* Moonblade (Twin Moon)
Weapon Types:
Drop Info
Shangri-La Frontier Style - 8/21 - 9/18/2024
The Moonblade are a set of two crescent-shaped blades crafted by the Divine Craftsman Vysache for Sunraku, using his * Vorpal Chopper and infusing them with a Quad Beetle Shell.
The white blade is called Waxing, while the black blade is called Waning.
Required Stats: 40 STR, 50 DEX, 55 TEC
In Shangri-La Frontier, Waxing has an ability where it cuts down your HP when you land a critical hit against a higher leveled enemy, but then boosts your next attack, while Waning has the ability to refill your HP with every critical attack, making the two synergize. Landing critical attacks also fills the weapon's fusion gauge, which is what is used to combine the two weapons into the Twin Moon.
The Twin Moon has the ability to boost the power and likelihood of critical attacks, depending on the stat difference between the user and the enemy, with more power the larger the difference.
Weapon Screenshots
Sword Stance
Daggers Stance
Soaring Blades Stance
Wand Stance
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