New Genesis: And the Stars Fell

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Quest Information Quests
Urgent Quest Urgent Quests Pedestal Battledia Quests Trigger Quest Trigger Quests Trinitas Trinitas Quests
Trainia Quest Trainia Advance Quests Trainia Quest Standing Quests Duel Quest Duel Quests Limited-Time Quest Limited-Time Quests
Dimensional Fault Major Target Suppression Missions Clock Time Extension Quests
And the Stars Fell
Quest Type Urgent Quest
Battle Power Requirements
Rank 1 4297
Average Enemy Level
Rank 1 Lv. 100
Quest Details
Location ???
Single/Multi-Party NGSUIMulti8Party.png Multi-Party Quests
Party Invitation Allowed
Time Limit 01:00:00
Damage Limit None
First Clear Rewards
Rank 1 N-Meseta 10,000
Clear Rewards
Rank 1 N-Meseta 20,000


And the Stars Fell is an Urgent Quest in Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis.

From the end of maintenance on 2/5/2025 until the start of maintenance on 4/1/2025, all Urgent Quests occurring in the Stia Region will be changed to the Urgent Quest: And the Stars Fell.

Urgent Quest Notices

"Emergency announcement: We have confirmed a high energy reading in the Stia Region and are currently assessing the situation. All ARKS defenders, please prepare for deployment."

—Initial Announcement Notice

"Attention ARKS defenders. We are beginning a counter-offensive against the powerful enemies in the Stia Region. We request the participation of all ARKS defenders."

—Announcement Notice

Quest Objective

Defeat the target enemies

Fail Conditions

  • Exceed the time limit

Quest Description

We've detected an unprecedented energy reading around Mediola Outer Area 2. Based on the data, we predict the emergence of Dark Falz Vael. All Arks defenders, report to the emergence point to eliminate our greatest threat.

Quest Details

Phase 1

Players combat two flying appendages of Vael.

Phase 2

Players switch to using M.A.R.S. to fight Vael.

Phase 3

Players dismount from M.A.R.S. and are confronted with three apparent DPS checks to finish off the fight.

There is a story cut scene following the end of the fight (as part of the Urgent Quest).

Unique Enemies

Notable Rewards

Notable Items
Sword (NGS) Weapons / Unit (NGS) Units Ability Capsule (NGS) Augments
NGS Material Icon Materials NGS Rare Drop Icon Other