ARKS Cash Shop

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Arks Cash (AC) Shop

The Arks Cash Shop can be found through the main menu, in the second-to-last tab.

Rarity Image Name Cost Description
5 UIItemPremiumSet.png Premium Set (30 Days) Pack 1,500 AC A special ticket that provides 30 days of access to a variety of premium services such as item trading, your Personal Quarters, and your Personal Shop.
5 UIItemPremiumSet.png Premium Set (60 Days) Pack 2,700 AC A special ticket that provides 60 days of access to a variety of premium services such as item trading, your Personal Quarters, and your Personal Shop.
5 UIItemPremiumSet.png Premium Set (90 Days) Pack 3,900 AC A special ticket that provides 90 days of access to a variety of premium services such as item trading, your Personal Quarters, and your Personal Shop.
6 UIItemExperienceEarned150.png EXP Earned +150% x3 800 AC An EXP Booster. Use to earn 150% more EXP for 60 minutes.
6 UIItemExperienceEarned150.png EXP Earned +150% x10 2,200 AC An EXP Booster. Use to earn 150% more EXP for 60 minutes.
6 UIItemRDRBoost3.png Rare Drop Rate +400% 900 AC A rare item drop-rate Booster. Use to get a 400% increase to rare drop-rates for 360 minutes.
6 UIItemScapeDoll.png Scape Doll 150 AC An item that revives you automatically. When the carrier is incapacitated, the item sacrifices itself and is consumed.
6 UIItemScapeDoll.png Scape Doll x3 400 AC An item that revives you automatically. When the carrier is incapacitated, the item sacrifices itself and is consumed.
6 UIItemScapeDoll.png Scape Doll x5 600 AC An item that revives you automatically. When the carrier is incapacitated, the item sacrifices itself and is consumed.
6 UIItemCosmoAtomizer.png Cosmo Atomizer x3 400 AC A perfected curative medicine that fully restores HP for the user and all allies within a wide radius.
5 UIItemTicket.png Expand Max Orders Received Limit (30 Days) 300 AC A permit to increase the maximum limit on orders received. Using it increases the maximum limit on orders received to 20 orders for 30 days.
5 UIItemTicket.png Expand Max Orders Received Limit (90 Days) 800 AC A permit to increase the maximum limit on orders received. Using it increases the maximum limit on orders received to 20 orders for 90 days.
5 UIItemTicket.png Extended Storage 2 Use (30 Days) 500 AC A permit to access Extended Storage 2. Using it allows you to store up to 500 items in Extended Storage 2 for 30 days.
5 UIItemTicket.png Extended Storage 2 Use (90 Days) 1,200 AC A permit to access Extended Storage 2. Using it allows you to store up to 500 items in Extended Storage 2 for 90 days.
5 UIItemTicket.png Extended Storage 3 Use (30 Days) 500 AC A permit to access Extended Storage 3. Using it allows you to store up to 500 items in Extended Storage 3 for 30 days.
5 UIItemTicket.png Extended Storage 3 Use (90 Days) 1,200 AC A permit to access Extended Storage 3. Using it allows you to store up to 500 items in Extended Storage 3 for 90 days.
5 UIItemTicket.png Extended Storage 4 Use (30 Days) 500 AC A permit to access Extended Storage 4. Using it allows you to store up to 500 items in Extended Storage 4 for 30 days.
5 UIItemTicket.png Extended Storage 4 Use (90 Days) 1,200 AC A permit to access Extended Storage 4. Using it allows you to store up to 500 items in Extended Storage 4 for 90 days.
5 UIItemTicket.png Extended Storage 5 Use (30 Days) 500 AC A permit to access Extended Storage 5. Using it allows you to store up to 500 items in Extended Storage 5 for 30 days.
5 UIItemTicket.png Extended Storage 5 Use (90 Days) 1,200 AC A permit to access Extended Storage 5. Using it allows you to store up to 500 items in Extended Storage 5 for 90 days.
5 UIItemTicket.png Personal Quarters Use (30 Days) 700 AC A permit to access your Personal Quarters. Using it allows you to access your Personal Quarters for 30 days.
5 UIItemTicket.png Personal Shop Use (30 Days) 700 AC A permit to open your Personal Shop. Using it allows you to put items up for sale in your Personal Shop for 30 days.
5 UIItemTicket.png Mag Ticket 300 AC A ticket that allows Mag License holders to apply for one additional Mag after their first. Each character can own up to 20.
5 UIItemMagResetDevice.png Mag Reset Device 500 AC A device used to reset a Mag's level and support abilities, returning it to its default state.
5 UIItemSuperbPickaxe.png Superb Pickaxe x7 950 AC Allows you to harvest using Gathering. Increases likelihood of Rare Harvesting by +100%.
5 UIItemSuperbFishingRod.png Superb Fishing Rod x7 950 AC Allows you to fish using Gathering. Increases likelihood of Rare Fishing by +100%.
5 UIItemTicket.png Inventory Expansion (10) 350 AC Increases the item carry limit by 10. You can use up to 10 per character and increase the carry limit to a maximum of 150 items.
5 UIItemTicket.png Sub-Palette Ticket 800 AC A ticket that expands your Sub-Palette. You can use one ticket per character to add Book 03 - Book 06.
5 UIItemTicket.png Character Storage Expansion (50) 800 AC Increase the Character Storage limit by 50. Character Storage can be increased to a maximum of 1000 items per character.
AC AC Shop SG Star Gems Shop CC Casino FUN FUN Shop Swap Shop
Pet Supplies Shop Culinary Shop Zig Permit Exchange Furnishing Shop
Photon Exchange EX-Cube Exchange BC Battle Coin Exchange Weapon Badge Exchange Memory Exchange
Astracite Exchange Prize Medal Exchange CM Mileage Exchange