The Malevolent Void

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The Malevolent Void
Quest Type Urgent Quests
Normal Level 40 and up
Hard Level 55 and up
Very Hard Level 65 and up
Super Hard Level 75 and up
Extremely Hard Level 90 and up
Ultra Hard Level 96 and up
Quest Details
Location Altered Space (ARKS Fleet)
Single/Multi-Party UIMultiParty.png Multi-Party Quests
Party Invitation Allowed
Ally Assistance Not Allowed
Conditions For Acceptance
Normal Main Class Level 20 and up
Hard Main Class Level 40 and up
Complete a Certain Client Order
Very Hard Main Class Level 55 and up
Complete a Certain Client Order
Super Hard Main Class Level 70 and up
Obtain a Super Hard Difficulty Permit
Extremely Hard Main Class Level 80 and up, Sub Class Level 80 and up
Possess a Super Hard Difficulty Permit
Ultra Hard Main Class Level 85 and up, Sub Class Level 85 and up
Possess a Super Hard Difficulty Permit
Time Limit 01:00:00
Damage Limit 999,999
Ability Adjust None
Post-Quest Raid Reward Boost Rare Drop Boost (up to +100%)

Urgent Quest Notices

"Emergency announcement: signs of Dark Falz Persona have been detected in the path of the Oracle Fleet. We are currently preparing to mobilize."

—Initial Announcement Notice

"Emergency op announcement: we are commencing a counter-offensive against Dark Falz Persona, currently in the path of the Oracle Fleet. All ARKS ops, please report to the Quest Counter to join the mission."

—Announcement Notice

Quest Objective

Destroy Dark Falz Persona!

Quest Description

Though he should have been destroyed, we have picked up on readings of Persona the Masked in an area of altered space. The entity maintains strong residual resentment and has assumed a novel form. ARKS operatives are to deploy to the region and stop him before he destroys the entire universe.

Target Enemy

Enemy List


Progress HP PP HP Recovery
A.R.K.S. LEVEL.1 25% Max PP +20
A.R.K.S. LEVEL.2 50% Max HP x1.3
A.R.K.S. LEVEL.3 100% Max HP x1.5 PP Regen Up x1.5
  • After the Urgent Quest period ends, characters that participated in the quest will additionally receive a Rare Drop Rate boost based on the progress % achieved (maxiumum +100%) for 30 minutes.
  • For each time this Urgent Quest occurs, Dark Falz Persona will select two out of four possible masks based on other the four other Dark Falz: Elder, Luther, Apprentice, and Gemini in addition to the main Persona mask. The selected masks will be the same across all instances of the quest taken during the EQ occurrence. across all ships.
  • Dark Falz Persona's breakable parts and attack patterns are dependent on the mask selected and worn, for more information, see Dark Falz Persona.
  • Dark Falz Persona's elemental weakness will be dependent on the mask selected, and can be stunned once by inflicting the status effect of the corresponding element:
    • Elder: Lightning/Shock
    • Luther: Wind/Mirage
    • Apprentice: Fire/Burn
    • Gemini: Ice/Freeze
    • Persona: Light/Panic
  • At low HP, Dark Falz Persona will place an energy sphere in the center of the arena which will explode for massive if it is not destroyed within a set amount of time.
    • If the first energy sphere is destroyed in time, Dark Falz Persona will try again and place a second, larger energy sphere with more HP.
    • Destroying the second energy sphere will stun Dark Falz Persona for a brief period.
    • Dark Falz Persona's chest core is exposed and vulnerable throughout these attacks, players may choose to attack his main body instead as the energy ball does not count towards his main body's HP.
      • As of the 2020/07/21 update, the energy ball counts towards Persona's main HP pool. There is no longer any reason to attack his chest core, as the energy sphere takes more damage.
  • At roughly 10% HP remaining, Persona will purge all his Dark Falz parts in one final explosion. In XH and lower, he will be downed for the rest of the fight afterwards.

Drop Table

Category Item Name Notes
15 Anacates Series
Partisan Anacates Caethia

Double Saber Anacates Cyan
Gunblade Anacates Himmel
Rifle Anacates Fonte
Rod Anacates Logiarda

14 Nova Series
Sword Dainsleif Nova

Wired Lance Rainier Nova
Partisan Sagu's Nova
Daggers Treiwyn Nova
Double Saber Roguele Nova
Knuckles Glayer Nova
Katana Agil Nova
Soaring Blades Fafnir Nova
Gunblade Ator Nova
Rifle Schvall Nova
Launcher Vital Nova
Twin Machineguns Mistral Nova
Bow Gaels Nova
Rod Siglia Nova
Talis Flotia Nova
Wand Eightrei Nova
Jet Boots Sholid Nova

15 Ophistia Series
Sword Ophistia Calibur

Wired Lance Ophistia Wing
Partisan Ophistia Spear
Daggers Ophistia Fencers
Double Saber Ophistia Edge
Knuckles Ophistia Fists
Katana Ophistia Galland
Soaring Blades Ophistia Sabers
Gunblade Ophistia Buster
Rifle Ophistia Shooter
Launcher Ophistia Cannon
Twin Machineguns Ophistia Rain
Bow Ophistia Bogen
Rod Ophistia Sorcerer
Talis Ophistia Arm
Wand Ophistia Axe
Jet Boots Ophistia Slider

14 Phobos Series
Sword Phobos Espadio

Wired Lance Phobos Scycard
Partisan Phobos Halberd
Daggers Phobos Dilabrone
Double Saber Phobos Helix
Knuckles Phobos Weit
Katana Phobos Jinran
Soaring Blades Phobos Reaper
Gunblade Phobos Gunsickle
Rifle Phobos Laqueus
Launcher Phobos Launcher
Twin Machineguns Phobos Grauzam
Bow Phobos Arcus
Rod Phobos Soleil
Talis Phobos Judix
Wand Phobos Corsair
Jet Boots Phobos Ignore

14 Starquake Series
Sword Starquake Sword Dimexion

Wired Lance Starquake Whip Alxion
Partisan Starquake Partisan Adoraxion
Daggers Starquake Blades Obsaxion
Double Saber Starquake Cutter Resurrexion
Knuckles Starquake Fist Assaxion
Katana Starquake Katana Floraxion
Soaring Blades Starquake Soaring Creaxion
Gunblade Starquake Sabre Intexion
Rifle Starquake Rifle Ambixion
Launcher Starquake Launcher Vacilaxion
Twin Machineguns Starquake Bullet Ejecuxion
Bow Starquake Bow Obligaxion
Rod Starquake Rod Salvaxion
Talis Starquake Talis Oraxion
Wand Starquake Cane Aspiraxion
Jet Boots Starquake Boot Benedixion
Harmonizer Starquake Note Canxion

(XH and higher)
13 Profound Series
Sword Profound Sword Dimexion

Wired Lance Profound Whip Alxion
Partisan Profound Partisan Adoraxion
Daggers Profound Blades Obsaxion
Double Saber Profound Cutter Resurrexion
Knuckles Profound Fist Assaxion
Katana Profound Katana Floraxion
Soaring Blades Profound Soaring Creaxion
Gunblade Profound Sabre Intexion
Rifle Profound Rifle Ambixion
Launcher Profound Launcher Vacilaxion
Twin Machineguns Profound Bullet Ejecuxion
Bow Profound Bow Obligaxion
Rod Profound Rod Salvaxion
Talis Profound Talis Oraxion
Wand Profound Cane Aspiraxion
Jet Boots Profound Boot Benedixion
Harmonizer Profound Note Canxion

(SH and higher)
12 Nox Series
Sword Nox Kvelle

Wired Lance Nox Jirac
Partisan Nox Rozan
Daggers Nox Nessis
Double Saber Nox Cadina
Knuckles Nox Destim
Katana Nox Sagephus
Soaring Blades Nox Dinas
Gunblade Nox Stucke
Rifle Nox Steyr
Launcher Nox Crahd
Twin Machineguns Nox Chario
Bow Nox Lexio
Rod Nox Lipher
Talis Nox Krieg
Wand Nox Kuklos
Jet Boots Nox Placis

(VH and higher)
Units Back Unit13 Back / Trailblazer Drape Paxion

Arm Unit13 Arms / Trailblazer Mount Bixion
Leg Unit13 Legs / Trailblazer Decor Raxion

Back Unit12 Back / Trailblazer Drape Mixion

Arm Unit12 Arms / Trailblazer Mount Luxion
Leg Unit12 Legs / Trailblazer Decor Dixion

(XH and higher)
Back Unit12 Back / Starquake Drape Mixion

Arm Unit12 Arms / Starquake Mount Luxion
Leg Unit12 Legs / Starquake Decor Dixion

(SH and higher)
Weapon Camos 13 Weapon Camo * Starquake Sword Dimexion

13 Weapon Camo * Profound Sword Dimexion
13 Weapon Camo * Finesse Caridas
13 Weapon Camo * Broma Petriema
13 Weapon Camo * Addict Charme
13 Weapon Camo * Camradio Amok

(XH and higher)
Eggs 14 Sweets Exquisite Transform Parfait (XH and higher)
Sweets 14 Egg Redran (XH and higher)
Other 15 Material Founder's Amphirite

15 Material Key Rivalate
14 Material Chronos Eternistone

10 Tool EX-Cube x1-30

10 Tool Class EX-Cube x1-6
10 Trigger The Call of the Void Trigger
7 Pass Void Erebite Fragments x0-10

10 Pass Weapon Transmutation Aux Pass x0-10
Normal x1
Hard x2
Very Hard x3
Super Hard x4
Extremely Hard x6
Ultra Hard x10
Augments Affix Elder Reverie

Affix Luther Reverie
Affix Appregina Reverie
Affix Gemini Reverie
Affix Persona Reverie

Affix Aether Soul 14 Starquake Series Only
Affix Omega Reverie (UH)
S-Grade Augments
10Pass Add S5: Provincial Provision
S Grade Augment 1 S1: Skillful Adept

S Grade Augment 1 S1: Skillful Adept 2
S Grade Augment 2 S2: Photon Descent 2
S Grade Augment 3 S3: Precision Will 2

May be granted to Weapon drops on XH+
S-Grade Augments (Units) S Grade Augment 6 S6: Tenacious Healscourge

S Grade Augment 6 S6: Soaring Heavendance
S Grade Augment 6 S6: Skillful Adept
S Grade Augment 7 S7: Fortified Attack 2
S Grade Augment 7 S7: Fortified Melee 2
S Grade Augment 7 S7: Fortified Ranged 2
S Grade Augment 7 S7: Fortified Technique 2
S Grade Augment 7 S7: Fortified Photon V
S Grade Augment 8 S8: Fortified Life Vessel
S Grade Augment 8 S8: Fortified Life Vessel 2
S Grade Augment 8 S8: Skydance Support

May be granted to Unit drops on UH.
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