The Beginning of the End

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The Beginning of the End
Quest Type: Story Story Quests
Quest Class: UISoloParty.png Solo Quests
Description: The ARKS members experienced a wide range of emotions as they explored the mysterious Ruins at the heart of Naverius, a planet conventionally said to have no native civilization. Why had they been hidden so deeply?
Difficulty and Level: Casual: 10-18
Hardcore: 18-75

Story Information

Story Dialogue

A.P.238/4/1 10:00

Zeno: Oh, hey. You came to investigate too, huh?
Zeno: Perfect. Wanna come with us?

[PLAYER NAME] is only given the option to answer: Go with them

Zeno: I knew you'd agree. I feel safer when you're around.
Echo: Hey Zeno, what about me?
Zeno: Yeah, yeah. You too, Echo. You're reeeal reliable.
Echo: Don't you think you're being pretty rude to me recently?
Zeno: I'm trying to help you become more independent.
Zeno: Don't you get bored being attached to me at the hip?
Echo: No... I'd never get bored of you.
Zeno: Hm? I didn't quite catch that.
Echo: I said, "you're a boor, you fool!" Come on. Let's leave this idiot behind and go!

Echo takes the lead

Zeno: Sheesh, what was THAT? Well, I guess if she's raring to go, it's all good.
Zeno: Anyway, be careful. Something's not right here.

The trio fight their way through the first area and halfway the second area

A.P.238/4/1 10:30

The ground starts to shake

Echo: Erk! What's that shaking!?
Zeno: Kinda strange for an earthquake. It's more like something's moving underground...
Echo: What's moving? Zeno?
Casra: I think he's saying it's dangerous here.

The trio turn around and see Casra

Echo: Whoa! I didn't see you there.
Casra: Oh, sorry. I wasn't trying to spook you.
Casra: Don't be frightened. I'm an ARKS operative, just like you.
Zeno: You gotta be kidding me. If you call yourself a regular ARKS operative, what does that make the rest of us?
Zeno: ...Well, Casra? Number three of the Council of Six?
Echo: The Council of Six!? Like, the biggest big shots in ARKS!?
Casra: If you know who I am, that makes things simpler.
Casra: As a member of the Council of Six, I recommend that you flee posthaste. This is a warning in good faith, not a threat.
Casra: Yet while advancing alone would be the correct choice of action for one of the Six, in my view...
Casra: ...I'm sure something must have brought us together. Would you care to join me?

PLAYER CHOICES: It would be my pleasure. or I'll pass.

PLAYER CHOICE 1: It would be my pleasure.

Zeno: Are you sure about this? We might just be dead weigth to a member of the Six.

PLAYER CHOICE 2: I'll pass.

Zeno: ...Yeah, this is a Council of Six business we're talking about. Who knows how bad it could really get?

Casra: Haha, you give me too much credit. I'm an intelligence specialist. Combat is less my forte. I'm not even sure I can do this alone.
Casra: So don't concern yourself with my station. Just treat me as a fellow ARKS operative.
Casra: I'll share what I know along the way, if it's agreeable with you.

Another earthquake happens

Zeno: We're not gonna have time to stand around and chat, so sure. Guess we're doing this, then.
Casra: Thank you. I appreciate it.
Casra: I look forward to working with you all.

Casra joins the trio and fight their way through the second area

A.P.238/4/1 11:00

Echo: *huff* *huff* How are there so many Falspawn?
Zeno: Seriously. Who opened the floodgates? Hey, Casra, what the hell's going on here?
Casra: My knowledge is based only on hearsay, but do you know what happened here on Naverious forty years ago?

PLAYER CHOICES A showdown with Dark Falz or Major geological fluctuations

PLAYER CHOICE 1: A showdown with Dark Falz

Casra: You've been doing your homework, I see. That's right. There was a showdown with Dark Falz.

PLAYER CHOICE 2: Major geological fluctuations

Casra: That was more of a sympton of what actually happened, but you're on the right track.

Casra: Regius the First, Klariskrays the First, and Casra the First squared off against Dark Falz on this very planet, forty years ago.
Echo: Dark Falz...
Zeno: Wait a minute, how does that work? I thought ARKS only ventured to this planet just recently!
Casra: Untrue, I'm afraid.
Echo: Really? You mean ARKS has been lying to us?
Casra: Yes, they have been. They keep attention diverted from the planet by claiming that it's a safe place free of Falspawn influence.
Casra: The ordinary echelons of ARKS find no value in it and tend to avoid visiting it.
Zeno: I don't get it. What's the point of it all? What are you hiding here?
Casra: The lie that perpetuates ARKS is hidden here.
Casra: The lie that Dark Falz can be destroyed. A fleeting dream, that--and a source of great motivation for ARKS. Thus do we preserve it.

The group arrives at the third area where the grave monument is

A.P.238/4/1 11:20

Gettemhult: Look who's here.
Gettemhult: And you brought the peanut gallery with you! Heh... Haha! Wahahaha!
Zeno: Gettemhult... What the hell are YOU doing here!?
Gettemhult: I'm on a picnic!
Zeno: The hell you are! Did you cause all that rumbling!?
Gettemhult: Ah, shut your whiny mouth before I shut it for ya. You done yet, Seana?

Gettemhult turns around to Melfonseana who is with the stolen weapon

Melfonseana: It won't be much longer, sir.
Casra: That's... the Clarissa! How? It was said to be lost!
Casra: And ownership has already been transferred? That doesn't make-- Oh, wait... It all makes sense now. The seal coming apart and...
Casra: If the seal is broken, we're all done for! You have to keep her and the Clarissa apart! Gettemhult: I'm not lettin' that happen!
Gettemhult: See? Things are about to get reaaaal fun.
Gettemhult: You feel it, don't you? The evil in the air... Sharp as a knife. Like it could slice you open. Exciting, isn't it?
Zeno: Gettemhult! Have you gone mad!?
Gettemhult: Shut your trap, Zeno! I didn't go anywhere. I've always been mad!

The group battles Gettemhult

Emergency Trial Gettemhult Suppression
A.P.238/4/1 11:40

Gettemhult: Gwahahaha! Yes! This is going to be fun!
Zeno: Tch. Berserk lunatic! You won't be able to take all four of us on!

Gettemhult turns to Melfonseana

Gettemhult: Heeheehahaha! Hey, Seana! You finished yet!?
Melfonseana: It's going to...take just a bit...longer...
Gettemhult: Hmm? Izzat so? Say, Seana...

Gettemhult goes to Melfonseana who turns around to face him

Melfonseana: Yes, Master Gettemhult...?
Gettemhult: You' anything for me, wouldn't you?
Melfonseana: Of course, sir...
Gettemhult: Well now. Happy to hear it. Now then, if you don't mind...
Gettemhult: Die for me.
Melfonseana: Ah...

Gettemhult severly injures Melfonseana

Zeno: GETTEMHULT! You monster!
Gettemhult: Now hold on there, Zeno. What're you so worked up for?
Zeno: How could you do that!? You'd kill your own friend...?
Melfonseana: Master... Gettemhult...
Melfonseana: W-Was I...of use to you...sir?
Gettemhult: You sure were, Seana... With this, the preperations are complete!
Casra: You don't mean...? This is how you planned to do it!?

The seal starts to break

Zeno: D-Do what!?
Casra: This violent flow of photons... He's going to resurrect the Dark Falz!
Gettemhult: Precisely! Now come forth, Dark Falz! I've heard you're the strongest being in the universe!
Gettemhult: Show me your power! You used it to take everything from me, and now I want to see it with my own eyes!
Gettemhult: And then I'm going to destroy you! Slaughter you!!!!

The seal breaks and Gettemhult gets consumed by the Dark Falz

Gettemhult: Wha...? What the hell!? Dammit, you've gotta be kidding me with this nonsense!
Zeno: Gettemhult! Tch!
Casra: You musn't! Any closer and you'll get snatched up too!
Zeno: Snatched up...? You knew about this, Casra!?
Casra: Allow me to conclude my tale from before...
Casra: Forty years ago, ARKS managed to beat Dark Falz back, but never actually defeated it.
Casra: All we could do was seal it away. We lied and said the enemy had been beaten, but all we did was keep it sealed away on this remote planet.
Casra: We lied so that ARKS operatives would believe that Dark Falz could be killed.
Zeno: What...are you saying?
Echo: Th-That means the monument was...
Casra: Dark Falz was sealed away... And that seal was supposed to keep for the rest of time, but now it's broken...
Gettemhult: ARGH! Dammit! Damn it all to hell! What's going on!?
Gettemhult: You weren't supposed to hop inside of ME!
Casra: Dark Falz shares the same essential properties as the Falspawn.
Casra: In short, it is able to corrupt other organisms and assume their shape.
Gettemhult: ARGH! Damn it all! Seana! SEANA!

Dark Falz Elder is revived

Elder the Gargantuan: No...! NO!!! Do not fight it... Give in...
Elder the Gargantuan: And now... We are one.
Elder the Gargantuan: Oh, yes. How wonderful! Mwahahaha!
Elder the Gargantuan: It's been far roo long! The air is so sweet! The sky such a fine azure!
Elder the Gargantuan: All of creation will be a part of my war! Forgive me. I know how long a wait it has been!
Zeno:'re not Gettemhult! Who the HELL are you!?
Elder the Gargantuan: Tremble in fear, children of ARKS! I am the being known as Elder the Gargantuan! Dark Falz Elder!
Zeno: Dark Falz...Elder!?
Echo: Ah... Ahh!
Elder the Gargantuan: Gwahahaha! I can feel it! This time around my vessel's body is as bloodthirsty as I am!
Elder the Gargantuan: Rejoice, people of ARKS! For your deaths shall herald my coming!

Elder transforms into Falz Hyunal and the group battles him

Emergency Trial Suppress Falz Hyunal
A.P.238/4/1 12:00

Elder transforms back

Elder the Gargantuan: Gwahahahaha! What a wondreus battle! I can feel the blood coursing through my veins once more!
Zeno: Our attacks aren't working!?
Casra: And he is still incomplete..! It's taking all we have to stop him from regaining his true form... But there's no running now.
Casra: If we don't stop him before he gets to full power, he will become far more deadly than we can imagine!
Zeno: Ugh...!
Zeno: Hey...! Take Echo and the girl and get out of here!
Echo: Wh-What're you saying!? I'm staying to fight with you...!
Zeno: I'm saying that you look afraid and heartbroken, and in that state you'll just get in my way!
Zeno: Please! I'll buy you guys some time, but make sure to get the two of them out of here!


Casra: I'll be here with you, Zeno...
Zeno: Casra...
Casra: I might not look it, but I'm one of the Council of Six, too. If I help you, we can but them time, and maybe even get out alive.
Echo: But... Zeno... Zeno!
Zeno: Quiet and listen to me, Echo! This is an order! Take the injured and get out of here!
Echo: ...!
Zeno: Sorry... You'll have to let me hog the glory just this once.
Zeno: It's times like these where us senior operatives have to go all out. Wouldn't be fun otherwise.
Echo: Zeno...! You better make it out of this alive! I'll make you regret it if you don't!
Zeno: Alright, already. Get going.

[PLAYER NAME] and Echo grab Melfonseana and retreats

Elder the Gargantuan: Are you prepared to face me, my dear enraged fool?
Zeno: Aw, you waited for us? You're awfully reasonable for an evil entity.
Elder the Gargantuan: Hmph... Those without the will to fight do not merit slaying. My new body craves battle with worthy foes!
Zeno: And now with the compliments? Why thank you! For now, let's see how long we can stall him!
Casra: Right beside you.

Zeno and Casra charge towards Elder

Elder the Gargantuan regains his true form and launches himself from Naverius into space

A.P.238/4/1 13:00

[PLAYER NAME] looks over Melfonseana while Echo witnesses the event from the window of the gateway ship

Echo: What in the...? What is that!?
Echo: You mean... THAT thing is Dark Falz!?
Echo: Zeno..! Zeno! Please respond! Come back, Zeno!

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