New Genesis: Field Races

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Field Races are a type of quest where players race against each other in Exploration Sectors and compete with time and points. You can start a race from Racing Consoles (Field Race), located near certain Ryuker Devices in Exploration Sectors. You will leave an ongoing Field Race if you move to another sector or teleport. Players can obtain Rewards, and Titles by completing Field Races with a high score.


Field Race Dash

In Field Races with Dash in the title, players compete by passing through all of the Checkpoints and collecting Score Symbols. Players are ranked by their Total Scores, which are calculated based on the time it takes them to pass through all of the checkpoints and how many Score Symbols they collect. During Field Races, additional objects will spawn in the racing area, such as green Dash Rings and blue Platforms for the player to traverse and collect Score Symbols and reach their Checkpoints easier.

Field Races (Dash)

CollapseField Races (Dash)
Field Race Name Region Ryuker Device Time Limit Checkpoints Notes
West Aelio Dash Aelio Aelio Town Ruins 2:30 3 • Hosts a total of 40 Score Symbols.
South Aelio Dash Aelio Balflow Falls 2:30 3 • -
West Retem Dash Retem Sagan Mountain Road: West 2:30 3 • -
South Retem Dash Retem Galner Coast: West 2:30 3 • -
West Kvaris Dash Kvaris Mt. Ihana: West 2:30 3 • -
Central Kvaris Dash Kvaris Mistra Woods: South 2:30 3 • -
South Kvaris Dash Kvaris Danann Snow Field 2:30 3 • -
Stia Outskirts Dash Stia Grainne Coast 2:30 3 • -

Field Race Board

In Board Field Races, players ride Floating Boards and compete with their Total Scores, which are calculated based on the time it takes them to pass through all of the Checkpoints and how many Score Symbols they collect. Getting off the Floating Board will cause you to leave the race.

Field Races (Board)

CollapseField Races (Board)
Field Race Name Region Ryuker Device Time Limit Checkpoints Notes
North Aelio Board Aelio Halphana Wetlands 2:30 4 • -
Central Aelio Board Aelio Halphana Plains: West 2:30 3 • -
Halphia Lake Board Aelio Halphia Lake 2:30 5 • -
North Retem Board Retem Murabba Canyon 2:30 3 • -
Central Retem Board Retem Oasis 2:30 3 • -
Dreisen Plant Board Stia Dreisen Plant 2 2:30 6 • -
Mediola Outer Area 2 Board Stia Felusa Ridge 1 2:30 3 • -

Limited Time Field Races

Limited Time Field Races are temporary field races that are available as part of an event. They do not directly fall under a Dash or Board Category

CollapseField Races (Limited Time)
Field Race Name Region Ryuker Device Time Limit Checkpoints Notes
South Kvaris Dash (Spring '24) Kvaris Dannan Snow Field: East 2:30 3 • A hybrid field race in which floating boards can be used.

• Has a chance to award Spring '24 SP Scratch Ticket Vouchers on clear.


Notable Items
Sword (NGS) Weapons / Unit (NGS) Units Ability Capsule (NGS) Augments
  • N/A
NGS Material Icon Materials NGS Rare Drop Icon Other