The ARKS Tournament

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The ARKS Tournament
Quest Type: Story Story Quests
Quest Class: UISoloParty.png Solo Quests
Description: A tournament testing the mettle of ARKS' greatest warriors is to be held in honor of Dark Falz's defeat! Contestants will engage with plentiful leftover Falspawn to compete for the title of champion! All those brave enough are encouraged to enter!
Difficulty and Level: Casual: 14-28
Hardcore: 28-75
Reward Details Ticket SG 10 Ticket


The following enemies appear during the quest:



Story Information

Story Dialogue

Huey: A new challenger approaches! All right! The more the merrier!
Huey: The stage is Naverius! It'll be a score attack as contestants race through the Forest!
Huey: We'll take out all the extra Falspawn that appeared because of the revival of the Dark Falz, too, so it'll be two birds with one stone!
Huey: You gotta raise a ruck-- Erm, select worthy opponents and head to the battlefield! I'll be waiting for you!

A.P.238/4/9 10:55

[PLAYER NAME] arrives in the forest and Afin turns around to them

Afin: Ah, you made it, mate! I've been waitin' for ya.
Afin: Man, I can't believe people are taking this so seriously. I thought it was gonna be a laugh.
Afin: Well, it's been a while since we've paired up. So if we're gonna do it, let's not hold back. Right, mate?

They receive a transmission

Afin: Oh...! Looks like things are about to start.

A.P.238/4/9 11:00

Huey: Testing, testi-- Nah, you think I'd do a mic check? I don't need to do that!
Huey: Since I'm using the power of the photons within my body, I bet you guys hear me just fine. Now how about we get this show on the road!
Huey: Always rarin' and ready to go! It is I, Huey of the Council of Six! Wait, no. Today, I'm host of this wonderful tournament!
Huey: Man... Doing this through a monitor, I have no idea how you guys are reactin'.
Huey: Meh, seems like you're all pretty excited, so I won't worry!
Huey: We appreciate everyone participating in this tournament! Since I'm the host I can't participate, so I'm a little crushed.
Huey: I can't believe they won't let me join! Damn... How could my plan be flawed!?
Huey: Anyway, so this is how the tournament is gonna go. No need to worry about the rules! There's just one thing you need to do!
Huey: The winner will be the strongest among you who makes it the furthest in! That's the whole deal!
Huey: So, all you guys gotta... Hey, quit it! I'm in the middle of speechifying here...!

Klariskrays joins the transmission

Klariskrays: Hey, dammit...! I'm helping run the things too, so let me have a turn at speaking!
Klariskrays: Heh... Well, hello, ARKS ops! Can you hear me? My wonderful, voice!?
Klariskrays: I'm Klariskrays, number five of the Council of Six! I'm also part of the Trio of Heroes!
Klariskrays: I'm helping put the tournament together, too! I hope you're all ready to have fun!
Klariskrays: Especially since I've got something very SPECIAL in store for you guys! Hehehe... Just you wait!
Huey: Listen, Klariskrays! You can't say anything else! You'll ruin the surprise!
Huey: Now then, the tournament is about to begin!
Huey: You listen here, Klariskrays... Stick to the script, all right?
Klariskrays: S-Sorry!
Huey: Now then, the ARKs Tournament...
Klariskrays: Ah! R-Ready! GO!
Huey: Hey...!

The transmission ends and the tournament begins

[PLAYER NAME] and Afin make their way through the forest and arrive in the tundra

A.P.238/4/9 11:30

Afin: Phew. Looks like we're done with the first part. And this seems like a great place to take a break.
Afin: I gotta say, it was a great idea on their part to have the tournament on the planet where we've fought so many Falspawn.
Afin: I think it's helping me deal with my fear and anxiety about the place.
Afin: Kinda like when I asked you to help out with that request, mate.
Afin: But I gotta say... How do I put it? It doesn't feel very dangerous here. It just makes me feel uneasy.
Afin: I guess it's not uneasiness... It's kinda familiar and scary... Argh, I don't really know what to call it!

They receive a transmission

Huey: Hahahaha! Well done, contestants! Are you all having a spectacular time!?
Klariskrays: Huey, Huey! I want to be a part of this too! Can I join?
Huey: Aren't you supposed to be helping ro run this show? Ahem... Never mind that. Tell me, what's it look like right now?
Huey: The current leaders are... Ranger Afin and, uhhh, yeah! That pair!
Klariskrays: I could swear I've heard that name before... Haven't I?
Huey: I'm happy to see young operatives taking the lead! Keep it up, you two!
Huey: Next, we have Oza the Hunter and Marlu the Force!
Huey: It looks like the two intel sisters I've heard so much about are doing quite well!
Klariskrays: Who're they?
Huey: At any rate, you are all pretty evenly matched! I expect to see some fierce competition with some epic comebacks!
Klariskrays: Hey, Huey, why are you just reading everything that's on the page word for word? Is that fun for you?
Huey: I look forward to seeing you all perform in the second half! That is all!
Huey: ...Listen up, Klariskrays. Growing up is a sad state of affairs. Sometimes, we adults even have to rely on cue cards.
Huey: For the moment, why don't you read over the participants' files and try to familiarize yourself with their basic info, okay?

The transmission ends

Afin: Hmm... I'm happy we're in the lead and all... But this is definitely bothering me. I can't really concentrate.
Afin: What is this feeling? Do you not feel it too, mate? Is it just me? Hmm...

[PLAYER NAME] and Afin make their way through the tundra and arrive in the ruins

A.P.238/4/9 12:00

Afin: Is that so? I see. I think I remember this feeling from another time.
Afin: Like the time you and I first went to Naverius. It feels just like that!
Afin: It feels bad. Like when all those Falspawn were crawling all over everything.
Afin: I hope that doesn't mean there's gonna be a ton of Falspawn here...!
Afin: B-But everything's gonna be okay, isn't it? We've both changed since then. We can deal with whatever comes our way.
Afin: Dammit... Not that I know for sure something's going on in the first place!
Afin: Anyway, we've only gotta make it through this last area! Let's get this over with, mate!

The duo defeat the final enemies in the ruins

Huey: Stop right there! Wonderful! Excellent! Splendid! I've analyzed your every movement!
Huey: Hmmm, these results are somewhat lacking!
Huey: But you had enough guts to make it to the end of the tournament! That's exactly the kinda thing every ARKS operative needs!
Huey: Now go on back to the ship! Everyone's waiting for yo--

The transmission abruptly ends and the sky slowly turns red

Afin: ...! Wh-What's this weird feeling?
Afin: Hey, who's there!? Come out!
???: Ha, you're pretty bright for an ARKS operative.

Apprentice the Vernal appears before them

Apprentice the Vernal: I thought I'd hidden myself well enough to not get in the way, but I guess I'm not used to this body yet.
Afin: You...!
Apprentice: Hmm? Do I look that strange? I believe I look like a proper Newman.
Apprentice: Ah, are you mad that I was spying? What's the harm? It's no big deal. And besides, it was fun.
Apprentice: Plus...
Apprentice: I wanted to see the one who defeated [Elder] with my own eyes.
Afin: "Elder"... You mean that Dark Falz from before!?
Apprentice: No need to be so on edge. I've no intention of stirring up trouble here.
Apprentice: So just relax. I'll be leaving soon anyway.

Apprentice turns around

Afin: Hey!
Apprentice: I don't really feel like discussing it any further, other than perhaps your desire to die.
Afin: That face... No... Who are you!?

Apprentice turns around to Afin

Apprentice: I'm the enemy.
Apprentice: No, I guess strictly speaking you're our enemies?
Apprentice: Usually, I'd kill you soon as look at you, but...

Apprentice turns around once more

Apprentice: I feel calm all of a sudden, so I'll allow you to keep breathing, just this once.
Apprentice: Farewell. The next time we meet, I'll probably kill you. You've been warned.

Apprentice teleports away and the sky returns to normal

Afin: You...saw that just now, right?


Afin: The way she spoke and acted... That incredible aura of intimidation... Mate, she's...

PLAYER CHOICES: She might be a Dark Falz. or She looked like that masked person.

PLAYER CHOICE 1: She might be a Dark Falz.

Afin: Yeah, I're right. I mean, you've actually seen one in person, so you'd know best.

PLAYER CHOICE 2: She looked like that masked person.

Afin: Yeah, exactly. She had the same feel as that person we met on Naverius.
Afin: But...this was kinda different. That overwhelming presence of a Dark Falz...
Afin: It was almost like she was holding it in.

Afin: But why? Why did she have that face?
Afin: Sorry, I kinda was out of it for a moment. I don't understand anything that's going on.
Afin: Ha ha... Why are my bad hunches always right?
Afin: It's really annoying when the stuff I don't want to be true always ends up hitting the bullseye.

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