Client Orders
Time is Money Expand
Unlock Requirements
Clear Floating Continent Exploration
Difficulty Level Trial II
Client Order Type
Quest Completion Order
Client Message
Clear with an A Rank or higher on Normal or above.
This Order can be accepted as many times as you would like.
Clear Running Maneuvers: Naverius I
3,000 , 5,000 
Grinder x1
Yes This Order can be reaccepted 166 hours (Just under 7 days) after handing it in
Upon accepting the Client Order: Expand Well, if it ain't the busiest ARKS op out there! Been hearin' many a tale of your exploits, pardner. Care to put on a little rodeo showin' it ain't just hype? You and Time Attacks must be old friends now, yeah? Race the clock till you hit your goal. Whatcha wanna do here is wrap this up real quick-like and snag a score to match. You pick the difficulty. It's your shot at rewards and renown, pardner! Can't pass up an opportunity like that!
Upon handing in the Client Order: ExpandThat's some rootin'-tootin' fine work, pardner! You got back here quicker than a stampedin' Falspawn! No doubt you're the real deal. ARKS oughta count its lucky stars they've got you, tell ya that for sure. I expect to see you puttin' that skill to work for the good of ARKS an the universe, got it, pardner? But I... I think I'll cool my heels for a bit...
Godspeed Expand
Unlock Requirements
Clear Desert Exploration
Complete either Running Maneuvers: Wopal or Running Maneuvers: Tokyo
Client Order Type
Quest Completion Order
Client Message
Clear with an A Rank or higher on Normal or above.
This Order can be accepted as many times as you would like.
Clear Running Maneuvers: Naverius II
3,000 , 5,000 
Grinder x1
Yes This Order can be reaccepted 166 hours (Just under 7 days) after handing it in
Upon accepting the Client Order: Expand Well, if it ain't the busiest ARKS op out there! Been hearin' many a tale of your exploits, pardner. Care to put show off a little of that skill of yours? You and Time Attacks must be old compadres now, yeah? Racin' the clock till you achieve your objective? Whatcha wanna do here is wrap this up real quick-like and snag a nice big score. You pick the difficulty. It's your shot at rewards and renown, pardner! This's one mule that won't turn 'round and kick ya!
Upon handing in the Client Order: ExpandBoy howdy, pardner! That was fierce! This fella'd bet a good old locomotive couldn't outrun you! No doubt you're the real deal. ARKS oughta count its lucky stars they got you around, that's for sure. I expect to see you puttin' that skill to work for the good of ARKS and the world at large, am I right, pardner? So's I can kick back and catch some shut-eye...
A Sticky Situation Expand
Unlock Requirements
Clear Tundra Exploration
Complete either Running Maneuvers: Wopal or Running Maneuvers: Tokyo
Client Order Type
Quest Completion Order
Client Message
Clear with an A Rank or higher on Normal or above.
This Order can be accepted as many times as you would like.
Clear Running Maneuvers: Lillipa
3,000 , 5,000 
Grinder x1
Yes This Order can be reaccepted 166 hours (Just under 7 days) after handing it in
Upon accepting the Client Order: Expand Howdy there, hard rider! Looks like you're an overnight celebrity. Care to put on a little rodeo provin' you live up to the hype? You know how Time Attacks go! You and that old second hand, scrabblin' for first place! Now make sure you rustle up a nice ranking, too. Difficulty's up to you. Break some records, pick up some prizes! No downside for you far as I can see, pardner.
Upon handing in the Client Order: ExpandFine rodeo there, pardner. You made it back 'fore the dust even settled at the starting line. Can't no soul doubt what you can do now. ARKS must be countin' their blessings. Now use that skill to be the hero the world needs! I'm just gonna settle myself down here for a spell and rest my eyes...
Quite the Predicament Expand
Unlock Requirements
Clear Underground Shafts Exploration
Complete either Running Maneuvers: Wopal or Running Maneuvers: Tokyo
Client Order Type
Quest Completion Order
Client Message
Clear with an A Rank or higher on Normal or above.
This Order can be accepted as many times as you would like.
Clear Running Maneuvers: Amduskia
3,000 , 5,000 
Grinder x1
Yes This Order can be reaccepted 166 hours (Just under 7 days) after handing it in
Upon accepting the Client Order: Expand Howdy there, hard rider! Looks like your star's on a quick rise, pardner. Care to put on a little rodeo showin' you live up to the hype? You know how Time Attacks go! You and that old second hand, scrabblin' for first place! Now make sure you rustle up a nice ranking, too. Difficulty's up to you. Break some records, pick up some prizes! No downside for you far as I can see, pardner.
Upon handing in the Client Order: ExpandFancy work, pardner. You made it back 'fore the dust even cleared from your departure. No doubt you're grade A. ARKS oughta count its lucky stars they've got you, tell ya that for free. I sure hope you to use those gifts to help out ARKS, and maybe even save the world a little. For now, I'm gonna get back to a dream about a winning hand...
A Flexible Test of Skill Expand
Unlock Requirements
Clear Floating Continent Exploration
Clear Running Maneuvers: Naverius I
Client Order Type
Quest Completion Order
Client Message
Clear with an A Rank or higher on Normal or above.
This Order can be accepted as many times as you would like.
Clear Breakthrough Maneuvers: Dragon Altar
3,000 , 5,000 
Grinder x1
Yes This Order can be reaccepted 166 hours (Just under 7 days) after handing it in
Upon accepting the Client Order: Expand Today, we're shakin' things up a little. I got a Time Attack for you that's concentrated on the Dragon Altar alone. That tighter focus might mean you face tougher challenges along the way. But hey, come at it guns blazin' like always and I'm sure you'll make it out the other end. That said, ready to saddle up? Oh, makes no difference to me what difficulty ya pick.
Upon handing in the Client Order: ExpandNothin' short of stellar, pardner. Just changin' the area ain't enough to trip up a sure-footed trailhand like you, huh? You'll have them other ARKS ops champin' at the bit to beat your record now, boy howdy. Now, keep on usin' that strength to give us ARKS folks a safe, peaceful time. What, don'tcha think I deserve to take it easy?
A Quick Test of Skill Expand
Unlock Requirements
Clear Abandoned Mines Exploration
Clear Running Maneuvers: Naverius I
Client Order Type
Quest Completion Order
Client Message
Clear with an A Rank or higher on Normal or above.
This Order can be accepted as many times as you would like.
Clear Running Maneuvers: Wopal
3,000 , 5,000 
Grinder x1
Yes This Order can be reaccepted 166 hours (Just under 7 days) after handing it in
Upon accepting the Client Order: Expand Feels like all I ever hear about these days is how amazin' your work is. Now, hearin' all those tall tales, a fella's gotta see things with his own two eyes, don'tcha think, pardner? To that end, why don'tcha mosey down to Wopal for some Time Attacks? Wrap it up lickety-split and you'll be scored accordingly. Difficulty's up to you. You'll get yourself on the record books, earn some rewards, and make me a happy camper while you're at it. Can't beat that, right?
Upon handing in the Client Order: ExpandWell, well, well! Lookie you! This fella's never seen anyone move quick as a flash like you just now, pardner. Seems like you're the real deal after all. Just the sort ARKS should be happy to have around, lemme tell ya. I sure hope you put that skill of yours to use to help out ARKS, save the world, all that, y'know? Better make sure I keep at it, too.
A Dedicated Test of Skill Expand
Unlock Requirements
Clear Floating Facility Exploration
Clear Breakthrough Maneuvers: Dragon Altar
Client Order Type
Quest Completion Order
Client Message
Clear with an A Rank or higher on Normal or above.
This Order can be accepted as many times as you would like.
Clear Rush Practice: Harukotan
3,000 , 5,000 
Grinder x1
Yes This Order can be reaccepted 166 hours (Just under 7 days) after handing it in
Upon accepting the Client Order: Expand Hey there, pardner. Been hearin' talk all around of how you're fightin' the good fight. You sure are makin' this fella proud. I've got another Time Attack I think I oughta point you toward. You'll be down Harukotan way, subduin' waves of enemies real quick-like. Whatcha think? Feel like showin' us what you're made of? You'll get yourself on the record books, earn some rewards, and make me a happy camper while you're at it. Can't beat that, right?
Upon handing in the Client Order: ExpandNow that was somethin', pardner. I knew you were good, but comin' back this fast? I think it's liftin' all of ARKS up just to see all your hard work. I got a feeling you'll have some glory-seekin' whippersnappers hot on your heels tryin' to beat your record lickety-split. And having you operatives build each other up makes my work easier, so that's a win-win far as I'm concerned.
A Test For Your New Rank Expand
Unlock Requirements
Client Order Type
Quest Completion Order
Client Message
Clear a Time Attack Quest on Super Hard or higher with an A Rank or better.
This Order can be accepted as many times as you would like.
Clear a Time Attack Quest
30,000 , 15,000 
Grinder x1
Yes This Order can be reaccepted 166 hours (Just under 7 days) after handing it in
Upon accepting the Client Order: Expand Ready to take on a whole new level? I know you might be getting bored of this by now, but things are a little different this time around. You noticed how enemies on Super Hard act all different, yeah? That sort of thing really scared people. But what's the point in having a challenge no one takes, right? Well, that's where you come in. I want you to prove this can be done. It's simple, really. All I want is for you to clear your way through a Super Hard time attack quest. I only ask because I know you've got what it takes. I handpicked you for this, so don't let me down.
Upon handing in the Client Order: ExpandMhmm, that's what I'm talking about. At your level, it probably doesn't even matter how hard a level we throw at you, huh? Good to know my faith in you wasn't misplaced. I hope you'll keep using that strength of yours for the good of ARKS. Cause if you do, that'll sure take a load off my back.
An Airborne Test of Strength I Expand
Unlock Requirements
Las Vegas Raid Request
Time is Money
Client Order Type
Riding Point Acquisition Order
Client Message
Ridroid Quests in the Las Vegas Area only. Completion determined by score earned upon Quest Clear.
This Order can be accepted as many times as you would like.
Collect Riding Points x1,000,000 (This can be done across several runs and does not have to be done all at once)
10,000 , 30,000 
Lambda Grinder x3
Yes This Order can be reaccepted 166 hours (Just under 7 days) after handing it in
Upon accepting the Client Order: Expand Heeey, how goes it? By the way, you heard of that there Ridroid Quest? You gotta take out as many enemies as ya can within the time limit. I was thinkin' of having you try to get a particular score. Wouldja show everyone in Las Vegas how it's done, pardner?
Upon handing in the Client Order: ExpandWoo-wee, that was fancy. I never thought you'd get back that quick. Was wonderin' how it'd go since you gotta work with your pardners, but it looks like it turned out right as rain. Everyone's eyes lit right on up, and they all rushed to the Gateway Ship as soon as they saw yer score. I can take a load off now, seein' all those ARKS operatives givin' it their all.
A Desperate Test of Strength I Expand
Unlock Requirements
Time is Money
Client Order Type
Intel Gathering Order
Client Message
Win a ranked match in the Battle Arena after accepting this Order, then select 'Talk' to speak to Cofy.
This Order can be accepted as many times as you would like.
Talk to Cofy after meeting the clear conditions. Win a ranked match in the Battle Arena, then talk to Cofy
10,000 , 30,000 
Lambda Grinder x1
Yes This Order can be reaccepted 166 hours (Just under 7 days) after handing it in
Upon accepting the Client Order: Expand I hear yer quite the jack-of-all-trades, now. Wouldja show me what you've got in the Battle Arena this go 'round? The goal is to score a good ol' victory in a Ranked Match. Bet yer bottom dollar the other ARKS operatives are hankerin' to get a piece of ya, too. So once ya get back, could ya ask Officer Cofy to send me the combat data? Just mosey on over 'n Talk to her and let her know to forward that data right on to me. I'm beggin' ya, pardner.
Talking to Cofy: ExpandWhat seems to be the matter? Ah, the request you received from Chroto? Battle Arena data contains lots of personal information, so access is restricted. But we'll make an exception in this case, and let him view a portion of our information to help train the next generation. ...All right. I've just sent the results of the latest battle to Chroto. We hope he'll put it to good use.
Upon handing in the Client Order: ExpandBoy howdy, that was a ride. I saw the results of yer Ranked Match. I hope ya keep up the pace, snatchin' up victories hand over fist and becomin' a top tier ARKS operative with yer name in lights. If yer work starts a chain reaction drivin' everyone to hustle up, you'll make me one happy fella, pardner. Now I can take an even bigger load off than I ever done before.
Wanna Team Up? Expand
Unlock Requirements
Hand in 10 Client Orders to Chroto
Client Order Type
Quest Completion Order
Client Message
Clear all specified Quests with an S Rank on any difficulty.
You can only complete this Order once.
Clear Running Maneuvers: Naverius II
Clear Running Maneuvers: Lillipa
Clear Running Maneuvers: Amduskia
Chroto's Partner Card
Upon accepting the Client Order: Expand Things around here are smellin' fishier by the minute, huh pardner? My gran' pappy always used to say, if you know you've gotta giddy up, get you a good pardner to ride alongside. But I got the right to be a little choosy. How 'bout you show me you deserve to share the dusty trails with this fella? You'd rest easier knowin' you've got a capable gunslinger at your side, wouldn't ya? I got plenty of confidence in you, of course, but humor me, pardner. Let's go!
Upon handing in the Client Order: ExpandDarn fine work, pardner! And makin' it look like a cakewalk like always, boy howdy. You done wiped away every speck of doubt I had. Go on and have yourself my Partner Card. Though, to be straight with ya, I imagine I'll need to ask for your help sometimes, too, so don't be too liberal askin' me for help. But hey, I'll lend a hand when I'm moved to. See you 'round, pardner!