* War Hammer Gideon (Replica)

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* War Hammer Gideon (Replica)
Rarity: NGSUIStarBlueIconTemp.pngNGSUIStarBlueIconTemp.pngNGSUIStarBlueIconTemp.pngNGSUIStarGreenIcon.pngNGSUIStarGreenIcon.pngNGSUIStarGreenIcon.pngNGSUIStarRedIcon.png
Weapon Types: Partizan (NGS) Double Saber (NGS) Rod (NGS)
Marketable: UICheckMarkIcon.png

Drop Info

AC (NGS) The Seven Deadly Sins Style

Additional Info

A replica of the Sacred Treasure used by Diane, War Hammer Gideon.
Having been designed to be used by a giant, this war hammer is far too heavy and large for any regular-size human to use.
It has the ability to absorb magic attacks and redirect them into the earth, cancelling the effects, but as a result causes damage to the earth and the creatures instead.

CollapseWeapons of Britannia
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Weapon Screenshots