Client Orders
ARKS Basic Abiliy Survey Expand
Unlock Requirements
View Episode 4, Chapter 2 Substory: Aika's Objective
Client Order Type
Intel Gathering Order
Client Message
Clear a Recommended Quest with at least an A Rank to obtain. Note: If already cleared, will count as complete upon Order acceptance.
You can only complete this Order once.
Obtain a Special Present, then talk to Aika
10,000 , 25,000 
CC 100 Ticket x5
Upon accepting the Client Order: Expand Structural changes within ARKS have led to a broad overhaul in mission structure. Namely in terms of the time-limited enemy extermination Bonus Quests. These are quests you can take on after obtaining Bonus Keys from Special Presents you'll find during Recommended Quests. And that is precisely what I'd like you to do: acquire a Special Present from a Recommended Quest. I'll be waiting.
Upon handing in the Client Order: ExpandI've confirmed your acquisition of a Special Present. I hope that it will provide you a Bonus Key so that you can try a Bonus Quest for yourself. Additionally, now that I've observed you in battle, the Intelligence Bureau will be able to provide you data more suited to your abilities. One could say I've killed two birds with one stone. Thank you for completing my order. I look forward to working with you again.
ARKS Dash Survey Expand
Unlock Requirements
View Episode 4, Chapter 2 Substory: Aika's Objective
Client Order Type
Quest Completion Order
Client Message
Clear a Time Attack Quest on Normal or above.
You can only complete this Order once.
Clear a Time Attack Quest.
10,000 , 25,000 
Synthesizer x20
Upon accepting the Client Order: Expand People are talking about how competent you are. I'm hearing it from the commander, too. But you're still barely back in action. I wouldn't recommend jumping into the deep end until you remember how to swim. With that in mind, I'd like to put in an order with you. Clear a Time Attack Quest. That's it. My goal is to observe how you operate under time pressure and learn more about the way you approach your missions. I'll be waiting for your data.
Upon handing in the Client Order: ExpandYour order has been verified complete. You're well beyond the point of any criticism I would be able to offer. Rumors are often exaggerations by nature, but in your case, they're all entirely justified. Frankly speaking, you're incredible. And almost frighteningly dependable. Anyway, thank you for completing my order. I'm sure we'll work together again soon.
ARKS Advanced Ability Survey Expand
Unlock Requirements
Unlock Advance Quests by reaching Level 40
Client Order Type
Quest Completion Order
Client Message
Clear an Advance Quest.
You can only complete this Order once.
Clear an Advance Quest.
10,000 , 25,000 
Advance Capsule D x10
Upon accepting the Client Order: Expand I don't want to ask TOO much of you, but orders for an operative of your capabilities should meet at least a certain baseline. Unlike prior training missions, this special advance directive will be done on-site. As this is field training, any unforeseen developments may require more flexibility than the missions you've undergone thus far. I'm sure it's nothing you can't handle, but exercise caution regardless.
Upon handing in the Client Order: ExpandOrder verified as complete. Advance Quests are hardly even speedbumps for you at this point. We've both only recently recovered, but you've far outstripped me in terms of efficacy. Seeing how you work is both educational and highly motivating. I see your successes as assurance that I can get all of my old capabilities back. Thank you for completing my order. I'm sure it won't be the last.
ARKS Extreme Ability Survey Expand
Unlock Requirements
Unlock Extreme Quests by reaching Level 50
Client Order Type
Quest Completion Order
Client Message
Clear an Extreme Quest.
You can only complete this Order once.
Clear an Extreme Quest.
10,000 , 25,000 
Extreme Pass x5
Upon accepting the Client Order: Expand How are you holding up? Sometimes you think you're in fighting shape, but something or another will prove you wrong... You can never be too careful when it comes to keeping track of your health. Anyway, I'm sure you're bored of the softball orders by now, so I've got an Extreme Quest for you. I imagine that it will have no shortage of unforeseen twists and turns, so it's sure to keep you on your toes. If you can handle this one, it should mean that you're back in top form. Give it a shot.
Upon handing in the Client Order: ExpandI've confirmed completion of your assignment, and nary a problem to speak of. Flawless work. I'm sure you've connected the dots by now, but my orders come straight from the top. Casra, the commander of the Intelligence Bureau, has been looking into your post-recovery performance to determine how far you've come. Of course, not even he was expecting this much out of you. But that's a story for later. Thank you for completing my order. Until next time.
ARKS Rush Survey Expand
Unlock Requirements
ARKS Dash Survey
Clear Floating Continent Exploration
Clear Floating Facility Exploration
ARKS Dash Survey
Clear Rush Practice: Harukotan
Client Order Type
Quest Completion Order
Client Message
Clear with at least A Rank on Hard or above.
You can only complete this Order once.
Clear an Rush Practice: Dark Vestiges.
10,000 , 25,000 
Aika's Partner Card
Upon accepting the Client Order: Expand Every ARKS operative will inevitably come blade-to-claw with Falspawn. Facing them with an organized force is one thing, but oftentimes we find ourselves outnumbered and scrambling in the field. That's what practice is for--Rush Practice. It's a Time Attack Quest designed around fighting rapid successive battles with Falspawn. I'd say you could probably handle it without any trouble, but you can never be too careful when Falspawn are involved.
Upon handing in the Client Order: ExpandThe assignment has been completed. I'd call that no trouble, all right. Flawless, even. At this point, you're something of a Falspawn exterminator, so I'd expect nothing less. That being said, I do wish that you and Miss Matoi would keep your daring in check... Regardless, thank you for completing my order. See you again soon.
ARKS Rush Assistance Expand
Unlock Requirements
ARKS Rush Survey
Client Order Type
Quest Completion Order
Client Message
With Aika as your only partner, clear with at least an A Rank on Extremely Hard or above.
You can only complete this Order once.
Clear an Rush Practice: Dark Vestiges.
10,000 , 25,000 
All-Sweets Dissolver
Upon accepting the Client Order: Expand Circumstances have changed. I've stood on the sidelines for long enough. It's time to act. The medical team's given me the go-ahead. Would you mind taking me with you on your Rush Practice? I did most of my work on Earth solo, so I'd like to see how I hold up working in a group. I'd feel most comfortable doing so with you, if you're willing to assist me.
Upon starting the quest: ExpandRush Practice or no, these Falspawn mean business. We should exercise all due caution.
Upon handing in the Client Order: ExpandThank you for assisting with my assignment. I must admit, this was a painful wake-up call. It was also yet another personal number of just how perfect you are. I hope we can work together again.