Daily Crafting

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UIExtend.png Extension UIPACraft.png Photon Art Crafts UITechCraft.png Technique Crafts UITimed.png Timed Abilities Tool Desynthesis/Support Items Tool Daily Crafting

You can accept Daily Crafting jobs from the Daily Crafting option under Crafting at your Personal Terminal in your Personal Quarters.
Daily Crafting jobs provide you with Crafting Orders from NPCs that change every day.
The NPCs will provide you with the materials and meseta required to craft the requested item; if you have the Crafting Recipe required for the commission and an available crafting line, you can craft the item for the commission.
Also, the items you create through Daily Crafting assignments can unlock achievements and, when completed, yield rewards in the form of materials and other items.

Daily Requests

The Daily Requests work on a schedule throughout the month, so the request at Day 1 will always be the same at the first of every month.
This also means that requests 29, 30 and 31 can end up not happening certain months.

Day 1-5
Day Requests Orders Completed: Reward
1 Jasper Wired Lance
UIExtend.pngInter. Melee Wpn Lv 10
Witia FirePA
UITechCraft.pngScorching Foie Recipe 1
Frosty Back Unit
UITimed.pngBack / Daybreak Province 3
Oza Wired LancePA
PACerberus Dance Zero
- 1: Material Ironia x10
2: Material Irodest x10
3: Material Irogrimo x10
4: Material Iroback x10
5: Material Iroarms x10
6: Material Irolegs x10
7: Pass Lilliparium (XS) x2
8: Pass Lillparium (S)
Jasper Back UnitMEL Def
UITimed.pngBack Melee Defense Lv 5
Witia FirePA
UITechCraft.pngPotent Safoie Recipe 2
Frosty Back Unit
UITimed.pngBack / Daybreak Province Expl. 1
Tia IcePA
UITechCraft.pngGlacial Nabarta Recipe 2
2 Jasper Bow
UIExtend.pngInter. Ranged Wpn Lv 10
Witia IcePA
UITechCraft.pngPotent Barta Recipe 1
Frosty Arm Unit
UITimed.pngArm / Nightfall Province 3
Oza PartisanPA
PAImpact Rise Zero
- 1: Material PA Fragment (Melee) x10
2: Material PA Fragment (Ranged) x10
3: Material PA Fragment (Tech) x10
4: Tool Photon Drop x5
5: Pass Lilliparium (XS)
6: Pass Lilliparium (S)
7: Pass Lilliparium (XS)
8: Pass Lilliparium (S)
Jasper Back UnitRNG Def
UITimed.pngBack Ranged Defense Lv 5
Witia IcePA
UITechCraft.pngVast Sabarta Recipe 2
Frosty Arm Unit
UITimed.pngArm / Nightfall Province Expl. 1
Fourie Back UnitRNG Def
UIExtend.pngBack Ranged Defense Lv 9
3 Jasper Jet Boots
UIExtend.pngInter. Technique Wpn Lv 10
Witia LightningPA
UITechCraft.pngIntense Zonde Recipe 1
Frosty Leg Unit
UITimed.pngLeg / Floating Facility 3
Lavere DaggersPA
PAWild Rhapsody Zero
- 1: Material Neodit x3
2: Material Rubard x3
3: Material Neodit x3
4: Material Rubard x3
5: Pass Lilliparium (XS)
6: Pass Lilliparium (S)
7: Pass Lilliparium (XS)
8: Pass Lilliparium (S)
Jasper Back UnitTEC Def
UITimed.pngBack Technique Defense Lv 5
Witia LightningPA
UITechCraft.pngSwift Sazonde Recipe 2
Frosty Leg Unit
UITimed.pngLeg / Floating Facility Expl. 1
Aki Arm Unit
UITimed.pngArm / Amduskia AD 2
4 Jasper Gunblade
UIExtend.png10★ Melee Weapon Lv 1
Witia WindPA
UITechCraft.pngIntense Zan Recipe 1
Frosty Back Unit
UITimed.pngBack / Seabed 3
Pati Double SaberPA
PATornado Dance Zero
- 1: Material Naverius Crystal
2: Material Amduskia Crystal
3: Material Lillipa Crystal
4: Material Wopal Crystal
5: Material Harukotan Crystal
6: Tool Photon Drop x5
7: Pass Lilliparium (XS) x3
8: Pass Lilliparium (S)
Jasper Arm UnitMEL Def
UITimed.pngArm Melee Defense Lv 5
Witia WindPA
UITechCraft.pngPotent Sazan Recipe 2
Frosty Back Unit
UITimed.pngBack / Seabed Exploration 1
Saga Jet Boots
UIExtend.png10★ Technique Weapon Lv 9
5 Jasper Twin Machineguns
UIExtend.png10★ Ranged Weapon Lv 1
Witia LightPA
UITechCraft.pngPotent Grants Recipe 1
Frosty Arm Unit
UITimed.pngArm / Coast 3
Joseph KnucklesPA
PASliding Uppercut Zero
- 1: Material Ironia x10
2: Material Irodest x10
3: Material Irogrimo x10
4: Material Iroback x10
5: Material Iroarms x10
6: Material Irolegs x10
7: Pass Lilliparium (XS) x2
8: Pass Lillparium (S)
Jasper Arm UnitRNG Def
UITimed.pngArm Ranged Defense Lv 5
Witia LightPA
UITechCraft.pngAbundant Resta Recipe 2
Frosty Arm Unit
UITimed.pngArm / Coast Exploration 1
Wright LightningPA
UITechCraft.pngDire Zondeel Recipe 2
Day 6-10
Day Requests Orders Completed: Reward
6 Kifas Sword
UIExtend.png11★ Melee Weapon Lv 7
Kifas Rod
UIExtend.png11★ Technique Weapon Lv 7
Kifas Arm UnitMEL Def
UIExtend.pngArm Melee DEF [HP] Lv 3
Kifas Katana
UIExtend.png11★ Melee Weapon Lv 8
Kifas Talis
UIExtend.png11★ Technique Weapon Lv 8
1: Material Ironia x20
2: Material Irodest x20
3: Material Irogrimos x20
4: Material Iroback x20
5: Material Iroarms x20
6: Material Irolegs x20
7: Material Neodit x5
8: Material Rubard
9: Pass Gear Requirement Assist +10% x3
Kifas Twin Machineguns
UIExtend.png11★ Ranged Weapon Lv 7
Kifas Back UnitRNG Def
UIExtend.pngBack Ranged DEF [PP] Lv 3
Kifas Leg UnitTEC Def
UIExtend.pngLeg Tech DEF [Element] Lv 3
Kifas Launcher
UIExtend.png11★ Ranged Weapon Lv 8
7 Jasper Rod
UIExtend.pngInter. Technique Wpn Lv 13
Witia DarkPA
UITechCraft.pngAbyssal Megid Recipe 1
Frosty Leg Unit
UITimed.pngLegs / Abandoned Mine 3
Lottie GunbladePA
UIPACraft.pngTri-Impact Zero
- 1: Material PA Fragment (Melee) x10
2: Material PA Fragment (Ranged) x10
3: Material PA Fragment (Tech) x10
4: Tool Photon Drop x5
5: Pass Lilliparium (XS)
6: Pass Lilliparium (S)
7: Pass Lilliparium (XS)
8: Pass Lilliparium (S)
Jasper Arm UnitTEC Def
UIExtend.pngArm Tech Defense Lv 5
Witia DarkPA
UITechCraft.pngAbyssal Samegid Recipe 2
Frosty Leg Unit
UITimed.pngLegs / Abandoned Mine Expl. 1
Katori Arm UnitTEC Def
UIExtend.pngArm Tech Defense Lv 9
8 Jasper Knuckles
UIExtend.pngInter. Melee Wpn Lv 13
Witia FirePA
UITechCraft.pngIntense Gifoie Recipe 1
Frosty Back Unit
UITimed.pngBack / Undrgrnd Shafts 3
Azanami KatanaPA
UIPACraft.pngVolcanic Carnation Zero
- 1: Material Neodit x3
2: Material Rubard x3
3: Material Neodit x3
4: Material Rubard x3
5: Pass Lilliparium (XS)
6: Pass Lilliparium (S)
7: Pass Lilliparium (XS)
8: Pass Lilliparium (S)
Jasper Leg UnitMEL Def
UIExtend.pngLeg Melee Defense Lv 5
Witia FirePA
UITechCraft.pngAbundant Shifta Recipe 2
Frosty Back Unit
UITimed.pngBack / Undrgrnd Shafts Expl. 1
Wright Back Unit
UITimed.pngBack / Ruins & Oceanids EX 2
9 Jasper Launcher
UIExtend.pngAdv. Ranged Weapon Lv 6
Witia IcePA
UITechCraft.pngGlacial Gibarta Recipe 1
Frosty Arm Unit
UITimed.pngArm / Desert 3
Risa RiflePA
UIPACraft.pngHoming Volley Zero
- 1: Material Naverius Crystal
2: Material Amduskia Crystal
3: Material Lillipa Crystal
4: Material Wopal Crystal
5: Material Harukotan Crystal
6: Tool Photon Drop x5
7: Pass Lilliparium (XS) x3
8: Pass Lilliparium (S)
Jasper Leg UnitRNG Def
UIExtend.pngLeg Ranged Defense Lv 5
Witia IcePA
UITechCraft.pngIntense Deband Recipe 2
Frosty Arm Unit
UITimed.pngArm / Desert Exploration 1
Azanami Katana
UIExtend.png10★ Melee Weapon Lv 9
10 Kifas FirePA
UITechCraft.pngPotent Ilfoie Recipe 2
Kifas DarkPA
UITechCraft.pngPotent Ilmegid Recipe 2
Kifas IcePA
UITechCraft.pngGlacial Ilbarta Recipe 3
Kifas WindPA
UITechCraft.pngIntense Ilzan Recipe 3
Kifas DarkPA
UITechCraft.pngAbyssal Ilmegid Recipe 3
1: Material PA Fragment (Technique) x20
2: Material PA Fragment (Technique) x20
3: Pass Lilliparium (XS) x3
4: Pass Lilliparium (S) x3
5: Pass Lilliparium (XS) x3
6: Pass Lilliparium (S) x3
7: Pass Lilliparium (S) x3
8: Pass Merit Value +10% x3
9: Pass Demerit Value -10% x3
Kifas LightPA
UITechCraft.pngSwift Ilgrants Recipe 2
Kifas FirePA
UITechCraft.pngIntense Ilfoie Recipe 3
Kifas LightningPA
UITechCraft.pngIntense Ilzonde Recipe 3
Kifas LightPA
UITechCraft.pngRadiant Ilgrants Recipe 3
Day 11-15
Day Requests Orders Completed: Reward
11 Jasper Talis
UIExtend.pngNovice Tech Weapon Lv 13
Witia LightningPA
UITechCraft.pngVoltaic Gizonde Recipe 1
Frosty Leg Unit
UITimed.pngLeg / Dragon Altar 3
Chroto Twin MachinegunsPA
UIPACraft.pngBullet Hail Zero
- 1: Material Ironia x10
2: Material Irodest x10
3: Material Irogrimo x10
4: Material Iroback x10
5: Material Iroarms x10
6: Material Irolegs x10
7: Pass Lilliparium (XS) x2
8: Pass Lillparium (S)
Jasper Leg UnitTEC Def
UIExtend.pngLeg Technique Defense Lv 5
Witia LightningPA
UITechCraft.pngVoltaic Zondeel Recipe 2
Frosty Leg Unit
UITimed.pngLeg / Dragon Altar Exploration 1
Melfonsina WindPA
UITechCraft.pngTurbulent Sazan Recipe 2
12 Jasper Gunblade
UIExtend.pngNovice Melee Weapon Lv 13
Witia WindPA
UITechCraft.pngTurbulent Gizan Recipe 1
Frosty Back Unit
UITimed.pngBack / Floating Continent 3
Io BowPA
UIPACraft.pngKickshot Combo Zero
- 1: Material PA Fragment (Melee) x10
2: Material PA Fragment (Ranged) x10
3: Material PA Fragment (Tech) x10
4: Tool Photon Drop x5
5: Pass Lilliparium (XS)
6: Pass Lilliparium (S)
7: Pass Lilliparium (XS)
8: Pass Lilliparium (S)
Jasper Back UnitMEL Def
UIExtend.pngBack Melee Defense Lv 8
Witia WindPA
UITechCraft.pngTurbulent Nazan Recipe 2
Frosty Back Unit
UITimed.pngBack / Floating Cont. EX 1
Marlu Leg UnitMEL Def
UIExtend.pngLeg Melee Defense Lv 9
13 Jasper Twin Machineguns
UIExtend.pngNovice Ranged Wpn Lv 13
Witia LightPA
UITechCraft.pngRadiant Gigrants Recipe 1
Frosty Arm Unit
UITimed.pngArms / Volcanic Caves 3
Oza SwordPA
UIPACraft.pngTwister Drop Zero
- 1: Material Neodit x3
2: Material Rubard x3
3: Material Neodit x3
4: Material Rubard x3
5: Pass Lilliparium (XS)
6: Pass Lilliparium (S)
7: Pass Lilliparium (XS)
8: Pass Lilliparium (S)
Jasper Back UnitRNG Def
UIExtend.pngBack Ranged Defense Lv 8
Witia LightPA
UITechCraft.pngIntense Anti Recipe 2
Frosty Arm Unit
UITimed.pngArms / Volcanic Caves Expl. 1
Aki Arm Unit
UITimed.pngArms / Forest and Dragon EX 2
14 Pati Double Saber
UIExtend.png11★ Melee Weapon Lv 7
Melfonsina Wand
UIExtend.png11★ Technique Weapon Lv 7
Saga FirePA
UITechCraft.pngScorching Foie Recipe 2
Wright LightningPA
UITechCraft.pngIntense Zonde Recipe 2
Aki Arm Unit
UITimed.pngArms / ARKS Fleet 1
1: Material PA Fragment (Melee) x20
2: Material PA Fragment (Ranged) x20
3: Material PA Fragment (Technique) x20
4: Pass Lilliparium (XS) x3
5: Pass Lilliparium (S) x3
6: Pass Lilliparium (XS) x3
7: Pass Lilliparium (S) x3
8: Pass Lilliparium (S) x3
9: Pass Lilliparium Full Charge
Risa Rifle
UIExtend.png11★ Ranged Weapon Lv 7
Fourie LauncherPA
UIPACraft.pngDivine Launcher Zero
Tia IcePA
UITechCraft.pngPotent Barta Recipe 2
Reda Back Unit
UITimed.pngBack / ARKS Fleet 1
15 Kifas Soaring Blades
UIExtend.png11★ Melee Weapon Lv 8
Kifas Jet Boots
UIExtend.png11★ Technique Weapon Lv 8
Kifas Arm UnitTEC Def
UIExtend.pngArm Tech DEF [Element] Lv 3
Kifas Back Unit
UITimed.pngBack / Naverius UL 2
Kifas Leg Unit
UITimed.pngLegs / Naverius UL 2
1: Pass Lilliparium (XS)
2: Pass Merit Value +20%
3: Pass Lilliparium (XS)
4: Pass Lilliparium (S) x2
5: Pass Gear Requirement Assist +20%
6: Pass Lilliparium (S) x2
7: Pass Custom Type 1 +20%
8: Pass Main Effect (Fixed)
9: Pass Lilliparium Full Charge
Kifas Bow
UIExtend.png11★ Ranged Weapon Lv 8
Kifas Back UnitMEL Def
UIExtend.pngBack Melee DEF [HP] Lv 3
Kifas Leg UnitRNG Def
UIExtend.pngLeg Ranged DEF [PP] Lv 3
Kifas Arm Unit
UITimed.pngArms / Lillipa UL 2
Day 16-20
Day Requests Orders Completed: Reward
16 Jasper Wand
UIExtend.pngNovice Tech Weapon Lv 5
Witia DarkPA
UITechCraft.pngIntense Gimegid Recipe 1
Frosty Leg Unit
UITimed.pngLegs / Ruins 3
Oza Wired LancePA
UIPACraft.pngCerberus Dance Zero
- 1: Material Naverius Crystal
2: Material Amduskia Crystal
3: Material Lillipa Crystal
4: Material Wopal Crystal
5: Material Harukotan Crystal
6: Tool Photon Drop x5
7: Pass Lilliparium (XS) x3
8: Pass Lilliparium (S)
Jasper Back UnitTEC Def
UIExtend.pngBack Tech Defense Lv 8
Witia DarkPA
UITechCraft.pngIntense Megiverse Recipe 2
Frosty Leg Unit
UITimed.pngLegs / Ruins Exploration 1
Risa Rifle
UIExtend.png10★ Ranged Weapon Lv 9
17 Jasper Daggers
UIExtend.pngNovice Melee Weapon Lv 5
Witia FirePA
UITechCraft.pngScorching Rafoie Recipe 1
Frosty Back Unit
UITimed.pngBack / Tundra 3
Oza PartisanPA
UIPACraft.pngImpact Rise Zero
- 1: Material Ironia x10
2: Material Irodest x10
3: Material Irogrimo x10
4: Material Iroback x10
5: Material Iroarms x10
6: Material Irolegs x10
7: Pass Lilliparium (XS) x2
8: Pass Lillparium (S)
Jasper Arm UnitMEL Def
UIExtend.pngArm Melee Defense Lv 8
Witia FirePA
UITechCraft.pngScorching Nafoie Recipe 2
Frosty Back Unit
UITimed.pngBack / Tundra Exploration 1
Saga FirePA
UITechCraft.pngIntense Shifta Recipe 2
18 Jasper Rifle
UIExtend.pngNovice Ranged Wpn Lv 5
Witia IcePA
UITechCraft.pngAbundant Rabarta Recipe 1
Frosty Arm Unit
UITimed.pngArms / Forest 3
Lavere DaggersPA
UIPACraft.pngWild Rhapsody Zero
- 1: Material PA Fragment (Melee) x10
2: Material PA Fragment (Ranged) x10
3: Material PA Fragment (Tech) x10
4: Tool Photon Drop x5
5: Pass Lilliparium (XS)
6: Pass Lilliparium (S)
7: Pass Lilliparium (XS)
8: Pass Lilliparium (S)
Jasper Arm UnitRNG Def
UIExtend.pngArm Ranged Defense Lv 8
Witia IcePA
UITechCraft.pngDire Nabarta Recipe 2
Frosty Arm Unit
UITimed.pngArms / Forest Exploration 1
Io Back UnitTEC Def
UIExtend.pngBack Tech Defense Lv 9
19 Kifas Back Unit
UITimed.pngBack / ARKS Fleet 2
Kifas Leg Unit
UITimed.pngLegs / ARKS Fleet 2
Kifas Back Unit
UITimed.pngBack / Lillipa UL 1
Kifas Arm Unit
UITimed.pngArms / Lillipa UL 1
Kifas Leg Unit
UITimed.pngLegs / Lillipa UL 1
1: Pass Lilliparium (XS) x3
2: Pass Lilliparium (S) x5
3: Material Naverius Crystal x2
4: Material Amduskia Crystal x2
5: Material Lillipa Crystal x2
6: Material Wopal Crystal x2
7: Material Harukotan Crystal x2
8: Pass Main Effect (Fixed)
9: Pass Effect Extension +7 Days
Kifas Arm Unit
UITimed.pngArms / ARKS Fleet 2
Kifas Back Unit
UITimed.pngBack / Naverius UL 1
Kifas Arm Unit
UITimed.pngArms / Naverius UL 1
Kifas Leg Unit
UITimed.pngLegs / Naverius UL 1
20 Jasper Talis
UIExtend.pngAdv. Technique Wpn Lv 9
Witia LightningPA
UITechCraft.pngVoltaic Razonde Recipe 1
Frosty Leg Unit
UITimed.pngLegs / Naverius AD 1
Pati Double SaberPA
UIPACraft.pngTornado Dance Zero
- 1: Material Neodit x3
2: Material Rubard x3
3: Material Neodit x3
4: Material Rubard x3
5: Pass Lilliparium (XS)
6: Pass Lilliparium (S)
7: Pass Lilliparium (XS)
8: Pass Lilliparium (S)
Jasper Arm UnitTEC Def
UIExtend.pngArm Tech Defense Lv 8
Witia LightningPA
UITechCraft.pngVoltaic Nazonde Recipe 2
Frosty Leg Unit
UITimed.pngLegs / Naverius AD 2
Jan Leg Unit
UITimed.pngLegs / Tundra and Automata EX 2
Day 21-25
Day Requests Orders Completed: Reward
21 Jasper Partisan
UIExtend.pngAdv. Melee Weapon Lv 9
Witia WindPA
UITechCraft.pngAbundant Razan Recipe 1
Frosty Back Unit
UITimed.pngBack / Amduskia AD 1
Joseph KnucklesPA
UIPACraft.pngSliding Uppercut Zero
- 1: Material Naverius Crystal
2: Material Amduskia Crystal
3: Material Lillipa Crystal
4: Material Wopal Crystal
5: Material Harukotan Crystal
6: Tool Photon Drop x5
7: Pass Lilliparium (XS) x3
8: Pass Lilliparium (S)
Jasper Leg UnitMEL Def
UIExtend.pngLeg Melee Defense Lv 8
Witia WindPA
UITechCraft.pngIntense Zanverse Recipe 1
Frosty Back Unit
UITimed.pngBack / Amduskia AD 2
Io Bow
UIExtend.png10★ Ranged Weapon Lv 9
22 Jasper Twin Machineguns
UIExtend.pngAdv. Ranged Weapon Lv 9
Witia LightPA
UITechCraft.pngRadiant Ragrants Recipe 1
Frosty Arm Unit
UITimed.pngArms / Lillipa AD 1
Azanami KatanaPA
UIPACraft.pngVolcanic Carnation Zero
- 1: Material Ironia x10
2: Material Irodest x10
3: Material Irogrimo x10
4: Material Iroback x10
5: Material Iroarms x10
6: Material Irolegs x10
7: Pass Lilliparium (XS) x2
8: Pass Lillparium (S)
Jasper Leg UnitRNG Def
UIExtend.pngLeg Ranged Defense Lv 8
Witia LightPA
UITechCraft.pngAbundant Nagrants Recipe 2
Frosty Arm Unit
UITimed.pngArms / Lillipa AD 2
Marlu LightPA
UITechCraft.pngPotent Anti Recipe 2
23 Jasper Rod
UIExtend.pngAdv. Technique Weapon Lv 9
Witia DarkPA
UITechCraft.pngIntense Ramegid Recipe 1
Frosty Leg Unit
UITimed.pngLeg / Wopal AD 2
Risa RiflePA
UIPACraft.pngHoming Volley Zero
- 1: Material PA Fragment (Melee) x10
2: Material PA Fragment (Ranged) x10
3: Material PA Fragment (Tech) x10
4: Tool Photon Drop x5
5: Pass Lilliparium (XS)
6: Pass Lilliparium (S)
7: Pass Lilliparium (XS)
8: Pass Lilliparium (S)
Jasper Leg UnitTEC Def
UIExtend.pngLeg Tech Defense Lv 8
Witia DarkPA
UITechCraft.pngAbyssal Namegid Recipe 2
Frosty Leg Unit
UITimed.pngLeg / Wopal AD 3
Katori Arm UnitMEL Def
UIExtend.pngArm Melee Defense Lv 9
24 Jasper Wired Lance
UIExtend.pngAdv. Melee Weapon Lv 6
Witia FirePA
UITechCraft.pngPotent Ilfoie Recipe 1
Frosty Back Unit
UITimed.pngBack / Tundra and Automata EX 1
Fourie LauncherPA
UIPACraft.pngDivine Launcher Zero
- 1: Material Neodit x3
2: Material Rubard x3
3: Material Neodit x3
4: Material Rubard x3
5: Pass Lilliparium (XS)
6: Pass Lilliparium (S)
7: Pass Lilliparium (XS)
8: Pass Lilliparium (S)
Jasper Back UnitMEL Def
UIExtend.pngBack Melee Defense Lv 5
Witia FirePA
UITechCraft.pngPotent Foie Recipe 3
Frosty Back Unit
UITimed.pngBack / Tundra and Automata EX 2
Reda Leg Unit
UITimed.pngLegs / Naverius AD 2
25 Saga Back UnitTEC Def
UIExtend.pngBack Tech Defense Lv 8
Risa Leg UnitRNG Def
UIExtend.pngLeg Ranged Defense Lv 8
Melfonsina WindPA
UITechCraft.pngIntense Zan Recipe 2
Barbara DarkPA
UITechCraft.pngAbyssal Megid Recipe 2
Jan Arm Unit
UITimed.pngArms / ARKS Fleet 1
1: Material PA Fragment (Melee) x20
2: Material PA Fragment (Ranged) x20
3: Material PA Fragment (Technique) x20
4: Pass Lilliparium (XS) x3
5: Pass Lilliparium (S) x3
6: Pass Lilliparium (XS) x3
7: Pass Lilliparium (S) x3
8: Pass Lilliparium (S) x3
9: Pass Lilliparium Full Charge
Azanami Arm UnitMEL Def
UIExtend.pngArm Melee Defense Lv 8
Io BowPA
UIPACraft.pngKickshot Combo Zero
Marlu LightPA
UITechCraft.pngPotent Grants Recipe 2
Wright Leg Unit
UITimed.pngLegs / ARKS Fleet 1
Day 26-31
Day Requests Orders Completed: Reward
26 Jasper Launcher
UIExtend.pngNovice Ranged Wpn Lv 17
Witia IcePA
UITechCraft.pngIntense Ilbarta Recipe 1
Frosty Arm Unit
UITimed.pngArms / EP1 Story 1
Chroto Twin MachinegunsPA
UIPACraft.pngBullet Hail Zero
- 1: Material Naverius Crystal
2: Material Amduskia Crystal
3: Material Lillipa Crystal
4: Material Wopal Crystal
5: Material Harukotan Crystal
6: Tool Photon Drop x5
7: Pass Lilliparium (XS) x3
8: Pass Lilliparium (S)
Jasper Back UnitRNG Def
UIExtend.pngBack Ranged Defense Lv 5
Witia IcePA
UITechCraft.pngGlacial Barta Recipe 3
Frosty Arm Unit
UITimed.pngArms / EP1 Story 2
Melfonsina Rod
UIExtend.png10★ Technique Wpn Lv 9
27 Jasper Jet Boots
UIExtend.pngNovice Tech Weapon Lv 17
Witia LightningPA
UITechCraft.pngVoltaic Ilzonde Recipe 1
Frosty Leg Unit
UITimed.pngLegs / EP2 Story 1
Io BowPA
UIPACraft.pngKickshot Combo Zero
- 1: Material Ironia x10
2: Material Irodest x10
3: Material Irogrimo x10
4: Material Iroback x10
5: Material Iroarms x10
6: Material Irolegs x10
7: Pass Lilliparium (XS) x2
8: Pass Lillparium (S)
Jasper Back UnitTEC Def
UIExtend.pngBack Tech Defense Lv 5
Witia LightningPA
UITechCraft.pngPotent Zonde Recipe 3
Frosty Leg Unit
UITimed.pngLegs / EP2 Story 2
Barbara DarkPA
UITechCraft.pngVast Namegid Recipe 2
28 Jasper Sword
UIExtend.pngNovice Melee Weapon Lv 17
Witia WindPA
UITechCraft.pngVast Ilzan Recipe 1
Frosty Back Unit
UITimed.pngBack / EP3 Story 1
Oza SwordPA
UIPACraft.pngTwister Drop Zero
- 1: Material PA Fragment (Melee) x10
2: Material PA Fragment (Ranged) x10
3: Material PA Fragment (Tech) x10
4: Tool Photon Drop x5
5: Pass Lilliparium (XS)
6: Pass Lilliparium (S)
7: Pass Lilliparium (XS)
8: Pass Lilliparium (S)
Jasper Arm UnitMEL Def
UIExtend.pngArm Melee Defense Lv 5
Witia WindPA
UITechCraft.pngTurbulent Zan Recipe 3
Frosty Back Unit
UITimed.pngBack / EP3 Story 2
Fourie Leg UnitRNG Def
UIExtend.pngArm Melee Defense Lv 9
29 Jasper Launcher
UIExtend.pngInter. Ranged Weapon Lv 13
Witia LightPA
UITechCraft.pngSwift Ilgrants Recipe 1
Frosty Arm Unit
UITimed.pngArms / Tundra and Automata EX 1
Chroto Twin MachinegunsPA
UIPACraft.pngBullet Hail Zero
- 1: Material Neodit x3
2: Material Rubard x3
3: Material Neodit x3
4: Material Rubard x3
5: Pass Lilliparium (XS)
6: Pass Lilliparium (S)
7: Pass Lilliparium (XS)
8: Pass Lilliparium (S)
Jasper Arm UnitRNG Def
UIExtend.pngArm Ranged Defense Lv 5
Witia LightPA
UITechCraft.pngRadiant Grants Recipe 3
Frosty Arm Unit
UITimed.pngArms / Tundra and Automata EX 2
Katori Soaring Blades
UIExtend.png10★ Melee Weapon Lv 9
30 Kifas Wired LancePA
UIPACraft.pngCerberus Dance Zero
Kifas DaggersPA
UIPACraft.pngWild Rhapsody Zero
Kifas KnucklesPA
UIPACraft.pngSliding Uppercut Zero
Kifas KatanaPA
UIPACraft.pngVolcanic Carnation Zero
Kifas LauncherPA
UIPACraft.pngDivine Launcher Zero
1: Material PA Fragment (Melee) x20
2: Material PA Fragment (Ranged) x20
3: Pass Lilliparium (XS) x3
4: Pass Lilliparium (S) x3
5: Pass Lilliparium (XS) x3
6: Pass Lilliparium (S) x3
7: Pass Lilliparium (S) x3
8: Pass Custom Type 1 +10% x3
9: Pass Custom Type 2 +10% x3
Kifas PartisanPA
UIPACraft.pngImpact Rise Zero
Kifas Double SaberPA
UIPACraft.pngTornado Dance Zero
Kifas GunbladePA
UIPACraft.pngTri-Impact Zero
Kifas RiflePA
UIPACraft.pngHoming Volley Zero
31 Kifas Partisan
UIExtend.png11★ Melee Weapon Lv 8
Kifas Wand
UIExtend.png11★ Technique Wpn Lv 8
Kifas Arm UnitMEL Def
UIExtend.pngArm Melee DEF [HP] Lv 8
Kifas Back Unit
UITimed.pngBack / Lillipa UL 2
Kifas Leg Unit
UITimed.pngLegs / Lillipa UL 2
1: Pass Lilliparium (XS)
2: Pass Merit Value +30%
3: Pass Lilliparium (XS)
4: Pass Lilliparium (S) x2
5: Pass Gear Requirement Assist +30%
6: Pass Lilliparium (S) x2
7: Pass Custom Type 1 +30%
8: Pass Effect Extension +7 Days
9: Pass Lilliparium Full Charge
Kifas Rifle
UIExtend.png11★ Ranged Weapon Lv 8
Kifas Back UnitTEC Def
UIExtend.pngBack Tech DEF [Element] Lv 8
Kifas Leg UnitRNG Def
UIExtend.pngLegs Ranged DEF [PP] Lv 8
Kifas Arm Unit
UITimed.pngArms / Naverius UL 2