ExpandLimited Prize Medal Exchange
Oblisana Wucht+30
Gold Prize Medal x100
Mastery IV
Stamina III
Spirit III
Mutation I
Oblisana Fersa+30
Gold Prize Medal x100
Mastery IV
Stamina III
Spirit III
Mutation I
Oblisana Walze+30
Gold Prize Medal x100
Mastery IV
Stamina III
Spirit III
Mutation I
Orgei Malice+30
Gold Prize Medal x100
Mastery IV
Stamina III
Spirit III
Mutation I
Orgei Rancor+30
Gold Prize Medal x100
Mastery IV
Stamina III
Spirit III
Mutation I
Accure Charis+30
Gold Prize Medal x100
Mastery IV
Stamina III
Spirit III
Mutation I
Ultimate Chain+30
Gold Prize Medal x100
Mastery IV
Stamina III
Spirit III
Mutation I
Rengokuto Guren+30
Gold Prize Medal x100
Mastery IV
Stamina III
Spirit III
Mutation I
Back / Orgei Grudge
Gold Prize Medal x300
Alles Di Soul
Mastery III
Stamina III
Spirit III
S6 Add:Heroic Howl
Gold Prize Medal x300
Material for conferring an ability during Augment Synthesis. Use this to confer "S6:Heroic Howl".
Enhances the effect of Heroic Boost's damage bonus accumulation rate. Does not work with the "Heroic Anthem" Potential.
S6 Add:Soaring Heavendance
Gold Prize Medal x300
Material for conferring an ability during Augment Synthesis. Use this to confer "S6:Soaring Heavendance".
Bouncer Weapon Focus fills while airborne. No effect if using weapon with "Sacred Bird Guidance" Potential.
S6 Add:Soul Protection
Gold Prize Medal x300
Material for conferring an ability during Augment Synthesis. Use this to confer "S6:Soul Protection".
Hunter Weapon Gear and Katana Gear fills while Guarding. No effect if using weapon with "Galeblade" Potential.
S6 Add:Dodging Whistle
Gold Prize Medal x300
Material for conferring an ability during Augment Synthesis. Use this to confer "S6:Dodging Whistle"
Dodging will cause your Pet to return back to you.
S6 Add:Evernight Star
Gold Prize Medal x300
Material for conferring an ability during Augment Synthesis. Use this to confer "S6:Evernight Star".
Reduce Étoile Boost's decay per second by 50%.
S6 Add:Overflowing Life V
Gold Prize Medal x300
Material for conferring an ability during Augment Synthesis. Use this to confer "S6:Overflowing Life V".
Increases maximum HP by 50% while Overload is active.
S6 Add:Miraculous Encore
Gold Prize Medal x300
Material for conferring an ability during Augment Synthesis. Use this to confer "S6:Miraculous Encore".
Reduce aggro generation while Showtime is active. If the user is attacked while Showtime is active, reduce damage taken and retain One More Time once per Showtime.
S7 Add:Empathic Communion
Gold Prize Medal x300
Material for conferring an ability during Augment Synthesis. Use this to confer "S7:Empathic Communion".
Automatically answers Sympathy requests during Alter Ego. No effect if using weapon with "Sinister Stare" Potential.
Triboost 100%
Silver Prize Medals x5
Boost item that boosts Rare Drop Rate, Meseta, and EXP by 100%. Lasts 30 minutes.
Meteorite Crystal
Silver Prize Medals x2
Material for installing Timed Abilities. Discovered in the Armada War Zone.
514 "Victory Pose 3"
Silver Prize Medal x50
Unlocks the new lobby action "Victory Pose 3".
555 "Victory Pose 4"
Silver Prize Medal x50
Unlocks the new lobby action "Victory Pose 4".
S6 Add:Guardian Shield
Silver Prize Medal x40
Material for conferring an ability during Augment Synthesis. Use this to confer "S6:Guardian Shield".
Reduces damage taken by 7%.
S7 Add:Fortified Melee
Silver Prize Medal x40
Material for conferring an ability during Augment Synthesis. Use this to confer "S7:Fortified Melee".
Increases MEL Pwr by 30
S7 Add:Fortified Ranged
Silver Prize Medal x40
Material for conferring an ability during Augment Synthesis. Use this to confer "S7:Fortified Ranged".
Increases RNG Pwr by 30
S7 Add:Fortified Techniq
Silver Prize Medal x40
Material for conferring an ability during Augment Synthesis. Use this to confer "S7:Fortified Technique".
Increases TEC Pwr by 30
S8 Add:Fortified Life Vssl
Silver Prize Medal x40
Material for conferring an ability during Augment Synthesis. Use this to confer "S8:Fortified Life Vessel".
Increases HP by 40
S8 Add:Fortified Lucnt Vssl
Silver Prize Medal x40
Material for conferring an ability during Augment Synthesis. Use this to confer "S8:Fortified Photon Vessel".
Increases PP by 4
Exquisite Stuffed Parfait
Silver Prize Medal x35
A Candy for your pet. Boosts pet damage by 8% when PP is above a certain level. Alter Ego PP usage is reduced by 10%.
Exquisite Vigorous Parfait
Silver Prize Medal x35
A Candy for your pet. Increase damage (4%) when your Pet kills an enemy (20% MAX, resets upon switching Pets). Recover 33% HP when your Pet defeats an enemy.
Light & Dark Parfait
Silver Prize Medal x10
A Candy for your pet. Increase Power (7%) and restore HP equal to 1% (Max: 50 HP) of damage dealt when attacking if the enemy's elemental weakness is Light, Dark, or matches your Pet's Element.
Fire & Ice Parfait
Silver Prize Medal x10
A Candy for your pet. Increase Power (7%) and restore HP equal to 1% (Max: 50 HP) of damage dealt when attacking if the enemy's elemental weakness is Fire, Ice, or matches your Pet's Element.
Wind & Lightning Parfait
Silver Prize Medal x10
A Candy for your pet. Increase Power (7%) and restore HP equal to 1% (Max: 50 HP) of damage dealt when attacking if the enemy's elemental weakness is Wind, Lightning, or matches your Pet's Element.
Lambda Grinder
Silver Prize Medal x3
Material used to improve equipment. The performance of equipment can be pushed beyond its limit. Used for enhancing to rarity weapons, and Skill Rings of grind level +10 or higher.
Silver Prize Medal x1
Material used to improve equipment. The performance of equipment can be pushed beyond its limit.
Silver Prize Medal x1
A catalyst material required for elemental enhancement. Used as a synthesis catalyst when synthesizing weapons for elemental enhancement. Used as currency in the Pet Goods Shop.