Final Battle: Space-Time Interstice

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Final Battle: Space-Time Interstice
Quest Type Ultimate Quests
Normal Level 101~200
Quest Details
Location Mothership Shiva (Armada War Zone)
Single/Multi-Party UISoloParty.png Solo Quests
Party Invitation Not Allowed
Ally Assistance Not Allowed
-Conditions For Acceptance-
Normal Main Class Level 90 and up, Sub Class Level 90 and up.
Possess a Super Hard Difficulty Permit
Time Limit 00:15:00
Damage Limit None
Ability Adjust None

Final Battle: Space-Time Interstice is an Ultimate Quest.

Quest Objective

Defeat the Primordial Darkness!

Quest Description

We are giving everything ARKS has left for the final battle to put an end to this eternal war. The fate of the universe rests on the outcome. We pray for steadfast courage to all ARKS.

The quest will fail if you exceed the time limit or return to the Gateway Ship after becoming incapacitated.



  • Scape Dolls and Half Dolls are not prohibited in this Quest.
  • Depth progress is account wide.
  • This Quest can only be cleared 10 times per day per account. This limit resets every day at 1PM PDT.



Depth is a mechanic originally introduced in Regional Survey: Remnants of a Parallel World and gauges the player's progress in defeating Sodam, Primordial Darkness. When playing the Quest for the first time, the Quest starts at Depth 1, which indicates the enemy level and difficulty. Every time the Quest is cleared at the highest reached Depth, the maximum Depth increases by 1.

As Depth increases, Sodam, Primordial Darkness' Level increases and its AI and attacks change, but in return rewards become greater.

Depth Changes
1 Uses Fire Field and Ice Field.
No 2nd phase.
HP: ~66,000,000
9 Sodam, Primordial Darkness gains a Title, Surging Sodam, Primordial Darkness.
Applies only to this Depth: Subsequent Depths do not have this change.
HP: ~70,000,000
10 Can now use Lightning Field.
Healing reduced by 10%.
HP: ~71,000,000
19 Sodam, Primordial Darkness gains a Title, Surging Sodam, Primordial Darkness
Applies only to this Depth: Subsequent Depths do not have this change.
HP: ~76,000,000
20 Can now use Wind Field.
Healing reduced by 30%.
HP: ~78,000,000
29 Sodam, Primordial Darkness gains a Title, Surging Sodam, Primordial Darkness
Applies only to this Depth: Subsequent Depths do not have this change.
HP: ~82,000,000
30 Can now use 2nd phase (combined Elements).
Healing reduced by 40%.
Megiverse healing is reduced by 95%
HP: ~84,000,000
39 Sodam, Primordial Darkness gains a Title, Surging Sodam, Primordial Darkness
Applies only to this Depth: Subsequent Depths do not have this change.
HP: ~88,000,000
40 Sodam, Primordial Darkness gains a special Title.
Has a 3rd phase (fused form with Gommorus). See here for more information.
Applies only to this Depth: Subsequent Depths do not have this change.
HP: ~90,000,000
49 Sodam, Primordial Darkness gains a Title, Surging Sodam, Primordial Darkness
Applies only to this Depth: Subsequent Depths do not have this change.
HP: ~100,000,000
50 Sodam, Primordial Darkness gains a Title, Surging Sodam, Primordial Darkness
Has a 3rd phase.
Applies only to this Depth: Subsequent Depths do not have this change.
HP: ~107,500,000
59 Sodam, Primordial Darkness gains a Title, Surging Sodam, Primordial Darkness
Applies only to this Depth: Subsequent Depths do not have this change.
HP: ~122,500,000
60 Sodam, Primordial Darkness gains a special Title, Shackled Sodam, Primordial Darkness
Has a 3rd phase.
Applies only to this Depth: Subsequent Depths do not have this change.
HP: ~130,000,000
69 Sodam, Primordial Darkness gains a Title, Surging Sodam, Primordial Darkness
Applies only to this Depth: Subsequent Depths do not have this change.
HP: ~145,000,000
70 Sodam, Primordial Darkness gains a special Title, Shackled Sodam, Primordial Darkness
Has a 3rd phase.
Applies only to this Depth: Subsequent Depths do not have this change.
HP: ~152,500,000
79 Sodam, Primordial Darkness gains a Title, Surging Sodam, Primordial Darkness
Applies only to this Depth: Subsequent Depths do not have this change.
HP: ~167,500,000
80 Sodam, Primordial Darkness gains a special Title, Shackled Sodam, Primordial Darkness
Has a 3rd phase.
Applies only to this Depth: Subsequent Depths do not have this change.
HP: ~175,000,000
89 Sodam, Primordial Darkness gains a Title, Surging Sodam, Primordial Darkness
Applies only to this Depth: Subsequent Depths do not have this change.
HP: ~190,000,000
90 Sodam, Primordial Darkness gains a special Title, Shackled Sodam, Primordial Darkness
Has a 3rd phase.
Applies only to this Depth: Subsequent Depths do not have this change.
HP: ~197,500,000
99 Sodam, Primordial Darkness gains a Title, Surging Sodam, Primordial Darkness
Applies only to this Depth: Subsequent Depths do not have this change.
HP: ~215,000,000
100 Sodam, Primordial Darkness gains a unique Title, Ultimate Sodam, Primordial Darkness
Has a 3rd phase.
Substantial ATK increase compared to previous Depths.
HP: ~250,000,000
  • Note: The Megiverse healing nerf stacks multiplicatively with the regular healing nerf. This means that, in Depth 30 (where this starts), Megiverse will heal only 0.6% of damage dealt.
    • This number is found through the formula: 0.2 x 0.05 x [(100 - RegularHealNerf) / 100].
  • During Depths with a 3rd phase, the Goddesses' buffs are fixed in the order MatoiHitsugiHariette regardless of the player's actions.
    • Gommorus' hands lack breakable parts on the first and fifth fingers. As a result, only 12 parts need to be broken instead of 20 to trigger the Goddess buffs.


Drop Table

Type Item Name Notes
Weapons Sword15 Sealed Nodachi

Soaring Blades15 World of Guardians
Gunblade15 Talon Schneider
Twin Machineguns15 Obsidian Darkness
Wand15 Ark Sarpent

15 Agile Series
Sword Darkweave Agile Edge

Wired Lance Darkweave Agile Anchor
Partisan Darkweave Agile Pike
Daggers Darkweave Agile Steel
Double Saber Darkweave Agile Doubliss
Knuckles Darkweave Agile Knuckles
Katana Darkweave Agile Sabre
Soaring Blades Darkweave Agile Glide
Gunblade Darkweave Agile Tear
Rifle Darkweave Agile AR
Launcher Darkweave Agile Cannon
Twin Machineguns Darkweave Agile Barrel
Bow Darkweave Agile Arche
Rod Darkweave Agile Rod
Talis Darkweave Agile Talis
Wand Darkweave Agile Verge
Jet Boots Darkweave Agile Walker
Harmonizer Darkweave Agile Reed

15 Weapons can drop with the following Abilities:

Affix Soul Catalyst
Affix Factor Catalyst
Affix Glare Catalyst

Units Back Unit13 Back / Klauzdyne

Arm Unit13 Arms / Klauznum
Leg Unit13 Legs / Klauzment

It is currently unknown at which depth
these units can start dropping in.
Eggs Egg14 Vulcan
Sweets Sweets14 Exquisite Luxurious Parfait All Classes
Weapon Camos Weapon Camo13 * Invade Destroy

Weapon Camo13 * Ophistia Lightblade
Weapon Camo13 * Zeinesis Angajima
Weapon Camo13 * Clifard Ressentiment
Weapon Camo13 * Trailblazer Vessel Creaxion
Weapon Camo13 * Latnus Finar
Weapon Camo13 * Latnus Nobire

Other Tool10 EX-Cube

Tool10 Class EX-Cube

Tool Class EX-Cube drops the following amount:

Depth 1 ~ / 3
Depth 10 ~ / Up to 6
Depth 41 ~ / Up to 9

Order7 Darkstone Deimos Order Darkstone Deimos drops the following amount:

Depth 1 ~ / 3
Depth 10 ~ / Up to 6
Depth 41 ~ / Up to 12
Depth 81 ~ / Up to 15 

Order15 Powerstone Graeae Depth 51+ Only
Augments Affix Soul of Darkness

Affix Origin Glare
Affix Varuna Glare
Affix Mitra Glare
Affix Shiva Glare

S-Grade Augments Pass10 Add S2: Guardian Shield 2

Pass10 Add S2: Medicinal Grace 2
Pass10 Add S3: Axiom Will 2
Pass10 Add S3: Lustrous Strike 3

Pass10 Add S1R: Augment Will 2

Pass10 Add S1R: Aggressive Will 2
Pass10 Add S2R: Perfect Adept Will
Pass10 Add S5R: Finishing Blow
Pass10 Add S7R: Concentrated Suidi

Depth 41+ Only

First Break Bonus

These rewards are given for clearing each Depth for the first time.

Depth Reward Depth Reward Depth Reward
1 Pass10 Add S1R: Aggressive Will 2 35 Ticket SG 50 Ticket 70 Pass10 Add S7R: Still Grace
5 Ticket SG 50 Ticket 40 Pass10 Add S5R: Augment Bloom 75 Ticket SG 100 Ticket
10 Pass10 Add S2R: Perfect Adept Will 45 Ticket SG 50 Ticket 80 Pass10 Add S8R: Skydance Support
15 Ticket SG 50 Ticket 50 Order15 Powerstone Graeae 85 Ticket SG 100 Ticket
20 Pass10 Add S3R: Precision Will 55 Ticket SG 100 Ticket 90 Order13 Module - Shiva x100
25 Ticket SG 50 Ticket 60 Pass10 Add S6R: Tenacious Healscourge 95 Ticket SG 100 Ticket
30 Pass10 Add S4R: Escalating Pursuit 65 Ticket SG 100 Ticket 100 Order15 Powerstone Graeae
All Other Floors Tool10 Weapon Transmutation Aux Pass x5


Title Name Requirement Reward
P.Darkness Conquering Warrior Clear a Depth of "Final Battle: Space-Time Interstice" with Hunter as your Main Class. Material7 Darkstone Deimos x10
P.Darkness Conquering Sharpshooter Clear a Depth of "Final Battle: Space-Time Interstice" with Ranger as your Main Class. Order7 Darkstone Deimos x10
P.Darkness Conquering Sage Clear a Depth of "Final Battle: Space-Time Interstice" with Force as your Main Class. Order7 Darkstone Deimos x10
P.Darkness Conquering Fighter Clear a Depth of "Final Battle: Space-Time Interstice" with Fighter as your Main Class. Order7 Darkstone Deimos x10
P.Darkness Conquering Gunner Clear a Depth of "Final Battle: Space-Time Interstice" with Gunner as your Main Class. Order7 Darkstone Deimos x10
P.Darkness Conquering Technician Clear a Depth of "Final Battle: Space-Time Interstice" with Techter as your Main Class. Order7 Darkstone Deimos x10
P.Darkness Conquering Genius Clear a Depth of "Final Battle: Space-Time Interstice" with Braver as your Main Class. Order7 Darkstone Deimos x10
P.Darkness Conquering Bounder Clear a Depth of "Final Battle: Space-Time Interstice" with Bouncer as your Main Class. Order7 Darkstone Deimos x10
P.Darkness Conquering Paladin Clear a Depth of "Final Battle: Space-Time Interstice" with Summoner as your Main Class. Order7 Darkstone Deimos x10
P.Darkness Conquering Hero Clear a Depth of "Final Battle: Space-Time Interstice" with Hero as your Main Class. Order10 Luminfragment Emel x100
P.Darkness Conquering Phantom Clear a Depth of "Final Battle: Space-Time Interstice" with Phantom as your Main Class. Order10 Luminfragment Emel x100
P.Darkness Conquering Star Clear a Depth of "Final Battle: Space-Time Interstice" with Étoile as your Main Class. Order10 Luminfragment Emel x100
P.Darkness Conquering Radiance Clear a Depth of "Final Battle: Space-Time Interstice" with Luster as your Main Class. Order10 Luminfragment Emel x100
Discerner of Inner Darkness Clear Depth 10 in "Final Battle: Space-Time Interstice". Pass9 Augmentation Aid +50%
Defier of Inner Darkness Clear Depth 20 in "Final Battle: Space-Time Interstice". Pass10 Augment Transfer Pass x10
Subduer of Inner Darkness Clear Depth 30 in "Final Battle: Space-Time Interstice". Pass10 Augmentation Aid +55%
Conquerer of Inner Darkness Clear Depth 40 in "Final Battle: Space-Time Interstice". Pass10 Augment Transfer Pass x20
Abolisher of Inner Darkness Clear Depth 70 in "Final Battle: Space-Time Interstice". Pass10 Augmentation Aid +55% x2
Transcender of Inner Darkness Clear Depth 100 in "Final Battle: Space-Time Interstice". Tool10 Augment Transfer Pass x30
Light that Sunders Darkness Clear Depth 100 in "Final Battle: Space-Time Interstice" with an S Rank. Tool10 Augment Transfer Pass x30
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