New Genesis: Xiemi's Exchange Shop

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Xiemi's Exchange Shop is an exchange shop where players can exchange NGS Mineral Icon Seasonal Minerals earned from Limited-Time Tasks for exclusive items. Xiemi's Exchange Shop can be accessed after completing all of Xiemi's tasks by talking to Xiemi during the Autumn '22 Event.

Xiemi's Exchange Shop released on November 2nd, 2022 and lasts until December 6th, 2022. A "/" denotes an item that can be exchanged for either designated mineral.

Exchange Shop Details

CollapseXiemi's Exchange Shop
Rarity Image Name Price Quantity Limit
8 NGSUIItemRelikEndoif.png * Relik Endoif CV x1 NGS Mineral Icon Greenealcite x45 /
NGS Mineral Icon Bluefullcite x3
8 NGSUIItemRelikHelpores.png * Relik Helpores CV x1 NGS Mineral Icon Greenealcite x45 /
NGS Mineral Icon Bluefullcite x3
8 NGSUIItemRelikUltimaritter.png * Relik Ultimaritter CV x1 NGS Mineral Icon Greenealcite x45 /
NGS Mineral Icon Bluefullcite x3
8 NGSUIItemRelikSkollhati.png * Relik Skollhati CV x1 NGS Mineral Icon Greenealcite x45 /
NGS Mineral Icon Bluefullcite x3
8 NGSUIItemRelikSturmandDrang.png * Relik Sturm and Drang CV x1 NGS Mineral Icon Greenealcite x45 /
NGS Mineral Icon Bluefullcite x3
8 NGSUIItemRelikPunishment.png * Relik Punishment CV x1 NGS Mineral Icon Greenealcite x45 /
NGS Mineral Icon Bluefullcite x3
8 NGSUIItemRelikDependence.png * Relik Dependence CV x1 NGS Mineral Icon Greenealcite x45 /
NGS Mineral Icon Bluefullcite x3
8 NGSUIItemRelikDespertar.png * Relik Despertar CV x1 NGS Mineral Icon Greenealcite x45 /
NGS Mineral Icon Bluefullcite x3
8 NGSUIItemRelikDarkRebellion.png * Relik Dark Rebellion CV x1 NGS Mineral Icon Greenealcite x45 /
NGS Mineral Icon Bluefullcite x3
8 NGSUIItemRelikTartarus.png * Relik Tartarus CV x1 NGS Mineral Icon Greenealcite x45 /
NGS Mineral Icon Bluefullcite x3
8 NGSUIItemRelikObsidian.png * Relik Obsidian CV x1 NGS Mineral Icon Greenealcite x45 /
NGS Mineral Icon Bluefullcite x3
8 NGSUIItemRelikBenedict.png * Relik Benedict CV x1 NGS Mineral Icon Greenealcite x45 /
NGS Mineral Icon Bluefullcite x3
8 NGSUIItemRelikBattleVerge.png * Relik Battle Verge CV x1 NGS Mineral Icon Greenealcite x45 /
NGS Mineral Icon Bluefullcite x3
8 NGSUIItemRelikExpeditios.png * Relik Expeditios CV x1 NGS Mineral Icon Greenealcite x45 /
NGS Mineral Icon Bluefullcite x3
8 NGSUIItemRelikBarbatos.png * Relik Barbatos CV x1 NGS Mineral Icon Greenealcite x45 /
NGS Mineral Icon Bluefullcite x3
8 NGSUIItemRelikLexell.png * Relik Lexell CV x1 NGS Mineral Icon Greenealcite x45 /
NGS Mineral Icon Bluefullcite x3
8 NGSUIItemRelikNoxBateira.png * Relik Nox Bateira CV x1 NGS Mineral Icon Greenealcite x45 /
NGS Mineral Icon Bluefullcite x3
4 NGSUIItemMightCapsule.png C/Might IV x1 NGS Mineral Icon Autumnlatis x3 10
4 NGSUIItemPrecisionCapsule.png C/Precision IV x1 NGS Mineral Icon Autumnlatis x3 10
4 NGSUIItemTechniqueCapsule.png C/Technique IV x1 NGS Mineral Icon Autumnlatis x3 10
4 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Aglai Soul H x1 NGS Mineral Icon Autumnearlis x5 40
4 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Euphroy Soul H x1 NGS Mineral Icon Autumnearlis x5 40
4 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Thali Soul H x1 NGS Mineral Icon Autumnearlis x5 40
4 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Aglai Soul P x1 NGS Mineral Icon Autumnearlis x5 40
4 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Euphroy Soul P x1 NGS Mineral Icon Autumnearlis x5 40
4 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Thali Soul P x1 NGS Mineral Icon Autumnearlis x5 40
4 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Aglai Soul X x1 NGS Mineral Icon Autumnearlis x5 40
4 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Euphroy Soul X x1 NGS Mineral Icon Autumnearlis x5 40
4 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Thali Soul X x1 NGS Mineral Icon Autumnearlis x5 40
4 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Gigas Aglai x1 NGS Mineral Icon Autumnearlis x5 40
4 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Gigas Euphroy x1 NGS Mineral Icon Autumnearlis x5 40
4 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Gigas Thali x1 NGS Mineral Icon Autumnearlis x5 40
3 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Triplble x1 NGS Mineral Icon Autumnearlis x5 40
1 NGSUIItemNGrinderIcon.png N-Grinder x1 NGS Mineral Icon "-cite" Mineral x10 /
NGS Mineral Icon "Autumn" Crystal x10