Zig/Get Other Items

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Use Artisan's Seals to get Consumable


Rarity Icon Image Name Obtainment Description
5 Tool UIItemPass.png Artisan's Seal Zig CO reward (repeatable) Emblem of apprroval from the swordsmith Zig. Can be exchanged for valuable materials.


Rarity Image Name Price Notes
13 UIItemCoatedEdge.png Weapon Camo* Coated Weapon Weapon Camo* Coated Edge
Weapon Camo* Coated Doubliss
Weapon Camo* Coated Sabre
Weapon Camo* Coated Glide
Weapon Camo* Coated Assault
Weapon Camo* Coated Barrel
Weapon Camo* Coated Rod
Weapon Camo* Coated Talis
Weapon Camo* Coated Verge
Artisan's Seal x10
Weapon camo of the Coated Series.
This Item is Account bound.
Sword Double Saber Katana
Soaring Blades Rifle Twin Machineguns
Rod Talis Wand
7 UIItemGrinder.png Lambda Grinder Artisan's Seal x1 Material used for enhancing 13 to 14 rarity weapons,
and Skill Rings of grind level +10 or higher.
6 UIItemSynthesizer.png Synthesizer(5) Artisan's Seal x3 A catalyst material required for elemental enhancement.
Used as a synthesis catalyst when synthesizing weapons
for elemental enhancement and as currency in the Pet Supplies Shop.
5 64px Merit Value +30% Artisan's Seal x30 Increase the merit value by 30% when customizing techniques.
5 64px Demerit Value -30% Artisan's Seal x30 Decrease the demerit value by 30% when customizing techniques.


Rarity Type Image Name Price Special Abilities Properties
4 Sub Unit UIItemSubUnit.png Sub / Add Spirit D Artisan's Seal x10 Affix Mutation I
Affix Might I
Affix Impact Ward I
Affix Stamina I
4 Sub Unit UIItemSubUnit.png Sub / Add Spirita d Artisan's Seal x10 Affix Mutation I
Affix Precision I
Affix Projectile Ward I
Affix Deftness I
4 Sub Unit UIItemSubUnit.png Sub / Add Spirit D Artisan's Seal x10 Affix Mutation I
Affix Casting I
Affix Technique Ward I
Affix Spirit I

Use Creator's Emblem to get Weapon Camo

Cosmogenic Arms Weapon Camo Exchange


Rarity Icon Image Name Obtainment Description
8 Tool UIItemPass.png Creator's Emblem Title Reward
SG Recycle Shop
An honorary emblem given to those worthy of wielding Cosmogenic Arms. Allows you to Ask Zig to make Cosmogenic Weapon Camo for you.


Rarity Image Name Price Weapon Types Description/Notes
8 UIItemYonohateSealed.png * Yonohate: Sealed Creator's Emblem x1 Sword Weapon camo of the Cosmogenic Arms "* Yonohate: Sealed". Used as a sword due to its seal, but it is actually a katana. This Item is Account bound. Signature Weapon of the Council of Six member: Regius.
8 UIItemYonohateConfined.png * Yonohate: Confined Creator's Emblem x1 SwordKatana Weapon camo of the Cosmogenic Arms "Yonohate: Sealed". This pure and beautiful blade could only be used once. This Item is Account bound. Signature Weapon of the Council of Six member: Regius, this version has the long blade come out of its casing.
8 UIItemLabrystheUmbral.png * Labrys the Umbral Creator's Emblem x1 Partisan Weapon camo of the Cosmogenic Arms "Labrys the Umbral". The real thing puts all its photons into a single blow. This Item is Account bound. Signature Weapon of the Council of Six member: Maria.
8 UIItemMaitheUnseen.png * Mai the Unseen Creator's Emblem x1 Daggers Weapon camo of the Cosmogenic Arms "Mai the Unseen". While it looks like Mai, it lacks its latent abilities. This Item is Account bound. Signature Weapon of a certain individual.
8 UIItemVahramtheDestroyer.png * Vahram the Destroyer Creator's Emblem x1 Knuckles Weapon camo of the Cosmogenic Arms "Vahram the Destroyer". Each of its flame-like blades has been recreated. This Item is Account bound. Signature Weapon of the Council of Six member: Huey.
8 UIItemNanakitheVigilant.png * Nanaki the Vigilant Creator's Emblem x1 Gunblade Weapon camo of the Cosmogenic Arms "Nanaki the Vigilant". Its two colors represent the beginning and the end. This Item is Account bound. Signature Weapon of a Council of Six member.
8 UIItemBladeofGenesis.png * Blade of Genesis Creator's Emblem x1 Katana Weapon camo of the Cosmogenic Arms "Blade of Genesis". Forged by Zieg, its blade creates a whole new world. This Item is Account bound. Second Signature Weapon of the Council of Six member: Regius.
8 UIItemAuroratheSkydancer.png * Aurora the Skydancer Creator's Emblem x1 Twin Machineguns Weapon camo of the Cosmogenic Arms "Aurora the Skydancer". Its dancing, dazzling light can mesmerize anything. This Item is Account bound. Signature Weapon of someone with ties to Apprentice.
8 UIItemClarissatheWhite.png * Clarissa the White Creator's Emblem x1 Rod Weapon camo of the Cosmogenic Arms "Clarissa the White". Its complex shapes surpass all human knowledge. This Item is Account bound. Signature Weapon of the NPC: Matoi.
8 UIItemClarissaIItheAshen.png * Clarissa II, the Ashen Creator's Emblem x1 Rod Weapon camo of the Cosmogenic Arms "Clarissa II, the Ashen". Created using data left behind by Luther. This Item is Account bound. Signature Weapon of the Council of Six member: Klariskrays.
8 UIItemClarissaIIItheBright.png * Clarissa III, the Bright Creator's Emblem x1 Rod Weapon Camo of the Cosmogenic Arms "Clarissa III, the Bright". Created by Zig, with Xiao's cooperation. This Item is Account bound. Second Signature Weapon of the NPC: Matoi.
8 UIItemFlorenbergtheLuminous.png * Florenberg the Luminous Creator's Emblem x1 Talis Weapon camo of the Cosmogenic Arms "Florenberg the Luminous". Like the real thing, it throws tiny galaxies. This Item is Account bound. Signature Weapon of the Council of Six member: Casra.
8 UIItemReinolttheShapeless.png * Reinolt the Shapeless Creator's Emblem x1 WandSwordPartisan Weapon camo of the Cosmogenic Arms "Reinolt the Shapeless". Changes weapon type depending on the situation. This Item is Account bound. Signature Weapon of the NPC: Theodore.

Use Phantasm's Emblem to get Weapon Camo

Phantasm's Emblem Exchange


Rarity Icon Image Name Obtainment Description
8 Tool UIItemPass.png Phantasm's Emblem Title Reward
SG Recycle Shop
An emblem of mystery that shows proof of skill to wield a replica of the Phantasm weapons from Zig.


Rarity Image Name Price Weapon Types Description/Notes
8 UIItemMagicSwordGram.png * Magic Sword Gram Phantasm's Emblem x1 Sword Sword camo based on Kohri's true weapon, born from her pure heart. Its blade can cut through anything. This Item is Account bound.
8 UIItemAmenoHabakiri.png * Ame no Habakiri Phantasm's Emblem x1 Katana First Signature Weapon of the NPC: Hitsugi. This Item is Account bound.
8 UIItemDivineBladeAmenoMurakumo.png * Divine Blade Ame no Murakumo Phantasm's Emblem x1 Katana Second Signature Weapon of the NPC: Hitsugi. This Item is Account bound.
8 UIItemPhantomGun.png * Phantom Gun Phantasm's Emblem x1 RifleTwin Machineguns Signature Weapon of the NPC: Enga. This Item is Account bound.