Crimson Fellwyrm Over the Castle

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Crimson Fellwyrm Over the Castle
Quest Type Urgent Quests
Normal Level 20 and up
Hard Level 40 and up
Very Hard Level 55 and up
Super Hard Level 70 and up
Extremely Hard Level 80 and up
Ultra Hard Level 91 and up
Quest Details
Location Alternate Dimension: Omega
Single/Multi-Party UIMultiParty.png Multi-Party Quests
Party Invitation Allowed
Ally Assistance Not Allowed
Conditions For Acceptance
Normal No Level Restrictions
Hard Main Class Level 20 and up
Complete a special Client Order
Very Hard Main Class Level 40 and up
Complete a special Client Order
Super Hard Main Class Level 50 and up
Possess a Super Hard Difficulty Permit
Extremely Hard Main Class Level 75 and up, Sub Class Level 75 and up
Possess a Super Hard Difficulty Permit
Ultra Hard Main Class Level 85 and up, Sub Class Level 85 and up
Possess a Super Hard Difficulty Permit
Time Limit 01:00:00
Damage Limit 999,999
Ability Adjust None
Post-Quest Raid Reward Boost Great Enhancement Aid (up to +20%)
Boost Great Unit Enhancement Aid (up to +20%)

Urgent Quest Notices

"Listen up, it looks like signs of the Crimson Fellwyrm have been detected on Omega. We're going to need your assistance, so get ready."

—Initial Announcement Notice

"Emergency notice: the Crimson Fellwyrm has appeared at the former Cuento Castle on Omega. Move out immediately and route the enemy."

—Announcement Notice

Quest Objective

Defeat the dragon!

Quest Description

We've confirmed that a malevolent Fellwyrm sealed within the Cuento Castle Ruins of Alternate Dimension: Omega has been revived.
Use the Laconium Sword to defeat the evil beast with the help of Sword Maiden Alis!

Maximum dealable damage is limited to 999,999
You will fail this quest if you fail to fulfill your mission objectives or you exceed the time limit.

Target Enemy

Enemy List


Enemy List

Laconium Sword

Unique to this Urgent Quest and it's 4-man counterpart Black Fellwyrm Rises From Ruin is the Laconium Sword, acting as a "vehicle" of sorts similar to the AIS or the Dark Blast forms, granting the player a sword and shield. To deal considerable damage to the Elytron Dragon, players must utilise the Laconium Sword to break glowing blue points, turning them orange using the fully charged attack.

  • Basic attacks are rapid close-range sword slashes and sends shockwave slashes towards the aimed direction.
  • The second attack on the weapon palette has two different effects based on charge duration:
    • Uncharged, sends the player towards the target location at extremely high speeds, and slashes the target if it connects.
    • Fully charged, does a short-lived dash, and unleashes a powerful slash which will immediately break a glowing blue spot on the dragon. Full charge is signified by the completion of the posture change animation.
  • Guard will protect the player from damage if perfect guarded, else it reduces damage taken while held out, like other guard weapon actions.
  • Except for the eject option, there is no other action on the Sub-Palette when holding the sword.

Upon encountering the dragon, no swords will be spawned until a certain initial threshold of damage has been dealt to the dragon: this will then spawn up to a maximum of three swords that can be picked up. Should the sword expire, or the host lose all their health (which, like other vehicles, will not kill the player), the sword will respawn shortly after somewhere else on the map. During the final phase of the battle, a Laconium Sword will spawn for each player present in the quest.

Additional Info

  • Like other vehicles, the number of players holding a Laconium Sword is indicated near the mini map, like AIS and Dark Blast. Its icon is a sword.
  • Prior to the maintenance of October 13, 2020, some of the Crimson's Dragon voice lines incorrectly used the Japanese voice clips if the game has been set to English voices. This has since been fixed.

Drop Info

Category Item Name Notes
14 Demonia Series
Sword Demonia Saber

Twin Machineguns Demonia Blaster
Talis Demonia Feather

13 Ivlida Series
Sword Ivlida Hander

Wired Lance Ivlida Haddat
Partisan Ivlida Rangea
Daggers Ivlida Janbea
Double Saber Ivlida Kijal
Knuckles Ivlida Sadi
Katana Ivlida Bazera
Soaring Blades Ivlida Battadia
Gunblade Ivlida Buksi
Rifle Ivlida Tradil
Launcher Ivlida Calvin
Twin Machineguns Ivlida Dinares
Bow Ivlida Gender
Rod Ivlida Madina
Talis Ivlida Fossile
Wand Ivlida Carenza
Jet Boots Ivlida Cerberus
Harmonizer Ivlida Anhks

13 Val Series
Sword Val Farder

Wired Lance Val Weisz
Partisan Val Victo
Daggers Val Loque
Double Saber Val Vire
Knuckles Val Vadi
Katana Val Valua
Soaring Blades Val Slecht
Gunblade Val Alz
Rifle Val Drache
Launcher Val Volare
Twin Machineguns Val Radda
Bow Val Agria
Rod Val Zems
Talis Val Letra
Wand Val Eyth
Jet Boots Val Exocet

14Partisan Jildoghi Lola
14Twin Machineguns Dual Bird
14Jet Boots Gilhess Weihen

(XH and higher)
Eggs 13 Egg Jinga

13 Egg Aero
13 Egg Popple
13 Egg Marron
13 Egg Melon
13 Egg Redran
13 Egg Synchro
13 Egg Viola
13 Egg Rappy

(XH and higher)
Other -
Augments Affix Historia Soul

Affix Omega Reverie
Affix Might I - III
Affix Precision I - III
Affix Casting I - III

S-Grade Augments
Pass10 Add S4: Amplified Adept

Pass10 Add S4: Rainbow Adversity

Drops as a capsule in UH difficulty.
S Grade Augment 1 S1: Skillful Adept

S Grade Augment 1 S1: Skillful Adept 2
S Grade Augment 1 S1: Luminous Grace
S Grade Augment 1 S1: Luminous Grace 2
S Grade Augment 1 S1: Photon Descent
S Grade Augment 1 S1: Aggressive Will
S Grade Augment 1 S1: Spectre's Will
S Grade Augment 1 S1: Lucent Domain

May be granted to Weapon drops on XH and higher.
S Grade Augment 2 S2: Timeflow Vitality

S Grade Augment 2 S2: Timeflow Vitality 2
S Grade Augment 2 S2: Photon Descent
S Grade Augment 2 S2: Photon Descent 2
S Grade Augment 2 S2: Skillful Adept
S Grade Augment 2 S2: Precision Will
S Grade Augment 2 S2: Lustrous Strike
S Grade Augment 2 S2: Guardian Shield
S Grade Augment 2 S2: Perfect Descent
S Grade Augment 2 S2: Spectre Shield
S Grade Augment 2 S2: Lustrous Spectre
S Grade Augment 2 S2: Spectre Apparition

S Grade Augment 3 S3: Lustrous Strike

S Grade Augment 3 S3: Lustrous Strike 2
S Grade Augment 3 S3: Precision Will
S Grade Augment 3 S3: Precision Will 2
S Grade Augment 3 S3: Luminous Grace
S Grade Augment 3 S3: Timeflow Vitality
S Grade Augment 3 S3: Guardian Shield
S Grade Augment 3 S3: Persistent Fury
S Grade Augment 3 S3: Dynamo Dance
S Grade Augment 3 S3: Spectre's Descent

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