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|align=center|* The Hero's Holy Sword
|align=center|[[* The Hero's Holy Sword]]
|align=center| {{#simple-tooltip: AC Scratch: Sega Legacy II | 5/5 - 6/1/2021}}<br>
|align=center| {{#simple-tooltip: AC Scratch: Sega Legacy II | 5/5 - 6/1/2021}}<br>
[[Portal:New_Genesis/AC_Scratch_Tickets_New_Year_Mag_Weapon_Camo_Memories| NGS AC Scratch: NY! Mag/Weapon Camo Memories]]{{#simple-tooltip-info: 1/1 - 2/1/2022}}<br>
[[Portal:New_Genesis/AC_Scratch_Tickets_New_Year_Mag_Weapon_Camo_Memories| NGS AC Scratch: NY! Mag/Weapon Camo Memories]]{{#simple-tooltip-info: 1/1 - 2/1/2022}}<br>

Revision as of 20:17, 10 July 2023

Weapon CamoWeapon Camos Weapon Camo Multi-type Weapon Camos Weapon Camo All-type Weapon Camos NGS Weapon Camo IconWeapon Camos (NGS)
Sword Sword Camos Wired Lance Wired Lance Camos Partisan Partisan Camos Daggers Twin Dagger Camos Double Saber Double Saber Camos Knuckles Knuckle Camos Gunblade Gunblade Camos Katana Katana Camos Soaring Blades Soaring Blade Camos
Rifle Assault Rifle Camos Launcher Launcher Camos Twin Machineguns Twin Machine Gun Camos Bow Bow Camos
Rod Rod Camos Talis Talis Camos Wand Wand Camos Jet Boots Jet Boot Camos Harmonizer Harmonizer Camos

Katana Only Camos

Rarity Preview Name Availability Weapon Category Marketable Notes
8Star.png UIItemIdealKaren.png * Ideal Karen Challenge Miles Exchange Shop 1
18,000 CM Challenge Miles
Katana UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
Color Variant (NGS) Color Changeable
8Star.png UIItemStarQuasar.png * Star Quasar Mission Badge Swap Shop
Mission Badge x20
Katana UICheckMarkIcon.png Color Matches [In] / Outfit
8Star.png UIItemRengokutoEnsa.png * Rengokuto Ensa Mission Badge Swap Shop
Mission Badge x20
Katana UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
8Star.png UIItemPrettyParasol.png * Pretty Parasol Mission Badge Swap Shop
Mission Badge x20
Katana UICheckMarkIcon.png
8Star.png UIItemBladeofGenesis.png * Blade of Genesis Creator's Emblem Exchange
Creator's Emblem x1
Katana UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
8Star.png UIItemAmenoHabakiri.png * Ame no Habakiri Phantasm's Emblem Exchange
Phantasm's Emblem x1
Katana UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
8Star.png UIItemDivineBladeAmenoMurakumo.png * Divine Blade Ame no Murakumo Phantasm's Emblem Exchange
Phantasm's Emblem x1
Katana UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
8Star.png UIItemBattleKatana.png * Battle Katana Battle Coin Barterer: Normal Exchange
2,800 BC Battle Coins
Katana UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
8Star.png UIItemOrochiAgito.png * Orochi Agito Giga Strugment Exchange Shop
Giga Strugment x500
Katana UICheckMarkIcon.png Only marketable in NGS
8Star.png UIItemJiladKobe.png * Jilad Kobe Battle Arena Scratch Katana UICheckMarkIcon.png
8Star.png UIItemWarriorKatana.png * Warrior Katana Battle Arena Scratch Katana UICheckMarkIcon.png
7Star.png UIItemKeikoutou.png * Keikoutou Season 2 Mission Pass Katana UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
7Star.png UIItemHoshiAi.png * Hoshi Ai Season 5 Mission Pass Katana UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
7Star.png UIItemGoroMajimaStrike.png * Goro Majima Strike AC Scratch: SEGA Legacy

NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Weapon Camo Collection
NGS AC Scratch: Weapon Camo Collection May '23

Katana UICheckMarkIcon.png
7Star.png UIItemMucroAlgescoYukianesa.png * Mucro Algesco: Yukianesa AC Scratch: Blazing Beats Katana UICheckMarkIcon.png Color Matches [In] / Outfit
9Star.png UIItemLoyalGuardKatanaKokorozashi.png * Loyal Guard Katana Kokorozashi AC Scratch: Elegant Beginnings

NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Weapon Camo Collection
Special Scratch: Spring '22 Special Scratch
Special Scratch: Special Scratch

Katana UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
7Star.png UIItemBansheeLegion.png * Banshee Legion AC Scratch: Designer Dreams III

NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Weapon Camo Collection
NGS AC Scratch: Weapon Camo Collection May '23

Katana UICheckMarkIcon.png
7Star.png UIItemMatadorsRose.png * Matador's Rose NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Weapon Camo Collection

NGS AC Scratch: Weapon Camo Collection May '23

Katana UICheckMarkIcon.png Only marketable in NGS
9Star.png UIItemArkumaKatana.png * Arkuma Katana Special Scratch: PSO2 10th Special Scratch

Special Scratch: Special Scratch

Katana UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
7Star.png UIItemSakuraBackpack.png * Sakura Backpack Cherry Blossom Nyau (Lv. 1+) Katana UICheckMarkIcon.png
13Star.png UIItemCoatedSabre.png * Coated Sabre Special Mission: Tokyo (Rainbow)

Disturbing Whistle of Chaos
The Face of The Abyss
Cradle of Darkness (UH)

Katana UICheckMarkIcon.png Color Variant (NGS) Color Changeable
13Star.png UIItemCursedCutterKienga.png * Cursed Cutter Kienga Divide Quests
Trial: Photoner Assault
Sword UICheckMarkIcon.png
8Star.png UIItemKagayaki.png * Kagayaki Allin Katana UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
8Star.png UIItemRittersOrder.png * Ritter's Order Title Reward Katana UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
8Star.png UIItemBladeshadow.png * Bladeshadow David Plays NGS! Stream Chat Phrase
Expiration date: 7/5/2023
Katana UICheckMarkIcon.png Only marketable in NGS

Multi-Type Camos

Rarity Preview Name Availability Weapon Category Marketable Notes
8Star.png UIItemSmartObs.png * Smart Obs Photon Booster Exchange Shop
Photon Booster x10
Katana Twin Machineguns Jet Boots UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
8Star.png UIItemReppleLamere.png * Repple Lamere Photon Booster Exchange Shop
Photon Booster x10
Partisan Wired Lance Double Saber Knuckles Katana Rifle Twin Machineguns Bow Talis Wand UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
8Star.png UIItemSolisLamere.png * Solis Lamere Photon Booster Exchange Shop
Photon Booster x10
Partisan Wired Lance Double Saber Knuckles Katana Rifle Twin Machineguns Bow Talis Wand UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
8Star.png UIItemBioCellular.png * Bio Cellular Photon Booster Exchange Shop
Photon Booster x20
Sword Wired Lance Partisan Daggers Double Saber Knuckles Katana Soaring Blades Gunblade Rifle Launcher Twin Machineguns Bow Rod Talis Wand Jet Boots UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
8Star.png UIItemLiveCellular.png * Live Cellular Photon Booster Exchange Shop
Photon Booster x20
Sword Wired Lance Partisan Daggers Double Saber Knuckles Katana Soaring Blades Gunblade Rifle Launcher Twin Machineguns Bow Rod Talis Wand Jet Boots UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
8Star.png UIItemALeafintheAutumnBreeze.png * A Leaf in the Autumn Breeze Photon Booster Exchange Shop
Photon Booster x20
Drago Rappy (Lv. 1+)
ARKS Rappy (Lv. 1+)
Sword Wired Lance Partisan Daggers Double Saber Knuckles Katana Soaring Blades Gunblade Rifle Launcher Twin Machineguns Bow Rod Talis Wand Jet Boots UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
9Star.png UIItemWeaponStealthing.png * Weapon Stealthing Mission Badge Swap Shop
Mission Badge x100

NGS AC Scratch Tickets

Sword Wired Lance Partisan Daggers Double Saber Knuckles Katana Soaring Blades Gunblade Rifle Launcher Twin Machineguns Bow Rod Talis Wand Jet Boots Harmonizer UICheckMarkIcon.png
8Star.png UIItemYonohateConfined.png * Yonohate: Confined Creator's Emblem Exchange
Creator's Emblem x1
Sword Katana UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
13Star.png UIItemCoatedEdge.png * Coated Weapon Zig: Artisan's Seal Exchange
Weapon Camo* Coated Edge Weapon Camo* Coated Doubliss Weapon Camo* Coated Sabre
Weapon Camo* Coated Glide Weapon Camo* Coated Assault Weapon Camo* Coated Barrel
Weapon Camo* Coated Rod Weapon Camo* Coated Talis Weapon Camo* Coated Verge
Artisan's Seal x10
Sword Double Saber Katana Soaring Blades Rifle Twin Machineguns Rod Talis Wand UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
Color Variant (NGS) Color Changeable
8Star.png UIItemSoundsOfRock.png * Sounds of Rock Rising Weapons Badge 5 Exchange
Rising Weapons Badge 5 x300
Gunblade Sword Double Saber Katana Soaring Blades Launcher Rod Wand UICheckMarkIcon.png
8Star.png UIItemLilliRops.png * Lilli Rops Season 9 Mission Pass Rod Double Saber Katana UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
8Star.png UIItemLiberation.png * Liberation Season 11 Mission Pass Katana Rod Wand UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
8Star.png UIItemBlancNoire.png * Blanc Noire Season 12 Mission Pass Soaring Blades Katana Wand UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
8Star.png UIItemFrostcryptEssence.png * Frostcrypt Essence Season 13 Mission Pass Katana Sword Daggers Double Saber Soaring Blades Rod UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
8Star.png UIItemFirstApproach.png * First Approach Season 14 Mission Pass Double Saber Sword Katana Wand UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
7Star.png UIItemSoulBladeYukihime.png * Soul Blade Yukihime AC Scratch: Shining Heroes

NGS AC Scratch: NY! Mag/Weapon Camo Memories
NGS AC Scratch: Weapon Camo Collection May '23

Katana Sword UICheckMarkIcon.png
7Star.png UIItemTemperion.png * Temperion AC Scratch: Shining Heroes

NGS AC Scratch: NY! Mag/Weapon Camo Memories
NGS AC Scratch: Weapon Camo Collection May '23

Katana Wand UICheckMarkIcon.png
7Star.png UIItemDivineKatanaSusanoo.png * divine katana Susano-o AC Scratch: Shining Heroes

NGS AC Scratch: NY! Mag/Weapon Camo Memories
NGS AC Scratch: Weapon Camo Collection May '23

Katana Sword UICheckMarkIcon.png
7Star.png UIItemBlueCrystalSword.png * Blue Crystal Sword AC Scratch: Designer Dreams

NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Weapon Camo Collection
NGS AC Scratch: Phantastic Memories
NGS AC Scratch: Weapon Camo Collection May '23

Wand Sword Katana UICheckMarkIcon.png
7Star.png UIItemWildFalcon.png * Wild Falcon AC Scratch: Sakura Memories Katana Sword UICheckMarkIcon.png
7Star.png UIItemAmamiyaKunisada.png * Amamiya Kunisada AC Scratch: Sakura Memories Katana Double Saber Wand UICheckMarkIcon.png
7Star.png UIItemSeijuroKamiyamasSword.png * Seijuro Kamiyama's Sword AC Scratch: Sakura Memories Soaring Blades Double Saber Katana Wand UICheckMarkIcon.png
7Star.png UIItemAlteredDivide.png * Altered Divide AC Scratch: Designer Dreams II

NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Weapon Camo Collection
NGS AC Scratch: Gothic Memories

Double Saber Sword Partisan Daggers Double Saber Katana Soaring Blades Rod Wand UICheckMarkIcon.png
7Star.png UIItemMagnoliaEclairII.png * Magnolia Éclair II AC Scratch: Blazing Beats Katana Sword Double Saber Wand UICheckMarkIcon.png
7Star.png UIItemMegaSlashEdge.png * Mega Slash Edge AC Scratch: FRAME ARMS RELOADED Sword Partisan Daggers Double Saber Knuckles Katana Soaring Blades Gunblade Rifle Bow Wand UICheckMarkIcon.png Color Variant (NGS) Color Changeable
7Star.png UIItemRainbowBlade.png * Rainbow Blade AC Scratch: Designer Dreams III

NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Weapon Camo Collection
NGS AC Scratch: Holiday Memories

Sword Double Saber Katana UICheckMarkIcon.png
7Star.png UIItemBixSanjiko.png * Bix Sanjiko AC Scratch: Blazing Luster

NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Weapon Camo Collection
NGS AC Scratch: Weapon Camo Collection May '23

Katana Sword Daggers Double Saber Soaring Blades Rod Wand UICheckMarkIcon.png Color Matches [In] / Outfit
7Star.png UIItemGloriousSentinel.png * Glorious Sentinel AC Scratch: Blazing Luster

NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Weapon Camo Collection
NGS AC Scratch: 10th Anniversary Oracle Memories
Special Scratch: Oracle Memories SP Scratch
NGS AC Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful
Special Scratch: 2nd Anniv Thankful [Ticket Ver]

Katana Sword Daggers Double Saber Soaring Blades Rod Wand UICheckMarkIcon.png Color Matches [In] / Outfit
7Star.png UIItemNeiSwordRF.png * Nei Sword RF AC Scratch: ARKS Last Stand

NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Weapon Camo Collection
NGS AC Scratch: Weapon Camo Collection May '23

Sword Partisan Double Saber Katana Rod Wand UICheckMarkIcon.png
9Star.png UIItemAnteFenzer.png * Ante Fenzer AC Scratch: ARKS Dream Live

Special Scratch: Spring '22 Special Scratch
Special Scratch: Special Scratch

Soaring Blades Daggers Katana UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
7Star.png UIItemDenialOne.png * Denial One AC Scratch: Designer Dreams IV

NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Weapon Camo Collection
NGS AC Scratch: New Years Memories

Rifle Katana Bow UICheckMarkIcon.png
7Star.png UIItemTrackingNeon.png * Tracking Neon AC Scratch: Designer Dreams IV

NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Weapon Camo Collection
NGS AC Scratch: Holiday Memories

Rod Katana Rifle UICheckMarkIcon.png
7Star.png UIItemTheHerosHolySword.png * The Hero's Holy Sword AC Scratch: Sega Legacy II

NGS AC Scratch: NY! Mag/Weapon Camo Memories
NGS AC Scratch: Weapon Camo Collection May '23

Sword Katana Soaring Blades Wand UICheckMarkIcon.png
9Star.png UIItemJuveCaddle.png * Juve Caddle NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Weapon Camo Collection

NGS AC Scratch: Sweet Memories

Bow Katana Twin Machineguns Wand UICheckMarkIcon.png Only marketable in NGS
9Star.png UIItemArtemisAndRapier.png * Artemis & Rapier NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Weapon Camo Collection Katana Sword Wand UICheckMarkIcon.png Only marketable in NGS
Color Variant (NGS) Color Changeable
8Star.png UIItemFloralSpringJoy.png * Floral Spring Joy NGS AC Scratch: NY! Mag/Weapon Camo Memories Soaring Blades Sword Daggers Katana Wand UICheckMarkIcon.png Only marketable in NGS
9Star.png UIItemSweetJewel.png * Sweet Jewel Special Scratch: Spring '22 Special Scratch

Special Scratch: Special Scratch
Rising Weapons Badge 5 Exchange
Rising Weapons Badge 5 x300

Rod Sword Partisan Double Saber Katana Wand UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
10Star.png UIItemApocalypseStaffRequiem.png * Apocalypse Staff Requiem SG Scratch: Fallen Heroes

Rewind: SG Collection

Soaring Blades Sword Partisan Daggers Double Saber Katana Rod Wand UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
10Star.png UIItemLaevateinn.png * Laevateinn SG Scratch: Mother's Desciples

Rewind: SG Collection

Soaring Blades Sword Wired Lance Partisan Daggers Double Saber Katana Rod Wand UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
10Star.png UIItemSpiritSwordTsumugari.png * Spirit Sword Tsumugari SG Scratch: Versus Annihilation

Rewind: SG Collection

Katana Sword UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
10Star.png UIItemEschatonRitavlata.png * Eschaton Ritavlata SG Scratch: Versus Annihilation Sword Double Saber Katana UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
7Star.png UIItemVirtuousContractBeastlord.png * Virtuous Contract/Beastlord PSO2 - NieR: Automata Collaboration 2B Pack Katana Sword Partisan Double Saber Wand UICheckMarkIcon.png Pack currently not available to purchase
7Star.png UIItemType3FistsType3Sword.png * Type-3 Fists/Type-3 Sword PSO2 - NieR: Automata Collaboration A2 Pack Knuckles Sword Daggers Double Saber Katana Soaring Blades Wand UICheckMarkIcon.png Pack currently not available to purchase
7Star.png UIItemTailsWrench.png * Tails Wrench PSO2 - TAILS Collaboration Pack

Special Training: Green Hill Sprint

Sword Partisan Daggers Double Saber Katana Soaring Blades Rod Wand Harmonizer UICheckMarkIcon.png Pack currently not available to purchase
8Star.png UIItemRayglitter.png * Rayglitter Mother Omnipotent, Creator (UH) Wand Katana UICheckMarkIcon.png
13Star.png UIItemAlchemicGenesis.png * Alchemic Genesis Battle Arena Scratch

Mother Omnipotent, Creator (UH)
Mother Omnipotent, Shatterer (UH)
Special Mission: Tokyo (Rainbow)

Wand Katana Harmonizer UICheckMarkIcon.png
7Star.png UIItemLightningIzanekazuchi.png * Lightning Izanekazuchi Izanekazuchi Knuckles Katana Twin Machineguns Jet Boots UICheckMarkIcon.png
13Star.png UIItemSangamorithePossessed.png * Sangamori the Possessed Death, Destroyer of Worlds (XH+)

Special Mission: Tokyo (Rainbow)

Katana Sword Bow Wand UICheckMarkIcon.png
13Star.png UIItemCydstrid.png * Cydstrid Campaign: ARKS Boost Rally

Risk Exploration: Desert
Risk Exploration: Underground Shafts
Risk Exploration: Abandoned Mine
Descant Drahl (Lv. 91+)
Special Mission: Tokyo (Rainbow)
Swirling Inferno on the ARKS Ship (UH)
Eleph Rappy (Lv. 91+)
ARKS Rappy (Lv. 91+)

Katana Sword Daggers Soaring Blades UICheckMarkIcon.png Color Matches [In] / Outfit
13Star.png UIItemFinesseCaridas.png * Finesse Caridas The Call of the Void

Special Mission: Tokyo (Rainbow)

Gunblade Partisan Katana Talis Jet Boots UICheckMarkIcon.png
13Star.png UIItemAreusM23.png * Areus M23 Trial: Photoner Assault Earth Areas Twin Machineguns Daggers Katana Soaring Blades Gunblade Rifle UICheckMarkIcon.png
13Star.png UIItemConcertMaster.png * Concert Master Trial: Photoner Assault Earth Areas Gunblade Sword Double Saber Katana Soaring Blades Launcher Rod Wand UICheckMarkIcon.png
8Star.png UIItemFelicityEdel.png * Felicity Edel Eleph Rappy (Lv. 76+)

ARKS Rappy (Lv. 76+)

Harmonizer Sword Daggers Double Saber Katana Soaring Blades Gunblade Wand UICheckMarkIcon.png
8Star.png UIItemMiracleMagic.png * Miracle Magic Halloween 2020 Bingo [Back]

Eleph Rappy (Lv. 76+)
ARKS Rappy (Lv. 76+)

Launcher Sword Partisan Double Saber Katana Rod Wand Jet Boots UICheckMarkIcon.png
13Star.png UIItemIlteonDuskMegith.png * Ilteon Dusk Megith Special Mission: Tokyo (Rainbow) Partisan Double Saber Katana Gunblade Rifle Twin Machineguns Rod Wand Jet Boots Harmonizer UICheckMarkIcon.png
13Star.png UIItemCalienteOrbMegith.png * Caliente Orb Megith Special Mission: Tokyo (Rainbow) Partisan Double Saber Katana Gunblade Rifle Twin Machineguns Rod Wand Jet Boots Harmonizer UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
13Star.png UIItemEvilShioinaruYanpe.png * Evil Shioinaru Yanpe Special Mission: Tokyo (Rainbow)

Death, Destroyer of Worlds (XH+)
Swirling Inferno on the ARKS Ship
Eleph Rappy (Lv. 91+)
ARKS Rappy (Lv. 91+)

Sword Wired Lance Partisan Daggers Double Saber Knuckles Katana Soaring Blades Gunblade Rifle Launcher Twin Machineguns Bow Rod Talis Wand Jet Boots UICheckMarkIcon.png
13Star.png UIItemWilkeShente.png * Wilke Shente Queen's Nightmare: Sand City

Special Mission: Tokyo (Rainbow)

Sword Wired Lance Partisan Daggers Double Saber Knuckles Katana Soaring Blades Gunblade Rifle Launcher Twin Machineguns Bow Rod Talis Wand Jet Boots UICheckMarkIcon.png
13Star.png UIItemRandallOrbit.png * Randall Orbit Mining Base Defense Training: VR
Possible Wave Reward on UH

Swirling Inferno on the ARKS Ship
Eleph Rappy (Lv. 91+)
ARKS Rappy (Lv. 91+)

Sword Wired Lance Partisan Daggers Double Saber Knuckles Katana Soaring Blades Gunblade Rifle Launcher Twin Machineguns Bow Rod Talis Wand Jet Boots UICheckMarkIcon.png
13Star.png UIItemRandallMirage.png * Randall Mirage Mining Base Defense Training: VR
Possible Wave Reward on UH

Swirling Inferno on the ARKS Ship
Eleph Rappy (Lv. 91+)
ARKS Rappy (Lv. 91+)

Sword Wired Lance Partisan Daggers Double Saber Knuckles Katana Soaring Blades Gunblade Rifle Launcher Twin Machineguns Bow Rod Talis Wand Jet Boots UICheckMarkIcon.png
13Star.png UIItemRandallNova.png * Randall Nova Mining Base Defense Training: VR
Possible Wave Reward on UH

Swirling Inferno on the ARKS Ship

Sword Wired Lance Partisan Daggers Double Saber Knuckles Katana Soaring Blades Gunblade Rifle Launcher Twin Machineguns Bow Rod Talis Wand Jet Boots UICheckMarkIcon.png
13Star.png UIItemInvadeDestroy.png * Invade Destroy Drawn to Darkness (UH)

Final Battle: Space-Time Interstice
Twisted with Hatred
NGS AC Scratch: Weapon Camo Collection May '23

Sword Wired Lance Partisan Daggers Double Saber Knuckles Katana Soaring Blades Gunblade Rifle Launcher Twin Machineguns Bow Rod Talis Wand Jet Boots UICheckMarkIcon.png
13Star.png UIItemOphistiaLightblade.png * Ophistia Lightblade Drawn to Darkness (UH)

Mining Base Defense Operations: Ending (UH)
Final Battle: Space-Time Interstice
Twisted with Hatred
NGS AC Scratch: Weapon Camo Collection May '23

Sword Wired Lance Partisan Daggers Double Saber Knuckles Katana Soaring Blades Gunblade Rifle Launcher Twin Machineguns Bow Rod Talis Wand Jet Boots UICheckMarkIcon.png
13Star.png UIItemOcculdCrypte.png * Occuld Crypte SP Breakthrough Training: Ep 6 (UH)

Mining Base Defense Operations: Ending (UH)
Twisted with Hatred
Rising Weapons Badge 5 Exchange
Rising Weapons Badge 5 x300

Sword Wired Lance Partisan Daggers Double Saber Knuckles Katana Soaring Blades Gunblade Rifle Launcher Twin Machineguns Bow Rod Talis Wand Jet Boots UICheckMarkIcon.png
13Star.png UIItemTurkeyLeg.png * Turkey Leg Festive Song for Winged Ones Sword Wired Lance Partisan Daggers Double Saber Knuckles Katana Soaring Blades Gunblade Rifle Launcher Twin Machineguns Bow Rod Talis Wand Jet Boots Harmonizer UICheckMarkIcon.png
13Star.png UIItemNemesisSelica.png * Nemesis Selica Cradle of Darkness (UH) Sword Wired Lance Partisan Daggers Double Saber Knuckles Katana Soaring Blades Gunblade Rifle Launcher Twin Machineguns Bow Rod Talis Wand Jet Boots Harmonizer UICheckMarkIcon.png Color Variant (NGS) Color Changeable
13Star.png UIItemRavenSelica.png * Raven Selica Cradle of Darkness (UH) Sword Wired Lance Partisan Daggers Double Saber Knuckles Katana Soaring Blades Gunblade Rifle Launcher Twin Machineguns Bow Rod Talis Wand Jet Boots Harmonizer UICheckMarkIcon.png Color Variant (NGS) Color Changeable
13Star.png UIItemAresKreger.png * Ares Kreger Drawn to Darkness (UH) Sword Wired Lance Partisan Daggers Double Saber Knuckles Katana Soaring Blades Gunblade Rifle Launcher Twin Machineguns Bow Rod Talis Wand Jet Boots Harmonizer UICheckMarkIcon.png
13Star.png UIItemZeinesisAngajima.png * Zeinesis Angajima Mining Base Defense Operations: Ending (UH)

Final Battle: Space-Time Interstice
Twisted with Hatred

Sword Wired Lance Partisan Daggers Double Saber Knuckles Katana Soaring Blades Gunblade Rifle Launcher Twin Machineguns Bow Rod Talis Wand Jet Boots Harmonizer UICheckMarkIcon.png
13Star.png UIItemClifardRessentiment.png * Clifard Ressentiment Mining Base Defense Operations: Ending (UH)

Final Battle: Space-Time Interstice
Twisted with Hatred

Sword Wired Lance Partisan Daggers Double Saber Knuckles Katana Soaring Blades Gunblade Rifle Launcher Twin Machineguns Bow Rod Talis Wand Jet Boots Harmonizer UICheckMarkIcon.png
13Star.png UIItemAtlasRelicEX.png * Atlas Relic EX Drawn to Darkness (UH)

Twisted with Hatred
Rising Weapons Badge 5 Exchange
Rising Weapons Badge 5 x300

Sword Wired Lance Partisan Daggers Double Saber Knuckles Katana Soaring Blades Gunblade Rifle Launcher Twin Machineguns Bow Rod Talis Wand Jet Boots Harmonizer UICheckMarkIcon.png
13Star.png UIItemProfoundSwordDimexion.png * Profound Vessel Shinxion Queen's Nightmare: Earth Depths (UH)

Twisted with Hatred

Sword Wired Lance Partisan Daggers Double Saber Knuckles Katana Soaring Blades Gunblade Rifle Launcher Twin Machineguns Bow Rod Talis Wand Jet Boots Harmonizer UICheckMarkIcon.png
13Star.png UIItemStarquakeVesselPleiaxion.png * Starquake Vessel Pleiaxion Mop-Up Op: Endless Nightmare

Queen's Nightmare: Earth Depths (UH)
Twisted with Hatred

Sword Wired Lance Partisan Daggers Double Saber Knuckles Katana Soaring Blades Gunblade Rifle Launcher Twin Machineguns Bow Rod Talis Wand Jet Boots Harmonizer UICheckMarkIcon.png
13Star.png UIItemTrailblazerVessel.png * Trailblazer Vessel Creaxion Queen's Nightmare: Earth Depths (UH)

Twisted with Hatred

Sword Wired Lance Partisan Daggers Double Saber Knuckles Katana Soaring Blades Gunblade Rifle Launcher Twin Machineguns Bow Rod Talis Wand Jet Boots Harmonizer UICheckMarkIcon.png Color Variant (NGS) Color Changeable
13Star.png UIItemJenSteel.png * Graf Steel Cradle of Darkness (UH)

Twisted with Hatred
Playstation Login Reward
Rising Weapons Badge 5 Exchange
Rising Weapons Badge 5 x300

Sword Wired Lance Partisan Daggers Double Saber Knuckles Katana Soaring Blades Gunblade Rifle Launcher Twin Machineguns Bow Rod Talis Wand Jet Boots Harmonizer UICheckMarkIcon.png Playstation Login is only marketable in NGS,
While all others are sold on Base PSO2
13Star.png UIItemRivalateSword.png * Rivalate Armory Twisted with Hatred

Rising Weapons Badge 5 Exchange
Rising Weapons Badge 5 x300

Sword Wired Lance Partisan Daggers Double Saber Knuckles Katana Soaring Blades Gunblade Rifle Launcher Twin Machineguns Bow Rod Talis Wand Jet Boots Harmonizer UICheckMarkIcon.png
13Star.png UIItemLightweaveKlauzEdge.png * Lightweave Klauz Tail Twisted with Hatred

Rising Weapons Badge 5 Exchange
Rising Weapons Badge 5 x300

Sword Wired Lance Partisan Daggers Double Saber Knuckles Katana Soaring Blades Gunblade Rifle Launcher Twin Machineguns Bow Rod Talis Wand Jet Boots Harmonizer UICheckMarkIcon.png
7Star.png UIItemLiberte.png * Liberte Campaign: ARKS Boost Rally Daggers Katana UICheckMarkIcon.png
8Star.png UIItemDivineBladeQrostriz.png * Divine Blade Qrostriz Campaign: Complete Client Orders!

NGS AC Scratch: Phantastic Memories

Double Saber Sword Katana UICheckMarkIcon.png
8Star.png UIItemFahrenForging.png * Fahren Forging "Join the PSO2 Twitter Party!" Campaign
Reward for 75,000 Twitter Followers
Sword Wired Lance Partisan Daggers Double Saber Knuckles Katana Soaring Blades Gunblade Rifle Launcher Twin Machineguns Bow Rod Talis Wand Jet Boots UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
8Star.png UIItemTempestLeaves.png * Tempest Leaves Complete Io’s Client Order "Party Maneuvers II" Sword Wired Lance Partisan Daggers Double Saber Knuckles Katana Soaring Blades Gunblade Rifle Launcher Twin Machineguns Bow Rod Talis Wand Jet Boots UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
8Star.png UIItemAsunasRapier.png * Asuna's Rapier Complete Kirito's Client Order "Like a Double Date" Double Saber Sword Katana Wand UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
8Star.png UIItemKiritosDualBlades.png * Kirito's Dual Blades Complete Kirito's Client Order "Like a Double Date" Soaring Blades Sword Daggers Double Saber Katana Wand UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
8Star.png UIItemAstokrone.png * Astokrone 9/29/20 ARKS Hour Item Code
Expiration date: 10/14/2020
Katana Sword Talis UICheckMarkIcon.png
8Star.png UIItemLumiereFonse.png * Lumiere Fonse 11/24/20 ARKS Hour Chat Phrase
Expiration date: 12/11/2020
Soaring Blades Sword Katana UICheckMarkIcon.png
8Star.png UIItemGrimAssassin.png * Grim Assassin Reward from "Facebook and Twitter Campaign 1"

NGS SG Scratch: Refined Form 3

Katana Rifle Rod UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
9Star.png UIItemCoatedEdgeD.png * Coated Weapon D Prime Gaming Reward October 2022 Sword Double Saber Katana Soaring Blades Rifle Twin Machineguns Rod Talis Wand UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
13Star.png UIItemRechteKlaitz.png * Rechte Klaitz Discord Post Campaign Sword Wired Lance Partisan Daggers Double Saber Knuckles Katana Soaring Blades Gunblade Rifle Launcher Twin Machineguns Bow Rod Talis Wand Jet Boots UICheckMarkIcon.png Only marketable in NGS
8Star.png UIItemCrowbar.png * Crowbar Title Reward Sword Double Saber Katana Soaring Blades Harmonizer UIRestrictedBlue.png This item is Account Bound
9Star.png UIItemSkullstrum.png * Skullsturm Epic Game Store Login Reward

NGS AC Scratch: 9th Anniversary Weapon Camo Collection

Sword Daggers Katana Soaring Blades Wand UICheckMarkIcon.png Epic Game Login is only marketable in Base PSO2
Weapon CamoWeapon Camos Weapon Camo Multi-type Weapon Camos Weapon Camo All-type Weapon Camos NGS Weapon Camo IconWeapon Camos (NGS)
Sword Sword Camos Wired Lance Wired Lance Camos Partisan Partisan Camos Daggers Twin Dagger Camos Double Saber Double Saber Camos Knuckles Knuckle Camos Gunblade Gunblade Camos Katana Katana Camos Soaring Blades Soaring Blade Camos
Rifle Assault Rifle Camos Launcher Launcher Camos Twin Machineguns Twin Machine Gun Camos Bow Bow Camos
Rod Rod Camos Talis Talis Camos Wand Wand Camos Jet Boots Jet Boot Camos Harmonizer Harmonizer Camos