New Genesis: Stamps

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List of Stamps

Preview Name Chat Command Availability Marketable Implementation Date
StampAshHello.png STP: Ash - Hello! /st 1 Default UIRestrictedBlue.png 06/08/21
StampSueThumbsUp.png STP: Sue - Thumbs up! /st 2 Default UIRestrictedBlue.png 06/08/21
StampRupicaThankYou.png STP: Rupica - Thank you! /st 3 Default UIRestrictedBlue.png 06/08/21
StampGilliamApplause.png STP: Gilliam - Applause! /st 4 Default UIRestrictedBlue.png 06/08/21
StampAshGoodJob.png STP: Ash - Good job! /st 5 Default UIRestrictedBlue.png 06/08/21
StampSueOfCourse.png STP: Sue - Of course! /st 6 Default UIRestrictedBlue.png 06/08/21
StampGilliamIdea.png STP: Gilliam - Idea /st 7 Default UIRestrictedBlue.png 06/08/21
StampRupicaDelighted.png STP: Rupica - Delighted /st 8 Default UIRestrictedBlue.png 06/08/21
StampRappyRareDrop.png STP: Rappy - Rare drop! /st 9 Default UIRestrictedBlue.png 06/08/21
StampRappyDepressed.png STP: Rappy - Depressed /st 10 Default UIRestrictedBlue.png 06/08/21
StampAinaJoy.png STP: Aina - Joy /st 12 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Passionate Spirit
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Astute Braver
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Arks Conductor
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Halpha ARKS Revival
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Halpha ARKS Revival 2
UIRestrictedBlue.png 06/16/21
StampManonDaring.png STP: Manon - Daring /st 13 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Passionate Spirit
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Astute Braver
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Arks Conductor
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Halpha ARKS Revival
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Halpha ARKS Revival 2
UIRestrictedBlue.png 06/16/21
StampDozerConfirmation.png STP: Dozer - Confirmation /st 14 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Passionate Spirit
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Astute Braver
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Arks Conductor
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Halpha ARKS Revival
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Halpha ARKS Revival 2
UIRestrictedBlue.png 06/16/21
StampGaroaRage.png STP: Garoa - Rage /st 15 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Passionate Spirit
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Astute Braver
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Arks Conductor
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Halpha ARKS Revival
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Halpha ARKS Revival 2
UIRestrictedBlue.png 06/16/21
StampCrawfordGoodMorning.png STP: Crawford - Good Morning /st 16 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Passionate Spirit
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Astute Braver
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Arks Conductor
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Halpha ARKS Revival
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Halpha ARKS Revival 2
UIRestrictedBlue.png 06/16/21
StampRappySleepy.png STP: Rappy - Sleepy /st 17 Death Defier Title Reward UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/19/23
StampMoonyandSunnyHeart.png STP: Moony & Sunny - Heart /st 18 Seasonal Point Seasonal Points Exchange Shop UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/07/21
StampAshHandoff.png STP: Ash - Handoff /st 19 Closed Beta Test Participation Campaign UICheckMarkIcon.png 07/07/21
StampRappyLove.png STP: Rappy - Love /st 20 Start Dash Rappy Pack
Beginners! Rappy Pack
UICheckMarkIcon.png 06/08/21
StampMatoiBeckon.png STP: Matoi - Beckon /st 23 PSO2:NGS Twitter Retweet & Facebook Campaign
MMOBOMB Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis Gift Pack
UICheckMarkIcon.png 07/07/21
StampGeneLetsGo.png STP: Gené - Let's Go /st 24 5/11 Great deals in the AC Shop! Campaign UICheckMarkIcon.png 05/11/22
StampRicoLook.png STP: Rico - Look /st 26 PSO2:NGS 9-Year Anniversary Web Event UICheckMarkIcon.png 08/24/21
StampSarisaHello.png STP: Sarisa - Hello! /st 27 PSO2 NGS Rocket Start Campaign: Level Up UICheckMarkIcon.png 06/08/21
StampEmiliaPraise.png STP: Emilia - Praise /st 28 Special Premium Set Campaign UICheckMarkIcon.png 08/31/21
StampLutinaPraise.png STP: Lutina - Praise /st 29 Happy New Year! Great Deals in the AC Shop! Campaign UICheckMarkIcon.png 01/01/22
StampAISFight.png STP: AIS - Fight /st 30 November 2022 Amazon Prime Gaming Rewards UIRestrictedBlue.png 11/14/22
StampAinaSurfsUp.png STP: Aina - Ride the Wave /st 32 Aelio Nadar Deluxe Pack
Aelio Nager Deluxe Pack
UICheckMarkIcon.png 08/18/21
StampWait.png STP: Wait /st 33 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 1 Mission Pass
Special Scratch Tickets: Autumn '22 Special Scratch‎
UIRestrictedBlue.png 10/13/21
StampLetMeAssist.png STP: Let Me Assist /st 34 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 1 Mission Pass
Special Scratch Tickets: Autumn '22 Special Scratch‎
UIRestrictedBlue.png 10/13/21
StampKeepThemComing.png STP: Keep Them Coming /st 35 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 2 Mission Pass
Special Scratch Tickets: Autumn '22 Special Scratch‎
UIRestrictedBlue.png 11/10/21
StampStare.png STP: Stare /st 36 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 2 Mission Pass
Special Scratch Tickets: Autumn '22 Special Scratch‎
UIRestrictedBlue.png 11/10/21
StampRappyandMoonyMoonGazing.png STP: Rappy & Moony - Moon-Gazing /st 37 Seasonal Point Seasonal Points Exchange Shop UICheckMarkIcon.png 08/31/21
StampRanShocked.png STP: Ran - Shocked /st 38 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Arks Conductor
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Halpha ARKS Revival
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Halpha ARKS Revival 2
UIRestrictedBlue.png 08/24/21
StampManonSeeyou.png STP: Manon - See you! /st 39 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Arks Conductor
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Halpha ARKS Revival
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Halpha ARKS Revival 2
UIRestrictedBlue.png 08/24/21
StampDozerConfused.png STP: Dozer - Confused /st 40 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Arks Conductor
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Halpha ARKS Revival
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Halpha ARKS Revival 2
UIRestrictedBlue.png 08/24/21
StampSonicGood.png STP: Sonic - Good /st 41 Color the World Log-in Bonus! Campaign UIRestrictedBlue.png 08/31/21
StampTailsOK.png STP: Tails - OK! /st 42 Help from your Friends! Campaign UIRestrictedBlue.png 08/31/21
StampAmyHello.png STP: Amy - Hello /st 43 Color the World Log-in Bonus! Campaign UIRestrictedBlue.png 08/31/21
StampSonicandAmyCongrats.png STP: Sonic & Amy - Congrats /st 44 It's Party Time! Campaign UIRestrictedBlue.png 09/08/21
StampSonicandTailsJoy.png STP: Sonic & Tails - Joy /st 45 Join an Alliance! Campaign UIRestrictedBlue.png 09/15/21
StampDrEggmanPerfect.png STP: Dr. Eggman - Perfect! /st 46 Color the World Log-in Bonus! Campaign UIRestrictedBlue.png 08/31/21
StampRappyHalloween.png STP: Rappy - Halloween /st 47 Seasonal Point Seasonal Points Exchange Shop UICheckMarkIcon.png 10/28/21
StampTAMESComeHere.png STP: TAMES - Come Here /st 48 Halloween Fiesta: Web Event UICheckMarkIcon.png 12/08/21
StampNaderehLetsGo.png STP: Nadereh - Let's Go /st 49 Fiery Dunes Retem Pack/Type 1
Fiery Dunes Retem Pack/Type 2
UICheckMarkIcon.png 12/14/21
StampRMagThrilled.png STP: R Mag - Thrilled /st 50 11/2 Use AC, Get Items! Special Campaign UICheckMarkIcon.png 11/02/22
StampRappyEscape.png STP: Rappy - Escape /st 51 7/27 Use AC, Get Items! Special Campaign UICheckMarkIcon.png 07/27/22
StampNoProblem.png STP: No Problem /st 52 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 3 Mission Pass
Special Scratch Tickets: Spring '23 Special Scratch‎
UIRestrictedBlue.png 12/14/21
StampSorry.png STP: Sorry /st 53 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 3 Mission Pass
Special Scratch Tickets: Spring '23 Special Scratch‎
UIRestrictedBlue.png 12/14/21
StampNo.png STP: No /st 54 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 4 Mission Pass
Special Scratch Tickets: Spring '23 Special Scratch‎
UIRestrictedBlue.png 01/12/22
StampOkay.png STP: Okay /st 55 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 4 Mission Pass
Special Scratch Tickets: Spring '23 Special Scratch‎
UIRestrictedBlue.png 01/12/22
StampNaderehSong.png STP: Nadereh - Song /st 56 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Diva of the Desert
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 2
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 3
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 4
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Halpha ARKS Revival
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Halpha ARKS Revival 2
UIRestrictedBlue.png 02/16/22
StampHadiBrightIdea.png STP: Hadi - Bright Idea /st 57 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Resolute Warrior
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Diva of the Desert
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 2
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 3
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 4
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Halpha ARKS Revival
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Halpha ARKS Revival 2
UIRestrictedBlue.png 01/19/22
StampRappySnowfriends.png STP: Rappy - Snowfriends /st 58 Seasonal Point Seasonal Points Exchange Shop (Winter Event) UICheckMarkIcon.png 01/12/22
StampNaderehWish.png STP: Nadereh - Wish /st 59 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Resolute Warrior
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Diva of the Desert
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 2
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 3
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 4
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Halpha ARKS Revival
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Halpha ARKS Revival 2
UIRestrictedBlue.png 01/19/22
StampGoingNow.png STP: On My Way /st 60 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 5 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 02/09/22
StampSOS.png STP: SOS /st 61 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 5 Mission Pass
Special Scratch Tickets: NGS 2nd SP Scratch‎
UIRestrictedBlue.png 02/09/22
StampMitarashiQuestCompleted.png STP: Mitarashi - Quest Completed /st 64 PSO2 Manga Memory Exchange Shop UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/06/22
StampMitarashiItsUrgent.png STP: Mitarashi - It's Urgent! /st 65 PSO2 Manga Memory Exchange Shop UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/06/22
StampMitarashiHaah.png STP: Mitarashi - Haah! /st 66 PSO2 Manga Memory Exchange Shop UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/06/22
StampTetraNoMeseta.png STP: Tetra - No Meseta! /st 67 PSO2 Manga Memory Exchange Shop UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/06/22
StampTetraDownandOut.png STP: Tetra - Down & Out /st 68 PSO2 Manga Memory Exchange Shop UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/06/22
StampIchikaYoulistening.png STP: § Ichika § - You listening? /st 69 PSO2 Manga Memory Exchange Shop UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/06/22
StampIchikaGrrrr.png STP: § Ichika § - Grrrr... /st 70 PSO2 Manga Memory Exchange Shop UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/06/22
StampZectRareDrop.png STP: Zect - Rare Drop /st 71 PSO2 Manga Memory Exchange Shop UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/06/22
StampMakinoAmomentplease.png STP: Makino - A moment, please? /st 72 PSO2 Manga Memory Exchange Shop UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/06/22
StampMakinoHmm.png STP: Makino - Hmm? /st 73 PSO2 Manga Memory Exchange Shop UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/06/22
StampMitarashiandTetraLetsFight.png STP: Mitarashi & Tetra - Let's fight! /st 74 PSO2 Manga Memory Exchange Shop UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/06/22
StampLeahMayHey.png STP: Leah May - Hey! /st 75 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 7 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/13/22
StampRonaldineWhat.png STP: Ronaldine - What? /st 76 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 7 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/13/22
StampInstructorFinished.png STP: Instructor - Finished! /st 77 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 8 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 05/18/22
StampMishaShopping.png STP: Misha: Shopping /st 78 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 8 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 05/18/22
StampRossaGreat.png STP: Rossa - Great! /st 79 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 2
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 3
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 4
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Halpha ARKS Revival 2
UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/13/22
StampLiuLinGloomy.png STP: Liu Lin - Gloomy /st 80 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 2
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 3
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 4
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Halpha ARKS Revival 2
UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/13/22
StampTheCaptainisHere.png STP: The Captain is Here! /st 81 Seasonal Point Seasonal Points Exchange Shop (NGS 1st Anniversary Event) UICheckMarkIcon.png 05/11/22
StampManiManiDontbelate.png STP: Mani Mani - Don't be late /st 84 PSO2 Manga Memory Exchange Shop UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/06/22
StampManiManiThinking.png STP: Mani Mani - Thinking /st 85 PSO2 Manga Memory Exchange Shop UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/06/22
StampManiManiGotit.png STP: Mani Mani - Got it /st 86 PSO2 Manga Memory Exchange Shop UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/06/22
StampManiManiCheckmeout.png STP: Mani Mani - Check me out /st 87 PSO2 Manga Memory Exchange Shop UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/06/22
StampManiManiCute.png STP: Mani Mani - Cute /st 88 PSO2 Manga Memory Exchange Shop UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/06/22
StampManiManiBashful.png STP: Mani Mani - Bashful /st 89 PSO2 Manga Memory Exchange Shop UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/06/22
StampManiManiOkayOkaaaaay.png STP: Mani Mani - Okay Okaaaaay! /st 90 PSO2 Manga Memory Exchange Shop UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/06/22
StampManiManiGetonit.png STP: Mani Mani - Get on it! /st 91 PSO2 Manga Memory Exchange Shop UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/06/22
StampManiManiCelebrate.png STP: Mani Mani - Celebrate /st 92 PSO2 Manga Memory Exchange Shop UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/06/22
StampManiManiYouguysready.png STP: Mani Mani - You guys ready? /st 93 PSO2 Manga Memory Exchange Shop UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/06/22
StampMoonyandSunnyFlowerViewing.png STP: Moony & Sunny - Flower Viewing /st 94 Seasonal Point Seasonal Points Exchange Shop (Spring '22 Event) UICheckMarkIcon.png 03/09/22
StampJalilandMohsenCrossedArms.png STP: Jalil & Mohsen - Crossed Arms /st 95 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Diva of the Desert
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 2
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 3
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 4
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Halpha ARKS Revival
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Halpha ARKS Revival 2
UIRestrictedBlue.png 02/16/22
StampRizwanaandMuniraEmpathicCommunion.png STP: Rizwana & Munira - Empathic Communion /st 96 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Diva of the Desert
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 2
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 3
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 4
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Halpha ARKS Revival
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Halpha ARKS Revival 2
UIRestrictedBlue.png 02/16/22
StampInstructorLevelUp.png STP: Instructor - Level Up /st 97 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 6 Mission Pass
Special Scratch Tickets: NGS 2nd SP Scratch‎
UIRestrictedBlue.png 03/16/22
StampEternaSalonTime.png STP: Eterna - Salon Time /st 98 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 6 Mission Pass
Special Scratch Tickets: NGS 2nd SP Scratch‎
UIRestrictedBlue.png 03/16/22
StampInfectiousSmiles.png STP: Infectious Smiles /st 100 PSO2 10th Anniversary Manga Special Gift UICheckMarkIcon.png 07/03/22
StampFuwanThankYou.png STP: Fuwan - Thank you! /st 101 NGS 1st Anniversary Special Gift UICheckMarkIcon.png 06/01/22
StampOtaricaThankYou.png STP: Otarica - Thank you! /st 102 NGS 1st Anniversary Special Gift UICheckMarkIcon.png 06/01/22
StampCeremoRappiesCelebrate.png STP: Ceremo Rappies - Celebrate! /st 103 PSO2 10th Anniversary Manga Special Gift UICheckMarkIcon.png 07/03/22
StampAinaandGaroaThankYou.png STP: Aina & Garoa - Thank you! /st 104 NGS 1st Anniversary Special Gift UICheckMarkIcon.png 06/01/22
StampManonUnhappy.png STP: Manon - Unhappy /st 105 Seasonal Point Seasonal Points Exchange Shop (NGS 1st Anniversary Event) UICheckMarkIcon.png 05/11/22
StampParadise.png STP: Paradise /st 106 Seasonal Point Seasonal Points Exchange Shop (NGS 1st Anniversary Event) UICheckMarkIcon.png 05/11/22
StampRock.png STP: Rock /st 107 Seasonal Point Seasonal Points Exchange Shop (NGS 1st Anniversary Event) UICheckMarkIcon.png 05/11/22
StampScissors.png STP: Scissors /st 108 Seasonal Point Seasonal Points Exchange Shop (NGS 1st Anniversary Event) UICheckMarkIcon.png 05/11/22
StampPaper.png STP: Paper /st 109 Seasonal Point Seasonal Points Exchange Shop (NGS 1st Anniversary Event) UICheckMarkIcon.png 05/11/22
StampOverhere.png STP: Over here! /st 110 Seasonal Point Seasonal Points Exchange Shop (NGS 1st Anniversary Event) UICheckMarkIcon.png 05/11/22
StampAinaMunch.png STP: Aina - Munch /st 111 Seasonal Point Seasonal Points Exchange Shop (NGS 1st Anniversary Event) UICheckMarkIcon.png 05/11/22
StampOhHowNice.png STP: Oh, How Nice... /st 112 Seasonal Point Seasonal Points Exchange Shop (NGS 1st Anniversary Event) UICheckMarkIcon.png 05/11/22
StampImOutofReversasigne.png STP: I'm Out of Reversasigne! /st 113 Seasonal Point Seasonal Points Exchange Shop (NGS 1st Anniversary Event) UICheckMarkIcon.png 05/11/22
StampIDontUnderstand.png STP: I Don't Understand /st 114 Seasonal Point Seasonal Points Exchange Shop (NGS 1st Anniversary Event) UICheckMarkIcon.png 05/11/22
StampRappyCryofDespair.png STP: Rappy - Cry of Despair /st 115 Seasonal Point Seasonal Points Exchange Shop (NGS 1st Anniversary Event) UICheckMarkIcon.png 05/11/22
StampDottsTakeAim.png STP: Dotts - Take Aim! /st 116 Seasonal Point Seasonal Points Exchange Shop (NGS 1st Anniversary Event) UICheckMarkIcon.png 05/11/22
StampTakeThemOut.png STP: Take Them Out! /st 117 Seasonal Point Seasonal Points Exchange Shop (NGS 1st Anniversary Event) UICheckMarkIcon.png 05/11/22
StampAshFiredUp.png STP: Ash - Fired Up /st 118 Seasonal Point Seasonal Points Exchange Shop (NGS 1st Anniversary Event) UICheckMarkIcon.png 05/11/22
StampRisaStare.png STP: Risa - Stare /st 119 Seasonal Point Seasonal Points Exchange Shop (NGS 1st Anniversary Event) UICheckMarkIcon.png 05/11/22
StampAinaYeah.png STP: Aina - Yeah! /st 120 SG SG Scratch Tickets: Polar Raiment
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Waker Caparison
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 5
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 6
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 7
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 8
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 9
UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/13/22
StampQuintupletsCheering.png STP: Quintuplets - Cheering /st 121 SG SG Scratch Tickets: Polar Raiment
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Waker Caparison
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 5
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 6
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 7
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 8
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 9
UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/13/22
StampFloatingBoard.png STP: Floating Board /st 122 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 9 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 06/15/22
StampThrowing.png STP: Throwing /st 123 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 9 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 06/15/22
StampOneMoreTime.png STP: One More Time /st 124 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 10 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/13/22
StampNice.png STP: Nice! /st 125 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 10 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/13/22
StampCeremoEmperappy10thAnniversary.png STP: Ceremo Emperappy - 10th Anniversary /st 126 Seasonal Point Seasonal Points Exchange Shop (PSO2 10th Anniversary Event) UICheckMarkIcon.png 07/06/22
StampNGSHeroinesCongrats.png STP: NGS Heroines - Congrats /st 127 Seasonal Point Seasonal Points Exchange Shop (PSO2 10th Anniversary Event) UICheckMarkIcon.png 07/06/22
StampPSO2HeroinesCongrats.png STP: PSO2 Heroines - Congrats /st 128 Seasonal Point Seasonal Points Exchange Shop (PSO2 10th Anniversary Event) UICheckMarkIcon.png 07/06/22
StampMeriThankYou.png STP: Meri - Thank you! /st 129 Silver Peaks Kvaris Pack/Type 1 Pack
Silver Peaks Kvaris Pack/Type 2 Pack
UICheckMarkIcon.png 06/08/22
StampMatoiImissedyou.png STP: Matoi - I missed you /st 130 Special Scratch Tickets: PSO2 10th Special Scratch
Special Scratch Tickets: Special Scratch
UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/06/22
StampPersonaDontcrysmile.png STP: [Persona] - Don't cry, Smile /st 131 Special Scratch Tickets: PSO2 10th Special Scratch
Special Scratch Tickets: Special Scratch
UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/06/22
StampDozerBREAK.png STP: Dozer - BREAK! /st 132 Nice to Meet You Campaign UICheckMarkIcon.png 07/06/22
StampAinaNicetoMeetYou.png STP: Aina - Nice to Meet You /st 133 Nice to Meet You Campaign UICheckMarkIcon.png 07/06/22
StampManonLookingforPartyMembers.png STP: Manon - Looking for Party Members /st 134 Nice to Meet You Campaign UICheckMarkIcon.png 07/06/22
StampCrawfordLookingforFriends.png STP: Crawford - Looking for Friends /st 135 Nice to Meet You Campaign UICheckMarkIcon.png 07/06/22
StampRanTeaTime.png STP: Ran - Tea Time /st 136 1/11 Use AC, Get Items! Special Campaign UICheckMarkIcon.png 01/11/23
StampRupicaLetsAdventure.png STP: Rupica - Let's Adventure /st 137 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: Oracle Revival UICheckMarkIcon.png 06/29/22
StampQunaGowiththeFlow.png STP: Quna - Go with the Flow /st 138 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: Oracle Revival UICheckMarkIcon.png 06/29/22
StampIoConviction.png STP: Io - Conviction /st 139 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: Oracle Revival UICheckMarkIcon.png 06/29/22
StampIoGoodMorning.png STP: Io - Good Morning /st 140 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: Oracle Revival UICheckMarkIcon.png 06/29/22
StampEchoIgotthis.png STP: Echo - I got this /st 141 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: Oracle Revival UICheckMarkIcon.png 06/29/22
StampKatoriSeeyou.png STP: Katori - See you /st 142 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: Oracle Revival UICheckMarkIcon.png 06/29/22
StampAshDownandOut.png STP: Ash - Down & Out /st 143 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: Oracle Revival UICheckMarkIcon.png 06/29/22
StampEngaIBegYou.png STP: Enga - I Beg You /st 144 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: Oracle Revival UICheckMarkIcon.png 06/29/22
StampMatoiCongrats.png STP: Matoi - Congrats /st 145 Special Scratch Tickets: PSO2 10th Special Scratch
Special Scratch Tickets: Special Scratch
UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/06/22
StampMatoiHowiseverything.png STP: Matoi - How is everything? /st 146 Special Scratch Tickets: PSO2 10th Special Scratch
Special Scratch Tickets: Special Scratch
UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/06/22
StampRappyGoodMood.png STP: Rappy - Good Mood /st 147 Special Scratch Tickets: PSO2 10th Special Scratch
Special Scratch Tickets: Special Scratch
UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/06/22
StampRappyEscape2.png STP: Rappy - Escape 2 /st 148 Special Scratch Tickets: PSO2 10th Special Scratch
Special Scratch Tickets: Special Scratch
UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/06/22
StampPatiandTiaCongrats.png STP: Pati & Tia - Congrats /st 149 Special Scratch Tickets: PSO2 10th Special Scratch
Special Scratch Tickets: Special Scratch
UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/06/22
StampXionIappreciateit.png STP: Xion - I appreciate it /st 150 Special Scratch Tickets: PSO2 10th Special Scratch
Special Scratch Tickets: Special Scratch
UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/06/22
StampElderILoveaCrowd.png STP: [Elder] - I Love a Crowd! /st 151 Special Scratch Tickets: PSO2 10th Special Scratch
Special Scratch Tickets: Special Scratch
UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/06/22
StampLutherSuchFoolishness.png STP: [Luther] - Such Foolishness! /st 152 Special Scratch Tickets: PSO2 10th Special Scratch
Special Scratch Tickets: Special Scratch
UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/06/22
StampProfoundDarknessArrival.png STP: Profound Darkness - Arrival /st 153 Special Scratch Tickets: PSO2 10th Special Scratch
Special Scratch Tickets: Special Scratch
UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/06/22
StampEmperappyLuvLuv.png STP: Emperappy - Luv Luv /st 154 Special Scratch Tickets: PSO2 10th Special Scratch
Special Scratch Tickets: Special Scratch
UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/06/22
StampAwMan.png STP: Aw, Man... /st 161 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 11 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 08/17/22
StampLetsgo.png STP: Let's go! /st 162 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 11 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 08/17/22
StampBlush.png STP: Blush /st 163 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 12 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 09/14/22
StampCheer.png STP: Cheer /st 164 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 12 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 09/14/22
StampTaivasAngry.png STP: Taivas - Angry /st 165 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 5
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 6
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 7
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 8
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 9
UIRestrictedBlue.png 08/17/22
StampTuuliSigh.png STP: Tuuli - Sigh /st 166 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 5
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 6
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 7
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 8
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 9
UIRestrictedBlue.png 08/17/22
StampSunnyGood.png STP: Sunny - Good! /st 167 Seasonal Point Seasonal Points Exchange Shop (Moon-Gazing '22 Event) UICheckMarkIcon.png 09/07/22
StampRobotSparkles.png STP: Robot - Sparkles /st 168 Reward from Lydia's Tasks UICheckMarkIcon.png 12/07/22
StampMotherCDJacket.png STP: Mother - CD Jacket /st 169 Stamps & Emote Set UICheckMarkIcon.png 12/07/22
StampStratosCDJacket.png STP: Stratos - CD Jacket /st 170 Stamps & Emote Set UICheckMarkIcon.png 12/07/22
StampHarietteCDJacket.png STP: Hariette - CD Jacket /st 171 Stamps & Emote Set UICheckMarkIcon.png 12/07/22
StampShivaCDJacket.png STP: Shiva - CD Jacket /st 172 Stamps & Emote Set UICheckMarkIcon.png 12/07/22
StampPSO2HeroinesCDJacket.png STP: PSO2 Heroines - CD Jacket /st 173 Stamps & Emote Set UICheckMarkIcon.png 12/07/22
StampDarkFalzInvasion.png STP: Dark Falz - Invasion /st 174 6/7 Use AC, Get Items! Special Campaign UICheckMarkIcon.png 06/07/23
StampPoponaPoppo.png STP: Popona - Poppo /st 176 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: Virtual Streamers UICheckMarkIcon.png 08/24/22
StampShikiTohnoArcDrive.png STP: Shiki Tohno - Arc Drive /st 177 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: Melty Blood Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 10/05/22
StampArcueidArcDrive.png STP: Arcueid - Arc Drive /st 178 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: Melty Blood Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 10/05/22
StampCielArcDrive.png STP: Ciel - Arc Drive /st 179 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: Melty Blood Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 10/05/22
StampAkihaTohnoArcDrive.png STP: Akiha Tohno - Arc Drive /st 180 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: Melty Blood Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 10/05/22
StampHisuiandKohakuVictoryPose.png STP: Hisui & Kohaku - Victory Pose /st 181 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: Melty Blood Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 10/05/22
StampKoumaKishimaVictoryPose.png STP: Kouma Kishima - Victory Pose /st 182 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: Melty Blood Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 10/05/22
StampMiyakoArimaVictoryPose.png STP: Miyako Arima - Victory Pose /st 183 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: Melty Blood Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 10/05/22
StampAinzExcellent.png STP: Ainz - Excellent! /st 184 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: Overlord Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 11/16/22
StampAinzThisisTerrible.png STP: Ainz - This is Terrible... /st 185 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: Overlord Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 11/16/22
StampAlbedoItsJustAsYouSay.png STP: Albedo - It's Just As You Say /st 186 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: Overlord Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 11/16/22
StampMamonWhatsWrong.png STP: Mamon - What's Wrong? /st 187 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: Overlord Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 11/16/22
StampCENTRAL.png STP: CENTRAL! /st 188 CENTRAL! Collection Item Code UICheckMarkIcon.png 01/25/23
StampLetsDoThis.png STP: Let's Do This /st 190 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 13 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 10/12/22
StampTired.png STP: Tired /st 191 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 13 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 10/12/22
StampGreat.png STP: Great /st 192 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 14 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 11/09/22
StampSeeyou.png STP: See you! /st 193 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 14 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 11/09/22
StampCrawfordFire.png STP: Crawford - Fire! /st 194 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 7
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 8
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 9
UIRestrictedBlue.png 10/12/22
StampGigantixMalevolent.png STP: Gigantix - Malevolent /st 195 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 7
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 8
SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 9
UIRestrictedBlue.png 10/12/22
StampRMagHalloween.png STP: R Mag - Halloween /st 196 Seasonal Point Seasonal Points Exchange Shop UICheckMarkIcon.png 11/16/22
StampIlmaIgotthis.png STP: Ilma - I got this! /st 198 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 9 UIRestrictedBlue.png 12/14/22
StampKukkaNicetoMeetYou.png STP: Kukka - Nice to Meet You /st 199 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 9 UIRestrictedBlue.png 12/14/22
StampNoroshiThanks.png STP: Noroshi - Thanks /st 200 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 10 UIRestrictedBlue.png 01/18/23
StampKanuiGotit.png STP: Kanui - Got it /st 201 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form 10 UIRestrictedBlue.png 01/18/23
StampGlenLetsgo.png STP: Glen - Let's go /st 202 Crimson Lotus Stia Pack/Type 1
Crimson Lotus Stia Pack/Type 2
UICheckMarkIcon.png 12/07/22
StampRappyMerryChristmas.png STP: Rappy - Merry Christmas! /st 203 Merry Keyword Giveaway UICheckMarkIcon.png 12/21/22
StampSunnyHappyNewYear.png STP: Sunny - Happy New Year! /st 204 Ring out the old, ring in the new Campaign UICheckMarkIcon.png 12/28/22
StampOperatorWelcomeBack.png STP: Operator - Welcome Back /st 205 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 15 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 12/14/22
StampWorry.png STP: Worry /st 206 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 15 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 12/14/22
StampTeleport.png STP: Teleport /st 207 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 16 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 01/18/23
StampSorry2.png STP: Sorry 2 /st 208 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 16 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 01/18/23
StampAinaNow.png STP: Aina - Now! /st 209 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Volcanic Heart UICheckMarkIcon.png 02/15/23
StampManonSmile.png STP: Manon - Smile /st 210 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Volcanic Heart UICheckMarkIcon.png 02/15/23
StampInLove.png STP: In Love /st 213 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 17 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 02/15/23
StampItsaSecret.png STP: It's a Secret /st 214 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 18 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 03/15/23
StampSeeYouLater.png STP: See You Later! /st 215 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 17 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 02/15/23
StampShock.png STP: Shock /st 216 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 18 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 03/15/23
StampDozerEat100HoursCurry.png STP: Dozer - Eat 100 Hours Curry /st 218 8/23 Use AC, Get Items! Special Campaign UICheckMarkIcon.png 08/23/23
StampAina100HoursCurryxNGS.png STP: Aina - 100 Hours Curry x NGS /st 219 8/23 Use AC, Get Items! Special Campaign UICheckMarkIcon.png 08/23/23
StampSympathy2023.png STP: Sympathy 2023 /st 220 Sympathy 2023 Ticket Bonus UICheckMarkIcon.png 01/25/23
StampNaderehNoNeedToWorry.png STP: Nadereh - No Need To Worry /st 221 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Slashin' Slayer UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/12/23
StampOranjeOhMy.png STP: Oranje - Oh, My! /st 222 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Slashin' Slayer UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/12/23
StampTuuliSilence.png STP: Tuuli - Silence /st 223 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form May '23 UIRestrictedBlue.png 05/17/23
StampGlenRealization.png STP: Glen - Realization /st 224 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form May '23 UIRestrictedBlue.png 05/17/23
StampWelminaProud.png STP: Welmina - Proud /st 225 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 19 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/12/23
StampAgreement.png STP: Agreement /st 226 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 19 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/12/23
StampNonono.png STP: No, no, no /st 227 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 20 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 05/17/23
StampAQuickBreak.png STP: A Quick Break /st 228 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 20 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 05/17/23
StampRappyNGS2ndAnniversary.png STP: Rappy - NGS 2nd Anniversary /st 229 Seasonal Point Seasonal Points Exchange Shop UICheckMarkIcon.png 04/19/23
StampKeyVisual1A.png STP: Key Visual 1A /st 232 Special Scratch Tickets: NGS 2nd SP Scratch‎ UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/19/23
StampKeyVisual1B.png STP: Key Visual 1B /st 233 Special Scratch Tickets: NGS 2nd SP Scratch‎ UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/19/23
StampKeyVisual2.png STP: Key Visual 2 /st 234 Special Scratch Tickets: NGS 2nd SP Scratch‎ UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/19/23
StampCharacterIllustrationNadereh.png STP: Character Illustration (Nadereh) /st 235 Special Scratch Tickets: NGS 2nd SP Scratch‎ UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/19/23
StampCharacterIllustrationAina.png STP: Character Illustration (Aina) /st 236 Special Scratch Tickets: NGS 2nd SP Scratch‎ UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/19/23
StampCharacterIllustrationMeri.png STP: Character Illustration (Meri) /st 237 Special Scratch Tickets: NGS 2nd SP Scratch‎ UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/19/23
StampCharacterIllustrationKukka.png STP: Character Illustration (Kukka) /st 238 Special Scratch Tickets: NGS 2nd SP Scratch‎ UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/19/23
StampCharacterIllustrationTaivas.png STP: Character Illustration (Taivas) /st 239 Special Scratch Tickets: NGS 2nd SP Scratch‎ UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/19/23
StampCharacterIllustrationTuuli.png STP: Character Illustration (Tuuli) /st 240 Special Scratch Tickets: NGS 2nd SP Scratch‎ UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/19/23
StampCharacterIllustrationIlma.png STP: Character Illustration (Ilma) /st 241 Special Scratch Tickets: NGS 2nd SP Scratch‎ UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/19/23
StampCharacterIllustrationGlen.png STP: Character Illustration (Glen) /st 242 Special Scratch Tickets: NGS 2nd SP Scratch‎ UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/19/23
StampCharacterIllustrationKanui.png STP: Character Illustration (Kanui) /st 243 Special Scratch Tickets: NGS 2nd SP Scratch‎ UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/19/23
StampIllustrationWaker.png STP: Illustration (Waker) /st 244 Special Scratch Tickets: NGS 2nd SP Scratch‎ UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/19/23
StampIllustrationSlayer.png STP: Illustration (Slayer) /st 245 Special Scratch Tickets: NGS 2nd SP Scratch‎ UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/19/23
StampKeyVisual3A.png STP: Key Visual 3A /st 246 Special Scratch Tickets: NGS 2nd SP Scratch‎ UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/19/23
StampKeyVisual3B.png STP: Key Visual 3B /st 247 Special Scratch Tickets: NGS 2nd SP Scratch‎ UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/19/23
StampKeyVisual3C.png STP: Key Visual 3C /st 248 Special Scratch Tickets: NGS 2nd SP Scratch‎ UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/19/23
StampZephettoIntimidation.png STP: Zephetto - Intimidation /st 249 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Resurgent Force UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/12/23
StampPhariaPlease.png STP: Pharia - Please /st 250 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Resurgent Force UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/12/23
StampHitsugiEnvious.png STP: Hitsugi - Envious /st 251 Special Scratch Tickets: PSO2 11th SP Scratch UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/05/23
StampLillipanSleepy.png STP: Lillipan - Sleepy /st 252 Special Scratch Tickets: PSO2 11th SP Scratch UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/05/23
StampDeirdrePraise.png STP: Deirdre - Praise /st 255 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 21 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 06/14/23
StampTakingNotes.png STP: Taking Notes /st 256 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 21 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 06/14/23
StampSearch.png STP: Search /st 257 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 22 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/12/23
StampFinally.png STP: Finally! /st 258 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 22 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/12/23
StampAinaandMatoi11thAnniv.png STP: Aina & Matoi - 11th Anniv. /st 259 Seasonal Point Seasonal Points Exchange Shop UICheckMarkIcon.png 07/05/23
StampMotokoKusanagiLetsgo.png STP: Motoko Kusanagi - Let's go /st 261 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: GHOST IN THE SHELL: SAC_2045 Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 06/27/23
StampBatouUnderstood.png STP: Batou - Understood /st 262 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: GHOST IN THE SHELL: SAC_2045 Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 06/27/23
StampTachikomaMmHmm.png STP: Tachikoma - Mm-Hmm /st 263 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: GHOST IN THE SHELL: SAC_2045 Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 06/27/23
StampSonicGoodJob.png STP: Sonic - Good Job /st 264 SONIC 32nd Anniv. Keyword UICheckMarkIcon.png 06/23/23
StampTailsGoodNight.png STP: Tails - Good Night /st 265 SONIC 32nd Anniv. Keyword UICheckMarkIcon.png 06/23/23
StampAmyNod.png STP: Amy - Nod /st 266 Tasks Limited-Time Tasks (June 21st, 2023 - July 4th, 2023) UICheckMarkIcon.png 06/21/23
StampEggmanCry.png STP: Eggman - Cry /st 267 Tasks Limited-Time Tasks (June 21st, 2023 - July 4th, 2023) UICheckMarkIcon.png 06/21/23
StampTailsandAmyIappreciateit.png STP: Tails & Amy - I appreciate it /st 268 Tasks Limited-Time Tasks (June 21st, 2023 - July 4th, 2023) UICheckMarkIcon.png 06/21/23
StampLillipanLiii.png STP: Lillipan - Liii! /st 269 Special Scratch Tickets: PSO2 11th SP Scratch UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/05/23
StampBarbarlillipanRampage.png STP: Barbarlillipan - Rampage /st 270 Special Scratch Tickets: PSO2 11th SP Scratch UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/05/23
StampHitsugiOK.png STP: Hitsugi - OK! /st 271 PSO2 11th Anniversary Limited-time Login Bonus UICheckMarkIcon.png 07/05/23
StampHitsugiHowsThat.png STP: Hitsugi - How's That? /st 272 Special Scratch Tickets: PSO2 11th SP Scratch UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/05/23
StampLillipanStare.png STP: Lillipan - Stare /st 273 PSO2 11th Anniversary Limited-time Login Bonus UICheckMarkIcon.png 07/05/23
StampMarronAngry.png STP: Marron - Angry /st 274 Special Scratch Tickets: PSO2 11th SP Scratch UIRestrictedBlue.png 07/05/23
StampMayIComeIn.png STP: May I Come In? /st 280 Team Up Campaign UICheckMarkIcon.png 08/02/23
StampRupicaWelcome.png STP: Rupica - Welcome! /st 281 Team Up Campaign UICheckMarkIcon.png 08/02/23
StampRanEmergencyTransmission.png STP: Ran - Emergency Transmission /st 282 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form Sep '23 UIRestrictedBlue.png 09/13/23
StampCrawfordCanyouhearme.png STP: Crawford - Can you hear me? /st 283 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form Sep '23 UIRestrictedBlue.png 09/13/23
StampSlaineSoulResonance.png STP: Slaine - Soul Resonance /st 284 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 23 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 08/09/23
StampFredranAttack.png STP: Fredran - Attack /st 285 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 23 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 08/09/23
StampMarmeloGuard.png STP: Marmelo - Guard /st 286 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 24 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 09/06/23
StampWulfenPose.png STP: Wulfen - Pose /st 287 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 24 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 09/06/23
StampNoroshiYummy.png STP: Noroshi - Yummy! /st 288 Seasonal Point Seasonal Points Exchange Shop UICheckMarkIcon.png 09/06/23
StampAiMykidsaresocuuute.png STP: Ai - My kids are so cuuute!!! /st 290 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: [OSHI NO KO] Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 09/13/23
StampAquaProvoke.png STP: Aqua - Provoke /st 291 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: [OSHI NO KO] Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 09/13/23
StampRubyHowshouldIputitItsterrible.png STP: Ruby - How should I put it...? It's terrible! /st 292 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: [OSHI NO KO] Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 09/13/23
StampKanaArimaNomeansno.png STP: Kana Arima - No means no! /st 293 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: [OSHI NO KO] Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 09/13/23
StampMemchoExcited.png STP: Memcho - Excited /st 294 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: [OSHI NO KO] Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 09/13/23
StampPieyonImake100millionayear.png STP: Pieyon - I make 100 million a year /st 295 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: [OSHI NO KO] Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 09/13/23
StampUncleSmiling.png STP: Uncle - Smiling /st 296 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: Uncle from Another World Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 08/09/23
StampElfBlush.png STP: Elf - Blush /st 297 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: Uncle from Another World Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 08/09/23
StampMabelHappy.png STP: Mabel - Happy /st 298 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: Uncle from Another World Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 08/09/23
StampTakafumiWhatthehellman.png STP: Takafumi - What the hell, man?! /st 299 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: Uncle from Another World Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 08/09/23
StampFujimiyaBlushing.png STP: Fujimiya - Blushing /st 300 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: Uncle from Another World Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 08/09/23
StampMeriGeezSeriously.png STP: Meri - Geez, Seriously /st 303 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form Nov '23 UIRestrictedBlue.png 11/15/23
StampTaivasSorryToKeepYouWaiting.png STP: Taivas - Sorry To Keep You Waiting /st 304 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Refined Form Nov '23 UIRestrictedBlue.png 11/15/23
StampRMagDejected.png STP: R Mag - Dejected /st 305 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 25 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 10/18/23
StampRonaldineGetGoing.png STP: Ronaldine - Get Going /st 306 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 25 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 10/18/23
StampSlash.png STP: Slash /st 307 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 26 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 11/15/23
StampShoot.png STP: Shoot /st 308 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 26 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 11/15/23
StampRappyandLiuLinHalloween.png STP: Rappy & Liu Lin - Halloween /st 309 Seasonal Point Seasonal Points Exchange Shop UICheckMarkIcon.png 10/18/23
StampYuOminaeIllShowYou.png STP: Yu Ominae - I'll Show You /st 311 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: SPRIGGAN Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 10/18/23
StampJeanIllEndYou.png STP: Jean - I'll End You /st 312 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: SPRIGGAN Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 10/18/23
StampYoshinoSomeiThatsSuperRare.png STP: Yoshino Somei - That's Super Rare /st 313 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: SPRIGGAN Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 10/18/23
StampOboroThatWontWork.png STP: Oboro - That Won't Work /st 314 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: SPRIGGAN Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 10/18/23
StampAinaandManonCDJacket.png STP: Aina & Manon - CD Jacket /st 315 AC (NGS) Aina & Manon Collection Set UICheckMarkIcon.png 03/13/24
StampUncleCollabVisual.png STP: Uncle - Collab Visual /st 317 Uncle from Another World Limited-time Login Bonus UIRestrictedBlue.png 08/09/23
StampElfCollabVisual.png STP: Elf - Collab Visual /st 318 Uncle from Another World Limited-time Login Bonus UIRestrictedBlue.png 08/09/23
StampMabelCollabVisual.png STP: Mabel - Collab Visual /st 319 Uncle from Another World Limited-time Login Bonus UIRestrictedBlue.png 08/09/23
StampManonIllassist.png STP: Manon - I'll assist! /st 320 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Renewed Resolve UIRestrictedBlue.png 01/17/24
StampManonLetsgo.png STP: Manon - Let's go! /st 321 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Renewed Resolve UIRestrictedBlue.png 01/17/24
StampDodgetheQuestion.png STP: Dodge the Question /st 324 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 27 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 12/13/23
StampWelminaYaay.png STP: Welmina - Yaay /st 325 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 27 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 12/13/23
StampHmm.png STP: Hmm? /st 326 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 28 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 1/17/24
StampHoldItRightThere.png STP: Hold It Right There! /st 327 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 28 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 1/17/24
StampRupicaMerryChristmas.png STP: Rupica - Merry Christmas! /st 328 Seasonal Point Seasonal Points Exchange Shop UICheckMarkIcon.png 12/20/23
StampRappyKotatsu.png STP: Rappy - Kotatsu /st 329 Seasonal Point Seasonal Points Exchange Shop UICheckMarkIcon.png 01/01/24
StampNexAelioNewYearPostcard.png STP: Nex Aelio - New Year Postcard /st 330 Super Genesis Festival: NGS 2.5th Anniversary Campaign Pt.2 UIRestrictedBlue.png 12/27/23
StampCENTRAL2.png STP: CENTRAL! 2 /st 331 CENTRAL! Collection 2! Item Code UICheckMarkIcon.png 01/25/23
StampRockYouGotScrewed.png STP: Rock - You Got Screwed /st 332 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: BLACK LAGOON Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 12/20/23
StampRevyNoProblem.png STP: Revy - No Problem /st 333 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: BLACK LAGOON Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 12/20/23
StampDutchInteresting.png STP: Dutch - Interesting /st 334 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: BLACK LAGOON Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 12/20/23
StampRobertaIBidFarewell.png STP: Roberta - I Bid Farewell /st 335 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: BLACK LAGOON Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 12/20/23
StampGretelCallUponanAngel.png STP: Gretel - Call Upon an Angel /st 336 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: BLACK LAGOON Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 12/20/23
StampHanselPlayWithUs.png STP: Hansel - Play With Us /st 337 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: BLACK LAGOON Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 12/20/23
StampBLACKLAGOONxNGS.png STP: BLACK LAGOON x NGS /st 338 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: BLACK LAGOON Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 12/20/23
StampMeliodasOhdontworry.png STP: Meliodas - Oh, don't worry! /st 339 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: The Seven Deadly Sins Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 01/17/24
StampBanLetswreckthisguy.png STP: Ban - Let's wreck this guy. /st 340 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: The Seven Deadly Sins Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 01/17/24
StampDianeImunbeatable.png STP: Diane - I'm unbeatable! /st 341 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: The Seven Deadly Sins Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 01/17/24
StampKingStoptalkingaboutdeath.png STP: King - Stop talking about death. /st 342 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: The Seven Deadly Sins Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 01/17/24
StampGowtherThatismostunbecoming.png STP: Gowther - That is most unbecoming. /st 343 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: The Seven Deadly Sins Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 01/17/24
StampMerlinImthinking.png STP: Merlin - I'm thinking. /st 344 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: The Seven Deadly Sins Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 01/17/24
StampEscanorYoushallnotescape.png STP: Escanor - You shall not escape. /st 345 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: The Seven Deadly Sins Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 01/17/24
StampAinaLetsgetstarted.png STP: Aina - Let's get started! /st 353 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Renewed Resilience UIRestrictedBlue.png 03/13/24
StampAinaMelose.png STP: Aina - Me, lose? /st 354 SG (NGS) SG Scratch Tickets: Renewed Resilience UIRestrictedBlue.png 03/13/24
StampRanBRB.png STP: Ran - BRB /st 357 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 29 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 02/14/24
StampOranjeImback.png STP: Oranje - I'm back! /st 358 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 29 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 02/14/24
StampLiuLinWhatswrong.png STP: Liu Lin - What's wrong? /st 359 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 30 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 03/13/24
StampRossaGoodjob.png STP: Rossa - Good job! /st 360 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 30 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 03/13/24
StampHululuRappyNiceandWarm.png STP: Hululu Rappy - Nice and Warm /st 361 Seasonal Point Seasonal Points Exchange Shop UICheckMarkIcon.png 03/13/24
StampTheSevenDeadlySinsCollabVisual.png STP: The Seven Deadly Sins - Collab Visual /st 364 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: The Seven Deadly Sins Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 01/17/24
StampTheSevenDeadlySinsCollabVisual2.png STP: The Seven Deadly Sins - Collab Visual 2 /st 365 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: The Seven Deadly Sins Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 01/17/24
StampKenshinHimuraOroro.png STP: Kenshin Himura - Ororo /st 366 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: Rurouni Kenshin Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 04/03/24
StampKenshinHimuraIcannotallowthis.png STP: Kenshin Himura - I cannot allow this! /st 367 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: Rurouni Kenshin Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 04/03/24
StampSanosukeSagaraHurryonahead.png STP: Sanosuke Sagara - Hurry on ahead /st 368 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: Rurouni Kenshin Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 04/03/24
StampAoshiShinomoriThisistheend.png STP: Aoshi Shinomori - This is the end /st 369 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: Rurouni Kenshin Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 04/03/24
StampRurouniKenshinCollabVisual.png STP: Rurouni Kenshin - Collab Visual /st 370 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: Rurouni Kenshin Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 04/03/24
StampRurouniKenshinCollabVisual2.png STP: Rurouni Kenshin - Collab Visual 2 /st 371 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: Rurouni Kenshin Style UICheckMarkIcon.png 04/03/24
StampUlyOK.png STP: Uly - OK! /st 372 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: Echoes of Idola UICheckMarkIcon.png 03/19/24
StampStellaThankyou.png STP: Stella - Thank you /st 373 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: Echoes of Idola UICheckMarkIcon.png 03/19/24
StampRosalindeIappreciateit.png STP: Rosalinde - I appreciate it /st 374 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: Echoes of Idola UICheckMarkIcon.png 03/19/24
StampJasperLetsgo.png STP: Jasper - Let's go! /st 375 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: Echoes of Idola UICheckMarkIcon.png 03/19/24
StampPhuramyEmergency.png STP: Phuramy - Emergency! /st 376 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: Echoes of Idola UICheckMarkIcon.png 3/19/24
StampAnnaMarieWellDone.png STP: Anna Marie - Well Done! /st 377 AC (NGS) AC Scratch Tickets: Echoes of Idola UICheckMarkIcon.png 3/19/24
StampCanWeBeFriends.png STP: Can We Be Friends? /st 385 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 31 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/10/24
StampFullSpeedAhead.png STP: Full Speed Ahead /st 386 NGS Mission Pass Icon NGS Season 31 Mission Pass UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/10/24
StampEggRappyPeek.png STP: Egg Rappy - Peek /st 389 Seasonal Point Seasonal Points Exchange Shop UICheckMarkIcon.png 04/24/24
StampNGS3rdAnniversary.png STP: NGS 3rd Anniversary /st 390 Halpha’s Super Origin Festival Countdown Campaign UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/23/24
StampSuperOriginFestivalIllustration.png STP: Super Origin Festival Illustration /st 391 Special Scratch Tickets: Anniversary SP Scratch UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/24/24
StampPSO210thAnniversaryIllustration.png STP: PSO2 10th Anniversary Illustration /st 400 Special Scratch Tickets: Anniversary SP Scratch UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/24/24
StampPSO210thAnniversaryIllustration2.png STP: PSO2 10th Anniversary Illustration 2 /st 401 Special Scratch Tickets: Anniversary SP Scratch UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/24/24
StampPSO210thAnniversaryIllustration3.png STP: PSO2 10th Anniversary Illustration 3 /st 402 Special Scratch Tickets: Anniversary SP Scratch UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/24/24
StampPSO210thAnniversaryIllustration4.png STP: PSO2 10th Anniversary Illustration 4 /st 403 Special Scratch Tickets: Anniversary SP Scratch UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/24/24
StampPSO210thAnniversaryIllustration5.png STP: PSO2 10th Anniversary Illustration 5 /st 404 Special Scratch Tickets: Anniversary SP Scratch UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/24/24
StampPSO210thAnniversaryIllustration6.png STP: PSO2 10th Anniversary Illustration 6 /st 405 Special Scratch Tickets: Anniversary SP Scratch UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/24/24
StampPSO210thAnniversaryIllustration7.png STP: PSO2 10th Anniversary Illustration 7 /st 406 Special Scratch Tickets: Anniversary SP Scratch UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/24/24
StampGeneThankyou.png STP: Gené - Thank you! /st 407 Special Scratch Tickets: Anniversary SP Scratch UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/24/24
StampSeraphyGasp.png STP: Seraphy - Gasp /st 408 Special Scratch Tickets: Anniversary SP Scratch UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/24/24
StampMoaOwow.png STP: Moa - Ow, ow... /st 409 Special Scratch Tickets: Anniversary SP Scratch UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/24/24
StampAnnetteSpeechless.png STP: Annette - Speechless /st 410 Special Scratch Tickets: Anniversary SP Scratch UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/24/24
StampBrunoCheers.png STP: Bruno - Cheers! /st 411 Special Scratch Tickets: Anniversary SP Scratch UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/24/24
StampLordGoodMorning.png STP: Lord - Good Morning /st 412 Special Scratch Tickets: Anniversary SP Scratch UIRestrictedBlue.png 04/24/24