Bonus Quests

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Bonus Quests are solo quests which grant substantial amounts of EXP, Meseta, and rare drops. To participate, the player needs to have a Bonus Key corresponding to the Bonus Quest they wish to enter.
Bonus Quests are unlocked by completing Volcanic Caves Exploration on any difficulty.


Enemies spawn in waves, requiring all enemies to be eliminated to proceed to the next wave. Upon elimination of the last enemy, all the item drops from the enemies will be contained in a large red crystal, alongside a row of boxes containing rare materials specific to the Bonus Quest. All enemy waves are predetermined and are a guaranteed way to encounter certain special enemies, such as Emperappy and Tagamikazuchi.

Immediately upon completion of either Special Mission: Magatsu [Silver] or Special Mission: Magatsu [Gold], the player will be awarded 10 and 30 Star Gems respectively.

Bonus Keys

Participation in a Bonus Quest is blocked within the Gateway Ship by a gate like those appearing in Advance Quests or Time Attack Quests. To participate, a player needs to have the corresponding Bonus Key in their inventory and move towards the gate. Upon acceptance, the key is immediately consumed, and the gate will open after a countdown. Should a player be forced out of the quest (disconnects, abandon quest...), then the Bonus Key will not be refunded.

Bonus Keys drop as a random reward from gift boxes after completing a Recommended Quest with at least an A rank.

List of Bonus Quests

Area Party Name Objective Requirement
UIMapTokyo.png UISoloParty.png Special Mission: Tokyo [Silver] Repel all enemies! Tokyo Bonus Key: Silver
UISoloParty.png Special Mission: Tokyo [Gold] Repel all enemies! Tokyo Bonus Key: Gold
UISoloParty.png Special Mission: Tokyo [Rainbow] Repel all enemies! Tokyo Bonus Key: Rainbow
UIMapDaybreakSeal.png UISoloParty.png Special Mission: Magatsu [Silver] Repel all enemies! Magatsu Bonus Key: Silver
UISoloParty.png Special Mission: Magatsu [Gold] Repel all enemies! Magatsu Bonus Key: Gold
UIMapUnknown.png UISoloParty.png Special Mission: Rappy Fever Repel all enemies! Rappy F Bonus Key
UIMapDaybreak.png UISoloParty.png Special Mission: Kazuchi Assault Repel all enemies! Kazuchi Assault Bonus Key
Main Quests Expeditions | Urgent Quests | Recommended Quests | Bonus Quests | Limited Time Quests
Sub Quests ARKS Quests | Time Attack Quests | Buster Quests | Endless Quests | Ridroid Quests
Divide Quests | Advance Quests | Extreme Quests | Ultimate Quests | Challenge Quests
Story Quests Story Overview