* Yu Ominae's Handgun

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NGS Weapon Camo IconWeapon Camos | NGS Weapon Camo IconMulti-type Weapon Camos | NGS Weapon Camo IconAll-type Weapon Camos | Weapon CamoWeapon Camos (PSO2)
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* Yu Ominae's Handgun
Rarity: NGSUIStarBlueIconTemp.pngNGSUIStarBlueIconTemp.pngNGSUIStarBlueIconTemp.pngNGSUIStarGreenIcon.pngNGSUIStarGreenIcon.pngNGSUIStarGreenIcon.pngNGSUIStarRedIcon.png
Weapon Types: Rifle (NGS) Twin Machineguns (NGS)
Marketable: UICheckMarkIcon.png

Drop Info


Additional Info

Yu Ominae's sidearm of choice, the SIG-Sauer P226 TACOPS.
The TACOPS is a black 9mm double-action handgun with a threaded barrel and extended beavertail.
This gun replaced the original P226 in the manga to update the weapons since the storyline in the manga got updated to be in the present day post-September 2022.

CollapseArsenal of Spriggans
NGS Weapon Camo Icon * Yu Ominae's Handgun

NGS Weapon Camo Icon * Yu Ominae's Fighting Knife
NGS Weapon Camo Icon * Yu Ominae's Psychic Blow
NGS Weapon Camo Icon * Jean's Shotgun
NGS Weapon Camo Icon * Yoshino Somei's Pistol Carbine

Weapon Screenshots