New Genesis: Drill: Ruinus Grand Battle Series

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Quest Information Quests
Urgent Quest Urgent Quests Pedestal Battledia Quests Trigger Quest Trigger Quests Trinitas Trinitas Quests
Trainia Quest Trainia Advance Quests Trainia Quest Standing Quests Duel Quest Duel Quests Limited-Time Quest Limited-Time Quests
Dimensional Fault Major Target Suppression Missions Clock Time Extension Quests
Drill: Ruinus Grand Battle Series
Quest Type Limited-Time Quest
Battle Power Requirements
Rank 1 3,981
Average Enemy Level
Rank 1 Lv. 95
Quest Details
Location Maqead Lower Level
Single/Multi-Party NGSUIMulti12Party.png Multi-Party Quests
Party Invitation Allowed
Required Items -
Time Limit 30:00
Damage Limit None
Rank 1 -


Drill: Ruinus Grand Battle Series is a Limited-Time Quest in Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis.

This quest appeared 1 week after And the Stars Fell and provides triggers for Drill: And the Stars Fell

Quest Objective

Defeat the target enemies

Quest Description

This is an unidentified practice drill discovered while analyzing battle data.
Its creator is unknown, but i seems to have been created to evaluate ARKS defenders' overall combat ability. Give this training a try if you're confident in your skills.

Quest Details

Upon starting the quest, there are three Ruine Enemy Suppression Trails.

There are three teleporters oriented towards the South, West and East. The Ruine enemy for these trials has a Growzard attached. There are also timed gates that will release additional enemies at each location after 3 minutes from the start of the quest. There are also teleporters at each location to return back to the central teleporters.

The South teleporter has either Ruine Gunnegam or Ruine Gryphon. The time gate will release a pack of Enhanced Starless Enemies (1 Dindo, Duran Gerad, 4 Agned and 1 Grudgeborne).

The West teleporter has either Ruine Vibras, Ruine Ragne, or Ruine Ringadha. The timed gate will allow two rows of Beehives to shoot at players.

The East teleporter has either Ruine Angel or Ruine Hyunal. The timed gate will release a pack of Starless Balrog Swords with healing cores attached to them.

When a trial is cleared, the players in that area are teleported back to the central teleporters and can enter the remaining teleporters to join players at other locations.

After all three trials are completed, players are teleported back to the location of the central teleporters, where they will then face either Ruine Exegul, Ruine Angele, or a Golden Venogia (no Growzard or timed gate is present for this final Trial).

Unique Enemies

Notable Rewards