Entrusted by the Draconians

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Entrusted by the Draconians
Quest Type: Story Story Quests
Quest Class: UISoloParty.png Solo Quests
Description: By request of the Draconians, the party went to the deepest part of the Floating Continent, where Ro'Kamiz waited. He thanked [PLAYER NAME] for dealing with the Draconians and entrust them with a special request.
Difficulty and Level: Casual: 5-16
Hardcore: 16-75


The following enemies appear during the quest:

Story Information

Story Dialogue

A.P.238/3/25 11:30

Echo: Huh... I thought they said we were expected. I don't see anybody here.

Something shines in the air

Ro'Kamiz: (Welcome.) (Child of ARKS.)
Echo: !?
Zeno: I hear a voice echoing in my head... You a Draconian?
Ro'Kamiz: (I am Kamiz of Ro.) (I have my reasons for not showing myself, and I apologize for my rudeness in communicating like this.)
Echo: Kamiz of Ro? Was it you who called our friend here?
Ro'Kamiz: (Indeed, it was.)
Ro'Kamiz: (While the Draconians once upheld their isolationism, the winds of change have begun to blow.)
Ro'Kamiz: (The cause undoubtely lies within you. I thank you.)
Zeno: Huh. I do get the impression that something about the Draconians' demeanor has changed.
Zeno: But you didn't call us out here just to thanks us, did you, Kamiz of Ro?
Ro'Kamiz: (You are correct.) (I have something to give you.)
Ro'Kamiz: (But first, I would ascertain something.)
Ro'Kamiz: (If you have power enough to handle it.)

A Draconian appears and roars

Echo: Is that a Draconian!? It's huge!
Zeno: Heh, you wanna see what we've got? Your reward better be worth the trouble.
Ko'Rela: (How dare you!) (You should be honored) (to be graced) (by Master Kamiz's voice) (at all!)
Ro'Kamiz: (Let it be, Rela of Ko. Let your battle demonstrate your loyalty to me.)
Ko'Rela: (So be it!)

The trio battles Ko'Rela

Emergency Trial Suppress Ko'Rela
A.P.238/3/25 12:00

Ro'Kamiz: (Excellent. You have demonstrated power worthy of my trust.)
Ro'Kamiz: (Rela of Ko, you have also rendered a great service unto me. Rest yourself.)
Ko'Rela: (You honor me) (with your words.)
Ko'Rela: (ARKS.) (I extend to you my thanks.) (Long has it been) (since a battle made my heart tremble so.)

Ko'Rela flies away

Zeno: Phew... We made it. I'm starting to believe it less and less when a Draconian says they're getting serious.
Ro'Kamiz: (You fight a Draconian on even footing despite your small stature. Your existence is more miraculous than ours, in my view.)
Zeno: You Draconians are aggresive, but I wonder if that's because you are always on edge.
Ro'Kamiz: (Now, to the matter at hand.)
Ro'Kamiz: (I presume this is why you visited us in recent times.)

A crystal appears

Ro'Kamiz: (It was simply there one day.) (Quiet.... Dormant.)
Ro'Kamiz: (But not long ago, it awoke.) (As for why, we know not.) (It seemed to desire something.)
Ro'Kamiz: (That is when you appeared.)
Ro'Kamiz: (A covenant for a covenant. A boon for a boon.) (With that in mind, I would entrust this to you.) (I hope you will take it.)

[PLAYER NAME] goes to the crystal and retrieves the weapon fragment from within it

Ro'Kamiz: (Riu of Ko's voice reaches me.) (The unwelcome intruder has retreated.) (You may return now.)
Ro'Kamiz: (Goodbye.) (I pray that we meet again.)

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