Roguele Nova

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Sword Swords Wired Lance Wired Lances Partisan Partisans Daggers Twin Daggers Double Saber Double Sabers Knuckles Knuckles Katana Katanas Soaring Blades Soaring Blades Gunblade Gunblades
Rifle Assault Rifles Launcher Launchers Twin Machineguns Twin Machine Guns Bow Bows
Rod Rods Talis Talises Wand Wands Jet Boots Jet Boots Harmonizer Harmonizers
Roguele Nova
Rarity: UIStarBlueIcon.pngUIStarBlueIcon.pngUIStarBlueIcon.pngUIStarGreenIcon.pngUIStarGreenIcon.pngUIStarGreenIcon.pngUIStarRedIcon.pngUIStarRedIcon.pngUIStarRedIcon.pngUIStarGoldIcon.pngUIStarGoldIcon.pngUIStarGoldIcon.pngUIStarRainbowIcon.pngUIStarRainbowIcon.pngUIStarRainbowIcon.png
Req: 500 Dex
Type: Double Saber
Classes: Fighter Etoile
Augment Factor
S-Grade Augment S3: Luminous Grace
Supported S-Grade Augment Slots
S Grade Augment 3S Grade Augment 4
Rapid Response I
Lv. 1
Increase Natural PP Recovery by 100% while sheathed. While unsheathed, stop Natural PP Recovery, increase Active PP Recovery by 20% and increase damage by 5%.
Lv. 2
Increase Natural PP Recovery by 150% while sheathed. While unsheathed, stop Natural PP Recovery, increase Active PP Recovery by 40% and increase damage by 9%.
Lv. 3
Increase Natural PP Recovery by 200% while sheathed. While unsheathed, stop Natural PP Recovery, increase Active PP Recovery by 60% and increase damage by 13%.
Rapid Response II
Lv. 1
Decrease Natural PP Recovery by 60% while sheathed. While unsheathed, increase Natural PP Recovery by 5%, increase Active PP Recovery by 10% and increase damage by 3%.
Lv. 2
Decrease Natural PP Recovery by 60% while sheathed. While unsheathed, increase Natural PP Recovery by 12%, increase Active PP Recovery by 15% and increase damage by 5%.
Lv. 3
Decrease Natural PP Recovery by 60% while sheathed. While unsheathed, increase Natural PP Recovery by 20%, increase Active PP Recovery by 20% and increase damage by 8%.

Drop Info

Additional Info

This weapon set is commonly known as a "PP Battery" due to the fast PP recovery the potential UIItemPotentialAbility.png Rapid Response I provides when sheathed.
While unsheathed, any effects that affect Natural PP recovery will also be invalidated.

  • Only Natural PP Recovery is halted when unsheathed. Fixed value recovery and percentage recovery such as Perfect Guard PP Gain, Eradication Bonus, etc. will work.
  • UIItemPotentialAbility.png Rapid Response II can be used for weapon types that spend a lot of time in action while unsheathed, but you will need to find a way to compensate for the reduced PP recovery rate when unsheathed.

Collapse15 Nova Series
Sword Dainsleif Nova

Wired Lance Rainier Nova
Partisan Sagu's Nova
Daggers Treiwyn Nova
Double Saber Roguele Nova
Knuckles Glayer Nova
Katana Agil Nova
Soaring Blades Fafnir Nova
Gunblade Ator Nova
Rifle Schvall Nova
Launcher Vital Nova
Twin Machineguns Mistral Nova
Bow Gaels Nova
Rod Siglia Nova
Talis Flotia Nova
Wand Eightrei Nova
Jet Boots Sholid Nova

CollapseRelated Camos
Weapon Camo * Randall Nova