* Yoshino Somei's Pistol Carbine

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* Yoshino Somei's Pistol Carbine
Rarity: NGSUIStarBlueIconTemp.pngNGSUIStarBlueIconTemp.pngNGSUIStarBlueIconTemp.pngNGSUIStarGreenIcon.pngNGSUIStarGreenIcon.pngNGSUIStarGreenIcon.pngNGSUIStarRedIcon.png
Weapon Types: Gunblade (NGS) Rifle (NGS)
Marketable: UICheckMarkIcon.png

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Additional Info

The personal weapon of the underground treasure hunter Yoshino Somei, the CAA Tactical RONI.
The CAA RONI is a pistol carbine conversion kit that was designed by CAA Industries, Ltd of Israel and CAA USA of the United States of America.
The pistol inside of the carbine is a Glock 18C. It also features a reflex sight up top, a flashlight mounted on the left side and an extra magazine under the stock.

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Weapon Screenshots