New Genesis: Item Exchange Shop

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Exchange Shop Details

The quantity limit for the Item Exchange Shop resets every 7 days.

CollapseItem Exchange Shop
Rarity Image Name Price Quantity Limit Notes
5 NGSUIItemNAugmentationAid1.png N-Augmentation Success Rate +10% x1 3 Boosts augmentation success rate when affixing an augment.

Exchange Shop Details (PSO2 10th Anniversary Event)

The contents of this Exchange Shop only appears during the PSO2 10th Anniversary Event. The quantity limit for the Item Exchange Shop resets every 7 days.

CollapseItem Exchange Shop
Rarity Image Name Price Quantity Limit Notes
10 Arkuma Suit Mini.png Arkuma Suit Mini x1 -
7 Lillipan Suit Mini.png Lillipan Suit Mini x1 -
7 Rappy Mask.png Rappy Mask x1 -
7 Rappy Backpack.png Rappy Backpack x1 -
7 Lillipan Head.png Lillipan Head x1 -
7 Miraseria Headgear.png Miraseria Headgear x1 -
7 Divas Crown.png Diva's Crown x1 -
7 Siren Wings.png Siren Wings x1 -
7 Sukunahimes Horn.png Sukunahime's Horn x1 -
7 Holy Folding Fan.png Holy Folding Fan x1 -
7 Hariette Barrette.png Hariette Barrette x1 -
7 Divine Queens Headdress.png Divine Queen's Headdress x1 -
7 DeAlma Pendant.png DeAlma Pendant x1 -
7 Luthers Scarf.png Luther's Scarf x1 -
7 Hitsugi Ribbon.png Hitsugi Ribbon x1 -
5 NGSUIItemNAugmentationAid1.png N-Augmentation Success Rate +10% x1 3 Boosts augmentation success rate when affixing an augment.