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Story Quests Story Overview

EPISODE 5 is the fifth of Phantasy Star Online 2's six Episodes and the first installment of the Photoner Arc.

Prologue: Beyond the Savior's Outstretched Hands

Armed with the power of Aether, the player and Matoi are recruited by Xiao to enact a daring plan: to rescue [Persona] from the throes of the Profound Darkness, thus destroying it for good. However, when the plan goes awry, the player finds themselves astray in a bizarre alternate universe of medieval proportions. When the spirit of the host of the first Klariskrays makes her appearance, it's up to the player to stop the alternate dimension, formally known as "Omega", from spreading and consuming the outside world.

Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
Operation to Recover Persona the Masked Event Event Quest N/A
Seeking the Hand of Salvation Story Story Quest N/A
Omega Event Event Quest N/A
A Little Help Here? Event Event Quest N/A


Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
What are photons? Event Event Quest Sub Unit Sub / Weapon Barrier
The Meaning of Klariskrays' Name Event Event Quest N/A

Chapter 1: Salvation

Several decades have passed since the player originally arrived in Omega. The Ephemeral, a mysterious flower with the power of corruption, has turned the continent upside down, and the country of Cuento is now besieged by its power. The remnants of the royal family, Harriette and Luther, have gathered a small resistance to stop the evil Lutz from abusing the power of Ephemeral any further. With the player seemingly being the "chosen one" as foretold by an ancient prophecy, they must ally themselves with the resistance if they hope to put an end to the corruption.

Map Location Name Quest Type Reward Details
The Appearance of a Savior Story Story Quest Ticket SG 10 Ticket
A World in Disarray Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050103-04-05.png Varuna the Adjutant Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050103-04-05.png Never Forget Your Fear of Battle Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050103-04-05.png The Four Nations Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050106.png Hariette's Older Brother Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050107.png Luther! Event Event Quest N/A
It's Really Important to Talk to People Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050109.png Lutz the Irate Premier Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050110.png Alis the Sword Maiden Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050111.png The Battle of Central Cuento Plains Buster Buster Quest [Story] N/A
UIStory050112-19.png Alis' Resolve Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050113.png Palace of Monsters Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050114.png The Final Battle for Cuento Castle Buster Buster Quest [Story] N/A
UIStory050115.png The End of Lutz Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050116.png Calamity Engulfing the World Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050117-20-21.png A New Kingdom Event Event Quest N/A


Map Location Name Quest Type Reward Details
Grown Up, Xiao Event Event Quest Sub Unit Sub / Weapon Barrier
UIStory050112-19.png The Role of a Sword Maiden Event Event Quest Material Photon Sphere x3
UIStory050117-20-21.png Cuento's Future Event Event Quest Boost Triboost +100%
UIStory050117-20-21.png Noblesse Oblige Event Event Quest Tool Lambda Grinder

Chapter 2: The Dying Country

Weyland, a neighboring country to Cuento, has been locked in civil war for what feels like an eternity, instigated by the country's ruthless ruler who is driven by a lust for combat and power. Travelling to Weyland, the player and Harriette ally with Gettemhult and Melfonseana, two of Weyland's bravest warriors who are hoping to taking down their king. However, with the odds stacked against them, will the power of [Elder] be an enemy... or an ally?

Map Location Name Quest Type Reward Details
UIStory050201.png The State of the World Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050202.png A Visitor from Weyland Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050203.png A Plea to Save Weyland Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050204.png A Familiar Warrior Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050205.png Battle of the Weyland Borderlands Buster Buster Quest [Story] N/A
UIStory050206-09.png The Dying Country Event Event Quest Ticket SG 20 Ticket
An Enigmatic Assault Story Story Quest N/A
Is it Omega's influence? Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050206-09.png Target: The Imperial Capital Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050210.png Close Encounters with Fiend Trooper Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050211.png Army of Corpses Story Story Quest N/A
UIStory050212.png The End of the Ultimate Struggle Story Story Quest N/A
An Unconventional Trio Event Event Quest Ticket SG 40 Ticket
UIStory050214.png Falspawn in Omega Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050215.png A Warning from Elmir Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050216-17-18.png Crimson Fellwyrm Awakened Event Event Quest N/A


Map Location Name Quest Type Reward Details
UIStory050216-17-18.png To Hunt the Crimson Fellwyrm Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050216-17-18.png A Friendly Shoulder Event Event Quest N/A

Chapter 3: Siblings' Memories, Luther's Research

With the Crimson Fellwyrm defeated, the heroes attempt to take a much-deserved rest, but destroying the dragon has taken a heavy toll on Luther. As Luther's corruption reaches critical mass, the player and Xiera must discover the truth behind Luther and Harriette's shared past before the power of [Luther] arises once again.

Map Location Name Quest Type Reward Details
Matois's Gnawing Worry Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050302-03-04.png A Disrupted Conference Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050302-03-04.png The Queen's Abduction Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050302-03-04.png Luther's Flight Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050305.png Castrum Demonica and Avian Falspawn Story Story Quest N/A
UIStory050306.png The Captured Queen Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050307.png Luther's Desire Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050308-09.png The Man Who Would Know All Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050308-09.png Beyond Conjuration Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050310.png Deranged Researcher Story Story Quest N/A
Luther Before [Luther] Event Event Quest Ticket SG 20 Ticket


Map Location Name Quest Type Reward Details
Omega's Mysterious Memories Event Event Quest Tool Lambda Grinder x3
UIStory050313.png Luther Manifests in the Alter Dimension Event Event Quest N/A

Chapter 4: [Apprentices] Summoned to the Desert

The player and Hariette travel to Epyk, a barren desert country neighboring Cuento, at the behest of its ruler Margaretta to investigate the appearance of strange beings seemingly tied to Dark Falz [Apprentice]. Upon arrival, the heroes find themselves battling familiar friends in even stranger circumstances, and all roads lead back to Margaretta. Will the heroes be able to save the haughty ruler of Epyk from her own darkness?

Map Location Name Quest Type Reward Details
Earthly Echoes Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050402-10.png Take a Break, Hariette Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050403-04-05-06-07.png A Royal Getaway Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050403-04-05-06-07.png Hariette's Confession Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050403-04-05-06-07.png Half of a Familiar Pair Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050403-04-05-06-07.png The Innocent Boy and the Troubled Queen Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050403-04-05-06-07.png The Symbol of Ys Artia Event Event Quest Ticket SG 10 Ticket
UIStory050408-21.png The Divine Queen of Epyk Event Event Quest N/A
A Rash of Disappearances Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050402-10.png Divine Drama Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050411.png Toward an Endless Sea of Scorching Sands Story Story Quest N/A
UIStory050412.png East Fortress [Apprentice] Story Story Quest N/A
UIStory050413.png North Fortress [Apprentice] Story Story Quest N/A
UIStory050414-15.png The [Apprentice] in the South Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050414-15.png The Divine Squabble Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050416.png Lord of Epyk, Nestled in the Gods' Embrace Story Story Quest Ticket SG 40 Ticket


Map Location Name Quest Type Reward Details
The Goddess Aurora Event Event Quest Boost Triboost 100%
One Haunting Nightmare Event Event Quest Boost Triboost 100%
Blissful Ignorance Event Event Quest Boost Triboost 100%
The Maiden's Secret Event Event Quest Boost Triboost 100%
UIStory050408-21.png The Two Leaders and the Citizens of Epyk Event Event Quest Boost Triboost 100%
UIStory050422.png An Insect Queen Lurking the Depths Event Event Quest N/A

Chapter 5: Toying with Symbols

Ys Artia is the last of the fourth countries of Omega, lead by its child ruler Florent and his retainer Clarissa. Although seemingly peaceful at first glance, the appearance of Elmir causes the situation to deteriorate fast, and the heroes are called in to investigate what seems to be the power of [Gemini]. As the history behind Dark Falz [Gemini] comes to light, the player must race against the clock to stop Ys Artia from falling to ruin.

Map Location Name Quest Type Reward Details
UIStory050501.png Formally Passing the Baton Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050502.png The Peace Accord and the Unsettling News Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050503.png Invasion from Ys Artia Story Story Quest N/A
UIStory050504-05.png The Aim of Ys Artia Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050504-05.png A Symbolic Transformation Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050506.png Shadow in the City of Stillness Story Story Quest N/A
UIStory050507.png In Need of a Playmate Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050508.png Florent's Request Story Story Quest Ticket SG 30 Ticket


Map Location Name Quest Type Reward Details
UIStory050509.png Reunion with a Jeering Jester Event Event Quest N/A

Chapter 6: Thus Did The Heroes Assemble

As the story of Omega draws to a climax, Elmir's true nature and schemes are drawn into the light. In a final bid to consume the outside world, Elmir takes Harriette captive and seals her in a giant flower in the center of the continent while deploying an endless onslaught of Supernaturals to stop the heroes from interfering. Against nearly insurmountable odds, divine intervention may be the greatest savior of all.

Map Location Name Quest Type Reward Details
UIStory050601.png Unshakable Anxiety Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050602.png The Genesis of a World-Rending Darkness Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050603.png Birth of the Primordial Dark Event Event Quest N/A
Black Hole Expansion Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050605.png The People of Cuento Take Refuge Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050606.png Elmir's Aim, Hariette's Wish Event Event Quest N/A
Alma's Secret Plan Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050608.png For a Friend Story Story Quest N/A
UIStory050609.png The Assembled Heroes Story Story Quest N/A
Here The Trio Resides Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050611.png Thus Did The Heroes Assemble Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050612.png The Manipulator and The Manipulated Event Event Quest N/A
UIStory050613.png The Legendary Savior Story Story Quest Ticket SG 30 Ticket
The End of a Legend Event Event Quest N/A


Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
Time Flows Differently in Omega Event Event Quest Boost Triboost 100%
The Shadow Who Fractures Dimensions Event Event Quest N/A
The Goddess of Ends Bears Witness Event Event Quest N/A
A Void Persona, The Masked Incarnates Event Event Quest Material Chronos Eternistone
Ticket SG 50 Ticket

Episode: Stratos


Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
A Combat Unit's Hope Event Event Quest Boost Triboost +50%
New Class Approval Event Event Quest N/A
The Name is "Hero!" Event Event Quest Boost Triboost +100%
The Reason for the New Class Name! Event Event Quest Boost Triboost +100%
Katori, Saga, and Stratos Event Event Quest Tool Lambda Grinder x3
Getting the Word Out Event Event Quest Boost Triboost +100%
Expanding A Hero's Repertoire Event Event Quest Tool Lambda Grinder x5
Holding an Exhibition Match Event Event Quest Boost Triboost +100%
My Hero Story Story Quest N/A
Somebody's Hero EventEvent Quest Ticket SG 30 Ticket

Episode: Alma

Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
Look Back at the Records! Event Event Quest N/A


Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
Alma the Fickle Event Event Quest Boost Triboost +100%
A Strange Presence Event Event Quest Boost Triboost +100%
Out of Sight Event Event Quest Tool Augmentation Aid +30%
Alma's Downtime Reading Event Event Quest Tool Augmentation Aid +30%
Xiera's Big Suprise Event Event Quest Tool Lambda Grinder x5
A World Without Me Event Event Quest Boost Rare Drop Rate +250%
The Klariskrays Trio Event Event Quest Tool Lambda Grinder x5
A 40-Year-Old Promise Event Event Quest Tool Augmentation Aid +30%
Alma's Wish Event Event Quest Boost Triboost +100%

Episode: Xiera


Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
Excursion Permission Granted Event Event Quest Boost Triboost +100%
A Minor Fever and an Unnatural Gaze Event Event Quest Boost Triboost +100%



Story Information Name Quest Type Reward Details
If We Could Meet Again Event Event Quest Boost Triboost +100%
PaTia Under Investigation Event Event Quest Boost Triboost +100%
Zeno's Story Event Event Quest Tool Lambda Grinder x3
Ready to Explode Event Event Quest Boost Triboost +100%
Just Like Old Times Event Event Quest Boost Triboost +100%
The Right Time to Get Married Event Event Quest Tool Augmentation Aid +30%
An Informant with Good News Event Event Quest Tool Lambda Grinder x5
An ARKS Marriage! Event Event Quest Tool Lambda Grinder x5
Interest in Marriage Event Event Quest Boost Rare Drop Rate +250%
A Couple's Quarrel Event Event Quest Boost Rare Drop Rate +250%
A Pesky Freeloader Event Event Quest Boost Triboost +100%
Planning for a New Era Event Event Quest Boost Rare Drop Rate +250%
Basic Lovers Event Event Quest Tool Augmentation Aid +30%
The Vessels are a Boisterous Bunch Event Event Quest Boost Rare Drop Rate +250%
Aurora's New Friend Event Event Quest Boost Triboost +100%
Main Quests Expeditions | Urgent Quests | Recommended Quests | Bonus Quests | Limited Time Quests
Sub Quests ARKS Quests | Time Attack Quests | Buster Quests | Endless Quests | Ridroid Quests
Divide Quests | Advance Quests | Extreme Quests | Ultimate Quests | Challenge Quests
Story Quests Story Overview