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Weapon Enhancing


Enhancing a weapon can be done through the Item Lab in the Shopping plaza. Every weapon you use to enhance another weapon will cost you one grinder. For weapons 13+ you will need one Lambda Grinder per weapon used.
Enhancement will stop at certain points to make the player unlock the Potential / level up the Potential before enhancing further. This occurs at +10, +20, and +30.
Enhancing Weapons will not risk any failure.
Every enhancement level correlates to a 1% increase to the Weapon's base stats up to +35% at +35 (excluding Augments).

Enhance Value EXP Required
123 456 789 10 11 12 13 14 15
0 → +1 5 5 20 30 50 80 160 176 192
+1 → +2 5 5 20 30 50 80 160 176 192
+2 → +3 5 10 20 30 50 80 160 176 192
+3 → +4 5 10 20 30 50 80 160 176 192
+4 → +5 2 5 20 40 50 80 200 220 240
+5 → +6 2 5 20 40 50 100 200 220 240
+6 → +7 5 10 25 40 50 100 200 220 240
+7 → +8 5 10 25 40 75 100 240 264 288
+8 → +9 8 10 25 50 75 100 240 264 288
+9 → +10 8 10 25 50 75 100 240 264 288
Total (0 → +10) 50 80 220 360 575 900 1,960 2,156 2,352
+10 → +11 10 10 25 50 75 140 280 308 336
+11 → +12 10 10 25 50 75 140 280 308 336
+12 → +13 10 10 25 50 75 140 280 308 336
+13 → +14 10 15 25 50 100 140 320 352 384
+14 → +15 10 15 30 60 100 140 320 352 384
+15 → +16 10 15 30 60 100 180 320 352 384
+16 → +17 10 15 30 60 100 180 360 396 432
+17 → +18 10 15 30 80 100 180 360 396 432
+18 → +19 10 20 30 80 100 180 360 396 432
+19 → +20 10 20 30 80 100 180 360 396 432
Total (+10 → +20) 100 145 280 620 925 1,600 3,240 3,564 3,888
+20 → +21 15 20 40 100 120 210 360 396 432
+21→ +22 15 20 40 100 120 210 360 396 432
+22 → +23 15 20 40 100 120 210 400 440 480
+23 → +24 15 20 40 100 120 210 400 440 480
+24 → +25 15 20 40 100 120 210 400 440 480
+25 → +26 15 25 60 100 120 210 400 440 480
+26 → +27 15 25 60 100 120 210 420 462 504
+27 → +28 15 25 60 100 120 210 420 462 504
+28 → +29 15 25 60 100 120 210 420 462 504
+29 → +30 15 25 60 100 120 210 420 462 504
Total (+20 → +30) 150 225 500 1,000 1,200 2,100 4,000 4,400 4,800
+30 → +31 30 40 70 120 140 240 480 528 576
+31 → +32 30 40 70 120 140 240 480 528 576
+32 → +33 30 40 70 120 140 240 480 528 576
+33 → +34 30 40 70 120 140 240 480 528 576
+34 → +35 30 40 70 120 140 240 480 528 576
Total (+30 → +35) 150 200 350 600 700 1,200 2,400 2,640 2,880
Grand Total 450 650 1,350 2,600 3,400 5,800 11,600 12,760 13,920

Enhancement Caps

Enhancement Cap is the maximum level that a weapon can be enhanced to. It is displayed on tab 2 of a weapon's Item Details window, e.g. "Enh Lv. /0 (30 Maximum)", with 30 being the Enhancement Cap.

For all weapons the maximum Enhancement Cap is 35.

All weapons up to 12 are generated with an Enhancement Cap of 30 from all sources. 13 and higher weapons start with an Enhancement Cap of 35 if they are from enemies and boss loot, or 30 if they are obtained from an exchange counter or Collection Folder.

The Enhancement Cap of a weapon can be raised by enhancing it with another copy of the same weapon: If the fodder weapon has an Enhancement Cap of 30, the Enhancement Cap of the weapon being enhanced will increase by 1. If the fodder weapon has an Enhancement Cap above 30, the number of levels above 30 will also be added to the weapon being enhanced.

For example, enhancing a Sigma Turin (Enhancement Cap 31) using a Sigma Turin (Enhancement Cap 32) will raise the Enhancement Cap of the enhanced Sigma Turin to 34.

Some of the weapon upgrade exchanges available from Zig retain the Enhancement Cap of the weapon being upgraded.

Augment Factors

When a Weapon is enhanced to +35, the Augment Factor will become available to use when Affixing Augments. Affixing these Augments will guarantee a 100% success rate, but will still follow normal penalties when adding an additional Augment.
Different Augment Factors exist for every Weapon.

EXP Value Overview of Fodders

Rarity Base
Material Bonus Enhancement Bonus Cost as a
Efficiency (EXP/Cost)
EXP on
Same Type
& Rarity
123 2 5 15 25 See
EXP / 2
2,000 13.5 / 1k 11.0 / 1k
456 5 15 30 4,000 8.7 / 1k 6.2 / 1k
789 40 20 45 16,000 5.3 / 1k 4.0 / 1k
10 50 30 60 19,800 5.5 / 1k 4.2 / 1k
11 60 30 60 23,500 5.1 / 1k 4.0 / 1k
12 90 50 110 35,000 5.7 / 1k 4.1 / 1k
13 180 90 185 100,000 3.6 / 1k 2.7 / 1k
14 200 100 205 110,000 3.6 / 1k 2.7 / 1k
15 180 90 225 120,000 3.7 / 1k 2.8 / 1k
  • Though rarity below 10 is grouped into three groups, the Same Rarity bonus is not applied for groups; it requires an identical rarity. For example a 3 weapon does not give the Same Rarity bonus to a 1 or 2 weapon.
  • The Same Type and Same Rarity bonuses can be given together. For example using a Red Sword as a material item for a Zax provides both bonuses as they are both 7 Swords.
  • The Same Weapon bonus is mutually exclusive; it does not also give the Same Type and Same Rarity bonuses.
  • The EXP given by material items is the total EXP that it took to Enhance it to that level. Say we have a 1 weapon at +10, the EXP that it would give as a fodder would be the EXP it took to Enhance it to 10, which is 50, divided by 2; along with the base EXP value, the fodder would give a total of 27 EXP.
  • For Special Augments, the following Augments give varying EXP:
    • Empy Embrace - +90 EXP
    • EXP Weapon Mini - +400 EXP
    • Weapon Boost - +800 EXP
  • There is a chance to receive a Great Success while enhancing, granting 1.5x more EXP.

Element Enhancing

Element Enhancing is a way to increase your Weapon Element, thus making them stronger. You can enhance your weapon's element in the same way as you would regularly enhance your weapons + rating.

  • Same Rarity/Same Weapon/Same Element: Combining two copies of the weapon of the same element will give an additive effect on the element. (e.g two 20 Fire Katana will give 40 Fire.)
  • Same Rarity/Same Weapon/Different Element: Combining two copies of the weapon but of the different element will give the base weapon an increase of 10 in element, regardless of the Fodder's Attribute amount. (e.g upgrading a 20 Fire Katana with a 25 Ice one will give 30 Fire.)
  • Same Rarity/Different Weapon: Using a different weapon but of the same type and rarity will only give 1 element increase to the base weapon, regardless of the Fodder's Attribute amount.
  • Element Support Items will also increase the target weapon's Element in addition to the bonus granted by the initial fodder.

Element Enhancing Support Items

Rarity Icon Image Name Source Description
7 UIItemElementalTransitionFireIcon.png UIItemElementalTransitionFire.png Elemental Transition (Fire)
AC Scratch Conversion material for enhancing elements.
Use this when enhancing elements to change the element to Fire.
7 UIItemElementalTransitionIceIcon.png UIItemElementalTransitionIce.png Elemental Transition (Ice)
AC Scratch Conversion material for enhancing elements.
Use this when enhancing elements to change the element to Ice.
7 UIItemElementalTransitionLightningIcon.png UIItemElementalTransitionLightning.png Elemental Transition (Lightning)
AC Scratch Conversion material for enhancing elements.
Use this when enhancing elements to change the element to Lightning.
7 UIItemElementalTransitionWindIcon.png UIItemElementalTransitionWind.png Elemental Transition (Wind)
AC Scratch Conversion material for enhancing elements.
Use this when enhancing elements to change the element to Wind.
7 UIItemElementalTransitionLightIcon.png UIItemElementalTransitionLight.png Elemental Transition (Light)
AC Scratch Conversion material for enhancing elements.
Use this when enhancing elements to change the element to Light.
7 UIItemElementalTransitionDarkIcon.png UIItemElementalTransitionDark.png Elemental Transition (Dark)
AC Scratch Conversion material for enhancing elements.
Use this when enhancing elements to change the element to Dark.

Photon Color

Certain pieces of equipment have an ability known as Photon Color. This is signified by a small color palette icon at the bottom left of the equipment's icon. The Item Lab is able to change the color of the target equipment at no cost.

Unit Enhancing

Unit enhancing can also be done at the Item Lab.

Rarity Grinders Enhance Info 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10
123 1 Success Rate 100% 100% 100% 90% 90% 80% 80% 70% 70% 60%
Risk - - - - - - - - - -
456 1 Success Rate 100% 100% 100% 90% 90% 80% 80% 70% 70% 60%
Risk - - - - - - - 0 ~ -1 0 ~ -1 0 ~ -1
789 1 Success Rate 100% 100% 100% 80% 80% 70% 70% 60% 60% 50%
Risk - - - - 0 ~ -1 0 ~ -1 0 ~ -1 0 ~ -1 0 ~ -1 0 ~ -2
10 2 Success Rate 100% 100% 100% 70% 70% 60% 60% 50% 50% 40%
Risk - - - - 0 ~ -1 0 ~ -1 0 ~ -1 0 ~ -2 0 ~ -2 0 ~ -2
11 3 Success Rate 100% 100% 100% 70% 70% 60% 60% 50% 50% 40%
Risk - - - - 0 ~ -1 0 ~ -1 0 ~ -1 0 ~ -2 0 ~ -2 0 ~ -2
12 4 Success Rate 100% 100% 100% 70% 70% 60% 60% 50% 50% 40%
Risk - - - - 0 ~ -1 0 ~ -1 0 ~ -1 0 ~ -2 0 ~ -2 0 ~ -2
13 4 Success Rate 100% 100% 100% 70% 70% 60% 60% 50% 50% 40%
Risk - - - - 0 ~ -1 0 ~ -1 0 ~ -1 0 ~ -2 0 ~ -2 0 ~ -2

All Units of all rarities follow the same stat modifier when enhancing.

Enhancement Level +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10
Stat Modifier 104% 108% 112% 116% 120% 124% 128% 132% 136% 140%

Ring Enhancement

Enhance Cap Ring EXP Cumulative
+1 0 0
+1 → +2 200 200
+2 → +3 600 800
+3 → +4 2,400 3,200
+4 → +5 9,600 12,800
+5 → +6 14,200 27,000
+6 → +7 10,800 37,800
+7 → +8 12,600 50,400
+8 → +9 14,400 64,800
+9 → +10 16,200 81,000
+10 → +11 27,000 108,000
+11 → +12 54,000 162,000
+12 → +13 90,000 252,000
+13 → +14 108,000 360,000
+14 → +15 126,000 486,000
+15 → +16 144,000 630,000
+16 → +17 180,000 810,000
+17 → +18 216,000 1,026,000
+18 → +19 234,000 1,260,000
+19 → +20 252,000 1,512,000

All rings start at +1 and can be enhanced to +20 at the Item Lab by 1 level at a time, similar to units. The success rate is usually 80% for all levels, with some exceptions depending on ring. Unlike units, failure does not risk the enhancement level decreasing.

Each enhancement costs 30,000 Meseta. Depending on the ring, it may also cost Grinders, Lambda Grinders and rocks and/or rare gems from gathering. The material cost of enhancing some rings increases after the ring reaches +10 or +15.

Rings cannot be enhanced as soon as they are created; their enhancement level cap is determined by how much Ring EXP they have accrued. While equipped, rings receive 5% (rounded down) of the experience gained, including from client orders and missions. During quests it does not show in the Item Details immediately, but updates when any of the following happens:

  • Changing areas (including returning to the Gateway Ship)
  • When the wearer gains a class level
  • When anything in the Equip Armor menu is changed
    • This includes equipping different outfits/outerwears/parts using the Fashion menu instead

It is not possible to use one ring to gain EXP and then switch to a different ring to give that the Ring EXP instead; the Ring EXP is still given to the first ring.

All L rings allow one of up to three stats they provide such as MEL Pwr (determined by ring) to be increased by +1 when they are enhanced; this must be chosen or the enhancement will be denied. This is not possible for R rings.

Enhancement usually increases the potency of the skill provided by the ring. An exception is compound rings, whose skills start at the effect of the +20 rings combined to create them. This means enhancing compound L rings only provides additional stats, and enhancing compound R rings does nothing.

Sweet Compression

Sweet Compression allows you to shrink down the size of certain Sweets, opening more space to allocate within your Sweets Box of your Pets. Sweet Compression can be done at Ariel to the right of Dudu / Monica.

Rarity Type Grinders Grind Info 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4
7 Single Stack Pancake 2 Success Rate 100% 95% 90% -
Cost 2,585 3,128 4,176 -
Size 3x3 3x2 2x2 -
7 Double Stack Pancake 2 Success Rate 100% 95% 90% -
Cost 6,320 8,276 10,598 -
Size 3x3 3x2 2x2 -
7 Triple Stack Pancake 2 Success Rate 100% 95% 90% -
Cost 10,816 13,926 17,472 -
Size 3x3 3x2 2x2 -
7 Sodas 2 Success Rate 100% 95% - -
Cost 4,640 8,464 - -
Size 2x2 1x1 - -
9 Cookies 2 Success Rate 100% 80% 80% -
Cost 6,330 8,123 10,752 -
Size 2x3 2x2 1x2 -
10 Crepes 3 Success Rate 100% 80% 75% 70%
Cost 12,520 15,939 18,876 23,078
Size 3x4 3x3 2x3 2x2
10 Rolls 3 Success Rate 100% 80% - -
Cost 12,520 15,939 - -
Size 2x3 2x2 - -
11 4 Success Rate 100% 80% - -
Cost 26,400 32,947 - -
Size 2x3 2x2 - -
12 5 Success Rate 100% 80% - -
Cost 36,008 46,617 - -
Size 2x3 2x2 - -
13 - 14 Parfaits 3
Success Rate 100% 90% 80% 60%
Cost 84,000 132,300 182,000 238,000