MISSION: Violent Tremor
Quest Type
Challenge Quests
Level 80 and higher
Quest Details
VR Space
Party Invitation
Ally Assistance
Not Allowed
Conditions For Acceptance
Time Limit
Damage Limit
Ability Adjust
MISSION: Violent Tremor consists of 5 Missions and is a part of the Challenge Quest trio of MISSION: Violent Tremor, MISSION: Decision and MISSION: Strike.
MISSION: Violent Tremor is a Challenge Quest with a total of five stages and two Interval Areas. Compared to other Challenge Quests, the rules are slightly different:
- VR Energy does not deplete over time. VR Energy only depletes on death, but there is much less VR Energy to be found compared to other Challenge Quests.
- Start with a preset loadout. At the start of the Quest, you are able to choose from one of twelve loadouts. Unlike other Challenge Quests, you do not pick up equipment or Disks randomly dropped on the field. Enemies do not drop anything.
- Enemy spawns on stages change on current VR Energy. The enemies that spawn in a given stage are determined by how much VR Energy the party has upon entering.
Bonus Enemies
In the first four stages, a Rappy will spawn somewhere on the map. Defeating it unlocks the yellow fence at the end of each map, granting bonus rewards such as Grinders and Challenge Dolls. However, Rappies despawn if left alone too long, so they must be defeated at the first possible opportunity.
Unlock Switches
In the first four stages, an Unlock Switch will be present somewhere on the map. Like the Bonus Enemy, Unlock Switches deactivate one of the fences at the end of the stage and grant additional rewards. Unlike the Bonus Enemy, Unlock Switches do not go away, but are more out of the way, are not indicated on the map, and may require higher-than-usual jump power to reach. Unlock Switches are also typically located in close vicinity to the Bonus Enemy.
Class Set
At the start of the Quest, the initial set class is Fighter, which must be changed at the Class Terminal for the player's choice. You may choose from one of twelve Class Sets, split into four roles. A player's current role is denoted by the ring surrounding the character. The four roles are as follows:
Attack sets focus on dishing out high amounts of damage in a short period of time, making them valuable for pushing through waves of enemies. Their defense and range is somewhat lacking, however. This set features 3 classes, Fighter, Gunner and Braver.
Rush sets have the ability to double jump and use Complex Photon Arts, giving them a unique jack-of-all-trades role that is useful for managing field gimmicks and carrying the team. This set features 3 classes, Bouncer, Ranger and Hunter.
Support sets use Techniques and have the ability to buff and heal allies, making them invaluable assets in a Quest where healing is otherwise rare. Access to Compound Techniques additionally allows them to push massive burst damage in a pinch. This set features 2 classes, Force and Techter.
Unique sets are Scion Classes with high power, mobility, and coverage that allow them to fulfill multiple roles at once. Unlike other sets, Unique sets start at Level 55 and cannot use non-Main Class weapons like the Challenger Class. This set features 4 classes, Hero, Phantom, Étoile and Luster.
Class Set Skill
Name |
 Ideal Stehr-C |
655 No Element
 Sub / Weapon Barrier |
  130 All Resistance 2%
 Sub / Weapon Barrier |
  130 All Resistance 2%
 Sub / Weapon Barrier |
  130 All Resistance 2%
 Monomate |
 Trimate |
 Moon Atomizer |
Skill Icon
Skill Name |
Valiant Stance Lv.10 |
Front Attack Damage 140%
Rear Attack Damage 135%
Valiant Critical Lv.5 |
Critical Hit Rate +25%
Fury Stance Lv.10 |
Melee Damage 120%
Ranged Damage 110%
Melee Damaged Received 100%
Fury Critical Lv.5 |
Critical +25%
Overload Lv.1 |
Max HP 25%
Melee Damage 104%
Duration 10s
Cooldown 60s
Adrenaline Lv.1 |
Duration +30s
Critical Strike Lv.5 |
Critical Hit Damage 115%
Critical Hit Rate +30%
Deadline Slayer Lv.10 |
All-Pwr +150
Crazy Heart Lv.5 |
Natural PP Recovery 200%
Active PP Recovery 200%
Attack PP Restorate Lv.10 |
Active PP Recovery 200%
Double Saber Focus Lv.1 |
1/3 Focus, Number of Hits 8, Damage Per Hit 864%
2/3 Focus, Number of Hits 8, Damage Per Hit 1312%
3/3 Focus, Number of Hits 8, Damage Per Hit 216%
Twin Daggers Focus Lv.1 |
1/3 Focus, Damage 100%
2/3 Focus, Damage 120%
3/3 Focus, Damage 150%
Knuckles Focus Lv.1 |
Increase Attack and PA Speed and Raise specific PAs Damage. Resets when stopping or jumping.
Double Saber Wind Parry Lv.1 |
Allows Just Guard frames when activating Double Saber Gear. Requires at least 1/3 Gear to activate.
Twin Daggers Somersault Lv.1 |
Allows you to move horizontally while performing the Weapon Action. Distance covered is small (about half the distance of Sidestep), and it does not change the direction you are facing.
Knuckles Focus Boost Lv.1 |
Doubles the amount of Gear generated per attack, requiring only 2 attacks to max it.
HP Up 1 Lv.10 |
Max HP +50
HP Up 2 Lv.10 |
Max HP +75
HP Up 3 Lv.10 |
Max HP +100
All Attack Bonus 1 Lv.5 |
Increase Damage 110%
First Arts Perfect Attack Addition Lv.1 |
Your first attack in a combo will become a Perfect Attack. Has no effect on Techniques. Cooldown 0.25s
Sidestep Lv.1 |
Press the Dodge key to do a fast step that has invulnerability. Can be used in any direction.
Sidestep Plus Lv.4 |
Invulnerability Duration Increase 0.13s
Sidestep & Perf.ATK Combo Lv.1 |
Enable Perfect Attack ring after Sidestep
Sidestep Jump Lv.1 |
Press the Jump button right after a Sidestep to reach running speed instantly.
Sidestep Strike Lv.1 |
Enable Attack After Sidestep
Air Reversal Lv.1 |
Enable Perfect Reversal in Air
Perfect Recovery Lv.1 |
When knocked down, press the Jump key at the moment you hit the ground to get up instantly.
ExpandPhoton Arts
Name |
Tornado Dance Lv.17 |
Potency 1014% PP Cost 20
Waylay Drop Lv.17 |
Potency 1419% PP Cost 20
Acroblitz Lv.17 |
Potency 1315% PP Cost 20
Raging Waltz Lv.1 |
Potency 534% PP Cost 15
Sarabande Shredder Lv.1 |
Potency 1906% PP Cost 30
Juggle March Lv.1 |
Potency 1221% PP Cost 20
Overhand Straight Lv.1 |
Potency 1024% PP Cost 8
Quake Stomp Lv.1 |
Potency 726% PP Cost 15
Decimator Lv.1 |
Potency 1311% PP Cost 40
Name |
 Ideal Karen-C |
848 No Element
 Sub / Weapon Barrier |
  130 All Resistance 2%
 Sub / Weapon Barrier |
  130 All Resistance 2%
 Sub / Weapon Barrier |
  130 All Resistance 2%
 Monomate |
 Trimate |
 Moon Atomizer |
ExpandPhoton Arts
Name |
Nocturnal Blossom Lv.1 |
Potency 598% PP Cost 15
Eviscerating Bloom Lv.1 |
Potency 1834% PP Cost 30
Lunar Flourishing Lv.1 |
Potency 690% PP Cost 20
Master Shot Lv.1 |
Potency 1214% PP Cost 8
Torrential Arrow Lv.1 |
Potency 1053% PP Cost 15
Million Storm Lv.1 |
Potency 1984% PP Cost 40
Name |
 Ideal Trigger-C |
925 No Element
 Sub / Weapon Barrier |
  130 All Resistance 2%
 Sub / Weapon Barrier |
  130 All Resistance 2%
 Sub / Weapon Barrier |
  130 All Resistance 2%
 Monomate |
 Trimate |
 Moon Atomizer |
ExpandPhoton Arts
Name |
Grim Barrage Lv.1 |
Potency 1279% PP Cost 10
Satellite Aim Lv.1 |
Potency 803% PP Cost 20
Gunslinger Spin Lv.1 |
Potency 1180% PP Cost 20
Name |
 Ideal Walker-C |
911 920 No Element
 Sub / Weapon Barrier |
  130 All Resistance 2%
 Sub / Weapon Barrier |
  130 All Resistance 2%
 Sub / Weapon Barrier |
  130 All Resistance 2%
 Monomate |
 Moon Atomizer |
ExpandPhoton Arts
Name |
Heavenly Kite Lv.1 |
Potency 1331% PP Cost 25
Justice Crow Lv.1 |
Potency 1301% PP Cost 20
Dash Wing Lv.1 |
Potency 688% PP Cost 20
Strike Gust Lv.1 |
Potency 1565% PP Cost 25
Grand Wave Lv.1 |
Potency 2096% PP Cost 20
Surging Gale Lv.1 |
Potency 4552% PP Cost 30
Buildup Photon Arts |
Name |
 Ideal Larc-C |
886 No Element
 Sub / Weapon Barrier |
  130 All Resistance 2%
 Sub / Weapon Barrier |
  130 All Resistance 2%
 Sub / Weapon Barrier |
  130 All Resistance 2%
 Monomate |
 Moon Atomizer |
Skill Icon
Skill Name |
Stun Grenade Lv.1 |
Cooldown 15s
Gravity Bomb Lv.1 |
Cooldown 15s
Blight Rounds Lv.3 |
Cooldown 98s Rounds Loaded 2
Panic Shot Lv.5 |
Cooldown 90s Rounds Loaded 4
Blinding Shot Lv.5 |
Cooldown 90s Rounds Loaded 4
Jellen Shot Lv.10 |
Cooldown 90s Rounds Loaded 4 Enemy Damage Dealt 85% Duration 30s
Ammo Maintenance Lv.1 |
Keeps Loaded Rounds when switching weapons.
Keep Roll Shot Lv.1 |
Keeps Loaded Rounds from being expended when performing Dive Roll Shot.
Tactical Trap Lv.5 |
PP Recovery 20%
Double Jump Lv.1 |
Enables Two-Stage jumping
First Arts Perfect Attack Addition Lv.1 |
Your first attack in a combo will become a Perfect Attack. Has no effect on Techniques. Cooldown 0.25s
Dive Roll Lv.1 |
Press the Dodge key to do a fast step that has invulnerability. Can be used in any direction.
Advanced Dive Roll Lv.6 |
Invulnerability Duration Increase 0.16s
Sidestep & Perf.ATK Combo Lv.1 |
Enable Perfect Attack ring after Sidestep
Sidestep Jump Lv.1 |
Press the Jump button right after a Sidestep to reach running speed instantly.
Dive Roll Shot Lv.1 |
Enable Attack After Dive Roll
Air Reversal Lv.1 |
Enable Perfect Reversal in Air
Perfect Recovery Lv.1 |
When knocked down, press the Jump key at the moment you hit the ground to get up instantly.
ExpandPhoton Arts
Name |
Satellite Cannon Lv.1 |
Potency 5349% PP Cost 32
Impact Slider Lv.1 |
Potency 2333% PP Cost 25
Diffusion Round Lv.1 |
Potency 1489% PP Cost 20
Triple Shot Lv.1 |
Potency 2082% PP Cost 20
Cluster Shot Lv.1 |
Potency 1200% PP Cost 30
Cosmos Breaker Lv.1 |
Potency 2656% PP Cost 40
Buildup Photon Arts |
Name |
 Ideal Strieder-C |
817 No Element
 Sub / Weapon Barrier |
  130 All Resistance 2%
 Sub / Weapon Barrier |
  130 All Resistance 2%
 Sub / Weapon Barrier |
  130 All Resistance 2%
 Monomate |
 Moon Atomizer |
Skill Icon
Skill Name |
Hunter Physique Lv.5 |
Duration 45s Damage Taken 75% Cooldown 90s
War Cry Lv.10 |
Threat Level 400% Duration 30s
Iron Will Lv.1 |
Activation Rate 30% Duration 1s
Sword Focus Lv.1 |
Increases attack range, number of hits, and speed of charged PAs based on Focus Level.
Wired Lance Focus Lv.1 |
Expend One bar of Focus to increase the damage of Hold Type PAs.
Partisan Focus Lv.1 |
Expend One bar of Focus to increase the damage of PAs.
Perfect Guard Lv.1 |
Negate damage taken when blocking at the right time.
All Guard Lv.1 |
Allows guarding from any direction.
Healing Guard Lv.1 |
HP Recovery Rate 5%
Perfect Guard PP Gain Lv.1 |
PP Recovery +20
Charged Parry Lv.1 |
Perfect Guard Duration 1.50s
Flash Guard 1 Lv.10 |
MEL/RNG Damage Reduction 20%
Flash Guard 2 Lv.5 |
MEL/RNG Damage Reduction 10%
Flash Tech Guard Lv.5 |
TEC Damage Reduction 15%
Not Bad Lv.5 |
Status Ailment Duration 30%
Double Jump Lv.1 |
Enables Two-Stage jumping
First Arts Perfect Attack Addition Lv.1 |
Your first attack in a combo will become a Perfect Attack. Has no effect on Techniques. Cooldown 0.25s
Sidestep Lv.1 |
Press the Dodge key to do a fast step that has invulnerability. Can be used in any direction.
Sidestep Plus Lv.3 |
Invulnerability Duration Increase 0.11s
Sidestep & Perf.ATK Combo Lv.1 |
Enable Perfect Attack ring after Sidestep
Sidestep Jump Lv.1 |
Press the Jump button right after a Sidestep to reach running speed instantly.
Sidestep Strike Lv.1 |
Enable Attack After Sidestep
Air Reversal Lv.1 |
Enable Perfect Reversal in Air
Perfect Recovery Lv.1 |
When knocked down, press the Jump key at the moment you hit the ground to get up instantly.
ExpandPhoton Arts
Name |
Guilty Break Lv.1 |
Potency 1141% PP Cost 20
Rising Edge Lv.1 |
Potency 2185% PP Cost 20
Blaze Parry Lv.1 |
Potency 1970% PP Cost 25
Shocktether Lv.1 |
Potency 4166% PP Cost 30
Wild Cyclone Lv.1 |
Potency 1889% PP Cost 28
Spin Dance Lv.1 |
Potency 468% PP Cost 15
Decisive Sweep Lv.1 |
Potency 1232% PP Cost 28
Sacred Skewer Lv.1 |
Potency 530% PP Cost 30
Sudden Tempest Lv.1 |
Potency 1745% PP Cost 20
Buildup Photon Arts |
Name |
 Ideal Aile-C |
833 No Element
 Sub / Weapon Barrier |
  130 All Resistance 2%
 Sub / Weapon Barrier |
  130 All Resistance 2%
 Sub / Weapon Barrier |
  130 All Resistance 2%
 Moon Atomizer |
Skill Icon
Skill Name |
Talis Fast Throw Lv.1 |
Boosts Talis Throwing Speed.
Advanced Shifta Lv.3 |
Shifta Effectiveness 113%
Elemental Precision Hit Lv.5 |
Elemental Weakness Damage 120% Non-Elemental Weakness Damage 110%
Flame Tech Short Charge Lv.3 |
Fire Technique Charge Time 70%
Charge PP Revival Lv.1 |
Recovers PP while charging Techniques.
Charged Escape Lv.1 |
Maintains charging while using Dodge Action.
Rod Preservation Bonus Lv.1 |
Allows maintained charged Techniques from dodging without consuming PP.
Advanced Resta Lv.5 |
Resta Effectiveness 120%
Support Range Extender Lv.1 |
Boosts AoE of Resta, Anti, Shifta, and Deband
PP Up 1 Lv.10 |
Max PP +10
PP Up 2 Lv.10 |
Max PP +10
Tech. Power Up 1 Lv.10 |
TEC Pwr +50
Tech. Power Up 2 Lv.10 |
TEC Pwr +75
Technique Power Mega-Up Lv.4 |
TEC Pwr +100
Burn Boost Lv.10 |
Burn Chance 110%
Freeze Boost Lv.10 |
Freeze Chance 110%
Shock Boost Lv.10 |
Shock Chance 110%
Blind Boost Lv.10 |
Blind Chance 110%
Panic Boost Lv.10 |
Panic Chance 110%
Poison Boost Lv.10 |
Poison Chance 110%
Tech Charge Perf. ATK Addition Lv.1 |
Charged Techniques gain the effect of a Perfect Attack. Cooldown 0.50s
First Arts Perfect Attack Addition Lv.1 |
Your first attack in a combo will become a Perfect Attack. Has no effect on Techniques. Cooldown 0.25s
Blind Escape Lv.1 |
Press the Dodge key to do a fast step that has invulnerability. Can be used in any direction.
Sidestep & Perf.ATK Combo Lv.1 |
Enable Perfect Attack ring after Sidestep
Sidestep Jump Lv.1 |
Press the Jump button right after a Sidestep to reach running speed instantly.
Air Reversal Lv.1 |
Enable Perfect Reversal in Air
Perfect Recovery Lv.1 |
When knocked down, press the Jump key at the moment you hit the ground to get up instantly.
Name |
Rafoie Lv.1 |
Potency 552% PP Cost 20
Rabarta Lv.1 |
Potency 979% PP Cost 23
Razonde Lv.1 |
Potency 932% PP Cost 24
Razan Lv.1 |
Potency 650% PP Cost 20
Ragrants Lv.1 |
Potency 1003% PP Cost 30
Ramegid Lv.1 |
Potency 984% PP Cost 25
Resta Lv.1 |
Potency 100% PP Cost 30
Shifta Lv.1 |
Potency 180% PP Cost 20
Fomelgion Lv.1 |
Potency 3200% PP Cost 0
Barantsion Lv.1 |
Potency 3600% PP Cost 0
Name |
 Ideal Hexe-C |
910 886 No Element
 Sub / Weapon Barrier |
  130 All Resistance 2%
 Sub / Weapon Barrier |
  130 All Resistance 2%
 Sub / Weapon Barrier |
  130 All Resistance 2%
 Moon Atomizer |
Skill Icon
Skill Name |
Wand Lovers Lv.4 |
Cooldown 30s Melee Damage 140%
Wand Focus Lv.1 |
Enables Tech Explosions when performing Normal Attacks with Focus.
Eradication Bonus Lv.6 |
PP Recovery +6
Advanced Deband Lv.3 |
Deband Effectiveness 113%
Advanced Resta Lv.5 |
Resta Effectiveness 120%
Party Support Lv.1 |
Shifta and Deband effects will apply on all Party Members in the field.
Territory Burst Lv.1 |
Boosts AoE of Support Techniques
Support Range Extender Lv.1 |
Boosts AoE of Resta, Anti, Shifta, and Deband
Super Treatment Lv.1 |
Duration 30s HP Recovery 25% PP Recovery +3
PP Up 1 Lv.10 |
Max PP +10
PP Up 2 Lv.10 |
Max PP +10
Tech. Power Up 1 Lv.10 |
TEC Pwr +50
Tech. Power Up 2 Lv.10 |
TEC Pwr +75
Tech Charge Perf. ATK Addition Lv.1 |
Charged Techniques gain the effect of a Perfect Attack. Cooldown 0.50s
First Arts Perfect Attack Addition Lv.1 |
Your first attack in a combo will become a Perfect Attack. Has no effect on Techniques. Cooldown 0.25s
Blind Escape Lv.1 |
Press the Dodge key to do a fast step that has invulnerability. Can be used in any direction.
Sidestep Plus Lv.1 |
Invulnerability Duration Increase 0.05s
Sidestep & Perf.ATK Combo Lv.1 |
Enable Perfect Attack ring after Sidestep
Sidestep Jump Lv.1 |
Press the Jump button right after a Sidestep to reach running speed instantly.
Air Reversal Lv.1 |
Enable Perfect Reversal in Air
Perfect Recovery Lv.1 |
When knocked down, press the Jump key at the moment you hit the ground to get up instantly.
Name |
Gifoie Lv.1 |
Potency 750% PP Cost 23
Gibarta Lv.1 |
Potency 1154% PP Cost 23
Gizonde Lv.1 |
Potency 1231% PP Cost 28
Gizan Lv.1 |
Potency 741% PP Cost 16
Gigrants Lv.1 |
Potency 821% PP Cost 25
Gimegid Lv.1 |
Potency 984% PP Cost 20
Resta Lv.1 |
Potency 100% PP Cost 30
Zanverse Lv.1 |
Potency 20% PP Cost 20
Anti Lv.1 |
Potency 100% PP Cost 25
Deband Lv.1 |
Potency 180% PP Cost 20
Zandion Lv.1 |
Potency 3000% PP Cost 0
Name |
 Ideal Edge-C |
1002 No Element
 Sub / Weapon Barrier |
  130 All Resistance 2%
 Sub / Weapon Barrier |
  130 All Resistance 2%
 Sub / Weapon Barrier |
  130 All Resistance 2%
 Moon Atomizer |
Skill Icon
Skill Name |
Hero Time Lv.1 |
Allows a Pwr boost only at Max Focus, gradually boosts Pwr based on number of hits, enables Hero Focus. Pwr Increase +50 Pwr Increase Limit +999 Cooldown 120s
Hero Time Finish Lv.1 |
Enables Finisher when activating Hero Time again.
Hero Focus Time Gain Lv.1 |
Gradually boost Hero Focus after staring a Quest.
Hero Counter Lv.5 |
Counter Attack Damage 110%
HT Counter PP Gain Lv.1 |
PP Recovery +30
HT Counter Bonus Lv.1 |
Recovers Focus when successfully dodging an attack.
Aura High Charge Lv.1 |
Enables Two-Stage charging for Sword Weapon Action. Damage 110%
Combo Aura Shot Charge Lv.1 |
Instantly reach First-Stage charge with Sword Weapon Action during a combo.
TMG Attack PP Preservation Lv.5 |
TMG Normal Attack PP Consumption Rate 80%
First Blood Lv.1 |
Your first attack in a combo will become a Perfect Attack. Has no effect on Techniques. Cooldown 0.25s
Sidestep Lv.1 |
Press the Dodge key to do a fast step that has invulnerability. Can be used in any direction.
Sidestep & Perf.ATK Combo Lv.1 |
Enable Perfect Attack ring after Sidestep
Sidestep Jump Lv.1 |
Press the Jump button right after a Sidestep to reach running speed instantly.
Sidestep Strike Lv.1 |
Enable Attack After Sidestep
Air Reversal Lv.1 |
Enable Perfect Reversal in Air
Perfect Recovery Lv.1 |
When knocked down, press the Jump key at the moment you hit the ground to get up instantly.
ExpandPhoton Arts
Name |
Rising Slash Lv.1 |
Potency 2161% PP Cost 15
Brightblade Buster Lv.1 |
Potency 1412% PP Cost 10
Bulletblitz Lv.1 |
Potency 1214% PP Cost 20
Starfire Squall Lv.1 |
Potency 2211% PP Cost 30
Final Storm Lv.1 |
Potency 1792% PP Cost 25
Switchfire Gambit Lv.1 |
Potency 913% PP Cost 20
Jet Wheel Lv.1 |
Potency 1551% PP Cost 20
Houndblade Lv.1 |
Potency 1252% PP Cost 15
Fallback Gambit Lv.1 |
Potency 793% PP Cost 5
Name |
 Ideal Edge-C |
725 987 No Element
 Sub / Weapon Barrier |
  130 All Resistance 2%
 Sub / Weapon Barrier |
  130 All Resistance 2%
 Sub / Weapon Barrier |
  130 All Resistance 2%
 Moon Atomizer |
Skill Icon
Skill Name |
Phantom Marker Lv.1 |
Allows a Pwr boost only at Max Focus, gradually boosts Pwr based on number of hits, enables Hero Focus. Pwr Increase +50 Pwr Increase Limit +999 Cooldown 120s
Phantom Time Lv.1 |
Enables Finisher when activating Hero Time again.
Phantom Time Finish Lv.1 |
Enables Finisher when activating Phantom Time again.
Phantom Time Mark Boost Lv.5 |
Counter Attack Damage 110%
Dodge Counter Shot Lv.1 |
PP Recovery +30
Dodge PP Gain Lv.5 |
Recovers Focus when successfully dodging an attack.
Quick Cut Lv.1 |
Enables Two-Stage charging for Sword Weapon Action. Damage 110%
Chaser Mark Boost Lv.1 |
Instantly reach First-Stage charge with Sword Weapon Action during a combo.
Jellen Redress Lv.1 |
TMG Normal Attack PP Consumption Rate 80%
Attack Jellen Lv.3 |
TMG Normal Attack PP Consumption Rate 80%
Tech Charge Perf. ATK Addition Lv.1 |
Charged Techniques gain the effect of a Perfect Attack. Cooldown 0.50s
First Blood Lv.1 |
Your first attack in a combo will become a Perfect Attack. Has no effect on Techniques. Cooldown 0.25s
Phantom Sidestep Lv.1 |
Press the Dodge key to do a fast step that has invulnerability. Can be used in any direction.
Advanced Sidestep Roll Lv.1 |
Invulnerability Duration 0.13s
Sidestep & Perf.ATK Combo Lv.1 |
Enable Perfect Attack ring after Sidestep
Sidestep Jump Lv.1 |
Press the Jump button right after a Sidestep to reach running speed instantly.
Sidestep Strike Lv.1 |
Enable Attack After Sidestep
Air Reversal Lv.1 |
Enable Perfect Reversal in Air
Perfect Recovery Lv.1 |
When knocked down, press the Jump key at the moment you hit the ground to get up instantly.
ExpandPhoton Arts / Techniques
Name |
Sazan Lv.1 |
Potency 764% PP Cost 18
Folterzeit Lv.1 |
Potency 2156% PP Cost 28
Wolkenkratzer Lv.1 |
Potency 1037% PP Cost 25
Rosenschwert Lv.1 |
Potency 1448% PP Cost 30
Verbrechen Lv.1 |
Potency 797% PP Cost 25
Nachtangriff Lv.1 |
Potency 2176% PP Cost 20
Strafe Lv.1 |
Potency 398% PP Cost 20
Schwarze Katze Lv.1 |
Potency 567% PP Cost 20
Massenvernichtungs Lv.1 |
Potency 826% PP Cost 30
Rufkonzert Lv.1 |
Potency 1215% PP Cost 25
Name |
 Ideal Duos-C |
968 No Element
 Sub / Weapon Barrier |
  130 All Resistance 2%
 Sub / Weapon Barrier |
  130 All Resistance 2%
 Sub / Weapon Barrier |
  130 All Resistance 2%
 Moon Atomizer |
Skill Icon
Skill Name |
Over Drive Lv.1 |
Duration 20s Max PP +50 Stock Count 2 Times
Cooldown Preservation Lv.1 |
Non-Étoile Active Skill Cooldown Rate 90%
Universal Mate Up Lv.1 |
Increased HP Recovery and adds PP Recovery when players use a Recovery Item. HP Recovery 110%
Stationary Physique Lv.1 |
Gain Super Armor when standing still for more than 1 second.
Damage Bouncer Lv.6 |
Damage Reduction 50% Non-Étoile Recovery Reduction Rate 100%
Perfect Guard PP Aile Lv.5 |
PP Recovery +10 Cooldown 1s
Étoile Double Saber Focus Lv.1 |
Uses Focus and reduces damage taken while attacked. Damage Reduction 30%
Étoile Soaring Blades Focus Lv.1 |
Use Focus to activate a Connect. Activate a Full Connect by using the entire gauge.
Étoile Wand Focus Lv.1 |
Long Press Weapon Action to use Focus and perform a longer Perfect Guard.
Double Saber Skip Arts Lv.1 |
Skips the first half of PA without any direction input.
Double Saber Sidestep Slide Lv.1 |
Sidestep twice to slide in a fixed motion.
Double Saber Quick Take Lv.1 |
Quickly approach the enemy by pressing Weapon Action or Normal Attack during a certain moment.
Double Saber Sidestep Guard Lv.1 |
Launch a counterattack on locked-on enemies while Sidestepping forward.
Soaring Blades Lock-On Chase Lv.1 |
Normal Attacks will advance towards a locked-on enemy.
S Blades Focus Gauge Heat Up Lv.1 |
Using a Connect or Full Connect will boost Focus Gain for a certain amount of time. Focus Accumulation Rate 150%
Wand F Dash Lv.1 |
During a Focus PA, movement speed is increased for a short time during a combo.
Wand Teleport Lv.1 |
Hold and release the Weapon Action to warp in a direction and attack.
First Blood Lv.1 |
Your first attack in a combo will become a Perfect Attack. Has no effect on Techniques. Cooldown 0.25s
Sidestep Lv.1 |
Press the Dodge key to do a fast step that has invulnerability. Can be used in any direction.
Advanced Sidestep Roll Lv.1 |
Invulnerability Duration 0.13s
Sidestep & Perf.ATK Combo Lv.1 |
Enable Perfect Attack ring after Sidestep
Sidestep Jump Lv.1 |
Press the Jump button right after a Sidestep to reach running speed instantly.
Sidestep Strike Lv.1 |
Enable Attack After Sidestep
Air Reversal Lv.1 |
Enable Perfect Reversal in Air
Perfect Recovery Lv.1 |
When knocked down, press the Jump key at the moment you hit the ground to get up instantly.
ExpandPhoton Arts
Name |
Saber Destruction Lv.1 |
Potency 4220% PP Cost 22
Shooting Star Lv.1 |
Potency 2691% PP Cost 20
Celestial Collide Lv.1 |
Potency 4682% PP Cost 30
Radiant Sting Lv.1 |
Potency 1650% PP Cost 22
Distortion Pierce Lv.1 |
Potency 2709% PP Cost 20
Light Wave Lv.1 |
Potency 3342% PP Cost 32
Glitter Stripe Lv.1 |
Potency 1550% PP Cost 20
Black Hole Rapture Lv.1 |
Potency 2261% PP Cost 30
Prism Circular Lv.1 |
Potency 2019% PP Cost 28
Name |
 Ideal Banette-C |
769 732 No Element
 Sub / Weapon Barrier |
  130 All Resistance 2%
 Sub / Weapon Barrier |
  130 All Resistance 2%
 Sub / Weapon Barrier |
  130 All Resistance 2%
 Moon Atomizer |
Skill Icon
Skill Name |
Luster Time Lv.1 |
Duration 30s Cooldown 240s Damage Reduction 30% PP Recovery 200%
Luster Gunblade Focus Lv.1 |
Long press to consume Focus and perform various attack actions.
Luster Volts Lv.1 |
Boosts Voltage based on number of hits dealt. Various bonuses are applied. Damage Conversion Rate 2% Max Bonus 10% Damage Reduction Conversion Rate 4% Max Bonus 20%
Volt Heat Up Lv.1 |
Boosts Voltage when fighting Bosses Amount Added +1
Tech Arts P.A. Multi Bonus Lv.1 |
Perfect Attack different PAs for increased Voltage and Critical Hit Rate Critical Hit Rate 5% Amount Added +1
Deband Disorder Lv.1 |
Boosts Status Ailment infliction chance while under Deband. Activation Rate 110%
Stationary Arts Lv.1 |
Use a PA without holding a direction to use Stationary Arts.
Enhanced Combo Lv.1 |
Consume Focus and activate another Enhanced Arts when using a PA in advance during Enhanced Arts
Rising Gunblade Lv.1 |
Jump after using any attack action to activate a special attack.
Falling Gunblade Lv.1 |
Jump after using any attack action without holding any direction to activate a special attack.
Luster Sidestep Slide Lv.1 |
Sidestep twice to consume PP and slide in a fixed motion while attacking. PP Consumption 10
Advanced Sidestep Slide Lv.1 |
Using Sidestep Slide towards or away from a locked-on target performs a special attack.
Luster Counter Lv.1 |
Launch a counterattack on enemies after a successful dodge using Sidestep.
Luster Sidestep Guard Lv.1 |
Sidestep forwards or backwards through a locked-on target's attack performs a special counterattack.
Extra Attack Lv.1 |
Using 3 non-Sidestep Strike Normal Attacks in a row allows a 4th attack.
Purge Style Lv.1 |
Use Weapon Action twice to discard current Style with a powerful explosion attack. Duration 10s
Swift Slash Lv.1 |
Use a Normal Attack at the right timing to approach the target at high speed.
Swift Shot Lv.1 |
Weapon Action changes when used at specific times. Timing is based on the Style chosen.
First Blood Lv.1 |
Your first attack in a combo will become a Perfect Attack. Has no effect on Techniques. Cooldown 0.25s
Sidestep Lv.1 |
Press the Dodge key to do a fast step that has invulnerability. Can be used in any direction.
Advanced Sidestep Roll Lv.1 |
Invulnerability Duration 0.13s
Sidestep & Perf.ATK Combo Lv.1 |
Enable Perfect Attack ring after Sidestep
Sidestep Jump Lv.1 |
Press the Jump button right after a Sidestep to reach running speed instantly.
Sidestep Strike Lv.1 |
Enable Attack After Sidestep
Air Reversal Lv.1 |
Enable Perfect Reversal in Air
Perfect Recovery Lv.1 |
When knocked down, press the Jump key at the moment you hit the ground to get up instantly.
Zandi Style Lv.1 |
High Speed Attack Style when equipped Gunblade is Lightning or Wind Element.
Fomel Style Lv.1 |
Close Ranged Attack Style when equipped Gunblade is Fire or Dark Element.
Baran Style Lv.1 |
Defensive Counterattack Style when equipped Gunblade is Ice or Light Element.
Enhanced Zandi Shooting Lv.1 |
Consumes Focus to charge up an attack that hits all enemies within range.
Enhanced Zandi Attack Lv.1 |
Follow-up attack from Enhanced Attack by consuming Focus. Fires a tornado that suctions enemies in front.
Enhanced Fomel Shooting Lv.1 |
Consumes Focus to unleash a barrage of attacks.
Enhanced Fomel Attack Lv.1 |
Follow-up attack from Enhanced Attack by consuming Focus. Fires a Photon Spear after using a PA.
Enhanced Baran Shooting Lv.1 |
Consumes Focus to fire a charged Photon Bullet.
Enhanced Baran Attack Lv.1 |
Follow-up attack from Enhanced Attack by consuming Focus. Creates a damaging field.
Mobile Arts Volt Boost Lv.1 |
Zandi: Boosts Voltage gained from hitting enemies with Mobile Arts. Amount Added +1
Advanced Zandi Dodge Lv.1 |
Zandi: Upon successful dodge via Sidestep or Weapon Action allows follow-up attacks when hitting with a PA for a short time. Duration 40s
Enhanced Arts Volt Boost Lv.1 |
Fomel: Boosts Voltage gained from hitting enemies with Enhanced Arts. Amount Added +1
Advanced Fomel Perfect Attack Lv.1 |
Fomel: Comboing a PA into another Perfect Attacked PA as early as possible makes Photon Clusters orbit around for a short time. Duration 10s
Stationary Arts Volt Boost Lv.1 |
Baran: Boosts Voltage gained from hitting enemies with Stationary Arts. Amount Added +1
Advanced Baran Perfect Guard Lv.1 |
Baran: Successfully Perfect Guarding an attack grants a damage-reducing barrier for a short time. Duration 20s Damage Reduction 25%
ExpandPhoton Arts
Name |
Scatterslug Lv.1 |
Potency 1705% PP Cost 20
Brand Extension Lv.1 |
Potency 1634% PP Cost 23
Hollow Point Lv.1 |
Potency 1546% PP Cost 22
Mission 1
Area |
 Old Mothership |
- Bonus Enemy: C6. Located right behind the Kodotta Idihta. Extremely difficult to miss.
- Unlock Switch: C6. "Hidden" behind a wall in the room beyond the Rappy. Not very well hidden as the top of the device can be seen from behind its hiding spot. If you are targeting the Rappy, grab the Unlock Switch before regrouping with the party.
A straightforward room with few gimmicks. Very useful for building Buildup PA Gauge for future rooms.
Proceed through the wave of Yedis/King Yedis and pass through the trap to reach a wave of Oceanids. Defeat the Oceanids while avoiding the Wulffs to proceed to the next segment with two Gannagams and two Ban Ogakibar. Ranged classes or classes with elevation are particularly effective against the Gannagams while classes with counters are effective against the Ban Ogakibar. Defeating the Nightfallers opens a miniboss segment with a Kodotta Idihta. Open its weak point with high DPS (using Freeze to lock it in place is particularly effective) and burst it down quick to unlock the next section.
Upon entering the next segment, a large wave of Supernaturals will spawn, consisting of multiple Omega Goblins, Skull Soldiers, a Minotargz, an Omega Salamander, and a Resta Golem. This section is guarded by lasers that travel horizontally across the field, which will spawn Predicahdrs in the next section if triggered. A player with a double jump or the ability to scale a high wall can activate a switch at the opposite end of the room (guarded by an Orc Bomber) to deactivate the lasers and the beams in the next section (a VR Capsule is also available here). Maneuver carefully to defeat all enemies while avoiding the lasers.
The next section features a Gawonda, a Guwonda, and two Briardas. Two Predicahdrs will also spawn if the laser in the previous segment was tripped, and the entire area will be guarded by a wall of rotating beams if the switch in the previous segment isn't activated. The Briardas will attempt to fire projectiles from a distance, which can be interrupted by players targeting them directly. A VR Capsule can be picked up here in the middle of the pathway.
The boss segment summons an Esca Ragnus. Classes that can target the core directly are highly recommended, especially a Ranger set with Blight Rounds as well as Scions. Beware its ability to create walls, as the wall is difficult to climb over and running around it can waste time and render yourself vulnerable to its binding projectiles. Defeating this boss unlocks a fence containing Grinders and a random
Ideal weapon (Gunblades excluded), while defeating the Rappy unlocks a fence containing Grinders and a Challenge Doll.
Mission 2
Area |
 Falspawn Den |
- Bonus Enemy: B2. Upon entering the Falz Arm's spawn area, take an immediate left to the room adjacent to it. The Rappy can be found on a steel platform in the back right of the room.
- Unlock Switch: B2. Located directly opposite the Rappy in the same room. Can be grabbed first before the Rappy if you're confident, otherwise get the Rappy before the device.
Interval Area 1
- Here you can exchange for an Ideal weapon using a junk weapon. Junk weapons include the one you start with and the extra bonus weapon you obtain from the box after Esca Ragne.
- Luster's initial No Element Gunblade is unique in that it cannot be exchanged, so exchange the obtained bonus weapon for an Element Style Gunblade of choice and then equip it over the weapon pallete. Presumably this is to enable Lusters to have the Purge Style always accessible with the Gunblade whenever for whatever reason, even though they do have access to Style Purge (double tap Weapon Action) to activate the state with the Elemental Gunblades.
- Also has consumables which are the sole exchange/use for Grinders.
Mission 3
Area |
 Corrupted Shafts |
- Bonus Enemy: B3. Upon entering the area, ignore the enemies and head north to find the Rappy. Defeating this Rappy is highly recommened as it is guarding a Challenge Doll at the end of the stage.
- Unlock Switch: B3. Hidden behind a stack of containers on the left side of the area. Requires a double jump or otherwise enhanced method of elevation to reach.
Mission 4
Area |
 Cuento Castle Ruins |
- Bonus Enemy: F4. Upon entering the Citadel's first stratum via catapult, the Rappy will spawn in the upper right corner of the arena. Ignore the enemies and take it out first before rejoining the party.
- Unlock Switch: D4. After taking the second catapult to the second stratum, immediately turn to your left. The Unlock Switch is waiting in the bottom left corner of the arena.
Based on the stage for the Urgent Quest Crimson Fellwyrm Over the Castle. After exiting the waiting area, a timed E-Trial will start. 21 out of the 22 enemies in the area must be defeated within the time limit to claim an additional prize set at the end of the stage.
As in the Urgent Quest, progress forward on the ground level is impeded by barriers that require defeating three consecutive waves of enemies: a Fang Banser/Rockbear, a wave of Krabahdas/Dragonkin and a Zeshraider/Quartz Dragon, and a Gigur Gunnegam/Gwahl Jigmolde. Simply push through the waves as fast as possible to claim two Grinder boxes and some Miles. A VR Capsule is also present right before the catapult.
Upon entering the first stratum, a wave of Jahmagrs/Ventazaur and a Plosiogrs/Boks Deubarz. Take the opportunity to defeat the Rappy while in the room. Defeat this wave to unlock the second catapult as well as additional Grinders and Miles.
Entering the second stratum will spawn two Dark Emperappies/Emperappies and an Evilion Dragon/Vol Dragon. It is strongly recommended that at least one player pulls away the Emperappies from the Dragon, as its rolling attack is dangerously lethal and can one-shot players. Defeating all three foes enables access to an additional prize cache with Grinders and Miles while also spawning the 22nd enemy, a Gunne Kazuchi, which is not necessary to defeat but rewards a large sum of additional experience if defeated. The Gunne Kazuchi is unique in that it takes 1 damage no matter what you do, so using Luster's Purge Style and weapon action is ideal here. Once all the E-Trial has ended and rewards are claimed, take the Telepipe to proceed to Interval Area 2.
Interval Area 2
- Has the same consumable list which are the sole exchange/use for Grinders.
Mission 5
Area |
 Mothership Shiva |
Based on the Sodam, Primordial Darkness arena in The Face of The Abyss. Like previous stages, the boss/bosses that can spawn here are based on the player's remaining VR Energy. However, special bosses can also appear under certain conditions.
Possible Bosses
Appearance Condition |
 Crazed: Omega Hyunal
 Crazed: Falz Hyunal |
Reach Mission 5 with 80% ~ 100% VR Energy. OR All players are "Unique" Type. |
Field: Ice. Starts a "Resonance" E-Trial, causing the remaining Hyunal to power up if one of them is defeated.
 Supreme: Primordial Darkness Sodam Normal Ver. |
Reach Mission 5 with 30% ~ 80% VR Energy. |
Field: Variable. Identical behavior to its Divide Quest counterpart. Uses elemental weaknesses and the modified stun/down mechanic where it is stunned by merely dealing damage rather than by attacking with its weaknesses.
 Supreme: Primordial Darkness Sodam True Ver. |
Reach Mission 5 with 100% VR Energy. AND Reach Interval Area 2 in 15 minutes or less. |
Field: Variable. Identical behavior to its Urgent Quest counterpart. Uses weapon weaknesses. Transforms into its fused Sodam-Gommorus form when low on health, which does not have any rings to break.
 Crazed: Anga Phandaj |
Reach Mission 5 with 5% ~ 30% VR Energy. |
Field: Standard. Does not use its weapon resistance barrier mechanic.
 Crazed: Omega Angel |
All players are "Rush" Type. |
Field: Wind.
 Crazed: Omega Appregina |
All players are "Attack" Type. |
Field: Ice.
 Frenzied: Omega Dranble
 Crazed: Dranble Krone |
Reach Mission 5 with less than 100% VR Energy AND Reach Interval Area 2 in 15 minutes or less. |
Field: Wind.
 Crazed: Grave Exegul |
All players are "Support" Type. |
Field: Fire.
 Supreme: Omega Masquerader |
Must be Single-Player AND Reach Mission 5 with 30% ~ 80% VR Energy. |
Field: Fire/Ice.
The minimum to rank appears to be to complete all Missions, with your final placement dependent on luck and performance.
Min. Requirements
(Based on Latest/Previous)
Mission 5 (100%)
1,000 FUN Ticket x1
SG 100 Ticket x1
Gold Trophy
Mission 5 (100%)
1,000 FUN Ticket x1
SG 50 Ticket x1
Silver Trophy
Mission 5 (100%)
1,000 FUN Ticket x1
SG 30 Ticket x1
Bronze Trophy
Title Name |
Requirement |
[Violent Tremor] Beginner |
Clear MISSION: Violent Tremor one time. |
 Augment Transfer Pass x10
[Violent Tremor] Master |
Clear MISSION: Violent Tremor ten times. |
 Augment Transfer Pass x30
[Violent Tremor] Explorer |
Clear MISSION 5 in MISSION: Violent Tremor. |
 Fluxio Juran
Bridler of Quaking Darkness |
Defeat the Primordial Darkness and clear MISSION: Violent Tremor. |
 Fluxio Talassa
Bridler of Quaking Shade |
Defeat Sodam, Primordial Darkness and clear MISSION: Violent Tremor. |
 Fluxio Tengl
Bridler of Quaking Void |
Defeat Omega Masquerader and clear MISSION: Violent Tremor. |
 Fluxio Vella
Bridler of Quaking Deities |
Defeat Omega Hyunal and clear MISSION: Violent Tremor. |
 Fluxio Volna
Bridler of Quaking Abominations |
Defeat Anga Phandaj and clear MISSION: Violent Tremor. |
 Fluxio Cyuma