Endless Battle: Eternal Rondo

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Endless Battle: Eternal Rondo
Quest Type Endless Quests
Extremely Hard Level 80 and up
Quest Details
Location VR Space
Single/Multi-Party UISingleParty.png Single Party Quests
Party Invitation Allowed
Ally Assistance Not Allowed
Conditions For Acceptance
Extremely Hard Main Class Level 80 and up, Sub Class Level 80 and up
Possess a Super Hard Difficulty Permit
Time Limit 00:09:00
Damage Limit 999,999
Ability Adjust None

Endless Battle: Eternal Rondo is an Endless Quest.


In this Quest, the goal is to get the highest score possible within the allotted time limit by clearing stages. The more stages cleared, the higher your point total rises.

Mission Order

At the start of every stage, a Mission Order will appear at the top of the screen. The Mission Order's objective will persist on the HUD as long as the Order is active and any necessary counters will appear at the right side of the screen. Clearing a Mission Order is optional and the Quest will continue if it is failed or ignored, but clearing a Mission Order extends the time limit and grants a substantial score bonus. As such, clearing Mission Orders as quickly and as efficiently as possible will produce higher scores.

Types of Mission Orders

There are three different types of Mission Order being Incentive, Penalty, and Completion.

Incentive will require the player to defeat enemies in a certain way like destroying parts, Defeating enemies by exploiting a weak point, Defeating enemies in a time limit or defeat enemies from the front or back.

Penalty is when you lose time gain if you get incapacitated on Avoid becoming incapacitated or take damage on Avoid taking damage.

Completion require you to defeat a boss in a time limit or lose all time gain from it. Completion will not spawn on Solo until Week 3 except on stage 25 and 30. Most Completion orders may spawn on solo week 3, but only the confirm ones will have no Player 2+. Mission Orders from (Epyk Desert), (Canyon) and Corrupted Region (Forest) will only spawn the first order in solo until Week 4

Week 2 and onward

Starting from the second week onward, Mission Orders will increase in difficulty and All expect certain Stages will become Penalty Avoid taking damage !, The Time Extend and objective will relate the the stage, Like if the stage Mission Order is do 30% Enemy sections for +30s MAX, Penalty Avoid taking damage ! will be the same. Certain Stages will have new orders being more difficult. On Week 4 most stages even stages with only one mission order with change to Completion Avoid taking damage at least ? times ! Only the confirm missions will have it listed. Stages 5, 10, 15, 20, and 50 Mission Order will not change until week 5, They will change too Completion Avoid becoming incapacitated more than once ! (Need info)

Interval Area

After every 5th mission, an Interval Area will appear. The Interval Area features a shop that can be used to buy basic items as well as a Medical Terminal. This area provide a breather between rounds.

Mission Buff

Randomly some mission will give a massive buff to all stats even movement, Making the stage a lot easier.

Mission Stage Mishap and Week Mishap

Mission Stage Mishap ten to spawn to the second, Last or On a Guaranteed Spawn Stage. It will ether increase the enemies hp or attack or decrease your hp recovery effect or both. Week 1 the attack can be 100%, hp up to 50% and your hp recovery effect by -99%. On the second Week onward, additional Mishap will occur on all missions in that Week with Mission Stage Mishap randomly appearing too. The Week Mishap starts at 50% for both attack and hp and -60% hp recovery effect. At Week 3 it will start a 100% and increase by 100% until Week 7 with hp recovery effect maxing out at round 5 at -99%. On Week 12, The Week Mishap go up to 1000% hp and attack making it extremely hard even for the max out players.

Stage List

There a total of 39 stages. Overall The stages are long with mission orders adding up to 150s+ in some stages. There are five different types of stages, Guaranteed Spawn Stages, Random Stages, Urgent Quests Stages, Boss Stages and Rare Stages.

Guaranteed Spawn Stages

Stages 5, 10, 15, 20 and Week 2 50 is based on the Limited Quest Dark Revelry Consumes Starlight areas and mostly unchanged. Stages with numbers is the spawn order of enemies of more complex maps. Stage 50, 25 and 30 will always spawn every Week after Week 1. Stage 50 will replace stage 20 so only stage 5, 10 and 15 will be randomly pick with the four Dark Revelry Consumes Starlight stages leaving one out after Week 1.

Area Stage Mission Order Time Extend Featured Boss Enemies Notes
Alternate Dimension: Omega
(Bewitched Woods)
1 Incentive
Defeat enemies in 60s!
+120s MAX Rock Golem
Bomber Golem
Resta Golem
Mostly the same as Endless Battle: Edge of Recollection except enemies have been changed to Supernaturals.
Week 3+
Defeat 19 enemies from the front within 120 seconds!
Dark Revelry Consumes Starlight Area 1
5 Penalty
Avoid becoming incapacitated!
+120s MAX Wolguarda
Rock Golem
Falz Arm x2
(100% Res)
Omega Hyunal
The Falz Arms only take 1 damage so focus on Omega Hyunal, which has a lot of HP in this stage.
The stage ends when Omega Hyunal is defeated.
Dark Revelry Consumes Starlight Area 2
(Floating Facility)
10 Penalty
Avoid becoming incapacitated!
+120s MAX Omega Cockatrice
Dekor Maryuda x2
Bryu Ringahda
Omega Angel
The map is mostly unchanged of the Dark Revelry Consumes Starlight Area 2.
The stage ends when Omega Angel is defeated.
Dark Revelry Consumes Starlight Area 3
(Mining Base)
15 Penalty
Avoid becoming incapacitated!
+120s MAX 1R
Omega Salamander x3
The map is mostly unchanged of the Dark Revelry Consumes Starlight Area 3.
The Stage starts with a group of Dagan right when you spawn.
Next, there will be Omega Salamanders and Skull Archers, you need to defeat all of them to open all the doors.
After this. defeat the enemies in sections 1L, 1M and 1R listed. Note that with all doors gone, there will be jump pads to move left or right between the sections.
Now go up either way on 2R or 2L. More jump pads will spawn after you defeat the left or right sides. Once both sides have been dealt with, the door to section 3 open and more enemies will spawn. Be careful as the Briardas have their Special Attack that can down you easily.
After they all are defeated the last door will open. The stage ends when Omega Appregina is defeated so you can just ignore Fal Vibras and the Goldrahdas.
Carthago x4
Minotaurgz x2
Predicahdr x2
AIS Exoda x3
Omega Salamander x3
Resta Golem x2
Grants Sorcerer x2
Vidrola x6
Dark Ragne
Briarda x4
(Special Attack)
Solza Brahda x6
Omega Appregina
Fal Vibras
Dark Revelry Consumes Starlight Area 4
(Nightfall Province)
20 Penalty
Avoid becoming incapacitated !
+120s MAX 1L
Bomber Golem x2
The map is mostly unchanged of the Dark Revelry Consumes Starlight Area 4.
There are two paths you can take, but both paths have to be dealt with to progress. The paths will be sectioned off until the other side have defeated their mobs.
Along the paths, extremely strong turrets will spawn, meant to assist the other side in defeating enemies. The turrets will spawn once a side has dealt with their enemies, while the opposite side has enemies remaining.
The right path will only have two Bomber Golems along with smaller mobs, while the left has two Bomber Golems, a Kodotta Idihta and some smaller mobs.
Once the paths connect, there will be a Dranble Krone to deal with. After you defeat it, a jump pad will spawn that will take you to the final section with Omega Dranble. Stage ends when Omega Dranble is Defeated.
Kodotta Idihta
Bomber Golem x2
Dranble Krone
Omega Dranble
Menace of the Bewitched Castle
Alternate Dimension: Omega
(Castrum Demonica Outskirts)
25 Completion
Defeat 1 Castrum Demonica: Misil Gassdo within 2379 seconds!
+180s MAX 1.
Resta Golem
The map is mostly unchanged Menace of the Bewitched Castle from Endless Battle: Edge of Recollection but with slight enemy spawn changes.
First you will go up and fight a Resta Golem, followed by a Omega Cockatrice on the left of wall, then a Flame Diamos on right of wall.
After all of them have been defeated, the wall will break, summoning a Wolguarda.
Dark Ragne will spawn on the stairs after some of the mobs are defeated.
Now there will be two paths that you can pick between, but both paths need to be dealt with to get to the last part.
On the left path, there will be a Dekor Maryuda followed by a Bryu Ringahda, while the right path has a Kodotta Idihta and followed by a Daemonicus Bomber Golem.
Lastly, at the end, there will be two 100% Res Dranble Krone. Due to the Dranble Krone only taking 1 damage, try to ignore them and focus on the Castrum Demonica: Misil Gassdo to end the map.
Omega Cockatrice
Flame Diamos
Dark Ragne
Dekor Maryuda
Kodotta Idihta
Bryu Ringahda
Daemonicus Bomber Golem
Dranble Krone x2
(100% Res)
Castrum Demonica: Misil Gassdo
Alternate Dimension: Omega
(East Cuento Plains)
30 Completion
Defeat 1 Omega Masquerader within 3939 seconds!
+180s MAX Omega Hyunal
Omega Angel
Omega Appregina
Omega Dranble
Rock Golem
Bomber Golem
Resta Golem
Flame Diamos
Omega Cockatrice x2
Virtual Omega Masquerader
The map is based on Ep.5 Ch.6 The Assembled Heroes and is the last map of a week.
There are many waves of enemies, with each wave shaped as letters to spell out "FROM EP5 CREW". The boss orders are as follows: Omega Hyunal and Omega Angel in M, Omega Appregina and Omega Dranble in 5, Rock Golem in C, Bomber Golem in R, Resta Golem in E and finally Flame Diamos and two Omega Cockatrice in W.
Once the final wave has been defeated, a teleporter will spawn that takes you to the final arena, where the last boss is Virtual Omega Masquerader at lv. 90. His behavior is based on the Depth 500 variant from Regional Survey: Remnants of a Parallel World but his attack, HP and other stats are unclear.
Defeating him will end the current week, and the next week starts.
Dark Revelry Consumes Starlight Area 5
(City Area)
50 Penalty
Avoid becoming incapacitated!
+120s MAX Omega Hyunal
Omega Angel
Omega Appregina
Omega Dranble
This is a small mosh pit of all four of the Omega Falz.
At the start two of the four will spawn and after you defeat one the next one will spawn until all four is defeated. Their HP is lower than usual so you can defeat them fast before they can attack.
Beware, during higher Weeks with the (Week + mission) Mishaps, you can get one shot so be careful.

Random Stages

Stages that are Randomly pick. Stages will not repeat until a week have ended and some Stages will be skip in a Week Due to Guaranteed Spawn Stages and Rare Stages.

Area Mission Order Time Extend Featured Boss Enemies Notes
Destroy enemy sections
30s MAX Rockbear
Fang Banshee
Fang Banser
Snow Banshee
Snow Banser
In the first area you fight a lot of mobs and a Rockbear, The next area both Banshees and Bansers will spawn. You need to destroy all parts and defeat them fast or they will jump into the trees wasting a lot of time.
Defeat enemies from the front !
2+ Players
Defeat enemies from the back !
Week 3+
Defeat 14 enemies from the front within 120 seconds!
(Volcanic Caves)
Destroy enemy sections !
+60s MAX Catredransa
Catre Drahl
Vol Dragon
Goron Zran
Bomber Golem x2
Flame Diamos
You be fighting a lot of enemies here and with the lava you going to get burned. First wave is Catredransa, Catredran and Catre Drahl. Second wave is Vol Dragon and Goron Zran. And the last wave is two Bomber Golems and a Flame Diamos.
Defeat enemies from the front !
Defeat enemies by exploiting a weak point !
2+ Players
Week 3+
Defeat 6 enemies by exploiting a weak point within 180 seconds!
Week 3+
Destroy 10 enemy sections within 180 seconds!
Week 3+
Defeat 31 enemies from the front within 180 seconds!
(Floating Continent)
Defeat enemies by exploiting a weak point !
+60s MAX Chrome Dragon
Apostle Dragon
You be fighting two dragons in a special boss map from Ep.1 Ch.10 The Final Farewell, Making them use special attacks like, Throwing stones, clinging to the ceiling and falling rocks. This fight is a lot because they both will make the ceiling rocks fall in the same time and making a mess on your screen. Best way to go tho this to to defeat them both at the same time. The teleporter will not appear unless you defeat the Falspawns that they summon.
2+ Players
Defeat 1 Apostle Dragon within 100 seconds!
2+ Players
Defeat 1 Chrome Dragon within 80 seconds!
Week 3+
Defeat 6 enemies by exploiting a weak point within 180 seconds!
(Dragon Altar)
Destroy enemy sections !
+60s MAX Rock Golem
(Random Left Door)
Bomber Golem
(Random Left Door)
Resta Golem
(Random Left Door)
Vol Dragon
(Random Right Door)
Quartz Dragon
(Random Right Door)
Dragon X
(Random Right Door)
Apostle Dragon
There three doors that opens the top one is a group of Goblin Bomber and ether a Orc Bomber, Minotaurgz or a Orc Cavalier. The Second door will have one of the three Golems and the last door will ether have a Vol Dragon, Quartz Dragon or Dragon X. After all doors are defeated, Apostle Dragon will appear in the middle.
Defeat enemies from the front !
Defeat enemies by exploiting a weak point !
Week 3+
Defeat 18 enemies from the front within 180 seconds!
Week 3+
Defeat 5 enemies by exploiting a weak point within 180 seconds!
Week 3+
Destroy 7 enemy sections within 180 seconds!
(Abandoned Mine)
Avoid taking damage !
+120s MAX Tranmizer
Rock Golem
Barbalillipan x2
Bomber Golem
Resta Golem
Replica of Apprentice
Omega Cockatrice
Bryu Ringahda
It a small map with a lot of time given. The Map is full of traps that will spawn Supernaturals, If you avoid the traps you will not need to fight them. Bryu Ringahda spawns at the end of map.
Week 4+
Avoid taking damage at least 25 times !
(Mining Base)
Defeat enemies from the front !
+90s MAX Vardersoma
Fal Vibras Yuga
Its mostly the same as Endless Battle: Edge of Recollection, SP Breakthrough Training: EP2 Area 3 but slightly narrower vertically and the Barbalillipans where replace by Orc Bombers and Fal Vibras is now Fal Vibras Yuga. Stage ends when Fal Vibras Yuga is defeated.
2+ Players
Defeat enemies from the back !
Week 3+
Defeat 11 enemies from the front within 240 seconds!
Destroy enemy sections !
+60s MAX Dekor Maryuda
(Down Left)
Omega Cockatrice
(Down Right)
Flame Diamos
(Up Right)
Orgbran x2
There two jump pads that leads you to bosses, Down or up. After you defeat one side a Orgbran will spawn in the middle. After you do the other side a second Orgbran will spawn in the same place.
Defeat enemies from the front !
2+ Players
Defeat enemies from the back !
Defeat enemies by exploiting a weak point !
Week 3+
Defeat 48 enemies from the front within 180 seconds!
2+ Players
Week 3+
Defeat 34 enemies from the back within 180 seconds!
Week 3+
Destroy 18 enemy sections within 180 seconds!
Avoid taking damage !
+60s MAX Dekor Maryuda x2
Biol Meduna
A long map with the time added is smaller then the stage, losing time as the result. At the end you fight Biol Meduna with a few range enemies, So watch out of them to not take damage.
Week 4+
Avoid taking damage at least 15 times !
(Floating Facility)
Destroy enemy sections !
+90s MAX Nept Casadohra
Bar Lodos
A very easy map to get the mission order done due to most enemies having destructible parts or weak points. First spawn is Nept Casadohra, then Leomaduraad and lastly Bar Lodos at the end.
Defeat enemies by exploiting a weak point !
Week 3+
Defeat 8 enemies by exploiting a weak point within 240 seconds!
Week 4+
Avoid taking damage at least 20 times !
(Daybreak Province)
Defeat enemies in 150s!
+120s MAX Bomber Golem
Gigur Gunnegam
The stage is long and has a lot of enemies, But gives out a lot of time too. Some enemies types are stuck as turrets at the edges of the map. Gigur Gunnegam spawns at the end of map.
(Daybreak Citadel)
Defeat enemies in 90s!
+60s MAX Anjadeurili
Gwahl Jigmolde
Its a small map with all lot of enemies. Make sure not to let the enemies to fall off, Like Anjadeurili as he loves to fall off. Gwahl Jigmolde spawns at the end of map. One of the only places that spawns Maga Pajigeeri, Maga Izaogal and Maga Anshizagri.
Defeat enemies in 120s!
+90s MAX T15 Tank x2
Train Gidran
Its a long map with dash panels from Endless Battle: Edge of Recollection. The only change is there a loop mid way in and going back up after the loop will spawn two T15 Tanks. Enemies now spawn faster making them more likely to scatter and miss your kick. The map changes by how many people playing adding more enemies and dash panels. Train Gidran still spawn at the end of the map.
(Las Vegas)
Defeat enemies from the front !
+120s MAX Devil Truck x2
Vegas Illusia
(Special Attack)
Sir Adam Sacrid
The map starts with two Devil Trucks, Then you use a jump pad to the next area with Vegas Illusia. Vegas Illusia will use a special attack with a roulette wheel, being invincible and wasting your time, To stop this destroy it legs. The last area spawns Sir Adam Sacrid that also has a move that he becomes invincible at low hp and can't be stop.
Destroy enemy sections !
Week 3+
Destroy 8 enemy sections within 300 seconds!
Week 3+
Defeat 27 enemies from the front within 300 seconds!
(Moon Surface)
Defeat enemies from the front !
+90s MAX Dekor Maryuz
Esca Ragnes
Aratron Femt
Deus Hyunas
Kohri Washinomiya
Disciple of Mercury, Ophiel
Its mostly the same from Endless Battle: Edge of Recollection but added Supernaturals and different enemies placement. Dekor and Esca Ragnes will spawn first, Then Mother and Aratron Femt and lastly Deus Hyunas, Kohri Washinomiya and Disciple of Mercury, Ophiel will spawn at the end. The enemies will most likely to have their backs at you at the last spawn because they will be fighting each other, So make sure to defeat them in the front for mission order.
Week 3+
Defeat 26 enemies from the front within 240 seconds!
Alternate Dimension: Omega
Defeat enemies in 150 seconds!
+120s MAX Bomber Golem
Kodotta Idihta
Resta Golem
Dranble Krone
(Up to 4)
The map is based on Ep.5 Ch.3 Castrum Demonica and Avian Falspawn There no Castrum Demonica, Just bosses and small mobs and all enemies here have a boosted aura. There a power up Laconium Sword with 999s. In solo you can just not use the sword but in 2 or more players you need to do a fix amount of damage, So using the sword might be needed. The first spawn is a Bomber Golem, Then Kodotta Idihta and Resta Golem and lastly up to four Dranble Krone for four players. At the end there Demon Artillery that can freeze the area and can freeze you for a long time if hit. On higher Weeks the Mission orders becomes very difficult.
2+ Players
Deal at least 200000 damage !
2+ Players
Week 2+
Deal at least 400000 damage !
2+ Players
Week 3+
Deal at least 400000 damage 68 times within 300 seconds!
Corrupted Region
Defeat enemies in 90s!
+60s MAX Rockbear
De Marmoth
It mostly the same as Endless Battle: Edge of Recollection but with some different spawn like Nav Rappy, Defeating it will spawn Diaboigryphis.
2+ Players
Defeat 1 Plosiogrs within 70 seconds!
2+ Players
Defeat 1 Bearabos within 70 seconds!
2+ Players
Week 3+
Defeat 1 Plosiogrs within 140 seconds!
Corrupted Region
(Volcanic Caves)
Avoid becoming incapacitated !
+120s MAX Drago Deadlion
Boks Deubarz
Gryzorus Drago
Anga Phandaj
Beast → Beast
There are three portals that go to the three bosses and the boss spawn are random each time even going to the same one on a different run. The bosses will have turrets with lasers and light balls that cant be defeated, After you defeat the three bosses Anga Phandaj will spawn in the middle as Beast → Beast.
Corrupted Region
(Underground Shafts)
Destroy enemy sections !
+60s MAX Falke Leone
Varima Leopod
Zeta Granz
The map has energy tanks everywhere and they are very high damaging and can be used to defeat the bosses but make sure your not in the blast radius.
2+ Players
Defeat 1 Varima Leopod within 60 seconds!
2+ Players
Defeat 1 Falke Leone within 60 seconds!
Week 3+
Destroy 16 enemy sections within 180 seconds!
Week 4+
Avoid taking damage at least 15 times !
(Falspawn Den)
Avoid taking damage !
+90s MAX Gwanada
AIS Exoda x2
Dekor Maryuda
Kodotta Idihta
The map has very poor footing, So you will be mostly in aerial combat. The first boss spawn is Gwanada and two AIS Exoda then the end will spawn Dekor Maryuda, Wolgurda and Kodotta Idihta.
Week 4+
Avoid taking damage at least 20 times !
(City Area)
Destroy enemy sections !
+30s MAX Persona the Masked
(Double Saber)
Dark Ragne
A easy mission but the time added here is short. The Persona the Masked enemies have a lot of hp only to here and the Sword version will spawn when you spawn in the small area so be ready. You only need to break three legs of Dark Ragne to get mission order but it the only enemy here that can be done, So make sure you do before you defeat it.
Defeat enemies by exploiting a weak point !
Week 3+
Destroy 3 enemy sections within 120 seconds!
Week 4+
Avoid taking damage at least 10 times !
(VR Arena - Forest)
Defeat enemies in 120s!
+90s MAX ARKS Abyss HM
Imperial Fiendlancer
Imperial Fiendmage
KlarisKrays Clone x3
Replica of Apprentice
Replica of Elder
Replica of Luther
Fiend Phaleg
(No Weakness)
With the amount of enemies here there are very weak and you can fairly easy get all the time bonus. First spawn are six different ARKS Abyss then three KlarisKrays Clones, Imperial Fiendlancer and a Imperial Fiendmage, Next is the three Replica and lastly Oza, Risa, Fourie, Marlu and Phaleg. Phaleg has no weakness here.

Urgent Quests Stages

They are only two stages that are based on Urgent Quests, They are smaller or cut in half with different spawns of enemies.

Area Mission Order Time Extend Featured Boss Enemies Notes
Imposing Iron Assault
(Japanese Coastal Waters)
Defeat enemies in 150s!
+150s MAX Hagith Femt x3
Last One 100% Res
Rock Golem
Illusius T15 Tank
Illusius Devil Truck
Mostly the same as Imposing Iron Assault first half on Extremely Hard with the map being smaller and added Supernaturals. Hagith Femt will spawn in the same areas in the Urgent Quest and the last one will have 100% Res same as in the Urgent Quest too. The end is almost the same as Urgent Quest with the big bomb and destroying Yamato turrets. The Devil Truck and T15 Tank has a nickname Illusius.
Queen's Nightmare: Earth Depths
(Epyk Desert)
Defeat enemies in 150s!
+120s MAX Rock Golem
Omega Cockatrice
Dark Ragne
Flame Diamos
Mostly the same as Queen's Nightmare: Earth Depths first half, Spawning on the downward slope part of the mission. The Photon Particle Cannon is not there in this version of the quest. This is the longest map in all of Eternal Rondo so your time most likely reduced slightly or break even. The Four boss spawns is, On the middle part of the downward slope, Before the rock breaks, After the rocks breaks and at the end. The first boss is a Rock Golem, then Omega Cockatrice, then Dark Ragne and lastly Flame Diamos.
2+ Players
Defeat 1 Flame Diamos within 200 seconds!
2+ Players
Week 3+
Defeat 1 Flame Diamos within 400 seconds!
Week 4+
Avoid taking damage at least 25 times !

Boss Stages

Area Mission Order Time Extend Featured Boss Enemies Notes
Giant Automata: The Awakening
(Underground Shafts)
Destroy enemy sections !
+30s MAX Megazooka Big Varder Mostly the same as Giant Automata: The Awakening or just Big Varder in Underground Shafts. Has a nickname Megazooka.
Week 3+
Destroy 20 enemy sections within 120 seconds!
Elder of the Unfathomable Abyss
(ARKS Ship Wreckage, Deck))
Avoid taking damage !
+90s MAX Dark Falz Elder Mostly the same as Elder of the Unfathomable Abyss but lower hp.
Week 3+
Destroy 6 enemy sections within 240 seconds!
The False Champion: Luther the Fallen
(Corrupted Mothership - Mothership Interior)
Avoid taking damage !
+90s MAX Dark Falz Luther Mostly the same as The False Champion: Luther the Fallen but lower hp.
Week 3+
Destroy 6 enemy sections within 240 seconds!
Week 4+
Avoid taking damage at least 20 times !
Barren Blossom, Corruptor of All
(Landing Craft)
Avoid taking damage !
+90s MAX Dark Falz Gemini Just the Dark Falz Gemini fight of Barren Blossom, Corruptor of All, Has lower hp.

Rare Stages

There are very rare stages that can spawn anytime. The enemies here can hit you hard and even down you so be careful. Having Multi hit weapons or PAs will help you boost you time gain.

Area Mission Order Time Extend Featured Rare Enemies
ARKS Ship - VR Space
Deal at least 1 damage !
+90s MAX Dark Emperappy
(Normal, Love, Lovey, Egg, Frog, Summer, Lantern, Santa.)
ARKS Ship - VR Space
Deal at least 1 damage !
+90s MAX Emperappy x3
(Normal, Love, Lovey, Egg, Frog, Summer, Lantern, Santa.)
ARKS Ship - VR Space
Deal at least 1 damage !
+90s MAX Tagamikazuchi x3
(Normal, Love, Lovey, Egg, Frog, Summer, Lantern, Santa.)
ARKS Ship - VR Space
Deal at least 1 damage !
+90s MAX Izanekazuchi x3
(Normal, Love, Lovey, Egg, Frog, Summer, Lantern, Santa.)
Main Quests Expeditions | Urgent Quests | Recommended Quests | Bonus Quests | Limited Time Quests
Sub Quests ARKS Quests | Time Attack Quests | Buster Quests | Endless Quests | Ridroid Quests
Divide Quests | Advance Quests | Extreme Quests | Ultimate Quests | Challenge Quests
Story Quests Story Overview