Elder]]
| [[File:UIStoryQuests.png|link=|Story]] Story Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory010812.png|250px|link=]]
| [[News of Zeno]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory010813.png|250px|link=]]
| [[The One Left Behind]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory010814.png|250px|link=]]
| [[The Entity Known as Dark Falz]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory010815.png|250px|link=]]
| [[A Gain and a Loss]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| {{icons|Ticket}} SG 20 Ticket
{| class="wikitable table-responsive-md" style="text-align:center;"
! | Story Information
! | Name
! | Quest Type
! | Reward Details
| [[File:UIStory010816.png|250px|link=]]
| [[Do You Know of the Trio of Heroes?]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| N/A
==Chapter 9: ARKS and Dark Falz==
In the wake of the second coming of Dark Falz [Elder], Huey, dissatisfied by ARKS' performance in the battle, organizes a friendly competition known as the "ARKS Battle Tournament" to train the military's might and mettle in preparation for future threats. The player and Afin rise to the challenge, but it seems as though nothing ever goes according to plan...
{| class="wikitable table-responsive-md" style="text-align:center;"
! | Story Information
! | Name
! | Quest Type
! | Reward Details
| [[File:UIStory010901.png|250px|link=]]
| [[I'm No Longer There]]
| [[File:UIStoryQuests.png|link=|Story]] Story Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory010902.png|250px|link=]]
| [[My Name is Huey!]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory010903.png|250px|link=]]
| [[A Sense of Worry]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory010904.png|250px|link=]]
| [[Announcing Our Festival!]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory010905.png|250px|link=]]
| [[A Bundle of Curiosity]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory010906.png|250px|link=]]
| [[Something's Still Bothering Me]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory010907.png|250px|link=]]
| [[The ARKS Tournament]]
| [[File:UIStoryQuests.png|link=|Story]] Story Quest
| {{icons|Ticket}} SG 10 Ticket
| [[File:UIStory010908.png|250px|link=]]
| [[Communication Skills Are Important!]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory010909.png|250px|link=]]
| [[Fourie's Invitation]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory010910.png|250px|link=]]
| [[Afin In Pursuit]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory010911.png|250px|link=]]
| [[An Unexpected Meeting]]
| [[File:UIStoryQuests.png|link=|Story]] Story Quest
| {{icons|Ticket}} SG 10 Ticket
| [[File:UIStory010912.png|250px|link=]]
| [[Tragedy or Liberation?]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| {{icons|Ticket}} SG 20 Ticket
{| class="wikitable table-responsive-md" style="text-align:center;"
! | Story Information
! | Name
! | Quest Type
! | Reward Details
| [[File:UIStory010913.png|250px|link=]]
| [[How To Fight From Now On]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory010914.png|250px|link=]]
| [[How To Fight From Here On Out]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| N/A
==Chapter 10: The Idol and Rampaging Dragon==
The player catches wind of a pop idol named Quna, famed across the entire Oracle colony for her concerts and ability to bring ARKS members together and unite them as one. When a chance encounter results in the player discovering Quna's true identity, the two unite to take down a Chrome Dragon named "Haddred", whose past appears to be deeply intertwined with that of Quna's.
{| class="wikitable table-responsive-md" style="text-align:center;"
! | Story Information
! | Name
! | Quest Type
! | Reward Details
| [[File:UIStory011001.png|250px|link=]]
| [[Let's Go with Cheerful Vigor!]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory011002.png|250px|link=]]
| [[A Traitor Among Us]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory011003.png|250px|link=]]
| [[Idol Incognito]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory011004.png|250px|link=]]
| [[Haddred and the Girl]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory011005.png|250px|link=]]
| [[Front and Back]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory011006.png|250px|link=]]
| [[Haddred's Thoughts]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory011007.png|250px|link=]]
| [[The Aim of the Rampant Dragon]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory011008.png|250px|link=]]
| [[What It Means to Be an "Idol"]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory011009.png|250px|link=]]
| [[Scapegoat]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory011010.png|250px|link=]]
| [[Tying Things Up]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory011011.png|250px|link=]]
| [[Incomprehensible Actions]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory011012.png|250px|link=]]
| [[A Reason for Rampage]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory011013.png|250px|link=]]
| [[First Parting]]
| [[File:UIStoryQuests.png|link=|Story]] Story Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory011014.png|250px|link=]]
| [[A Love of Song]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory011015.png|250px|link=]]
| [[Cry of Determination]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory011016.png|250px|link=]]
| [[The Final Farewell]]
| [[File:UIStoryQuests.png|link=|Story]] Story Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory011017.png|250px|link=]]
| [[Unforgettable Will]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| N/A
| [[File:UIStory011018.png|250px|link=]]
| [[Why I Entrust All to You]]
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|link=|Event]] Event Quest
| {{icons|Ticket}} SG 20 Ticket
{| class="wikitable table-responsive-sm" style="text-align:center; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; width:50%"
! colspan="4" | An Encounter with Xion
! Quest Type:
| [[File:UIEventQuests.png|24x24px|link=|Event]] Event Quests
! Quest Class:
| {{icons|Solo}} Solo Quests
! Major Characters Appearing:
| Xion
! Location
| ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
==Story Information==
Xion: ... I have been expecting you.<br>
''Xion turns around''<br>
Xion: No, there is a discrepancy in the perception of that phrase. Perhaps I am the one who has kept you waiting.<br>
Xion: My name...is Xion.<br>
Xion: I am a being who is capable only of observation. I will not interfere with you, nor can I.<br>
Xion: However, the path you must take--the path you have yet to tread--is moldering.<br>
Xion: Therefore, I can merely set you upon it. I have calculated and predicted every potentiality, and will exhibit them here.<br>
Xion: Gather divergences and bring forth the inevitable. The Divergence Matrix will aid you in this task.<br>
''Xion gives [PLAYER NAME] the Divergence Matrix''
Xion: I am a being who is only capable of observation. My role is not to guide you. Thus will the Divergence Matrix show you the way.<br>
Xion: I pray that the path born of my regret will serve as a beacon to guide you when a compass cannot.<br>
Xion: ...Forgive me.<br>
Xion: I droned on without comprehending how difficult it must be to grasp such vague sentiment.<br>
Xion: I will restructure my thoughts and state them again. Now, hear my request:<br>
Xion: I bid you go to Naverius.<br>
Xion: I will not say the reason. I cannot. The answer exists only in your future.<br>
Xion: I am solely an observer. I can do nothing but observe.<br>
<small>Alma-Derived Impression Scene</small><br>
<span class="spoilerblur">Alma: Hmmm, I see. So this is when you and Xion met.<br>
Alma: As usual, I couldn't understand a word she said. But I guess she's making more sense now back when I was alive.<br>
Alma: I used to chat with her a lot through my Cosmogenic Arm. She always seemed so mournful, so full of regret.<br>
Alma: Thinking back on it now, maybe she was trying to apologize to me, since she could see the future and knew what would happen to me.<br>
Alma: I think she was able to see your future too, back when she talked to you.<br>
Alma: That's why she gave you the Divergence Matrix to guide you, and also why she sent you to Naverius.<br>
Alma: She was trying to accomplish something.<br>
Alma: I'm sure that "something" has to do with the regret I sensed, but right now... who can say?</span>
{| class="wikitable sortable table-responsive-md" style="text-align: center;
! Name
! Aquisition
! Marketable
! class="unsortable" | Notes
| [[File:NGSUIItemVerschmelzSword.png|64px|link=]]<br>'''* Camo'''
| Drop Location ↓
| {{icons|UICheckMarkIcon}}{{icons|UIRestrictedBlue}}
| '''This item is Account Bound''' {{icons|NGS Color Variant}} '''{{#simple-tooltip: Matches colors to fashion | Layered Wear: Outerwear > Basewear/Setwear/Fullwear<br>Outfit = Main Color + Black<br>CAST Colors: Main Color & Sub Color 3}}''' ⌊
{| class="wikitable sortable table-responsive-md" style="text-align: center;
! Name
! Aquisition
! Marketable
! class="unsortable" | Notes
| [[File:UIItemWeaponStealthing.png|64px|link=]]<br>'''* Camo'''
| Drop Location
| {{icons|UICheckMarkIcon}}{{icons|UIRestrictedBlue}}{{#simple-tooltip-info: Only via NGS}}
| {{icons|NGS Color Variant}} '''{{#simple-tooltip: Color Changeable| Photon Color can be changed via the Item Lab}}''' {{icons|NGS Color Variant}} '''{{#simple-tooltip: Matches colors to fashion | Layered Wear: Outerwear > Basewear/Setwear/Fullwear<br>Outfit = Main Color<br>CAST Colors: Main Color}}'''
{| class="wikitable sortable table-responsive-md" style="text-align: center;
! Name
! Aquisition
! style="background-color:#FFCCCC" | {{Icons|NGS Sword}} !! style="background-color:#FFCCCC" | {{Icons|NGS Wired Lances}} !! style="background-color:#FFCCCC" | {{Icons|NGS Partisan}} !! style="background-color:#FFCCCC" | {{Icons|NGS Daggers}} !! style="background-color:#FFCCCC" | {{Icons|NGS Double Saber}} !! style="background-color:#FFCCCC" | {{Icons|NGS Knuckles}} !! style="background-color:#FFCCCC" | {{Icons|NGS Katana}} !! style="background-color:#FFCCCC" | {{Icons|NGS Soaring Blades}} !! style="background-color:#CCCCFF" | {{Icons|NGS Rifle}} !! style="background-color:#CCCCFF" | {{Icons|NGS Launcher}} !! style="background-color:#CCCCFF" | {{Icons|NGS Twin Machineguns}} !! style="background-color:#CCCCFF" | {{Icons|NGS Bow}} !! style="background-color:#CCCCFF" | {{Icons|NGS Gunblade}} !! style="background-color:#FFFEBB" | {{Icons|NGS Rod}} !! style="background-color:#FFFEBB" | {{Icons|NGS Talis}} !! style="background-color:#FFFEBB" | {{Icons|NGS Wand}} !! style="background-color:#FFFEBB" | {{Icons|NGS Jet Boots}} !! style="background-color:#FFFEBB" | {{Icons|NGS Harmonizer}}
! Marketable
! class="unsortable" | Notes
| [[File:NGSUIItemVerschmelzSword.png|64px|link=]]<br>'''* Camo'''
| Drop Location
| <!--{{Icons|NGS Sword}}--> || <!--{{Icons|NGS Wired Lances}}--> || <!--{{Icons|NGS Partisan}}--> || <!--{{Icons|NGS Daggers}}--> || <!--{{Icons|NGS Double Saber}}--> || <!--{{Icons|NGS Knuckles}}--> || <!--{{Icons|NGS Katana}}--> || <!--{{Icons|NGS Soaring Blades}}--> || <!--{{Icons|NGS Rifle}}--> || <!--{{Icons|NGS Launcher}}--> || <!--{{Icons|NGS Twin Machineguns}}--> || <!--{{Icons|NGS Bow}}--> || <!--{{Icons|NGS Gunblade}}--> || <!--{{Icons|NGS Rod}}--> || <!--{{Icons|NGS Talis}}--> || <!--{{Icons|NGS Wand}}--> || <!--{{Icons|NGS Jet Boots}}--> || <!--{{Icons|NGS Harmonizer}}-->
| {{icons|UICheckMarkIcon}}{{icons|UIRestrictedBlue}}
| Yes
{| class="wikitable sortable table-responsive-md" style="text-align: center;
! Name
! Aquisition
! style="background-color:#FFCCCC" | {{Icons|Sword}} !! style="background-color:#FFCCCC" | {{Icons|Wired Lances}} !! style="background-color:#FFCCCC" | {{Icons|Partisan}} !! style="background-color:#FFCCCC" | {{Icons|Daggers}} !! style="background-color:#FFCCCC" | {{Icons|Double Saber}} !! style="background-color:#FFCCCC" | {{Icons|Knuckles}} !! style="background-color:#FFCCCC" | {{Icons|Gunblade}} !! style="background-color:#FFCCCC" | {{Icons|Katana}} !! style="background-color:#FFCCCC" | {{Icons|Soaring Blades}} !! style="background-color:#CCCCFF" | {{Icons|Rifle}} !! style="background-color:#CCCCFF" | {{Icons|Launcher}} !! style="background-color:#CCCCFF" | {{Icons|Twin Machineguns}} !! style="background-color:#CCCCFF" | {{Icons|Bow}} !! style="background-color:#FFFEBB" | {{Icons|Rod}} !! style="background-color:#FFFEBB" | {{Icons|Talis}} !! style="background-color:#FFFEBB" | {{Icons|Wand}} !! style="background-color:#FFFEBB" | {{Icons|Jet Boots}} !! style="background-color:#FFFEBB" | {{Icons|Harmonizer}}
! Marketable
! class="unsortable" | Notes
| [[File:UIItemWeaponStealthing.png|64px|link=]]<br>'''* Camo'''
| Drop Location
| <!--{{Icons|Sword}}--> || <!--{{Icons|Wired Lances}}--> || <!--{{Icons|Partisan}}--> || <!--{{Icons|Daggers}}--> || <!--{{Icons|Double Saber}}--> || <!--{{Icons|Knuckles}}--> || <!--{{Icons|Gunblade}}--> || <!--{{Icons|Katana}}--> || <!--{{Icons|Soaring Blades}}--> || <!--{{Icons|Rifle}}--> || <!--{{Icons|Launcher}}--> || <!--{{Icons|Twin Machineguns}}--> || <!--{{Icons|Bow}}--> || <!--{{Icons|Rod}}--> || <!--{{Icons|Talis}}--> || <!--{{Icons|Wand}}--> || <!--{{Icons|Jet Boots}}--> || <!--{{Icons|Harmonizer}}-->
| {{icons|UICheckMarkIcon}}{{icons|UIRestrictedBlue}}
| Yes
{| class="wikitable sortable table-bordered table-responsive-md" style="width:100%"
{| class="wikitable sortable table-bordered table-responsive-md" style="width:100%"
Line 79: Line 1,184:
==Image Examples==
==Image Examples==
[[File:GunbladeLanceMSGLogo.jpg|thumb|left|400px|MSG Logo]]
Line 143: Line 1,250:
[[* Twin Paper Fans]]<br>
[[* Twin Paper Fans]]<br>
[[* Merry Machine Guns]]<br>
[[* Merry Machine Guns]]<br>
[[* Heavenly Insight]]<br>
[[* Bakepo Tato]]<br>
[[* Bakepo Tato]]<br>
[[* Malta Harmony]]<br>
[[* Edel Io]]<br>
[[* Edel Io]]<br>
[[* Love Rappy Harmonizer]]
[[* Love Rappy Harmonizer]]
|<small>[[* Cydreqvit]]<br>
|<small>[[* Cavalier Tagliente]]<br>
[[* Cavalier Tagliente]]<br>
[[* Evil Shioinaru Yanpe]]<br>
[[* Sangamori the Possessed]]<br>
[[* Sangamori the Possessed]]<br>
[[* Ilteon Dusk Megith]]<br>
[[* Ilteon Dusk Megith]]<br>
Line 156: Line 1,259:
[[* Sorcerer Morus]]<br>
[[* Sorcerer Morus]]<br>
[[* Obliance Toben]]<br>
[[* Obliance Toben]]<br>
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable table-bordered" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none; text-align:center; display: inline-table; width:19%"
!{{icons|Sword}} Sword
|<small>[[* Tet the Leo]]<br>
[[* Space Board]]<br>
[[* Board Grey]]<br>
[[* Jingle Tree]]<br>
[[* Eclipse]]<br>
[[* Dragon Flame Sword]]<br>
[[* Knight Gear Edge]]<br>
[[* Nyau Sword]]<br>
[[* Heart of Steel]]<br>
[[* Vandelhorn, the Dragon Resonator]]<br>
[[* Coated Edge]]<br>
[[* Coated Edge D]]<br>
[[* Yonohate: Sealed]]<br>
[[* Flowen's Sword]]<br>
[[* Fallen Sword Gram]]<br>
[[* Magic Sword Gram]]<br>
[[* Battle Sword]]<br>
[[* Jilad Zalba]]<br>
[[* Morning Red]]<br>
[[* Ideal Edge]]<br>
[[* Warrior Sword]]<br>
[[* Lonvema Killer]]<br>
[[* Tsumikiri]]<br>
[[* Huge Cutter]]<br>
[[* Zanba]]<br>
[[* Freeze Tuna]]<br>
[[* Relik Endoif]]<br>
[[* Frère Sword]]<br>
[[* Dragon Slayer]]<br>
[[* Relik Endoif CV]]<br>
[[* Elysion]]<br>
[[* Tarnada]]
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable table-bordered" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none; text-align:center; display: inline-table; width:19%"
!{{icons|Wired Lance}} Wired Lance
|<small>[[* Shin the Ophiuchus]]<br>
[[* Monster Hats]]<br>
[[* Strong Parfait]]<br>
[[* Wired Saws]]<br>
[[* Retro Balloons]]<br>
[[* Energy Husers]]<br>
[[* Heavy-Hearted Thrusters]]<br>
[[* Let's Go, Summer!]]<br>
[[* Jhirad Maidei]]<br>
[[* Ouroboros]]<br>
[[* Femme Fatale the Monarch Slayer]]<br>
[[* Battle Lance]]<br>
[[* Warrior Lance]]<br>
[[* Nei Claw / Nacht]]<br>
[[* Angus Glitter]]<br>
[[* Whipblade Paratizel]]<br>
[[* Fal Claw]]<br>
[[* Relik Helpores]]<br>
[[* Relik Helpores CV]]<br>
[[* Assassin Claw]]<br>
[[* Wired Ice Cream]]<br>
[[* Ideal Scissors]]<br>
[[* Disk Braker]]<br>
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable table-bordered" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none; text-align:center; display: inline-table; width:19%"
!{{icons|Partisan}} Partisan
|<small>[[* Ayin the Capricorn]]<br>
[[* Wedding Cake]]<br>
[[* Fame Flag]]<br>
[[* Siegmund]]<br>
[[* Space Cake]]<br>
[[* Valkyrian Lance]]<br>
[[* Heavy Brush]]<br>
[[* Rethel Tetoila]]<br>
[[* Labrys the Umbral]]<br>
[[* Blossom Rosa]]<br>
[[* Cuentean Lance]]<br>
[[* Battle Partisan]]<br>
[[* Jilad Mixa]]<br>
[[* Early Blue]]<br>
[[* Warrior Partisan]]<br>
[[* Adholm Claude]]<br>
[[* Blue Sweeper]]<br>
[[* Dozerro Spear]]<br>
[[* Relik Ultimaritter]]<br>
[[* Glandia]]<br>
[[* Relik Ultimaritter CV]]<br>
[[* Bardiche]]<br>
[[* Bloodspear Vlad Bram]]<br>
[[* Ideal Strieder]]<br>
[[* Imperial Pick]]<br>
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable table-bordered" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none; text-align:center; display: inline-table; width:19%"
!{{icons|Daggers}} Twin Daggers
|<small>[[* Zayin the Gemini]]<br>
[[* Love Laffin]]<br>
[[* Cherry Branch]]<br>
[[* Tamaya no Uchiwa]]<br>
[[* Crystal Flower Krisprute]]<br>
[[* Luna Mallet]]<br>
[[* Mai the Unseen]]<br>
[[* Lumi Vorgi]]<br>
[[* Jilad Butcher]]<br>
[[* Sol Gadiva]]<br>
[[* Warrior Twin Daggers]]<br>
[[* Dagger of Seraphi]]<br>
[[* Jalio Daggers]]<br>
[[* Relik Skollhati]]<br>
[[* Blade Dance]]<br>
[[* Relik Skollhati CV]]<br>
[[* Ideal Stehr]]<br>
[[* El Curia]]<br>
[[* Battle Twin Daggers]]<br>
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable table-bordered" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none; text-align:center; display: inline-table; width:19%"
!{{icons|Double Saber}} Double Saber
|<small>[[* Lamed the Libra]]<br>
[[* Shiji no Oh]]<br>
[[* Atolm]]<br>
[[* Grillmeister]]<br>
[[* PB Saber]]<br>
[[* Coated Doubliss]]<br>
[[* Coated Doubliss D]]<br>
[[* Jhirad Guillo]]<br>
[[* Weyland Doklar]]<br>
[[* Ideal Rafale]]<br>
[[* Warrior Double Saber]]<br>
[[* Angus Scarlet]]<br>
[[* Crea Doubles]]<br>
[[* Double Saber Legacy]]<br>
[[* Ancient Quartz]]<br>
[[* Double Cannon]]<br>
[[* Hadit Saber]]<br>
[[* Relik Sturm and Drang]]<br>
[[* Nyoibo]]<br>
[[* Meteor Cudgel]]<br>
[[* Relik Sturm and Drang CV]]<br>
[[* Purgatory Wings Rot Raut]]<br>
[[* Battle Double Saber]]<br>
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable table-bordered" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none; text-align:center; display: inline-table; width:19%"
!{{icons|Knuckles}} Knuckles
|<small>[[* Vav the Taurus]]<br>
[[* Lumissa]]<br>
[[* Val Gante]]<br>
[[* Adilrate]]<br>
[[* Vahram the Destroyer]]<br>
[[* Jilad Zahal]]<br>
[[* Kelis Flosh]]<br>
[[* My Fist]]<br>
[[* Deld Gruyere]]<br>
[[* Warrior Knuckles]]<br>
[[* Aldit Napro]]<br>
[[* Mohset Knuckles]]<br>
[[* Relik Punishment]]<br>
[[* Divine Fists]]<br>
[[* Relik Punishment CV]]<br>
[[* Powerful Blow]]<br>
[[* Crazy Galactis]]<br>
[[* Devilface Knuckles]]<br>
[[* Ideal Hunt]]<br>
[[* Liberatrice]]<br>
[[* Battle Knuckles]]<br>
[[* Martial Strikers]]<br>
[[* Rabe Feder]]<br>
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable table-bordered" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none; text-align:center; display: inline-table; width:19%"
!{{icons|Gunblade}} Gunblade
|<small>[[* Nun the Scorpio]]<br>
[[* Play Medic]]<br>
[[* Megaswan]]<br>
[[* Rosa Parasole]]<br>
[[* Nanaki the Vigilant]]<br>
[[* Ex Schleile]]<br>
[[* Enchanted Shot Mistlutein]]<br>
[[* Jilad Assan]]<br>
[[* Toigalpha]]<br>
[[* Ideal Banette]]<br>
[[* Warrior Gunblade]]<br>
[[* Astral Riser / Nacht]]<br>
[[* Celesta Razor / Nacht]]<br>
[[* Victoire Ehre]]<br>
[[* Glauben Ehre]]<br>
[[* Superbia Ehre]]<br>
[[* Cluster Sword Rifle]]<br>
[[* Latnus Finar]]<br>
[[* Latnus Nobire]]<br>
[[* Shot Rounder]]<br>
[[* Relik Axeon]]<br>
[[* Relik Axeon CV]]<br>
[[* Curio Talon Schneider]]<br>
[[* Battle Gunblade]]<br>
[[* Luffenesia]]<br>
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable table-bordered" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none; text-align:center; display: inline-table; width:19%"
!{{icons|Katana}} Katana
|<small>[[* Pretty Parasol]]<br>
[[* Star Quasar]]<br>
[[* Banshee Legion]]<br>
[[* Matador's Rose]]<br>
[[* Sakura Backpack]]<br>
[[* Rengokuto Ensa]]<br>
[[* Hoshi Ai]]<br>
[[* Mucro Algesco: Yukianesa]]<br>
[[* Blade of Genesis]]<br>
[[* Jilad Kobe]]<br>
[[* Loyal Guard Katana Kokorozashi]]<br>
[[* Coated Sabre]]<br>
[[* Ideal Karen]]<br>
[[* Warrior Katana]]<br>
[[* Arkuma Katana]]<br>
[[* Relik Dependence]]<br>
[[* Frère Katana]]<br>
[[* Yasha]]<br>
[[* Relik Dependence CV]]<br>
[[* Bladeshadow]]<br>
[[* Orochi Agito]]<br>
[[* Battle Katana]]<br>
[[* Yamigarasu]]<br>
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable table-bordered" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none; text-align:center; display: inline-table; width:19%"
!{{icons|Soaring Blades}} Soaring Blades
|<small>[[* Tri Dango]]<br>
[[* Ceremo Knives]]<br>
[[* Bamboo Blades]]<br>
[[* Sukuna Shinsen Pair]]<br>
[[* Sword of the Godslayer Kusanagi]]<br>
[[* Jilad Zorau]]<br>
[[* Ekdyke Malice]]<br>
[[* Ideal Duos]]<br>
[[* Warrior Soaring Blades]]<br>
[[* Coated Glide]]<br>
[[* Jupiter Cerevinos]]<br>
[[* Crimson Slash]]<br>
[[* Two-Headed Ragnus]]<br>
[[* Relik Despertar]]<br>
[[* Relik Despertar CV]]<br>
[[* Twin Agito]]<br>
[[* Twin Orochi]]<br>
[[* Grand Cross - NT]]<br>
[[* Battle Soaring Blades]]<br>
[[* Dawn]]<br>
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable table-bordered" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none; text-align:center; display: inline-table; width:19%"
!{{icons|Rifle}} Rifle
|<small>[[* Guitar Case]]<br>
[[* Snake Guitar Case]]<br>
[[* Kadomatsu Sniper]]<br>
[[* Exacronov]]<br>
[[* Strix]]<br>
[[* Yasminokov 5000SD]]<br>
[[* Assault Mikoshi]]<br>
[[* Cariboom]]<br>
[[* Villain Double-Action Rifle]]<br>
[[* Jilad Gatur]]<br>
[[* Silent Violet]]<br>
[[* Smurella Assault Rifle, Chance]]<br>
[[* Kai Schulen's Sniper Rifle]]<br>
[[* Black Bulls]]<br>
[[* Coated Assault]]<br>
[[* Hariette the Celestial]]<br>
[[* Ideal Larc]]<br>
[[* Warrior Rifle]]<br>
[[* F Shooter / Licht]]<br>
[[* Ainerro Rifle]]<br>
[[* Churroster]]<br>
[[* Kalmeri Alice]]<br>
[[* Relik Dark Rebellion]]<br>
[[* Fyre Arms]]<br>
[[* Relik Dark Rebellion CV]]<br>
[[* Yasminokov 7000V]]<br>
[[* Frozen Shooter]]<br>
[[* Battle Rifle]]<br>
[[* Astral Riser]]<br>
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable table-bordered" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none; text-align:center; display: inline-table; width:19%"
!{{icons|Launcher}} Launcher
|<small>[[* Qof the Pisces]]<br>
[[* Saurva Tooth]]<br>
[[* Sparkling Fight]]<br>
[[* Love Rosa]]<br>
[[* Skuld]]<br>
[[* Divine Cannon]]<br>
[[* Snowman Cannon]]<br>
[[* Barmonium]]<br>
[[* Banancher]]<br>
[[* Jilad Volse]]<br>
[[* Weyland Cannon]]<br>
[[* Quantum the Imperial]]<br>
[[* Ideal Proud]]<br>
[[* Warrior Launcher]]<br>
[[* Adholm Dulke]]<br>
[[* TF2 Minigun]]<br>
[[* Arroid]]<br>
[[* Relik Tartarus]]<br>
[[* Frère Launcher]]<br>
[[* Final Impact]]<br>
[[* Relik Tartarus CV]]<br>
[[* Digita Launcher]]<br>
[[* Digita Launcher CV]]<br>
[[* Flame Visit]]<br>
[[* Inferno Bazooka]]<br>
[[* Yasminokov 4000F]]<br>
[[* Battle Launcher]]<br>
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable table-bordered" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none; text-align:center; display: inline-table; width:19%"
!{{icons|Twin Machineguns}} TMGs
|<small>[[* Chet the Cancer]]<br>
[[* Electiphinis]]<br>
[[* Rose Pitcher]]<br>
[[* Lumigalak]]<br>
[[* Orthrus Mk.2]]<br>
[[* Tension Blaster]]<br>
[[* Arcus Diabolus Bolverk]]<br>
[[* Krotov M238]]<br>
[[* Aurora the Skydancer]]<br>
[[* Arb Bore]]<br>
[[* Jilad Gredd]]<br>
[[* Jack Ignis]]<br>
[[* Aurora the Faedancer]]<br>
[[* Coated Barrel]]<br>
[[* Ekdyke Rancor]]<br>
[[* Warrior Twin Machine Guns]]<br>
[[* L&K Combat / Licht]]<br>
[[* Angus Wyndia]]<br>
[[* Fesley Lewis]]<br>
[[* Reed Butterfly]]<br>
[[* Relik Obsidian]]<br>
[[* Frère Machine Guns]]<br>
[[* Garudo Mira]]<br>
[[* Relik Obsidian CV]]<br>
[[* Pandora Extreme]]<br>
[[* Yasminokov 9000M]]<br>
[[* Ideal Trigger]]<br>
[[* T Yasminokov 2000H]]<br>
[[* Battle Twin Machine Guns]]<br>
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable table-bordered" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none; text-align:center; display: inline-table; width:19%"
!{{icons|Bow}} Bow
|<small>[[* Samech the Sagittarius]]<br>
[[* Gyoku Maizuru]]<br>
[[* Aile Pure]]<br>
[[* Summer Festival Bow]]<br>
[[* Noiya Kumade]]<br>
[[* Obsidian Wings]]<br>
[[* Koto-no-Kagura]]<br>
[[* Jilad Zeke]]<br>
[[* Akeno Hamayumi]]<br>
[[* Ideal Shooter]]<br>
[[* Warrior Bow]]<br>
[[* Epila Yumito]]<br>
[[* Aste Unicorn]]<br>
[[* Relik Benedict]]<br>
[[* Relik Benedict CV]]<br>
[[* Edel Arrow]]<br>
[[* Battle Bow]]<br>
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable table-bordered" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none; text-align:center; display: inline-table; width:19%"
!{{icons|Rod}} Rod
|<small>[[* Yod the Virgo]]<br>
[[* Lyli Shaft]]<br>
[[* Santa Umbra Cane]]<br>
[[* Magica Fleuria]]<br>
[[* Mea Pulchra]]<br>
[[* Lumidrablo]]<br>
[[* Eos Rente]]<br>
[[* Magical Treasure Scylla]]<br>
[[* Otherli Shaft]]<br>
[[* Trumrod, the Dragon Tail Cudge]]<br>
[[* Star Lyra]]<br>
[[* Summer Kickboard]]<br>
[[* Angely Heart]]<br>
[[* Jilad Talon]]<br>
[[* Magical Lollipop]]<br>
[[* Evergreen]]<br>
[[* Coated Rod]]<br>
[[* Valkyrian Staff]]<br>
[[* Ideal Prayer]]<br>
[[* Warrior Rod]]<br>
[[* Squeaky Hammer / Nacht]]<br>
[[* Angus Neigea]]<br>
[[* Epila Elpis]]<br>
[[* Relik Battle Verge]]<br>
[[* Rabbit Wand]]<br>
[[* Demonic Fork]]<br>
[[* Relik Battle Verge CV]]<br>
[[* Divine Staff Amaterasu]]<br>
[[* Catpaw Rod]]<br>
[[* Dendro Rod]]<br>
[[* Battle Rod]]<br>
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable table-bordered" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none; text-align:center; display: inline-table; width:19%"
!{{icons|Talis}} Talis
|<small>[[* Hei the Aquarius]]<br>
[[* Top Secret Binder]]<br>
[[* Shirojira Obana]]<br>
[[* Millionaire]]<br>
[[* Rappy Sack]]<br>
[[* Magical Cards]]<br>
[[* Rappy Heart]]<br>
[[* Valiant]]<br>
[[* Florenberg the Luminous]]<br>
[[* Love Elpis]]<br>
[[* Jilad Veris]]<br>
[[* Rainy Day Rappy]]<br>
[[* Coated Talis]]<br>
[[* Ideal Aile]]<br>
[[* Warrior Talis]]<br>
[[* Iclusio Wasp]]<br>
[[* Grimoa Märchen]]<br>
[[* Tou Yuen]]<br>
[[* Relik Expeditios]]<br>
[[* Gal Wind]]<br>
[[* Relik Expeditios CV]]<br>
[[* Hitogata]]<br>
[[* Duel Gaze]]<br>
[[* Motav's Prophecy]]<br>
[[* Miyabisen]]<br>
[[* Battle Talis]]<br>
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable table-bordered" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none; text-align:center; display: inline-table; width:19%"
!{{icons|Wand}} Wand
|<small>[[* Tsade the Aries]]<br>
[[* Franca's Frying Pan]]<br>
[[* Lumipuryon]]<br>
[[* Hype Mic]]<br>
[[* Mobile Terminal CAD]]<br>
[[* Jhirad Meteo]]<br>
[[* Cuentean Garrote]]<br>
[[* Warrior Wand]]<br>
[[* Windmill / Nacht]]<br>
[[* Coated Verge]]<br>
[[* Adholm Mariniere]]<br>
[[* Summit Moon]]<br>
[[* Relik Barbatos]]<br>
[[* Frère Wand]]<br>
[[* Elysium]]<br>
[[* Relik Barbatos CV]]<br>
[[* Precious Sword Balmung]]<br>
[[* Ideal Hexe]]<br>
[[* Battle Wand]]<br>
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable table-bordered" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none; text-align:center; display: inline-table; width:19%"
!{{icons|Jet Boots}} Jet Boots
|<small>[[* Toy Fighter]]<br>
[[* Santa Soiree]]<br>
[[* Hyper Night Parade]]<br>
[[* Phantasy Moon]]<br>
[[* Yari Geta]]<br>
[[* Jilad Zarul]]<br>
[[* Ideal Walker]]<br>
[[* Warrior Boots]]<br>
[[* Angus Styx]]<br>
[[* Arkumami Boots]]<br>
[[* Relik Lexell]]<br>
[[* Relik Lexell CV]]<br>
[[* Battle Boots]]<br>
[[* Rose Flotz]]<br>
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable table-bordered" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none; text-align:center; display: inline-table; width:19%"
!{{icons|Harmonizer}} Harmonizer
|<small>[[* C.A.R.D.]]<br>
[[* Rappy Rappy Harmonizer]]<br>
[[* Sakura Kagura]]<br>
[[* Cookie Bag]]<br>
[[* Harmonizer Reindeer]]<br>
[[* Phansa Phan]]<br>
[[* Relik Nox Bateira]]<br>
[[* Relik Nox Bateira CV]]<br>
[[* Rykros Staff]]
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable table-bordered" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none; text-align:center; display: inline-table; width:19%"
!{{icons|Weapon Camo}} Camos to come
|<small>[[* Flugelgard Almati]]<br>
[[* Verschmelz Almati CV]]<br>
[[* Aeoni Dekelion Almati CV]]<br>
[[* Trianda Phyl]]<br>
[[* Maser Vibration Sword]]<br>
[[* Super VARIS]]<br>
[[* RP-Type Free Moving Wired Right Arm Part]]<br>
[[* Britannia Service Pistol]]<br>
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable table-bordered" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none; text-align:center; display: inline-table; width:49%"
!{{icons|Weapon Camo}} Multi-Type
|<small>[[* Alma Gest]]<br>
[[* Blood Scythe]]<br>
[[* Junkyard Dog]]<br>
[[* Yonohate: Confined]]<br>
[[* Skullsturm]]<br>
[[* Luchs Frieden]]<br>
[[* Jolting Blitzkrieg]]<br>
[[* Nei Sword RF]]<br>
[[* Thor's Hammer]]<br>
[[* Weyland Angriff]]<br>
[[* Laconium Sword]]<br>
[[* Hariette's Sword]]<br>
[[* Kaguraise]]<br>
[[* Kurahaise]]<br>
[[* Ouster Flage]]<br>
[[* Zephyr Flage]]<br>
[[* Nolnir Litage]]<br>
[[* Razwal Litage]]<br>
[[* Rosso Bulto]]<br>
[[* Verde Bulto]]<br>
[[* Oracle Squad Siegers]]<br>
[[* XM-8 Doom]]<br>
[[* Rainbow Blade]]<br>
[[* Eschaton Ritavlata]]<br>
[[* Crowbar]]<br>
[[* Coated Weapon]]<br>
[[* Coated Weapon D]]<br>
[[* Harter Saber]]<br>
[[* Nova Stream]]<br>
[[* Solte Weihen]]<br>
[[* Six-Blade Gottsieger]]<br>
[[* Lind EX-Seed]]<br>
[[* Fortilebe]]<br>
[[* Pristine Force]]<br>
[[* Gravil Bayonet]]<br>
[[* Wyvern's Cutting Riddle]]<br>
[[* Theseus Almati]]<br>
[[* Cattleya Almati]]<br>
[[* Quintel Almati]]<br>
[[* Seasony Asorti]]<br>
[[* Stelk Almati]]<br>
[[* Cyd Rygid]]<br>
[[* Agente Parafi]]<br>
[[* Liewen Litage]]<br>
[[* Orieridge Almati]]<br>
[[* Curio Coated Weapon D]]<br>
[[* Theseus Almati CV]]<br>
[[* Cattleya Almati CV]]<br>
[[* Quintel Almati CV]]<br>
[[* Albedo's Bardiche]]<br>
[[* Ainz Pillow]]<br>
[[* Yuniwa no Hitofuri]]<br>
[[* Curio Dragon Slayer]]<br>
[[* Elgostario]]<br>
[[* Rokz Roughwen Almati CV]]<br>
[[* Deo Schtandard]]<br>
[[* Rugged Almati CV-M1]]<br>
[[* Gravil Almati CV]]<br>
[[* Ultra-Hard Blade]]<br>
[[* Boost Lancers]]<br>
[[* Totsuka-no-Tsurugi]]<br>
[[* Let's Go to the Ocean!]]<br>
[[* Crimson Mahat]]<br>
[[* Coffin Mahat]]<br>
[[* Supreme of Spirit Beast]]<br>
[[* Plasma Hands]]<br>
[[* Foursis Almati]]<br>
[[* Gothica Almati]]<br>
[[* Aura Almati]]<br>
[[* Foursis Almati CV]]<br>
[[* Gothica Almati CV]]<br>
[[* Rokz Sixiemes Almati CV]]<br>
[[* Rugged Almati CV-M2]]<br>
[[* Zero-Type Izayoi]]<br>
[[* Gravinet]]<br>
[[* Type-3 Lance/Type-3 Blade]]<br>
[[* Repple Lamere]]<br>
[[* Solis Lamere]]<br>
[[* RA Traveler]]<br>
[[* Soul Banish]]<br>
[[* Vialto Almati]]<br>
[[* Fivla Almati]]<br>
[[* Vialto Almati CV]]<br>
[[* Fivla Almati CV]]<br>
[[* Trunshon Command]]<br>
[[* Rokz Curva Almati CV]]<br>
[[* Rugged Almati CV-M3]]<br>
[[* Liberte]]<br>
[[* Frog en Ciel]]<br>
[[* Dire Wolf]]<br>
[[* Raging Beat]]<br>
[[* Lava Elz]]<br>
[[* Amber Elz]]<br>
[[* Rouge Laviene]]<br>
[[* Azure Laviene]]<br>
[[* Opt Hermes]]<br>
[[* Manophi Marte]]<br>
[[* Twilight Darkness]]<br>
[[* Trois De Almati]]<br>
[[* Shinonome Varie]]<br>
[[* Orierim Almati]]<br>
[[* Trois De Almati CV]]<br>
[[* Cyberknight Meister]]<br>
[[* Cyberknight Variete]]<br>
[[* Aqua Planet]]<br>
[[* Divine Blade Qrostriz]]<br>
[[* First Approach]]<br>
[[* Altered Divide]]<br>
[[* Carol Whithia]]<br>
[[* Aile Starlight]]<br>
[[* Asuna's Rapier]]<br>
[[* Skia Strain]]<br>
[[* Gravil Larugo]]<br>
[[* Lacerating Sakura]]<br>
[[* Cordis Ferrame]]<br>
[[* Type-3 Fists/Type-3 Sword]]<br>
[[* Jumbo Twinder]]<br>
[[* Nei Claw RF]]<br>
[[* AIS -A-]]<br>
[[* Arcueid's Claws]]<br>
[[* Mamoru's Cosmo Gun]]<br>
[[* Camradio Amok]]<br>
[[* Finesse Caridas]]<br>
[[* Addict Charme]]<br>
[[* Broma Petriema]]<br>
[[* Concert Master]]<br>
[[* Tistrya]]<br>
[[* Schrift Bilden]]<br>
[[* Sounds of Rock]]<br>
[[* Soul Blade Yukihime]]<br>
[[* Magnolia Éclair II]]<br>
[[* Temperion]]<br>
[[* divine katana Susano-o]]<br>
[[* Liberation]]<br>
[[* Virtuous Contract/Beastlord]]<br>
[[* Astokrone]]<br>
[[* Grim Assassin]]<br>
[[* Cydstrid]]<br>
[[* Artemis & Rapier]]<br>
[[* Frostcrypt Essence]]<br>
[[* Spirit Sword Tsumugari]]<br>
[[* Bix Sanjiko]]<br>
[[* Glorious Sentinel]]<br>
[[* Brave Anchor]]<br>
[[* Nanaya's Knife]]<br>
[[* Zodiac Sign]]<br>
[[* Blanc Noire]]<br>
[[* Apocalypse Staff Requiem]]<br>
[[* Rhapsodian Lars]]<br>
[[* Laevateinn]]<br>
[[* Lumiere Fonse]]<br>
[[* Sprite's Plight]]<br>
[[* Floral Spring Joy]]<br>
[[* Ante Fenzer]]<br>
[[* Kingblade Lahar]]<br>
[[* Hver Xsaeta]]<br>
[[* Guide to the Annihilation]]<br>
[[* Kirito's Dual Blades]]<br>
[[* Heretic Morte]]<br>
[[* Black Keys]]<br>
[[* Momon's Greatsword]]<br>
[[* Ms. Travailler]]<br>
[[* Denial One]]<br>
[[* Blitz Horizon]]<br>
[[* EM-9 Rikzatsion]]<br>
[[* Rose Ornament]]<br>
[[* The Merry Cannon]]<br>
[[* Igniting Flare]]<br>
[[* Frayfegen]]<br>
[[* Despera Trunk]]<br>
[[* Miracle Magic]]<br>
[[* Chocolat Bempe]]<br>
[[* Bullet Demolisher]]<br>
[[* Gravil Trileia]]<br>
[[* SH Trident]]<br>
[[* Twin Gunblades Amphisbaena]]<br>
[[* Freifi Aura]]<br>
[[* Venom Reactor]]<br>
[[* Muse Bless]]<br>
[[* Trimind Rybitt]]<br>
[[* Punk Shaker]]<br>
[[* Trunk Hunt]]<br>
[[* Bullet Rays]]<br>
[[* Areus M23]]<br>
[[* Gravil Krutz]]<br>
[[* Juve Caddle]]<br>
[[* Gravil Fluga]]<br>
[[* Seven Lillipan]]<br>
[[* Singer's Mic]]<br>
[[* FOnewearl]]<br>
[[* Azure Papillon]]<br>
[[* Lilli Rops]]<br>
[[* Solaris]]<br>
[[* White Disaster]]<br>
[[* Yamigarasu Pillow]]<br>
[[* Arkuma Starcleaner]]<br>
[[* Falfiore]]<br>
[[* Eternal Dimanche]]<br>
[[* Solo Soul Lennox]]<br>
[[* Aphtal Pillow]]<br>
[[* Lin Pillow]]<br>
[[* Cazarodoh]]<br>
[[* Megumin Staff]]<br>
[[* Summer Gené Pillow]]<br>
[[* Summer Annette Pillow]]<br>
[[* Bladebastion Loylotto]]<br>
[[* Holcid Pillow]]<br>
[[* Quotz Karatto]]<br>
[[* Tracking Neon]]<br>
[[* L4D Frying Pan]]<br>
[[* Sweet Jewel]]<br>
[[* Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown]]<br>
[[* Judge of History]]<br>
[[* Reinolt the Shapeless]]<br>
[[* Alchemic Genesis]]<br>
[[* CE-Kutune Shirka]]<br>
[[* Blue Crystal Sword]]<br>
[[* Sakurablade Pulchra Cuse]]<br>
[[* Photon Broom]]<br>
[[* Acro Calseed]]<br>
[[* Lightning Izanekazuchi]]<br>
[[* La Belle Mehl]]<br>
[[* Bounce Allmetiph]]<br>
[[* Brilliant Autumn Leaves]]<br>
[[* Serpent Brestal]]<br>
[[* Amore Rose]]<br>
[[* Felicity Edel]]<br>
[[* Anacates Mixtate]]<br>
[[* Resonant Unize]]<br>
[[* Dyne Jointty]]<br>
[[* Giant Fan]]<br>
[[* Gené Pillow]]<br>
[[* Annette Pillow]]<br>
[[* Cerith Spire]]<br>
[[* Conch Spire]]<br>
[[* Petal Phase]]<br>
[[* Petal Shroud]]<br>
[[* Seraphi Pillow]]<br>
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable table-bordered" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none; text-align:center; display: inline-table; width:49%"
!{{icons|Weapon Camo}} All-Class{{#simple-tooltip:*|May exclude Gunblades or Harmonizers}}
|<small>[[* Weapon Stealthing]]<br>
[[* Live Cellular]]<br>
[[* Bio Cellular]]<br>
[[* A Leaf in the Autumn Breeze]]<br>
[[* Randall Orbit]]<br>
[[* Randall Mirage]]<br>
[[* Ares Kreger]]<br>
[[* Nemesis Selica]]<br>
[[* Raven Selica]]<br>
[[* Turkey Leg]]<br>
[[* Invade Destroy]]<br>
[[* Ophistia Lightblade]]<br>
[[* Profound Vessel Shinxion]]<br>
[[* Starquake Vessel Pleiaxion]]<br>
[[* Trailblazer Vessel Creaxion]]<br>
[[* Tempest Leaves]]<br>
[[* Rivalate Armory]]<br>
[[* Lightweave Klauz Tail]]<br>
[[* Atlas Relic EX]]<br>
[[* Occuld Crypte]]<br>
[[* Graf Steel]]<br>
[[* Fahren Forging]]<br>
[[* Nebulous Muetsia]]<br>
[[* Klaitz Orion]]<br>
[[* Rechte Klaitz]]<br>
[[* Gold Primm Almati]]<br>
[[* Silver Primm Almati]]<br>
[[* Primm Almati Libra]]<br>
[[* Tzvia Almati]]<br>
[[* Resurgir Almati]]<br>
[[* Evolcoat Almati]]<br>
[[* Greaga Almati]]<br>
[[* Fornis Almati]]<br>
[[* Ivlida Almati]]<br>
[[* Nightblossom Varie]]<br>
[[* Glacio Varie]]<br>
[[* Ceredino Almati]]<br>
[[* Cinquem Almati]]<br>
[[* Kaizaar Almati]]<br>
[[* Koukloziat Almati]]<br>
[[* Rugged Almati]]<br>
[[* Serpens Almati]]<br>
[[* Rokz Weapol Almati]]<br>
[[* Evolorbit Almati]]<br>
[[* Renaissa Almati]]<br>
[[* Evoleclipse Almati]]<br>
[[* Codeck Almati]]<br>
[[* Crystia Almati]]<br>
[[* Primm Almati CV]]<br>
[[* Tzvia Almati CV]]<br>
[[* Resurgir Almati CV]]<br>
[[* Evolcoat Almati CV]]<br>
[[* Greaga Almati CV]]<br>
[[* Cinquem Almati CV]]<br>
[[* Kaizaar Almati CV]]<br>
[[* Koukloziat Almati CV]]<br>
[[* Evolorbit Almati CV]]<br>
[[* Evoleclipse Almati CV]]<br>
[[* Codeck Almati CV]]<br>
[[* Crystia Almati CV]]<br>
[[* Obsidia Almati]]<br>
[[* Obsidia Almati CV]]<br>
[[* Effulgent Almati]]<br>
[[* Tenebrous Almati]]<br>
[[* Tenebrous Almati CV]]<br>
[[* Kouklophis Almati]]<br>
[[* Kouklophis Almati CV]]<br>
[[* Gunblaze Almati]]<br>
[[* Neos Astraean Almati]]<br>
[[* Neos Justitiean Almati]]<br>
[[* Neos Astraean Almati CV]]<br>
[[* Neos Justitiean Almati CV]]<br>
[[* Trunkul Almati]]<br>
[[* Trunkul Almati CV]]<br>
[[* Homura Varie]]<br>
[[* Novel Almati]]<br>
[[* Ray Almati]]<br>
[[* Phobos Almati]]<br>
[[* Dim Almati]]<br>
[[* Jutus Almati]]<br>
[[* Xien Varie]]<br>
[[* Revita Almati]]<br>
[[* Revita Almati CV]]<br>
[[* Revolcoat Almati]]<br>
[[* Revolcoat Almati CV]]<br>
[[* Verschmelz Almati]]<br>
[[* Alcinq Almati]]<br>
[[* Steam Millenio]]<br>
[[* Puras Almati]]<br>
[[* Brawnaga Almati]]<br>
[[* Variocool Almati]]<br>
[[* Guren Varie]]<br>
[[* Rivalate Almati]]<br>
[[* Basilisk Almati]]<br>
[[* Croesus Almati]]<br>
[[* Alcinq Almati CV]]<br>
[[* Physio Dominasio]]<br>
[[* Millenium Round Almati]]<br>
[[* Gunblaze Almati CV]]<br>
[[* Effulgent Almati CV]]<br>
[[* Variocool Almati CV]]<br>
[[* Aeoni Dekelion Almati]]<br>
[[* Althea Salute]]<br>
[[* Physio Inclusio]]<br>
[[* Reyaar Almati]]<br>
[[* Millenium Round Almati CV]]<br>
==Something for later==
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable table-bordered" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none; text-align:center; display: inline-table; width:33%"
! Reward Box Dec '23 Contents (2023/12/20 - 2024/01/31)
|<small> {{icons|Weapon Camo}} [[* Carol Whithia]]<br>
{{icons|Weapon Camo}} [[* Rappy Sack]]<br>
{{icons|NGS Mag Device}} Winter Minimo<br>
{{icons|Mag Device}} Feather Carol<br>
{{icons|NGS Horns}} Gradated Horns<br>
{{icons|NGS Teeth}} Viper Mouth<br>
{{icons|NGS Eyes}} Illustratica Eyes/C<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Rope Ribbon<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Party Santa Hat: Red<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Super-Long Scarf E<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Japanese Back Ribbon: Red<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Joyous Hood B<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} 3048 Shield: Green<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Snow Garter: Black<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Kirika Butterfly: Autumnleaf<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Gothic Claws: Gold<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Neve Bell B<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Frilly Japanese Ribbon: Blue<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Taurus Headgear<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Capricorn Headband<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} One-eyed Gas Mask<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Japanese-style Hairclip: Red<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Pompom Gloves: Pink<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Decorative Katana: Blue<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Climbing Black Cat<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Lillipan Darumas<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Christmas Boots: Red<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Chomp-Dagger B<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Dragon Arm R<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Dragon Arm L<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Orange Head<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Sack of Presents<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Clown Nose<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Mechanical A Scarf<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Wild Scarf B<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Monster-Cat Tails<br>
{{icons|NGS Hairstyle}} Rakshasa Binding Hair<br>
{{icons|NGS Hairstyle}} Casual Long Hair<br>
{{NGSMenuIcons|Stamp Outline}} STP: Rappy - Snowfriends<br>
{{icons|Ticket}} 79: Gift
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable table-bordered" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none; text-align:center; display: inline-table; width:33%"
! Reward Box Feb '24 Contents (2024/02/28 - 2024/04/10)
|<small> {{icons|Weapon Camo}} [[* Sounds of Rock]]<br>
{{icons|Weapon Camo}} [[* Beni Obana]]<br>
{{icons|NGS Mag Device}} Spring Minimo<br>
{{icons|Mag Device}} Eat-ster<br>
{{icons|NGS Ears}} Round Ears<br>
{{icons|NGS Teeth}} Pierced Tongue<br>
{{icons|NGS Eyes}} Reptilian Eyes<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Cute Rabbit Slippers<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Decorative Knot Tassel<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Crafter's Cape A CV<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Mirror Wings<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Jiggly Gloop: Green<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Casual Watch: Red<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Perfume Wings: Leaf<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Wacky Eyes A<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Wrist Ribbon<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Picnic Basket<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Flower Brooch B<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Pisces Crown<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Pisces Earrings<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Freed Piercing Gaze: Wild Flame<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Petalusa Cordera D<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Squirrel Tail: Yellow<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Cherry Blossom Hairpin: Pink<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Thigh Holster: Brown<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Gold Aries Horns<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Gold Aries Cap<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Riad Wings<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Jumbo Belt: White<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Bunny Band: White<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Rappy Nest & Egg<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Rappy Nest<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Ammo Belt<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Easter Bunny Hat C<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Body Corsage: Pink<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Shoulder-Slung Cardigan: Water<br>
{{icons|NGS Hairstyle}} Angel Wing Long Hair<br>
{{icons|NGS Hairstyle}} Long Braids<br>
{{NGSMenuIcons|Stamp Outline}} STP: Moony & Sunny - Flower Viewing<br>
{{icons|Ticket}} 220: Flower Petals
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable table-bordered" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none; text-align:center; display: inline-table; width:33%"
! Reward Box Apr '24 Contents (2024/04/24 - 2024/06/04)
|<small> {{icons|Weapon Camo}} [[* Chevalier's Pledge]]<br>
{{icons|Weapon Camo}} [[* Liter Wasser]]<br>
{{icons|NGS Mag Device}} Felicita Minimo<br>
{{icons|Mag Device}} V Hunter<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Companion Aina<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Companion Manon<br>
{{icons|NGS Eyes}} Powerful Eyes<br>
{{icons|NGS Horns}} Twisting Horns<br>
{{icons|NGS Teeth}} Metallic Grill<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Two-Tailed Scarf<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Skeleton Wings<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Stripped Loose Socks: Pink<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Samurai Helmet<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Big Tail: Yellow<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Cat Ears with Ribbon: White<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Side Thrusters<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Hexawings: Red<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Show Off Maid Brim<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Trekking Backpack: Green<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Taurus Headgear<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Pastel Plush<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Cat-Eared Cap D<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Knuckle Guard<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Slip-On: Leopard<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Stone Bead Bracelet: Black<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Barrette: White<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Head-Mounted Kettle: New<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Clear Shield R: Yellow<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Clear Shield L: Yellow<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Gemini Earrings<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Panda Head-Mount<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Gear D. Wings A<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Gear D. Wings B<br>
{{icons|NGS Accessory}} Carp Streamer<br>
{{icons|NGS Hairstyle}} Ephitina Hair<br>
{{icons|NGS Hairstyle}} Casual Hanging Pigtails<br>
{{NGSMenuIcons|Stamp Outline}} STP: The Captain is Here!<br>
{{icons|Ticket}} 489: Stirring Up The Bath<br>
{{icons|NGS Ticket}} MTN: Dash - Hover/B<br>
{{icons|NGS Ticket}} MTN: Glide - Helicopter/B

Latest revision as of 02:31, 23 February 2025

Under Construction Content

Main Quests Expeditions | Urgent Quests | Recommended Quests | Bonus Quests | Limited Time Quests
Sub Quests ARKS Quests | Time Attack Quests | Buster Quests | Endless Quests | Ridroid Quests
Divide Quests | Advance Quests | Extreme Quests | Ultimate Quests | Challenge Quests
Story Quests Story Overview

EPISODE 1 is the first of Phantasy Star Online 2's six Episodes and the first installment of the Oracle Arc.

Chapter 1: Using the Divergence Matrix

Following a harrowing encounter with the Falspawn, the enemy of ARKS and the primary threat to the universe at large, the player is bestowed with a mysterious device called the "Divergence Matrix", an artifact that allows its user to change the course of destiny itself, from the even more mysterious Xion. When the cadet comes into contact with Matoi, a girl with no memory of her past, the wheels of fate begin to turn...

Title Quest Info
Event An Encounter with Xion
Major Characters Appearing
ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
Event A Mysterious Voice
Major Characters Appearing
Naverius - Forest
Story Close Encounter with a Masked Demon
The pair continues through Naverius, guided by a mysterious voice. They then come upon a masked stranger, who brandishes their sword against [PLAYER NAME]
Difficulty and Level
Casual: 5-16 - Hardcore: 16-75
Event Protecting a Fallen Matoi
Major Characters Appearing
Afin and Matoi
Naverius - Forest
Event Notice from the Medical Bay
Major Characters Appearing
Afin, Matoi and Filia
ARKS Ship - Gate Area
Event Two ARKS in a Pod
Major Characters Appearing
Pati and Tia
Naverius - Forest
Event The Shadow Servant
Major Characters Appearing
Naverius - Forest
Event ARKS Being Here
Major Characters Appearing
Naverius - Forest
Event Being ARKS
Major Characters Appearing
Naverius - Forest
Event Risa the Sharpshooter
Major Characters Appearing
Naverius - Forest
Event Nothing Understood
Major Characters Appearing
ARKS Ship - Gate Area
Event Seeking to Change History
Major Characters Appearing
ARKS Ship - Gate Area
Reward Details
Ticket SG 20 Ticket

Chapter 2: Encountering the Draconians

The planet of Amduskia is a multi-biome planet featuring a volcanic core surrounded by a myriad of fragmented, floating landmasses orbiting its center. Although ARKS and the planet's local inhabitants, the Draconians, have maintained a fragile peace, the heightened activity of the Falspawn is forcing both parties to make a move. With the threat level quickly rising, the player joins an ARKS researcher named Aki and her assistant Wright to investigate the Falspawn situation.

Title Quest Info
Event The Professor's Gone Missing!
Major Characters Appearing
ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
Event Seeker of Truth
Major Characters Appearing
Amduskia - Volcanic Caves
Event A Vacant Presence
Major Characters Appearing
Amduskia - Volcanic Caves
Event Greenhorn
Major Characters Appearing
Gettemhult and Melfonseana
Amduskia - Volcanic Caves
Event Investigating The Draconians
Major Characters Appearing
Gettemhult and Melfonseana
Amduskia - Volcanic Caves
Event A Multitude of Falspawn
Major Characters Appearing
Aki and Wright
Amduskia - Volcanic Caves
Event Draconian Remains
Major Characters Appearing
Aki and Wright
Amduskia - Volcanic Caves
Story The Dragons' Malady
Deep in the Volcanic Caves, lives the Draconian Hi'Roga, who has lost his senses due to the effects of Falspawn corruption. The Draconian youth, Hi'En, failed to reach his elder and Aki has pledged that ARKS will offer whatever assistance it can to help.
Difficulty and Level
Casual: 4-14 - Hardcore: 14-75
Event Deep Affinity
Major Characters Appearing
Gettemhult and Zeno
ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
Event I Don't Talk to Anyone Else
Major Characters Appearing
ARKS Ship - Gate Area
Event A New Divergence Matrix
Major Characters Appearing
ARKS Ship - Gate Area
Reward Details
Ticket SG 20 Ticket


Title Quest Info
Event Guns are Glorious
Major Characters Appearing
Amduskia - Volcanic Caves
Event Watch Out for Falspawn!
Major Characters Appearing
Pati and Tia
Amduskia - Volcanic Caves

Chapter 3: A Small Benefactor

The planet Lillipa was once inhabited by the Erzimaruts, a race of humanoids from a distant planet who left their home after it was attacked by a Dark Falz. However, all that remains is a desert landscape, populated only by abandoned machines and rabbit-like creatures that have come to be known as Lillipans. During their expedition, the player meets Fourie, a CAST who wishes to connect with the Lillipans. What secrets does the barren planet hide underneath its surface?

Title Quest Info
Event Saved by a Tiny Silhouette
Major Characters Appearing
ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
Event The Indiscriminate Threat
Major Characters Appearing
Lillipa - Desert
Event A Certain Dragon's Destination
Major Characters Appearing
Lillipa - Desert
Event A Chance Meeting
Major Characters Appearing
Lillipa - Desert
Event Traces of Existence
Major Characters Appearing
Lillipa - Desert
Event A Beneficiary's Lost Item
Major Characters Appearing
ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
Event Wanting to Meet a Benefactor
Major Characters Appearing
ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
Event So Close, Yet So Far
Major Characters Appearing
Fourie and the Lillipans
Lillipa - Desert
Event The Cause of Fear
Major Characters Appearing
Fourie and the Lillipans
Lillipa - Desert
Event An Unforgettable Kindness
Major Characters Appearing
Fourie, Gettemhult and Melfonseana
Lillipa - Desert
Event Something New at Every Turn
Major Characters Appearing
ARKS Ship - Gate Area
Event Signs of Improvement
Major Characters Appearing
ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
Reward Details
Ticket SG 20 Ticket


Title Quest Info
Event A Balanced Party
Major Characters Appearing
Lillipa - Desert
Event Forming a Balanced Party
Major Characters Appearing
Lillipa - Desert

Chapter 4: Broken Cosmogenic Arms

The Tundra region of Naverius is a geographical anomaly unlike any other, suffering from an eternal winter where there would otherwise be lush forest. As the player is dispatched to the Tundra, they discover a fragment of a "Cosmogenic Arm", a class of weapon wielded exclusively by the Council of Six from which all ARKS weaponry is derived. When a shadowy figure attempts to claim the fragment for themselves, the player and their allies are tasked with getting to the root of the situation.

Title Quest Info
Event A Ranger at Heart
Major Characters Appearing
Naverius - Tundra
Event An Unfathomable Relationship
Major Characters Appearing
Naverius - Tundra
Event A Matter That Must Be Settled
Major Characters Appearing
Naverius - Tundra
Event Nothing To Do With Me
Major Characters Appearing
Naverius - Tundra
Event The Council of Six Unleashed
Major Characters Appearing
Naverius - Tundra
Event Deep Regret
Major Characters Appearing
ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
Event That's ARKS, Folks
Major Characters Appearing
Naverius - Tundra
Event The Swordsmith Who Lost His Determination
Major Characters Appearing
ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
Event The Cosmogenic Arms of Legend
Major Characters Appearing
Pati and Tia
Naverius - Tundra
Event The Geological Features of Planet Naverius
Major Characters Appearing
ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
Event A Lingering Shadow
Major Characters Appearing
Persona the Masked and Rojio
Naverius - Tundra
Story Anomaly on Naverius
The scholar Rojio had ordered the gathering of data on the Tundra that spread beyond the Forest region. However, there remained a lingering, uneasy sense that somebody, or something, had already gotten there first.
Difficulty and Level
Casual: 5-16 - Hardcore: 16-75
Event A Resonance-Induced Headache
Major Characters Appearing
ARKS Ship - Gate Area
Event Reignited Passion
Major Characters Appearing
ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
Event The Path You Must Trod
Major Characters Appearing
ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
Reward Details
Ticket SG 20 Ticket


Title Quest Info
Event The Mantle of Suffering
Major Characters Appearing
Naverius - Tundra

Chapter 5: The Second Fragment

With the first piece of the mysterious Cosmogenic Arm in their possession, the player returns to Lillipa on the trail for the second fragment. However, they aren't the only one picking up the pieces, and it quickly becomes apparent that there's much more to this weapon than it seems.

Title Quest Info
Event A Step Forward
Major Characters Appearing
Fourie and the Lillipans
Lillipa - Underground Shafts
Event Meeting of Minds
Major Characters Appearing
Fourie and the Lillipans
Lillipa - Underground Shafts
Event Gettemhult's Past
Major Characters Appearing
Lillipa - Underground Shafts
Event Determination And Talent
Major Characters Appearing
ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
Event What is Aptitude Anyway?
Major Characters Appearing
Lillipa - Underground Shafts
Event One Is Not Enough
Major Characters Appearing
ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
Event Persona Rummaging Through the Underworks
Major Characters Appearing
Persona the Masked
Lillipa - Underground Shafts
Event Search for the Damaged Weapon
Major Characters Appearing
Lillipa - Underground Shafts
Event A Mysterious Mark
Major Characters Appearing
Afin, Fourie and the Lillipans
Lillipa - Underground Shafts
Story Hidden Beneath the Sands
With the expert guidance of the Lillipans, the party made their way to the deepest reaches of the Underground Shafts in search of weapon fragments. However, they were met by a guardian of those same depths, blocking their advance.
Difficulty and Level
Casual: 5-16 - Hardcore: 16-75
Event Yet Another Resonance-Induced Headache
Major Characters Appearing
ARKS Ship - Gate Area
Event The Leading Edge!
Major Characters Appearing
ARKS Ship - Shopping Area
Event To Find, You Must Seek
Major Characters Appearing
ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
Reward Details
Ticket SG 20 Ticket


Title Quest Info
Event A Force Can Be Dangerous
Major Characters Appearing
Lillipa - Underground Shafts
Event Hunters Are Exhausting Partners
Major Characters Appearing
Lillipa - Underground Shafts

Chapter 6: The Last Fragment

The player pays a visit to the Floating Continent of Amduskia in search of the final fragment needed to complete the Cosmogenic Arm. With [Persona] hot on their trail, the player may need to rely on the Draconians to secure the third fragment before it's too late.

Title Quest Info
Event A Race Against Time
Major Characters Appearing
Aki and Wright
Amduskia - Floating Continent
Event Not Knowing When to Quit
Major Characters Appearing
Aki and Ko'Riu
Amduskia - Floating Continent
Event The Savior of Legend
Major Characters Appearing
Aki and Ko'Riu
Amduskia - Floating Continent
Event Looking for Something of Great Importance
Major Characters Appearing
Amduskia - Floating Continent
Event Told You Not to Work Too Hard
Major Characters Appearing
Amduskia - Floating Continent
Event Zeno and Gettemhult
Major Characters Appearing
Gettemhult and Melfonseana
Amduskia - Floating Continent
Event Surveillance or Observation?
Major Characters Appearing
Amduskia - Floating Continent
Event Pining
Major Characters Appearing
Amduskia - Floating Continent
Event Persona Probing the Floating Continent
Major Characters Appearing
Persona the Masked
Amduskia - Floating Continent
Event A Haphazard Investigation
Major Characters Appearing
Zeno, Echo and Hi'Roga
Amduskia - Floating Continent
Event Recognition
Major Characters Appearing
Zeno, Echo and Hi'En
Amduskia - Floating Continent
Event A New Age
Major Characters Appearing
Zeno, Echo, Ko'Riu and Persona the Masked
Amduskia - Floating Continent
Event Entrusted by the Draconians
By request of the Draconians, the party went to the deepest part of the Floating Continent, where Ro'Kamiz waited. He thanked [PLAYER] for dealing with the Draconians and entrust them with a special request.
Difficulty and Level
Casual: 5-16 - Hardcore: 16-75
Event A Huge Resonance-Induced Headache
Major Characters Appearing
ARKS Ship - Gate Area
Event The Core!
Major Characters Appearing
ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
Event The Path with the Answers to Everything
Major Characters Appearing
ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
Reward Details
Ticket SG 20 Ticket

Chapter 7: Emergency

With the pieces of the Cosmogenic Arm gathered, the player entrusts the weapon to master weaponsmith Zig, who returns to his shop on the ARKS Ship Themis 128 to complete the repair. However, when Themis comes under attack by the Falspawn, it soon becomes apparent that something has gone horribly awry...

Title Quest Info
Event Hard Work Pays Off!
Major Characters Appearing
ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
Event Finally Looking Forward
Major Characters Appearing
Amduskia - Floating Continent
Event Cultural Exchange
Major Characters Appearing
Aki and Ko'Rela
Amduskia - Floating Continent
Event State of Emergency
Major Characters Appearing
ARKS Ship - Gate Area
Story Falspawn Full Assault
Falspawn were bearing down in a full assault on ARKS Ship 128 Themis. Flustered by the sudden turn of events, the ARKS membership aboard received their deployment orders. They would have time to enjoy some peace and quiet later.
Difficulty and Level
Casual: 10-18 - Hardcore: 18-75
Event Theft of a Weapon Restored
Major Characters Appearing
ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
Event Why Was It Her?
Major Characters Appearing
Naverius - Forest
Event What Is Peace Anyway?
Major Characters Appearing
ARKS Ship - Gate Area
Event In Between Fact and Truth
Major Characters Appearing
ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
Reward Details
Ticket SG 20 Ticket


Title Quest Info
Event Something Even Worse Than Humans
Major Characters Appearing
Amduskia - Volcanic Caves
Event Have You Heard About the Council of Six?
Major Characters Appearing
Pati and Tia
Naverius - Forest

Chapter 8: Advent of the [Elder]

The player and their allies are joined by Casra of the Council of Six in a race against time to stop Gettemhult from instigating the revival of Dark Falz [Elder], the Dark Falz who nearly bested ARKS in battle over 40 years ago and was only stopped by the combined effort of the Trio of Heroes. When the situation quickly spirals out of control, someone may have to pay the ultimate price.

Title Quest Info
Event This Can't Be Possible
Major Characters Appearing
ARKS Ship - Gate Area
Event The Missing Scholar
Major Characters Appearing
ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza
Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
UIStory010802.png The Missing Scholar Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory010803.png A Girl's Invitation Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory010804.png A Failed Assassination and its Reasons Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory010805.png Something Hidden Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory010806.png When the Falspawn Draw Near Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory010807.png ARKS Patrol Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory010808.png A Noisy Nuisance Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory010809.png A Harmless Lie Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory010810.png The Beginning of the End Story Story Quest N/A
UIStory010811.png The Revival of Dark Falz Elder Story Story Quest N/A
UIStory010812.png News of Zeno Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory010813.png The One Left Behind Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory010814.png The Entity Known as Dark Falz Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory010815.png A Gain and a Loss Event Event Quest Ticket SG 20 Ticket


Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
UIStory010816.png Do You Know of the Trio of Heroes? Event Event Quest N/A

Chapter 9: ARKS and Dark Falz

In the wake of the second coming of Dark Falz [Elder], Huey, dissatisfied by ARKS' performance in the battle, organizes a friendly competition known as the "ARKS Battle Tournament" to train the military's might and mettle in preparation for future threats. The player and Afin rise to the challenge, but it seems as though nothing ever goes according to plan...

Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
UIStory010901.png I'm No Longer There Story Story Quest N/A
UIStory010902.png My Name is Huey! Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory010903.png A Sense of Worry Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory010904.png Announcing Our Festival! Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory010905.png A Bundle of Curiosity Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory010906.png Something's Still Bothering Me Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory010907.png The ARKS Tournament Story Story Quest Ticket SG 10 Ticket
UIStory010908.png Communication Skills Are Important! Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory010909.png Fourie's Invitation Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory010910.png Afin In Pursuit Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory010911.png An Unexpected Meeting Story Story Quest Ticket SG 10 Ticket
UIStory010912.png Tragedy or Liberation? Event Event Quest Ticket SG 20 Ticket


Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
UIStory010913.png How To Fight From Now On Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory010914.png How To Fight From Here On Out Event Event Quest N/A

Chapter 10: The Idol and Rampaging Dragon

The player catches wind of a pop idol named Quna, famed across the entire Oracle colony for her concerts and ability to bring ARKS members together and unite them as one. When a chance encounter results in the player discovering Quna's true identity, the two unite to take down a Chrome Dragon named "Haddred", whose past appears to be deeply intertwined with that of Quna's.

Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
UIStory011001.png Let's Go with Cheerful Vigor! Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory011002.png A Traitor Among Us Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory011003.png Idol Incognito Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory011004.png Haddred and the Girl Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory011005.png Front and Back Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory011006.png Haddred's Thoughts Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory011007.png The Aim of the Rampant Dragon Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory011008.png What It Means to Be an "Idol" Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory011009.png Scapegoat Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory011010.png Tying Things Up Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory011011.png Incomprehensible Actions Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory011012.png A Reason for Rampage Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory011013.png First Parting Story Story Quest N/A
UIStory011014.png A Love of Song Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory011015.png Cry of Determination Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory011016.png The Final Farewell Story Story Quest N/A
UIStory011017.png Unforgettable Will Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory011018.png Why I Entrust All to You Event Event Quest Ticket SG 20 Ticket

An Encounter with Xion
Quest Type: Event Event Quests
Quest Class: UISoloParty.png Solo Quests
Major Characters Appearing: Xion
Location ARKS Ship - Shopping Plaza

Story Information

Xion: ... I have been expecting you.

Xion turns around

Xion: No, there is a discrepancy in the perception of that phrase. Perhaps I am the one who has kept you waiting.
Xion: My name...is Xion.
Xion: I am a being who is capable only of observation. I will not interfere with you, nor can I.
Xion: However, the path you must take--the path you have yet to tread--is moldering.
Xion: Therefore, I can merely set you upon it. I have calculated and predicted every potentiality, and will exhibit them here.
Xion: Gather divergences and bring forth the inevitable. The Divergence Matrix will aid you in this task.

Xion gives [PLAYER NAME] the Divergence Matrix

Xion: I am a being who is only capable of observation. My role is not to guide you. Thus will the Divergence Matrix show you the way.
Xion: I pray that the path born of my regret will serve as a beacon to guide you when a compass cannot.
Xion: ...Forgive me.
Xion: I droned on without comprehending how difficult it must be to grasp such vague sentiment.
Xion: I will restructure my thoughts and state them again. Now, hear my request:
Xion: I bid you go to Naverius.
Xion: I will not say the reason. I cannot. The answer exists only in your future.
Xion: I am solely an observer. I can do nothing but observe.

Alma-Derived Impression Scene
Alma: Hmmm, I see. So this is when you and Xion met.
Alma: As usual, I couldn't understand a word she said. But I guess she's making more sense now back when I was alive.
Alma: I used to chat with her a lot through my Cosmogenic Arm. She always seemed so mournful, so full of regret.
Alma: Thinking back on it now, maybe she was trying to apologize to me, since she could see the future and knew what would happen to me.
Alma: I think she was able to see your future too, back when she talked to you.
Alma: That's why she gave you the Divergence Matrix to guide you, and also why she sent you to Naverius.
Alma: She was trying to accomplish something.
Alma: I'm sure that "something" has to do with the regret I sensed, but right now... who can say?


Name Aquisition Marketable Notes
* Camo
Drop Location ↓ UICheckMarkIcon.pngUIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound Color Variant (NGS) Matches colors to fashion
Name Aquisition Marketable Notes
* Camo
Drop Location UICheckMarkIcon.pngUIRestrictedBlue.png Color Variant (NGS) Color Changeable Color Variant (NGS) Matches colors to fashion
Name Aquisition Sword (NGS) Wired Lance (NGS) Partizan (NGS) Daggers (NGS) Double Saber (NGS) Knuckles (NGS) Katana (NGS) Soaring Blades (NGS) Rifle (NGS) Launcher (NGS) Twin Machineguns (NGS) Bow (NGS) Gunblade (NGS) Rod (NGS) Talis (NGS) Wand (NGS) Jet Boots (NGS) Harmonizer (NGS) Marketable Notes
* Camo
Drop Location UICheckMarkIcon.pngUIRestrictedBlue.png Yes
Name Aquisition Sword Wired Lance Partisan Daggers Double Saber Knuckles Gunblade Katana Soaring Blades Rifle Launcher Twin Machineguns Bow Rod Talis Wand Jet Boots Harmonizer Marketable Notes
* Camo
Drop Location UICheckMarkIcon.pngUIRestrictedBlue.png Yes

Rarity Preview Name Availability Weapon Category Marketable Notes
Rarity Preview Name Availability Weapon Category Marketable Notes
9Star.png UIItemWeaponStealthing.png * Weapon Stealthing Exchange Mission Badge Swap Shop
Mission Badge x100
Sword Wired Lance Partisan Daggers Double Saber Knuckles Katana Soaring Blades Gunblade Rifle Launcher Twin Machineguns Bow Rod Talis Wand Jet Boots Harmonizer
9Star.png UIItemWeaponStealthing.png * Weapon Stealthing Scratch NGS AC Scratch Tickets Sword (NGS) Wired Lance (NGS) Partizan (NGS) Daggers (NGS) Double Saber (NGS) Knuckles (NGS) Katana (NGS) Soaring Blades (NGS) Rifle (NGS) Launcher (NGS) Twin Machineguns (NGS) Bow (NGS) Gunblade (NGS) Rod (NGS) Talis (NGS) Wand (NGS) Jet Boots (NGS) Harmonizer (NGS)
9Star.png UIItemWeaponStealthing.png * Weapon Stealthing Descriptions Test lmao
UICheckMarkIcon.pngUIRestrictedBlue.png Only marketable in NGS
This item is Account Bound

Color Variant (NGS) Color Changeable
Color Variant (NGS)Color Matches:
NGS Outerwear Icon [Ou] > [Ba]
NGS Outfit Icon [Se]/[Fu]/Outfit
NGS Body Parts Icon Main Color & Sub Color 3

Color Change Priorities for camos taking on several colors at once
Layered Wear - Outerwear (Color 1/Color 2)> Basewear (Color 1/Color 2)
Setwear/Fullwear - Color 1/Color 2
Outfits - Chosen Color/Black
CAST Parts - Main Color/Sub Color 3

Color Change Priorities for camos taking on one color
Layered Wear - Outerwear (Color 1)> Basewear (Color 1)
Setwear/Fullwear - Color 1
Outfits - Chosen Color
CAST Parts - Main Color

Image Examples

MSG Logo


NGS Weapon Camo IconRifle (NGS) Primm Rifle
ARKS Rappy
Color Match Examples

Bounty Board

Any camo listed here is something I'm currently missing and need to get. Any help appreciated.
Some are listed with pages - Some of these are without pictures, and those that do have pictures I would want to have more time to get more for, thus needing the camo in question.

Bounty Board
Fresh Finds/Mission Pass/Scratch Count Camos Other Camos
* Leisure Shade

* White Harvest
* Eri Accordi
* Gallant Nix
* Kizika Narukami
* Quina Spica
* Clara's Reaver
* Rose Saber
* HUnewearl
* Keikoutou
* Fun Fun Bazooka
* Rose Bouquet
* Twin Paper Fans
* Merry Machine Guns
* Bakepo Tato
* Edel Io
* Love Rappy Harmonizer

* Cavalier Tagliente

* Sangamori the Possessed
* Ilteon Dusk Megith
* Caliente Orb Megith
* Sorcerer Morus
* Obliance Toben

Current Time (Timezone: UTC): Tuesday March 11 2025 07:05:09

Daily Resets
Daily Crafting Reward

Main Crafting Effect
Effective Reward & Effect Day: 11

04:00 N-Treasure Shop

Daily Missions
Daily Orders
Recommended Quests

08:00 Daily SG Scratch 08:00
Treasure Shop 13:00 Daily Tasks

Genesis Point GP Tree

Ultimate Quest Attempts 20:00 Login Bonus

SG (NGS) Daily Lookbook SG

Extreme Pass Issuance Every 22 Hours Leciel Exploration 19:00
Weekly/Monthly Resets
Scheduled Maintenance - Wednesday, 02:00
PSO2 Day - 2nd Day of the Month at 00:00
Premium PSO2 Day - 22nd Day of the Month at 00:00
Challenge Mode Ranking
Red Containers Ranking
Personal Quarters Ranking
Time Attack Ranking

Monday, 15:00 Alliance Mag Level Down

ARKS Records Random Challenge Rankings
ARKS Records Alliance Task Rankings
ARKS Records Exchange Shop Weekly Exchanges

Wednesday, 02:00
Alliance Shop
Armada Medal Shop
Buster Medal Shop
Casino Limited Prize Shop

Wednesday, 08:00 Weekly Tasks

Alliance Tasks
Alliance Badge Exchange

Wednesday, 03:00
Battle Shop Weekly

Thursday, 08:00 Weekly Item Exchanges Wednesday, 08:00
Divide Medal Shop
Limited Class EX-Cube Exchange Shop

Every 28 Days, 08:00 Genesis Point Weekly Genesis Point Earnings Wednesday, 20:00
PVP Ranking

1st Day of the Month, 14:00 Monthly Item Exchanges 1st Day of the Month, 01:00