* Sword Cutlass

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NGS Weapon Camo IconWeapon Camos | NGS Weapon Camo IconMulti-type Weapon Camos | NGS Weapon Camo IconAll-type Weapon Camos | Weapon CamoWeapon Camos (PSO2)
Sword (NGS) Sword Camos Wired Lance (NGS) Wired Lance Camos Partizan (NGS) Partisan Camos Daggers (NGS) Twin Dagger Camos Double Saber (NGS) Double Saber Camos Knuckles (NGS) Knuckle Camos Katana (NGS) Katana Camos Soaring Blades (NGS) Soaring Blade Camos
Rifle (NGS) Assault Rifle Camos Launcher (NGS) Launcher Camos Twin Machineguns (NGS) Twin Machine Gun Camos Bow (NGS) Bow Camos Gunblade (NGS)Gunblade Camos
Rod (NGS) Rod Camos Talis (NGS) Talis Camos Wand (NGS) Wand Camos Jet Boots (NGS) Jet Boot Camos Harmonizer (NGS) Harmonizer Camos
* Sword Cutlass
Rarity: NGSUIStarBlueIconTemp.pngNGSUIStarBlueIconTemp.pngNGSUIStarBlueIconTemp.pngNGSUIStarGreenIcon.pngNGSUIStarGreenIcon.pngNGSUIStarGreenIcon.pngNGSUIStarRedIcon.png
Weapon Types: Gunblade (NGS) Rifle (NGS) Twin Machineguns (NGS)
Marketable: UICheckMarkIcon.png

Drop Info

AC (NGS) BLACK LAGOON Style - 12/20/2023 - 1/16/2024

A Taste of the Black Lagoon
NGS Weapon Camo Icon * Sword Cutlass

NGS Weapon Camo Icon * Gretel's Rifle
NGS Weapon Camo Icon * Hansel's Axe
NGS Weapon Camo Icon * Roberta's Trick Umbrella
NGS Weapon Camo Icon * Roberta's Suitcase
NGS Weapon Camo Icon Twin Machineguns (NGS) * Roberta's Dual Handguns

Additional Info

Revy's personal sidearm, the dual Sword Cutlass pistols.
A pair of customized Beretta 92FS Inox handguns with ivory grips and a 5.9 inch barrel and slide configuration, being 1 inch longer than the usual Beretta 92 models.
Engraved on these guns, you can see "9mm SWORD CUTLASS" on the left side, while on the right, you have "MOD 92F", followed by the Jolly Roger of Calico Jack, and then finally the Thai inscription "ผลิตโดยพลายชาติ สเป็คพิเศษ", which means "Manufactured by Praiyachat - Special Specs" - Praiyachat being a Thai gunsmith in the show.

Something to take note of is that this weapon camo does not show up when sheathed. Only way to have it show up sheathed is by using Revy's Clothes or any of the variants of it, being part of the holster ornament of the outfit.

Weapon Screenshots