Battle Arena

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The Battle Arena is Phantasy Star Online 2's Player versus Player (PvP) area. It is hosted on a Universal Ship, where players from all Ships can enter with certain temporary restrictions applied to their character. To access the Battle Arena, a player must enter a Block Transporter, and select the Universal Ship Battle Lobby.

Emblem Scramble

Emblem Scramble is the main game mode in the Battle Arena. Two teams of six form Red Union and Blue Union, with each team seeking to collect more points than other by collecting coloured emblems on the field and stealing points by eliminating enemy players. Players can mine weapons from Weapon Points (visually like Gathering Points), granting them a Battle Weapon. At two differing intervals, the weapons in the Weapon Points will be updated to have better stats. After five minutes have passed, the team with the most points wins.


All players use the same class, the Battle Warrior Battle Warrior. During Emblem Scramble, Battle Warriors are set to level 30 with 300 HP and 100 PP, regardless of chosen race. Most weapons have an affix that grants an HP boost based on the weapon.

Players are not able to double-jump (unless they use the Jet Boots).

When a Battle Warrior is defeated, they quickly respawn and do not need to be revived by a Moon Atomizer.


For a general list of basic strategies, see Strategy.


By mining from a Weapon Point, the player will obtain a random weapon, with the power varying based on the current weapon update level. Should more than one player attempt to mine the same Weapon Point, the game will grant the weapon to the one who completes the mining animation first and will cancel the attempt for the other players. Weapon Points automatically update to give Level 2 weapons at 3:20 remaining and do another update to Level 3 weapons at 1:20 remaining. If the player mines while the weapon updates mid-animation, the player will be granted the newly updated weapons. Held weapons do not upgrade during a Weapon Update.

Obtaining a weapon automatically adjusts your Weapon Palette to match the current weapon and it's chosen Photon Art/Technique. Weapon Actions are also added to the palette when applicable. These Photon Arts/Techniques have been adjusted for use in the Battle Arena, with some actions having unique functionality not seen outside of the Battle Arena.

Like Challenge Quests, weapons obtained during a match are not conserved between matches and cannot be brought back to the player's inventory.

Image Name Power Affixes Photon Arts / Techniques
UIItemSword.png Battle Sword Level 1: MEL 100
Level 2: MEL 120
Level 3: MEL 150
Level 1: Affix Battle Sword I
Level 2: Affix Battle Sword II
Level 3: Affix Battle Sword III
UIPARisingEdge.png Rising Edge (Battle Arena)
UIPANovaStrike.png Nova Strike (Battle Arena)
UIPARideSlash.png Ride Slash (Battle Arena)
UIItemPartisan.png Battle Partisan Level 1: MEL 100
Level 2: MEL 120
Level 3: MEL 150
Level 1: Affix Battle Partisan I
Level 2: Affix Battle Partisan II
Level 3: Affix Battle Partisan III
UIPAAssaultBuster.png Assault Buster (Battle Arena)
UIItemTwinDaggers.png Battle Twin Daggers Level 1: MEL 100
Level 2: MEL 120
Level 3: MEL 150
Level 1: Affix Battle Daggers I
Level 2: Affix Battle Daggers II
Level 3: Affix Battle Daggers III
UIPASymphonicDriver.png Symphonic Driver (Battle Arena)
UIItemKnuckles.png Battle Knuckles Level 1: MEL 100
Level 2: MEL 120
Level 3: MEL 150
Level 1: Affix Battle Knuckles I
Level 2: Affix Battle Knuckles II
Level 3: Affix Battle Knuckles III
UIPAAdvancingCharge.png Advancing Charge (Battle Arena)
UIItemSoaringBlades.png Battle Soaring Blades Level 1: MEL 100
Level 2: MEL 120
Level 3: MEL 150
Level 1: Affix Battle Blade I
Level 2: Affix Battle Blade II
Level 3: Affix Battle Blade III
UIPAImmortalDove.png Immortal Dove (Battle Arena)
UIItemRifle.png Battle Rifle Level 1: RNG 80
Level 2: RNG 100
Level 3: RNG 120
Level 1: Affix Battle Rifle I
Level 2: Affix Battle Rifle II
Level 3: Affix Battle Rifle III
UIPAPiercingRound.png Piercing Round (Battle Arena)
UIPASteadyShot.png Steady Shot (Battle Arena)
UIPAPositronBlast.png Positron Blast (Battle Arena)
UIItemTwinMachineGuns.png Battle Machine Guns Level 1: RNG 80
Level 2: RNG 100
Level 3: RNG 120
Level 1: Affix Battle Machine Guns I
Level 2: Affix Battle Machine Guns II
Level 3: Affix Battle Machine Guns III
UIPASatelliteAim.png Satellite Aim (Battle Arena)
UIItemPhotonBow.png Battle Bow Level 1: RNG 80
Level 2: RNG 100
Level 3: RNG 120
Level 1: Affix Battle Bow I
Level 2: Affix Battle Bow II
Level 3: Affix Battle Bow III
UIPAFinalNemesis.png Final Nemesis (Battle Arena)
UIItemRod.png Battle Rod Level 1: TEC 100
Level 2: TEC 120
Level 3: TEC 150
Level 1: Affix Battle Rod I
Level 2: Affix Battle Rod II
Level 3: Affix Battle Rod III
UITechFoie.png Foie (Battle Arena)
UITechZonde.png Zonde (Battle Arena)
UITechMegid.png Megid (Battle Arena)
UIItemTalis.png Battle Talis Level 1: TEC 100
Level 2: TEC 120
Level 3: TEC 150
Level 1: Affix Battle Talis I
Level 2: Affix Battle Talis II
Level 3: Affix Battle Talis III
UITechNagrants.png Nagrants (Battle Arena)
UIItemJetBoots.png Battle Jet Boots Level 1: TEC 100
Level 2: TEC 120
Level 3: TEC 150
Level 1: Affix Battle Boots I
Level 2: Affix Battle Boots II
Level 3: Affix Battle Boots III
UIPAStrikeGust.png Strike Gust (Battle Arena)
UIPAGrandWave.png Grand Wave (Battle Arena)

Weapon appearances change based on their Level, with the Level 3 weapons using the Battle camos from the Battle Coin Barterer.


When doing a ranked match, the matchmaker will select one out of five stages at random for the match. Each stage has their own limited selection of the weapons above, making the other weapons inaccessible on that map, as well as a Photon Art/Technique selection for weapons with more than one Photon Art/Technique.

Certain maps have hazards that always occur after each weapon update.

Image Name Weapon Selection Hazards
??? VR Forest Sword Sword
Rifle Rifle
RodFireLightning Rod
Jet Boots Jet Boots
??? VR Forest (Rain) Partisan Partisan
Twin Machineguns Twin Machine Guns
Bow Bow
Talis Talis
Jet Boots Jet Boots
Lightning: After a Weapon Update, channels a lightning bolt that tracks the top two players with a warning siren. After the warning siren ends, the lightning area of effect ceases to follow the players, and channels a lightning bolt that kills any player caught within the area when it strikes.

Water Stream: From spawn point, to the player's left resides a stream of fast water that'll move players going with the flow faster, and significantly slow down players going against the flow.
??? VR Volcano Daggers Twin Daggers
Knuckles Knuckles
Soaring Blades Soaring Blades
Twin Machineguns Twin Machine Guns
Talis Talis
Lava: Instantly kills any player who touches it. Does not kill after the match is over.

Rising Lava Level: After a Weapon Update, a warning siren alerts to rising lava. After the siren ends, the lava rises by one stage, and any player positioned in an area that the lava will reach will be given a personal danger indicator. The rising lava will rise twice per match.

Rising Platform: In front of each team's spawn point, a platform attached to a central pillar will rise accordingly to the lava level.

??? VR Volcano (Night) Sword Sword
Soaring Blades Soaring Blades
Rifle Rifle
RodFireLightningDark Rod
Lava: Instantly kills any player who touches it. Does not kill after the match is over.

Rising Lava Level: After a Weapon Update, a warning siren alerts to rising lava. After the siren ends, the lava rises by one stage, and any player positioned in an area that the lava will reach will be given a personal danger indicator. The rising lava will rise twice per match.

Rising Platform: In front of each team's spawn point, a platform attached to a central pillar will rise accordingly to the lava level.

??? VR Tokyo Sword Sword
Rifle Rifle
Bow Bow
Talis Talis


At the start of a match, players are each given a randomly selected pool of three skills, where they can choose one of them to use from their Sub-Palette. Should the player not choose their skill before the match countdown appears, the game will automatically select their skill.

Image Name Description Properties
??? Cure Fully restores your HP and heals any status ailments. Number of Uses: 4
??? Casting Frenzy Sets your PP consumption to 1 and reduces Max HP when active. Number of Uses: 2
Max HP: 75%
??? Sprint Increases your movement speed when active. Number of Uses: 4
??? Protect Fully restores your HP, reduces damage taken, and provides resistance to status ailments. Number of Uses: 1
Reduction Rate: 70%
??? Stun Shot Launches a guided missile that stuns opponents. Number of Uses: 3

Points and Emblems

Collecting emblems is the main goal of Emblem Scramble. Each player begins the match by holding 300 Points, but an uneven team size before the match begins will award each player of the handicapped team a few more Points at the start of the match. Collecting an emblem grants that emblem's value in Points to the points of the player who collected it.

Emblems come in three forms.

  • Ally: Grants 1 Point but placed in proximity to the player's team spawn. The colour matches the player's team colour.
  • Enemy: Grants 5 Points, and act as an Ally Emblem for the player's opponents. The colour matches the player's opponent team colour.
  • Rainbow: Grants 10 Points, located at the centre of the map or at equal distance from both teams.

When a player is defeated their Points count is reduced by 10% (always rounded down). If they were defeated by an opponent, that opponent is granted an equal amount. If they were eliminated by an environmental hazard (such as Lightning or Lava), the Points are split evenly between the opposing team's members.

Emblem Fever

On rare occasions when a team has a significant point difference from their opponents, there is a small chance that Emblem Fever will occur. All standard positions for the Emblems are temporarily removed, and a group of faster respawning Rainbow Emblems are positioned closer to the losing team, forcing the winning team to move further within the losing team's territory.

After Emblem Fever ends, the remaining fast respawning Rainbow Emblems are removed, and the map's standard Emblem layout is restored.

Ranking & Arena Points

There are 26 ranks between Legendary and D5; all new accounts start at D5. Rank is decided by how many Arena Points (ARP) the account has.

Irrespective of team member ranking or team size, all victories in ranked matchmaking award 20 ARP. All defeats in ranked matchmaking reduce ARP depending only on the rank of the player at the start of the match. After every match rank is updated immediately if the new ARP total passes a threshold to rise or fall a rank.

S - Legendary Rank Range
Rank ARP ARP per Win ARP per Loss BC per Win BC per Loss
Legendary 2,000 +20 -20 +80 +64
S1 1,840 +20 -15 +80 +64
S2 1,680
S3 1,520
S4 1,360
S5 1,200
A Rank Range
Rank ARP ARP per Win ARP per Loss BC per Win BC per Loss
A1 1,100 +20 -10 +70 +56
A2 1,000
A3 900
A4 800
A5 700
B Rank Range
Rank ARP ARP per Win ARP per Loss BC per Win BC per Loss
B1 620 +20 -6 +60 +48
B2 540
B3 460
B4 380
B5 300
C Rank Range
Rank ARP ARP per Win ARP per Loss BC per Win BC per Loss
C1 260 +20 -5 +50 +40
C2 220
C3 180
C4 140
C5 100
D Rank Range
Rank ARP ARP per Win ARP per Loss BC per Win BC per Loss
D1 80 +20 -0 +40 +32
D2 60
D3 40
D4 20
D5 0

Monthly Ranking Rewards

On the first day of every month, a player's Battle Arena rank (and if Legendary, their ranking position decided by ARP) decides monthly rewards they receive, which can be collected from Mimi in the Gate Area.*
* Note: If you do not collect your rewards before a new month starts, the rewards for the previous month will be gone.

After this distribution, the player's rank is reduced by one tier and their ARP is set to the base amount for that tier. For instance, a player that has 1620 ARP at the time of the monthly reset would be receive rewards for their S3 rank and then be lowered to S4 with their ARP set to 1360.

Rank Reward
Legendary: 1st Ticket SG 1000 Ticket x 2
Legendary: 2nd - 5th Ticket SG 1000 Ticket
Ticket SG 200 Ticket x 3
Legendary: 6th - 10th Ticket SG 1000 Ticket
Ticket SG 200 Ticket x 2
Legendary: 11th - 20th Ticket SG 1000 Ticket
Legendary: 21st - 100th Ticket SG 200 Ticket x 3
Legendary: 101st and below Ticket SG 200 Ticket x 2
S5 - S1 Ticket SG 200 Ticket
A5 - A1 Ticket SG 100 Ticket
B5 - B1 Ticket SG 20 Ticket x 4
C5 - C1 Ticket SG 20 Ticket x 2

Battle Coins

At the end of every ranked match, each player is given Battle Coins BC based on performance, regardless of match outcome. Obtaining a Battle Coin Boost from a previous end of match Scratch Card will boost the battle coins obtained by the amount listed.
Picking several Battle Coin Boosts from one Scratch Card allows them to be stacked up to a maximum possible of +350%.

By performing better, players are awarded MVP statuses which in turn award additional BC. MVP Statuses include:

MVP Requirement Reward
MVP for Most Kills 30 BC
MVP for Most Damage Dealt 30 BC
MVP for Most Emblems Acquired 30 BC
MVP for Least Deaths 10 BC

In addition, there are also Battle Achievements, giving each player additional BC. These include:

Weapon-Related Achievements Reward
Killed the most with a single Weapon Type 3 BC
Died the most by a single Weapon Type 3 BC
Kills Reward
0-2 0 BC
3-5 1 BC
6-10 2 BC
11-15 3 BC per kill
Consecutive Kills Before Dying Reward
2-4 1 BC
5-7 2 BC per kill
8-11 3 BC per kill
Enemy Team Emblems Obtained Reward
10 0 BC
20 1 BC
30 1 BC
40 2 BC
50 2 BC
60 3 BC
Rainbow Emblems Obtained Reward
10 0 BC
20 1 BC
30 1 BC
40 2 BC
50 2 BC
60 3 BC
70 3 BC

Scratch Card

At the end of each ranked match, players open a special Battle Arena Scratch Card.

There are three unique prizes per card, each prize being listed at the top of the card. The player can spend 10 Star Gems to open another prize from the same card, and it can be repeated until all prizes have been redeemed from the scratch card.

Except for always non-tradable consumables and Battle Coin Boosters, all items can be traded on the Player Shops.

Jilad/Jhirad Camos Warrior Camos Other Camos Other Items
Weapon CamoSword * Jilad Zalba

Weapon CamoWired Lance * Jhirad Maidei
Weapon CamoPartisan * Jilad Mixa
Weapon CamoDaggers * Jilad Butcher
Weapon CamoDouble Saber * Jhirad Guillo
Weapon CamoKnuckles * Jilad Zahal
Weapon CamoKatana * Jilad Kobe
Weapon CamoSoaring Blades * Jilad Zorau
Weapon CamoGunblade * Jilad Assan
Weapon CamoRifle * Jilad Gatur
Weapon CamoLauncher * Jilad Volse
Weapon CamoTwin Machineguns * Jilad Gredd
Weapon CamoBow * Jilad Zeke
Weapon CamoRod * Jilad Talon
Weapon CamoTalis * Jilad Veris
Weapon CamoWand * Jhirad Meteo
Weapon CamoJet Boots * Jilad Zarul

Weapon CamoSword * Warrior Sword

Weapon CamoWired Lance * Warrior Lance
Weapon CamoPartisan * Warrior Partisan
Weapon CamoDaggers * Warrior Twin Daggers
Weapon CamoDouble Saber * Warrior Double Saber
Weapon CamoKnuckles * Warrior Knuckles
Weapon CamoKatana * Warrior Katana
Weapon CamoSoaring Blades * Warrior Soaring Blades
Weapon CamoGunblade * Warrior Gunblade
Weapon CamoRifle * Warrior Rifle
Weapon CamoLauncher * Warrior Launcher
Weapon CamoTwin Machineguns * Warrior Machine Guns
Weapon CamoBow * Warrior Bow
Weapon CamoRod * Warrior Rod
Weapon CamoTalis * Warrior Talis
Weapon CamoWand * Warrior Wand
Weapon CamoJet Boots * Warrior Boots

Weapon CamoSword * Coated Edge

Weapon CamoDouble Saber * Coated Doubliss
Weapon CamoRifle * Villain Double-Action Rifle
Weapon CamoKatanaWandHarmonizer * Alchemic Genesis

Boost Battle Coin +50%

Boost Battle Coin +100%
Boost Battle Coin +200%
Ticket EXP 3000 Ticket
Material Casino Coin Pass
Material Izane Crystal
Pass Enhance Cap +1
Pass Custom Type 1 +60%
Pass Custom Type 2 +60%
Pass Merit Value +60%
Pass Demerit Value +60%
Tool Good Pickaxe
Tool Good Fishing Rod
Mag Device Mini-Anga
Tool Lambda Grinder