New Genesis: Materials

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Revision as of 09:08, 16 April 2023 by Harrison (talk | contribs)
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Enhancement Materials

Rarity Icon Image Name Obtainment CollapseNotes
1 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemNGrinderIcon.png N-Grinder Drop from Rappies, Emperappies, and Great Rappies
Found in Green Containers
Reward from Tasks
Reward from Campaigns
Reward from the Mission Pass
A material used for enhancing weapons and armor. Can draw out capabilities beyond the item's limits.
4 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemNEXCube.png N-EX-Cube Acquired by leveling a class above the current level cap
Mission Pass Reward
Exchange from ARKS Record Badge Exchange Shop
Exchanged from the Stia Exchange Shop
Purchased from the Treasure Shop
A crystal granted to those who seek power. Used for various purposes like unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
4 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemNEXClassCube.png N-Class-EX-Cube Acquired by leveling a specific class above the current level cap
Title Reward
Drop from Trainia Advance Quests
Drop from Equalizing Enemies
Exchanged from the Stia Exchange Shop
Purchased from the Treasure Shop
A precious crystal given to [Class] class seekers. Used to acquire Add-on Skills at the Class Counter.
10 N-Class-EX-Cubes are acquired as a bonus for leveling above the current level cap.
3 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemStrugmentA.png Strugment A Drop from High Rank Combat Sectors
Drop from High Rank Urgent Quests
Drop from Trainia Advance Quests
A piece of combat armor found in places such as Combat Sectors. Refine to process into Arms Refiner.
3 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemStrugmentB.png Strugment B Drop from High Rank Combat Sectors
Drop from High Rank Urgent Quests
Drop from Trainia Advance Quests
A piece of combat armor found in places such as Combat Sectors. Refine to process into Arms Refiner.
3 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemStrugmentC.png Strugment C Drop from High Rank Combat Sectors
Drop from High Rank Urgent Quests
Drop from Trainia Advance Quests
A piece of combat armor found in places such as Combat Sectors. Refine to process into Arms Refiner.
4 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemArmsRefiner.png Arms Refiner Rare Drop from Megalotix Enemies
Rare Drop from Dark Falz Interception
Rare Drop from Trainia Advance Quests
Exchanged from the Enhancement Material Exchange Shop
Exchanged from the ARKS Record Badge Exchange Shop
Exchanged from the Stia Exchange Shop
Purchased from the Treasure Shop
Material refined from Strugment. Use for Limit Breaking in the Item Lab.
5 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemArmsRefinerII.png Arms Refiner II Rare Drop from Neusen Plant
Exchange from Enhancement Material Exchange Shop
Material found in places such as Combat Sectors. Used for more high precision Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.

Exchange Materials

Rarity Icon Image Name Obtainment CollapseNotes
3 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemAlphaReactor.png Alpha Reactor Found across Aelio
Rare Drop from Gold Containers
Rare Drop from Emperappies and Great Rappies
Mission Pass Reward
A power reactor of some sort of machine. Can be sold at a high price.
Can be converted to N-Meseta 3,500.
14 Alpha Reactors will spawn in Central Aelio every day.
3 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemBetaReactor.png Beta Reactor Reward from ARKS Challenge Records A power reactor of some sort of machine. Can be sold at a high price.
Can be converted to N-Meseta 100,000.
3 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemStellarFragment.png Stellar Fragment Found in the air in West Retem (Sagan Mountain Road: East)
Rare Drop from Gold Containers
A stone that rained down on Halpha during the meteor shower. Can be sold at a high price.
Can be converted to N-Meseta 2,000.
10 Stellar Fragments will spawn in West Retem every day.
3 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemSnoal.png Snoal Found across Central Kvaris A rock polished by snow. It can be sold for a high price.
Can be converted to N-Meseta 3,500.
10 Snoals will spawn in Central Kvaris every day.

Miscellaneous Materials

Rarity Icon Image Name Obtainment CollapseNotes
3 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemIcicleOrb.png Icicle Orb Reward for completing Trials in Kvaris
Found in Frozen Item Containers
Reward from Mining Rig Defense: Kvaris
Purchased from the Treasure Shop
Mysterious energy material that can be obtained from Kvaris trials, etc. Can be used for exchanging items with Reso in Kvaris.
4 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemIcicleCube.png Icicle Cube Dropped from Ancient Enemies
Reward from Mining Rig Defense: Kvaris
Reward from Relentless Training in Kvaris 3-III
Purchased from the Treasure Shop
Mysterious energy material that can be obtained from Ancient Enemies, etc. Can be used for exchanging items with Reso in Kvaris.
5 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemAegisIntegra.png Aegis Integra Exchange from the Aegis Integra Exchange
Exchange from ARKS Record Badge Exchange Shop
First Clear Reward from Geometric Labyrinth (Rank 2)
Core component from the Dark Falz Aegis. Can be traded for items at an Item Trader's "Aegis Integra Exchange."


Rarity Icon Image Name Obtainment CollapseNotes
4 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemNRecycleBadge.png N-Recycle Badge Obtained from the Item Recycle Shop A badge that can be traded in at the Item Recycle as an AC Scratch Ticket Item.
4 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemNSGRecycleBadge.png N-SG Recycle Badge Obtained from the Item Recycle Shop A badge that can be traded in at the Item Recycle as an SG Scratch Ticket Item.
4 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemMissionBadge.png N-Mission Badge Obtained from Mission Passes A badge that can be traded in at the Item Recycle.
4 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemAllianceBadge.png Alliance Badge Reward from Tim's Tasks Badge given to contributing Alliance members. Can be exchanged for items in certain places.
4 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemRecordBadge.png ARKS Record Badge Reward from ARKS Challenge Records Badge given to active ARKS. Can be exchanged for items at an Item Trader's "ARKS Record Badge Exchange".


Rarity Icon Image Name Obtainment CollapseNotes
6 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemKvarisTicket.png Kvaris Expedition Prep Ticket Obtained from Limited-Time Tasks (April 6th, 2022 to June 7th, 2022) Certificate given out to active ARKS. Can be exchanged for items in the Kvaris Expedition Prep Ticket Exchange Shop.
6 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemStiaTicket.png Stia Expedition Prep Ticket Obtained from Limited-Time Tasks (October 25th, 2022 to December 6th, 2022) Certificate given out to active ARKS. Can be exchanged for for 8★ weapons etc. at an Item Trader with the Special Expedition Exchange.
6 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemSlayerTicket.png Slayer Operation Prep Ticket Obtained from Limited-Time Tasks (March 1st, 2023 to April 4th, 2023) Certificate given out to active ARKS. Can be exchanged for items in the Slayer Operation Prep Ticket Exchange Shop at an Item Trader.
5 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemColorChangePass.png NGS 1st Anniversary Exchange Ticket Obtained from Limited-Time Tasks
Exchange from Seasonal Points Exchange Shop (NGS 1st Anniversary Event)
Tickets that can be exchanged for items through Xitre during the corresponding event.
Used to exchange for items in the NGS 1st Anniversary Ticket Exchange Shop.
5 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemColorChangePass.png PSO2 10th Anniversary Exchange Ticket Obtained from Limited-Time Tasks
Obtained from Item Packs
During the specified event, show this ticket to an Item Trader to exchange for various items.
Used to exchange for items in the Item Exchange Shop.
9 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemPSO2MangaMemory.png PSO2 Manga Memory PSO2 10th Anniversary Manga Special Gift
Mysterious Holographs Tasks
AC Purchase Campaigns
Mysterious storage device with a unique character illustration drawn on it.
Can be exchanged for items at specific locations.
Used to exchange for items in the PSO2 Manga Memory Exchange Shop.

Battle Triggers

Rarity Icon Image Name Obtainment CollapseNotes
4 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemBTriggerYellow.png B-Trigger/Common Yellow Rare Drop from Exploration and Combat Sectors
Mission Pass Reward
Exchange from Alliance Badge Exchange Shop
Rare Drop from Emperappies and Great Rappies
A Trigger usable for any Yellow Portal. Consumed upon clearing the quest.
4 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemBTriggerPurple.png B-Trigger/Common Purple Rare Drop from Exploration and Combat Sectors
Mission Pass Reward
Exchange from Alliance Badge Exchange Shop
A Trigger usable for any Purple Portal. Consumed upon clearing the quest.

Quest Triggers

Rarity Icon Image Name Obtainment CollapseNotes
4 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemBTriggerSeasonal.png Q-Trigger/Command DOLLS Suppression Op Exchange from Alliance Badge Exchange Shop A Trigger usable at a Quest Counter. Consumed upon clearing Practice Drill: Command DOLLS Suppression Op.
4 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemBTriggerSeasonal.png Q-Trigger/Nex Vera Suppression Op Exchange from Alliance Badge Exchange Shop A Trigger usable at a Quest Counter. Consumed upon clearing Practice Drill: Nex Vera Suppression Op.
4 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemBTriggerSeasonal.png Q-Trigger/Mining Rig Defense: Aelio Exchange from Alliance Badge Exchange Shop A Trigger usable at a Quest Counter. Consumed upon clearing Practice Drill: Mining Rig Defense: Aelio.
4 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemBTriggerSeasonal.png Q-Trigger/DF Interception Exchange from Alliance Badge Exchange Shop
Rare Drop from Emperappies and Great Rappies
A Trigger usable at a Quest Counter. Consumed upon clearing Drill: Dark Falz Interception.
4 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemBTriggerSeasonal.png Q-Trigger/DF Interception R.2 Exchange from Alliance Badge Exchange Shop
Rare Drop from Emperappies and Great Rappies
A Trigger usable at a Quest Counter. Consumed upon clearing Drill: Dark Falz Interception R.2.
4 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemBTriggerSeasonal.png Q-Trigger/Battle of Halphia Lake Exchange from Alliance Badge Exchange Shop A Trigger usable at a Quest Counter. Consumed upon clearing Drill: Battle of Halphia Lake.
4 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemBTriggerSeasonal.png Q-Trigger/Nils Vera Suppression Op Exchange from Alliance Badge Exchange Shop A Trigger usable at a Quest Counter. Consumed upon clearing Drill: Nils Vera Suppression Op.
4 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemBTriggerSeasonal.png Q-Trigger/Doldoris Vera Suppression Op Exchange from Alliance Badge Exchange Shop A Trigger usable at a Quest Counter. Consumed upon clearing Drill: Doldoris Vera Suppression Op.
4 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemBTriggerSeasonal.png Q-Trigger/Drill: Ams Vera Suppression Op Exchange from Alliance Badge Exchange Shop A Trigger usable at a Quest Counter. Consumed upon clearing Drill: Ams Vera Suppression Op.
4 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemBTriggerSeasonal.png Q-Trigger/Drill: Crocodylis Vera Suppression Op Exchange from Alliance Badge Exchange Shop A Trigger usable at a Quest Counter. Consumed upon clearing Drill: Crocodylis Vera Suppression Op.
4 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemBTriggerSeasonal.png Q-Trigger/Drill: Mining Rig Defense: Kvaris Exchange from Alliance Badge Exchange Shop A Trigger usable at a Quest Counter. Consumed upon clearing Drill: Mining Rig Defense: Kvaris.
4 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemBTriggerSeasonal.png Q-Trigger/Renus Vera Suppression Op Exchange from Alliance Badge Exchange Shop A Trigger usable at a Quest Counter. Consumed upon clearing Drill: Renus Vera Suppression Op.
4 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemBTriggerSeasonal.png Q-Trigger/Dustyl Vera Suppression Op Exchange from Alliance Badge Exchange Shop A Trigger usable at a Quest Counter. Consumed upon clearing Drill: Dustyl Vera Suppression Op.
4 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemBTriggerSeasonal.png Q-Trigger/Mining Rig Defense: Retem Exchange from Alliance Badge Exchange Shop A Trigger usable at a Quest Counter. Consumed upon clearing Drill: Mining Rig Defense: Retem.
4 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemBTriggerSeasonal.png Q-Trigger/Nex Vera Suppression Op Exchange from Alliance Badge Exchange Shop A Trigger usable at a Quest Counter. Consumed upon clearing Drill: Nex Vera Suppression Op.
4 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemBTriggerSeasonal.png Q-Trigger/Command DOLLS Suppression Op Exchange from Alliance Badge Exchange Shop A Trigger usable at a Quest Counter. Consumed upon clearing Drill: Command DOLLS Suppression Op.
4 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemBTriggerSeasonal.png Q-Trigger/Mining Rig Defense: Aelio Exchange from Alliance Badge Exchange Shop A Trigger usable at a Quest Counter. Consumed upon clearing Drill: Mining Rig Defense: Aelio.


Mineral Distribution Map (Aelio Region) 
Mineral Distribution Map (Retem Region) 
Mineral Distribution Map (Kvaris Region) 
CollapseMineral Distribution Map (Stia Region) 
Rarity Icon Image Name Obtainment CollapseNotes
1 NGS Mineral Icon NGSUIItemMonotite.png Monotite Found in Central Aelio, Central Retem, West Retem, Central Kvaris, North Kvaris, and Mediola Outer Area 2
Found in Stellar Pack Trials
Found in Complex Minerals
Mission Pass Reward
Purchased from the Treasure Shop
Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for various purposes like unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
2 NGS Mineral Icon NGSUIItemDualomite.png Dualomite Found in South Aelio, West Aelio, Central Retem, South Retem, South Kvaris, and Stia Outskirts
Found in Stellar Pack Trials
Found in Complex Minerals
Mission Pass Reward
Purchased from the Treasure Shop
Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for various purposes like unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGS Mineral Icon NGSUIItemTrinite.png Trinite Found in North Aelio, West Aelio, Central Retem, South Retem, North Kvaris, and West Kvaris
Found in Stellar Pack Trials
Found in Complex Minerals
Mission Pass Reward
Purchased from the Treasure Shop
Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for various purposes like unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGS Mineral Icon NGSUIItemTetracite.png Tetracite Found in West Retem, North Retem, Rwh Maqead, Central Kvaris, South Kvaris, and Mediola Outer Area 2
Found in Stellar Pack Trials
Found in Complex Minerals
Purchased from the Treasure Shop
Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for various purposes like unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGS Mineral Icon NGSUIItemPentalite.png Pentalite Found in West Kvaris and Stia Outskirts
Found in Stellar Pack Trials
Found in Complex Minerals
Purchased from the Treasure Shop
Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for various purposes like unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGS Mineral Icon NGSUIItemHexakite.png Hexakite Found in Mediola Outer Area 1 and Mediola Outer Area 2
Found in Stellar Pack Trials
Found in Complex Minerals
Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for various purposes like unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGS Mineral Icon NGSUIItemBlizzardium.png Blizzardium Found on the peak of West Kvaris during Snowfall and Blizzards
Rarely found in Frozen Item Containers
Exchange from Kvaris Exchange Shop
Drop from DOLLS Transport Heist Trials
Purchased from the Treasure Shop
A rare mineral found in rocky places of Kvaris. Can be exchanged for items in certain places.
3 NGS Mineral Icon NGSUIItemInfernium.png Infernium Found during Scorching, Inferno, or Phoenix weather conditions at the top of Mediola Outer Area 1
Drop from Gigantix Enemies (Stia Region)
Drop from Zonnel Destruction Trials
Drop from Invisible Boxes
Exchanged from the Stia Exchange Shop
Purchased from the Treasure Shop
A rare mineral ore found in rocky areas of Stia. Can be exchanged for items in certain places.
2 NGS Mineral Icon NGSUIItemPhotonChunk.png Photon Chunk Found in Central Aelio, North Aelio, South Aelio, Central Retem, North Retem, Central Kvaris, and Mediola Outer Area 2
Found in Complex Minerals
Found in Gold Containers
Mission Pass Reward
Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for various purposes like unlocking Potentials at the Item Lab.
3 NGS Mineral Icon NGSUIItemPhotonQuartz.png Photon Quartz Found in Central Aelio, North Aelio, South Aelio, West Retem, Rwh Maqead, and Mediola Outer Area 1
Found in Gold Containers
Mission Pass Reward
Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for various purposes like Multi-weaponization at the Item Lab.
3 NGS Mineral Icon NGSUIItemPhotonScale.png Photon Scale Found in South Retem
Reward from Urgent Quests
Drop from Gigantix Enemies (Lv. 49+)
Purchased from the Treasure Shop
Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for various purposes like exchanging capsules at the Item Lab.
3 NGS Mineral Icon NGSUIItemGreenealcite.png Greenealcite Found in Exploration Sectors during the Autumn '22 Event
Drop from Stellar Pack Trials during the Autumn '22 Event
Drop from Randomite during the Autumn '22 Event
A mineral that can be obtained via gathering during an event. Can be exchanged for various items through Xiemi.
4 NGS Mineral Icon NGSUIItemBluefullcite.png Bluefullcite Rare Drop from Stellar Pack Trials during the Autumn '22 Event
Rare Drop from Randomite during the Autumn '22 Event
A mineral that can be obtained via gathering during an event. Can be exchanged for various items through Xiemi.
3 NGS Mineral Icon NGSUIItemAutumnearlis.png Autumnearlis Drop from Stellar Pack Trials during the Autumn '22 Event
Drop from Practice Drill: Crisp Autumn Aelio Defense
Drop from enemies during the Autumn '22 Event
A mineral that can be obtained from Seasonal Enemies during an event. Can be exchanged for various items through Xiemi.
4 NGS Mineral Icon NGSUIItemAutumnlatis.png Autumnlatis Rare Drop from Stellar Pack Trials during the Autumn '22 Event
Rare Drop from Practice Drill: Crisp Autumn Aelio Defense
Rare Drop from enemies during the Autumn '22 Event
A mineral that can be obtained from Seasonal Enemies during an event. Can be exchanged for various items through Xiemi.



Randomite are unique ores that spawn in fixed locations during certain Seasonal Events, like the NGS 1st Anniversary Event. Unlike other minerals, breaking Randomite will drop a large number of minerals from the current mineral pool and is not a tangible item the player can possess. Breaking Randomite will drop around 20 to 30 minerals, with the possibility of Photon Scales being included at a low probability. The quantity of specific minerals obtained from Randomite are entirely random. As an example, a Randomite ore may only drop 1 Photon Quartz, but another Randomite ore may drop up to 7 Photon Quartz.

Randomite spawns in all Exploration Sectors excluding Rwh Maqead, and will generally spawn in clusters of 2 to 5. There are approximately 10 or 15 Randomite ores per Exploration Sector, and Randomite ores will only respawn during the server's weekly reset.

As of the Moon-Gazing '22 Event, Randomite may also contain Blizzardium. During the Autumn '22 Event, Randomite may also contain Greenealcite and Bluefullcite.

Complex Mineral


Complex Minerals are large mineral clusters found in Stia within Mediola Outer Area 2. Complex Minerals can only be destroyed and mined by making use of explosions from things such as Lava Bombs and Lava Cores. Lava Bombs will only appear during certain weather conditions.

Complex Minerals contain all types of minerals used for Item Lab enhancement, from Monotite to Hexakite.


Rarity Icon Image Name Obtainment CollapseNotes
1 NGS Fruit Icon NGSUIItemCrispAelioPear.png Crisp Aelio Pear Found in South Aelio Fruit you can harvest in Aelio. Increases PP/Increases weak point damage.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Fruit Icon NGSUIItemAelioPeach.png Light Aelio Peach Found in Central Aelio Fruit you can harvest in Aelio. Increases PP/Increases PP recovery.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Fruit Icon NGSUIItemRichAelioApple.png Rich Aelio Apple Found in North Aelio Fruit you can harvest in Aelio. Increases PP/Reduces PP consumption.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Fruit Icon NGSUIItemRobustAelioBanana.png Robust Aelio Banana Found in West Aelio Fruit you can harvest in Aelio. Increases PP/Increases HP recovery.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Fruit Icon NGSUIItemCrispRetemCarambola.png Crisp Retem Carambola Found in North Retem Fruit you can harvest in Retem. Increases PP/Increases weak point damage.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Fruit Icon NGSUIItemLightRetemMango.png Light Retem Mango Found in South Retem Fruit you can harvest in Retem. Increases PP/Increases PP recovery.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Fruit Icon NGSUIItemRichRetemCherry.png Rich Retem Cherry Found in Central Retem Fruit you can harvest in Retem. Increases PP/Reduces PP consumption.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Fruit Icon NGSUIItemRobustRetemStrawberry.png Robust Retem Strawberry Found in West Retem
Found in Rwh Maqead
Fruit you can harvest in Retem. Increases PP/Increases HP recovery.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Fruit Icon NGSUIItemCrispKvarisGuava.png Crisp Kvaris Guava Found in Central Kvaris Fruit you can harvest in Kvaris. Increases PP/Increases weak point damage/Reduces Cold Damage.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Fruit Icon NGSUIItemLightKvarisPlum.png Light Kvaris Plum Found in West Kvaris Fruit you can harvest in Kvaris. Increases PP/Increases PP recovery/Reduces Cold Damage.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Fruit Icon NGSUIItemRichKvarisPersimmon.png Rich Kvaris Persimmon Found in North Kvaris Fruit you can harvest in Kvaris. Increases PP/Reduces PP consumption/Reduces Cold Damage.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Fruit Icon NGSUIItemRobustKvarisAkebia.png Robust Kvaris Akebia Found in South Kvaris Fruit you can harvest in Kvaris. Increases PP/Increases HP recovery/Reduces Cold Damage.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Fruit Icon NGSUIItemCrispStiaMango.png Crisp Stia Mango Found in Stia Outskirts Fruit you can harvest in Stia. Increases PP/Increases weakpoint damage.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Fruit Icon NGSUIItemLightStiaApple.png Light Stia Apple Found in Mediola Outer Area 2 Fruit you can harvest in Stia. Increases PP/Increases PP recovery.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Fruit Icon NGSUIItemRichStiaBanana.png Rich Stia Banana Found in Mediola Outer Area 2 Fruit you can harvest in Stia. Increases PP/Reduces PP consumption.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Fruit Icon NGSUIItemRobustStiaPlum.png Robust Stia Plum Found in Stia Outskirts Fruit you can harvest in Stia. Increases PP/Increases HP recovery.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Fruit Icon NGSUIItemNotableKvarisPersimmon.png Notable Kvaris Persimmon Found near the peaks of North Kvaris during the Day
Drop from DOLLS Transport Heist Trials
A rare fruit found in Kvaris. Can be exchanged for items in certain places. The Quick Food effect is the same as Rich Kvaris Persimmon.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Fruit Icon NGSUIItemFamousStiaCarambola.png Famous Stia Carambola Found only during the day in Stia Outskirts A rare fruit found in Stia. Can be exchanged for items in certain places. The Quick Food effect is the same as Light Stia Apple.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Fruit Icon NGSUIItemSpringBallooni.png Spring Ballooni Found in Aelio and Retem Fruit you can harvest in Aelio or Retem. Increases PP/Increases PP recovery.
Only available during the Spring '22 Event.
Provides a 200% Region Mag material bonus during the Spring '22 Event.
Used to make Quick Food.


Rarity Icon Image Name Obtainment CollapseNotes
1 NGS Meat Icon NGSUIItemAelioMeat.png Crisp Aelio Meat Drop from Dian
Drop from Otarica
Meat found in Aelio. Increases potency/Increases weak point damage.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Meat Icon NGSUIItemAelioMeat.png Light Aelio Meat Drop from Birdoth
Drop from Frango
Drop from Patt
Meat found in Aelio. Increases potency/Increases PP recovery.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Meat Icon NGSUIItemAelioMeat.png Rich Aelio Meat Drop from Moony
Drop from Sunny
Drop from Voks
Meat found in Aelio. Increases potency/Reduces PP consumption.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Meat Icon NGSUIItemAelioMeat.png Robust Aelio Meat Drop from Moo Bell
Drop from Noxxi
Drop from Tau Bell
Meat found in Aelio. Increases potency/Increases HP recovery.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Meat Icon NGSUIItemAelioMeat.png Crisp Retem Meat Drop from Camelia
Drop from Camelio
Drop from Lamur Otarica
Meat found in Retem. Increases potency/Increases weak point damage.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Meat Icon NGSUIItemAelioMeat.png Light Retem Meat Drop from Lamur Birdoth
Drop from Lamur Patt
Drop from Lamur Patti
Meat found in Retem. Increases potency/Increases PP recovery.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Meat Icon NGSUIItemAelioMeat.png Rich Retem Meat Drop from Lamur Sunny
Drop from Lamur Voks
Meat found in Retem. Increases potency/Reduces PP consumption.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Meat Icon NGSUIItemAelioMeat.png Robust Retem Meat Drop from Lamur Noxxi
Drop from Pippoko
Drop from Pippotam
Meat found in Retem. Increases potency/Increases HP recovery.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Meat Icon NGSUIItemAelioMeat.png Crisp Kvaris Meat Drop from Lumi Otarica
Drop from Poloro
Meat found in Kvaris. Increases potency/Increases weak point damage/Reduces Cold Damage.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Meat Icon NGSUIItemAelioMeat.png Light Kvaris Meat Drop from Lumi Birdoth
Drop from Lumi Patt
Meat found in Kvaris. Increases potency/Increases PP recovery/Reduces Cold Damage.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Meat Icon NGSUIItemAelioMeat.png Rich Kvaris Meat Drop from Lumi Sunny
Drop from Lumi Voks
Meat found in Kvaris. Increases potency/Reduces PP consumption/Reduces Cold Damage.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Meat Icon NGSUIItemAelioMeat.png Robust Kvaris Meat Drop from Comanta
Drop from Lumi Birdoth
Drop from Lumi Otarica
Drop from Lumi Patt
Drop from Lumi Sunny
Drop from Poloro
Meat found in Kvaris. Increases potency/Increases HP recovery/Reduces Cold Damage.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Meat Icon NGSUIItemAelioMeat.png Crisp Stia Meat Drop from Flamm Voks Meat found in Stia. Increases potency/Increases weak point damage.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Meat Icon NGSUIItemAelioMeat.png Light Stia Meat Drop from Flamm Birdoth
Drop from Flamm Patt
Meat found in Stia. Increases potency/Increases PP recovery.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Meat Icon NGSUIItemAelioMeat.png Rich Stia Meat Drop from Flamm Comanta
Drop from Flamm Otarica
Meat found in Stia. Increases potency/Reduces PP consumption.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Meat Icon NGSUIItemAelioMeat.png Robust Stia Meat Drop from Flamm Poloro
Drop from Flamm Sunny
Meat found in Stia. Increases potency/Increases HP recovery.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Meat Icon NGSUIItemNotableKvarisMeat.png Notable Kvaris Meat Drop from Comanta
Drop from DOLLS Transport Heist Trials
A rare meat found in Kvaris. Can be exchanged for items in certain places. The Quick Food effect is the same as Robust Kvaris Meat.
Used to make Quick Food.


Rarity Icon Image Name Obtainment CollapseNotes
1 NGS Seafood Icon NGSUIItemCrispAelioCrab.png Crisp Aelio Crab Found in Central Aelio Seafound found in Aelio. Increases HP/Increases weak point damage.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Seafood Icon NGSUIItemAelioTurbanShell.png Light Aelio Turban Shell Found in West Aelio Seafound found in Aelio. Increases HP/Increases PP recovery.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Seafood Icon NGSUIItemRichAelioClam.png Rich Aelio Clam Found in South Aelio Seafound found in Aelio. Increases HP/Reduces PP consumption.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Seafood Icon NGSUIItemRobustAelioLobster.png Robust Aelio Lobster Found in North Aelio Seafound found in Aelio. Increases HP/Increases HP recovery.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Seafood Icon NGSUIItemCrispRetemSeaUrchin.png Crisp Retem Sea Urchin Found in Rwh Maqead Seafound found in Retem. Increases HP/Increases weak point damage.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Seafood Icon NGSUIItemRetemSeaSlug.png Light Retem Sea Slug Found in North Retem Seafound found in Retem. Increases HP/Increases PP recovery.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Seafood Icon NGSUIItemRichRetemScallop.png Rich Retem Scallop Found in West Retem Seafound found in Retem. Increases HP/Reduces PP consumption.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Seafood Icon NGSUIItemRobustRetemHermitCrab.png Robust Retem Hermit Crab Found in Central Retem
Found in South Retem
Seafound found in Aelio. Increases HP/Increases HP recovery.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Seafood Icon NGSUIItemRichKvarisSnail.png Rich Kvaris Snail Found in West Kvaris Seafound found in Kvaris. Increases HP/Reduces PP consumption/Reduces Cold Damage.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Seafood Icon NGSUIItemCrispKvarisSquid.png Crisp Kvaris Squid Found in Central Kvaris Seafound found in Kvaris. Increases HP/Increases weak point damage/Reduces Cold Damage.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Seafood Icon NGSUIItemLightKvarisOctopus.png Light Kvaris Octopus Found in North Kvaris Seafound found in Kvaris. Increases HP/Increases PP recovery/Reduces Cold Damage.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Seafood Icon NGSUIItemRobustKvarisCrayfish.png Robust Kvaris Crayfish Found in South Kvaris Seafound found in Kvaris. Increases HP/Increases HP recovery/Reduces Cold Damage.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Seafood Icon NGSUIItemCrispStiaOctopus.png Crisp Stia Octopus Found in Stia Outskirts Seafound found in Stia. Increases HP/Increases weak point damage.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Seafood Icon NGSUIItemLightStiaSeaSlug.png Light Stia Sea Slug Found in Stia Outskirts Seafound found in Stia. Increases HP/Increases PP recovery.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Seafood Icon NGSUIItemRichStiaHermitCrab.png Rich Stia Hermit Crab Found in Stia Outskirts Seafound found in Stia. Increases HP/Reduces PP consumption.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Seafood Icon NGSUIItemRobustStiaTurbanShell.png Robust Stia Turban Shell Found in Mediola Outer Area 2 Seafound found in Stia. Increases HP/Increases HP recovery.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Seafood Icon NGSUIItemNotableKvarisSquid.png Notable Kvaris Squid Found at the top of the streams of Central Kvaris and Rayjord Gorge at Night
Drop from DOLLS Transport Heist Trials
A rare seafood found in Kvaris. Can be exchanged for items in certain places. The Quick Food effect is the same as Crisp Kvaris Squid.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Seafood Icon NGSUIItemFamousStiaCrab.png Famous Stia Crab Found only during Clear or Ash Rain weather conditions in Mediola Outer Area 2 A rare seafood found in Stia. Can be exchanged for items in certain places. The Quick Food effect is the same as Rich Stia Hermit Crab.
Used to make Quick Food.


Rarity Icon Image Name Obtainment CollapseNotes
1 NGS Vegetable Icon NGSUIItemCrispAelioTomato.png Crisp Aelio Tomato Found in West Aelio A vegetable you can harvest in Aelio. Damage Resistance/Increases weak point damage.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Vegetable Icon NGSUIItemAelioMushroom.png Light Aelio Mushroom Found in North Aelio A vegetable you can harvest in Aelio. Damage Resistance/Increases PP recovery.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Vegetable Icon NGSUIItemRichAelioHerb.png Rich Aelio Herb Found in Central Aelio A vegetable you can harvest in Aelio. Damage Resistance/Reduces PP consumption.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Vegetable Icon NGSUIItemRobustAelioTurnip.png Robust Aelio Turnip Found in South Aelio A vegetable you can harvest in Aelio. Damage Resistance/Increases HP recovery.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Vegetable Icon NGSUIItemCrispRetemMushroom.png Crisp Retem Mushroom Found in South Retem
Found in Rwh Maqead
A vegetable you can harvest in Retem. Damage Resistance/Increases weak point damage.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Vegetable Icon NGSUIItemLightRetemCranberries.png Light Retem Cranberries Found in Central Retem A vegetable you can harvest in Retem. Damage Resistance/Increases PP recovery.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Vegetable Icon NGSUIItemRichRetemRoundEggplant.png Rich Retem Round Eggplant Found in North Retem A vegetable you can harvest in Retem. Damage Resistance/Reduces PP consumption.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Vegetable Icon NGSUIItemRobustRetemCauliflower.png Robust Retem Cauliflower Found in West Retem Fruit you can harvest in Retem. Damage Resistance/Increases HP recovery.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Vegetable Icon NGSUIItemCrispKvarisMushroom.png Crisp Kvaris Mushroom Found in South Kvaris A vegetable you can harvest in Kvaris. Damage Resistance/Increases weak point damage/Reduces Cold Damage.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Vegetable Icon NGSUIItemLightKvarisCabbage.png Light Kvaris Cabbage Found in North Kvaris A vegetable you can harvest in Kvaris. Damage Resistance/Increases PP recovery/Reduces Cold Damage.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Vegetable Icon NGSUIItemRichKvarisCarrot.png Rich Kvaris Carrot Found in West Kvaris A vegetable you can harvest in Kvaris. Damage Resistance/Reduces PP consumption/Reduces Cold Damage.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Vegetable Icon NGSUIItemRobustKvarisOnion.png Robust Kvaris Onion Found in Central Kvaris
Found in Rayjord Gorge
A vegetable you can harvest in Kvaris. Damage Resistance/Increases HP recovery/Reduces Cold Damage.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Vegetable Icon NGSUIItemCrispStiaCauliflower.png Crisp Stia Cauliflower Found in Mediola Outer Area 2 A vegetable you can harvest in Stia. Damage Resistance/Increases weak point damage.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Vegetable Icon NGSUIItemLightStiaTomato.png Light Stia Tomato Found in Stia Outskirts A vegetable you can harvest in Stia. Damage Resistance/Increases PP recovery.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Vegetable Icon NGSUIItemRichStiaHerb.png Rich Stia Herb Found in Mediola Outer Area 2 A vegetable you can harvest in Stia. Damage Resistance/Reduces PP consumption.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Vegetable Icon NGSUIItemRobustStiaCabbage.png Robust Stia Cabbage Found in Stia Outskirts A vegetable you can harvest in Stia. Damage Resistance/Increases HP recovery.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Vegetable Icon NGSUIItemFamousStiaMushroom.png Famous Stia Mushroom Found only during the night in Mediola Outer Area 1 A rare vegetable found in Stia. Can be exchanged for items in certain places. The Quick Food effect is the same as Crisp Stia Cauliflower.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Vegetable Icon NGSUIItemAnniversartichoke.png Anniversartichoke Found in Aelio and Retem A vegetable you can harvest in Aelio or Retem. Damage Resistance/Increases HP recovery.
Only available during the NGS 1st Anniversary Event.
Provides a 200% Region Mag material bonus during the NGS 1st Anniversary Event.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Vegetable Icon NGSUIItemAutumnVampkin.png Autumn Vampkin Found in Central Aelio, West Aelio, North Aelio, and South Aelio A vegetable you can harvest in Aelio. Damage Resistance/Increases weak point damage.
Only available during the Halloween Fiesta Event.
Provides a 200% Region Mag material bonus during the Halloween Fiesta Event.
Used to make Quick Food.
1 NGS Vegetable Icon NGSUIItemWinterCozylion.png Winter Cozylion Found in Aelio and Retem A vegetable you can harvest in Aelio or Retem. Damage Resistance/Reduces PP consumption.
Only available during the Winter Event.
Provides a 200% Region Mag material bonus during the Winter Event.
Used to make Quick Food.

Obsolete Materials

Battle Triggers

Rarity Icon Image Name Obtainment CollapseNotes
4 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemBTriggerYellow.png B-Trigger/Ael Yellow Rare Drop from Aelio Region Enemies
Mission Pass Reward
Exchange from Alliance Badge Exchange Shop
Rare Drop from Emperappies and Great Rappies
A Trigger usable in a Battledia. Consumed upon clearing Aelio Troopers.
Can be exchanged for B-Trigger/Common Yellow at the Item Recycle Shop.
4 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemBTriggerYellow.png B-Trigger/Ret Yellow Rare Drop from Retem Region Enemies
Mission Pass Reward
Exchange from Alliance Badge Exchange Shop
Rare Drop from Emperappies and Great Rappies
A Trigger usable in a Battledia. Consumed upon clearing Retem Troopers.
Can be exchanged for B-Trigger/Common Yellow at the Item Recycle Shop.
4 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemBTriggerYellow.png B-Trigger/Kvar Yellow Rare Drop from Kvaris Region Enemies
Exchange from Alliance Badge Exchange Shop
Purchased from the Treasure Shop
Rare Drop from Emperappies and Great Rappies
A Trigger usable in a Battledia. Consumed upon clearing Kvaris Troopers.
Can be exchanged for B-Trigger/Common Yellow at the Item Recycle Shop.
4 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemBTriggerPurple.png B-Trigger/Ael Purple Rare Drop from Aelio Region Enemies
Mission Pass Reward
Exchange from Alliance Badge Exchange Shop
A Trigger usable in a Battledia. Consumed upon clearing Aelio Devastators.
Can be exchanged for B-Trigger/Common Purple at the Item Recycle Shop.
4 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemBTriggerPurple.png B-Trigger/Ret Purple Rare Drop from Retem Region Enemies
Mission Pass Reward
Exchange from Alliance Badge Exchange Shop
A Trigger usable in a Battledia. Consumed upon clearing Retem Devastators.
Can be exchanged for B-Trigger/Common Purple at the Item Recycle Shop.
4 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemBTriggerPurple.png B-Trigger/Kvar Purple Rare Drop from Kvaris Region Enemies
Exchange from Alliance Badge Exchange Shop
A Trigger usable in a Battledia. Consumed upon clearing Kvaris Devastators.
Can be exchanged for B-Trigger/Common Purple at the Item Recycle Shop.
4 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemBTriggerSeasonal.png B-Trigger/Spring '22 Drop from Seasonal Enemies
Exchange from Seasonal Points Exchange Shop (Spring '22 Event)
A Trigger usable at a dedicated Portal. Consumed upon clearing Drill: Flurry of Flowers Clean Up Op.