Armada Training: Final Lament

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Armada Training: Final Lament
Quest Type Urgent Quests
Hard Level 40 and up
Super Hard Level 70 and up
Extremely Hard Level 85 and up
Ultra Hard Level 91 and up
Quest Details
Location Armada War Zone
Single/Multi-Party UIMultiParty.png Multi-Party Quests
Party Invitation Allowed
Ally Assistance Not Allowed
Conditions For Acceptance
Hard Main Class Level 8 and up
Complete a special Client Order
Super Hard Main Class Level 40 and up
Possess a Super Hard Difficulty Permit
Extremely Hard Main Class Level 70 and up
Possess a Super Hard Difficulty Permit
Ultra Hard Main Class Level 85 and up, Sub Class Level 85 and up
Possess a Super Hard Difficulty Permit
Time Limit None
Damage Limit None
Ability Adjust None

Urgent Quest Notices

"We are currently preparing a special VR training for all ARKS ops to participate in."

—Initial Announcement Notice

"Emergency mission alert. Special training for all ARKS ops is underway. Report to the Quest Counter to join the mission."

—Announcement Notice

Quest Objective

Get to the final area!

Quest Description

This exercise simulates infiltrating an enemy ship to the final area in a VR environment. Various obstacles have been placed to improve your performance under pressure. A fierce battle with a Photoner awaits in the final area. Make good use of your collective abilities to succeed.

Complete this quest by defeating the enemy in the final area.

Drop Info

Category Item Name Notes
Weapons Daggers13 Twin Tonfa

Twin Machineguns13 Bullet Kunai
Talis13 Lumi Holy
Sword15 Sealed Nodachi
Double Saber15 Rengokuto Rensa
Soaring Blades15 World of Guardians
Gunblade15 Talon Schneider
Twin Machineguns15 Obsidian Darkness
Wand15 Ark Sarpent
Wand15 Clarte Dolce
Bow15 Hard Cross Bullet
Katana15 Rittler's Order
Launcher15 Combat Cannon
Rod15 Resonant Tefillah
Sword15 Dyne Hespelaro
Talis15 Dyne Fectus

14 Lamia Series
Wired Lance Lamia Sleider

Twin Machineguns Lamia Selgam
Wand Lamia Dran

15 Charis Series
Wired Lance Accure Charis

Wired Lance Atus Charis

15 Megalith Series
Partisan Megalith Glaive

Rod Megalith Rod

15 Vortex Series
Katana Vortex Gezelle

Gunblade Vortex Lammour
Rifle Vortex Bide
Twin Machineguns Vortex Glass

15 Oblisana Series
Sword Oblisana Wucht

Launcher Oblisana Fersa
Talis Oblisana Walze

15 Obliance Series
Sword Obliance Wucht

Launcher Obliance Fersa
Talis Obliance Walze

15 Adell Series
Sword Adell Lienea

Twin Machineguns Adell Crouve
Talis Adell Beige

15 Ceiroth Series
Katana Ceiroth Mizerri

Rifle Ceiroth Carbine
Rod Ceiroth Mose

15 Finble Series
Double Saber Finblegem

Soaring Blades Finbleleat
Wand Finbleale

15 Novel Series
Sword Novel Sword

Wired Lance Novel Lance
Partisan Novel Partisan
Daggers Novel Twin Daggers
Double Saber Novel Double Saber
Knuckles Novel Knuckles
Katana Novel Katana
Soaring Blades Novel Soaring Blades
Gunblade Novel Gunblade
Rifle Novel Rifle
Launcher Novel Launcher
Twin Machineguns Novel Twin Machine Guns
Bow Novel Bow
Rod Novel Rod
Talis Novel Talis
Wand Novel Wand
Jet Boots Novel Jet Boots
Harmonizer Novel Harmonizer

15 Orb Series
Partisan Randedor Orb

Double Saber Tollbion Orb
Katana Lepshtain Orb
Gunblade Bayonect Orb
Rifle Aproth Orb
Twin Machineguns Geamorta Orb
Rod Talishanthe Orb
Wand Kwadarca Orb
Jet Boots Teapatera Orb
Harmonizer Millioraj Orb

15 Millionaire Series
Sword Millionaire Brand

Wired Lance Millionaire Urumi
Partisan Millionaire Kuze
Daggers Millionaire Stinger
Double Saber Millionaire Glaive
Knuckles Millionaire Jamdahal
Katana Millionaire Schleim
Soaring Blades Millionaire Schamschille
Gunblade Millionaire Digantz
Rifle Millionaire Musket
Launcher Millionaire Cannon
Twin Machineguns Millionaire Barrage
Bow Millionaire Rilate
Rod Millionaire Aspio
Talis Millionaire Chakram
Wand Millionaire Mace
Jet Boots Millionaire Vimana

15 Croesus Series
Sword Croesus Brand

Wired Lance Croesus Urumi
Partisan Croesus Kuze
Daggers Croesus Stinger
Double Saber Croesus Glaive
Knuckles Croesus Jamdahal
Katana Croesus Schleim
Soaring Blades Croesus Schamschille
Gunblade Croesus Digantz
Rifle Croesus Musket
Launcher Croesus Cannon
Twin Machineguns Croesus Barrage
Bow Croesus Rilate
Rod Croesus Aspio
Talis Croesus Chakram
Wand Croesus Mace
Jet Boots Croesus Vimana

Units Back Unit13 Back / Ekdyke Grudge

Back Unit13 Back / Avion Dusk
Leg Unit13 Legs / Mirage Cell
Leg Unit13 Legs / Nova Selque

13 Novel Set
Back Unit13 Back / Novel Ful

Arm Unit13 Arms / Novel One
Leg Unit13 Legs / Novel Mas

13 Rivalate Set
Back Unit13 Back / Rivalate Ful

Arm Unit13 Arms / Rivalate One
Leg Unit13 Legs / Rivalate Mas

13 Schvelle Set
Back Unit13 Back / Schvelle Kibbs

Arm Unit13 Arms / Schvelle Ritt
Leg Unit13 Legs / Schvelle Cerbe

Eggs Egg14 Vulcan (XH and higher)
Other Tool10 EX-Cube

Tool8 Rising Weapons Badge 5

Order13 Module - Exegul

Order13 Module - Varuna
Order13 Module - Mitra
Order13 Module - Shiva

Order Module - Shiva has a fixed
drop of 3 Modules on UH.
Augments Affix Berouge Glare

Affix Fodrus Glare
Affix Exegul Glare
Affix Varuna Glare
Affix Mitra Glare
Affix Shiva Glare

S-Grade Augments
Pass10 Add S1: Goliathslayer's Will

Pass10 Add S1: Augment Will

Pass10 Add S2: Timeflow Grace

Pass10 Add S2: Precision Will 2

Pass10 Add S3: Lucent Adversity
Pass10 Add S4: Steadfast Will

Pass10 Add S4: Precise Balance
Pass10 Add S4: Amplified Adept
Pass10 Add S4: Escalating Pursuit
Pass10 Add S4: Nullzone Bestowal

Pass10 Add S5: Defensive Balance

Pass10 Add S5: Augment Bloom

S-Grade Augments
Pass10 Add S6: Evernight Star

Pass10 Add S6: Overflowing Life V

Pass10 Add S7: Empathic Communion

Pass10 Add S7: Still Grace
Pass10 Add S7: Supreme Perfection
Pass10 Add S7: Medicinal Potentiation
Pass10 Add S7: Dharma Boon

Pass10 Add S8: Mighty Medication

Pass10 Add S8: Skydance Support

S Grade Augment 6 S6: Guardian Shield

S Grade Augment 6 S6: Lucent Domain
S Grade Augment 6 S6: Soaring Wings
S Grade Augment 6 S6: Tenacious Healscourge
S Grade Augment 6 S6: Skillful Adept
S Grade Augment 6 S6: Shield of Carnage
S Grade Augment 6 S6: Fortified Life Vessel
S Grade Augment 6 S6: Fortified Photon V

(UH) May be granted onto 13 units
S Grade Augment 7 S7: Fortified Photon V

S Grade Augment 7 S7: Fortified Attack
S Grade Augment 7 S7: Fortified Attack 2
S Grade Augment 7 S7: Fortified Ranged 2

S Grade Augment 8 S8: Fortified Melee

S Grade Augment 8 S8: Fortified Ranged
S Grade Augment 8 S8: Fortified Technique
S Grade Augment 8 S8: Resolute Flight

Additional Info

Main Quests Expeditions | Urgent Quests | Recommended Quests | Bonus Quests | Limited Time Quests
Sub Quests ARKS Quests | Time Attack Quests | Buster Quests | Endless Quests | Ridroid Quests
Divide Quests | Advance Quests | Extreme Quests | Ultimate Quests | Challenge Quests
Story Quests Story Overview