New Genesis: Seasonal Points Exchange Shop Archive

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This page contains the archived information for all previous iterations of the Seasonal Points Exchange Shop. The current or latest iteration of the Seasonal Points Exchange Shop can be viewed on this page, or can be individually viewed on each event's Event Page.

Exchange Shop Details (Spring '23 Event)

This shop's selection was available during the Spring '23 Event.

CollapseSeasonal Points Exchange Shop (Spring '23 Event)
Rarity Image Name Price Quantity Limit Notes
4 UIItemScratchTicketPass.png Spring '23 SP Scratch Ticket x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 20 This ticket allows you one attempt at the Spring '23 Special Scratch.
4 UIItemScratchTicketPass.png Spring '23 SP Scratch Ticket x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 20 This ticket allows you one attempt at the Spring '23 Special Scratch.
4 UIItemScratchTicketPass.png Spring '23 SP Scratch Ticket x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 20 This ticket allows you one attempt at the Spring '23 Special Scratch.
4 UIItemScratchTicketPass.png Spring '23 SP Scratch Ticket x1 Seasonal Point 15,000 20 This ticket allows you one attempt at the Spring '23 Special Scratch.
5 Gradient Heart Glasses.png Gradient Heart Glasses x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 2 Allows you to select a new accessory.
5 Rappy Pouch.png Rappy Pouch x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 2 Allows you to select a new accessory.
6 NGSUIItemMotion.png MTN: Idle - Rappy Plush/B x1 Seasonal Point 15,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new motion.
6 NGSUIItemMotion.png MTN: Glide - R Mag Minimo/B x1 Seasonal Point 15,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new motion.
5 NGSUIItemStarGem.png 20 Star Gems x1 Seasonal Point 500 5 Grants Star Gems. Fulfill the requirements to receive 20 SG.
5 NGSUIItemStarGem.png 20 Star Gems x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 5 Grants Star Gems. Fulfill the requirements to receive 20 SG.
1 UIItemScratchTicketPass.png Special Scratch Ticket x1 Seasonal Point 500 4 This ticket allows you one attempt at the Bonus Scratch.
1 UIItemScratchTicketPass.png Special Scratch Ticket x1 Seasonal Point 1,500 4 This ticket allows you one attempt at the Bonus Scratch.
8 NGSUIItemTrunkulSword.png Trunkul Sword +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Equippable at Level 62.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Springfiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Mastery IV
8 NGSUIItemTrunkulWire.png Trunkul Wire +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Equippable at Level 62.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Springfiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Mastery IV
8 NGSUIItemTrunkulSpear.png Trunkul Spear +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Equippable at Level 62.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Springfiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Mastery IV
8 NGSUIItemTrunkulDaggers.png Trunkul Daggers +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Equippable at Level 62.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Springfiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Mastery IV
8 NGSUIItemTrunkulSaber.png Trunkul Saber +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Equippable at Level 62.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Springfiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Mastery IV
8 NGSUIItemTrunkulKnuckles.png Trunkul Knuckles +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Equippable at Level 62.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Springfiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Mastery IV
8 NGSUIItemTrunkulRifle.png Trunkul Rifle +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Equippable at Level 62.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Springfiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Mastery IV
8 NGSUIItemTrunkulLauncher.png Trunkul Launcher +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Equippable at Level 62.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Springfiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Mastery IV
8 NGSUIItemTrunkulMachineGuns.png Trunkul Machine Guns +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Equippable at Level 62.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Springfiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Mastery IV
8 NGSUIItemTrunkulRod.png Trunkul Rod +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Equippable at Level 62.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Springfiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Mastery IV
8 NGSUIItemTrunkulTalis.png Trunkul Talis +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Equippable at Level 62.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Springfiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Mastery IV
8 NGSUIItemTrunkulWand.png Trunkul Wand +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Equippable at Level 62.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Springfiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Mastery IV
8 NGSUIItemTrunkulKatana.png Trunkul Katana +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Equippable at Level 62.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Springfiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Mastery IV
8 NGSUIItemTrunkulBow.png Trunkul Bow +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Equippable at Level 62.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Springfiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Mastery IV
8 NGSUIItemTrunkulBoots.png Trunkul Boots +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Equippable at Level 62.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Springfiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Mastery IV
8 NGSUIItemTrunkulBlades.png Trunkul Blades +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Equippable at Level 62.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Springfiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Mastery IV
8 NGSUIItemTrunkulHarmonizer.png Trunkul Harmonizer +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Equippable at Level 62.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Springfiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Mastery IV
4 NGSUIItemQualDeArmor.png Qual De Armor +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 3 Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Mastery IV
5 NGSUIItemViosArmor.png Vios Armor +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 3 Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Mastery IV
7 NGSUIItemEptizeArmorVida.png Eptize Armor: Vida +40 x1 Seasonal Point 15,000 3 Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta IV
  • Ability (NGS) C/Mastery IV
3 NGSUIItemMonotite.png Monotite x1 Seasonal Point 50 100 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemDualomite.png Dualomite x1 Seasonal Point 50 100 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemTrinite.png Trinite x1 Seasonal Point 50 100 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials, Limit Breaking and Exchanged for Affix Capsules at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemTetracite.png Tetracite x1 Seasonal Point 100 100 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for various purposes like unlocking Potentials at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemPentalite.png Pentalite x1 Seasonal Point 500 100 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for various purposes like unlocking Potentials at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemHexakite.png Hexakite x1 Seasonal Point 500 100 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for various purposes like unlocking Potentials at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemPhotonChunk.png Photon Chunk x1 Seasonal Point 300 100 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemPhotonQuartz.png Photon Quartz x1 Seasonal Point 300 100 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for Multi-weaponization and Exchanged for Affixed Capsules at the Item Lab.
4 NGSUIItemBlizzardium.png Blizzardium x1 Seasonal Point 1,500 50 A rare mineral found in rocky places of Kvaris. Can be exchanged for items in certain places.
4 NGSUIItemBlizzardium.png Blizzardium x1 Seasonal Point 3,000 50 A rare mineral found in rocky places of Kvaris. Can be exchanged for items in certain places.
4 NGSUIItemInfernium.png Infernium x1 Seasonal Point 2,000 50 A rare mineral ore found in rocky areas of Stia. Can be exchanged for items in certain places.
4 NGSUIItemInfernium.png Infernium x1 Seasonal Point 4,000 50 A rare mineral ore found in rocky areas of Stia. Can be exchanged for items in certain places.
4 NGSUIItemMightCapsule.png C/Might IV x1 Seasonal Point 2,000 40 A capsule that adds the "Might IV" Augment to weapons and armor.
4 NGSUIItemPrecisionCapsule.png C/Precision IV x1 Seasonal Point 2,000 40 A capsule that adds the "Precision IV" Augment to weapons and armor.
4 NGSUIItemTechniqueCapsule.png C/Technique IV x1 Seasonal Point 2,000 40 A capsule that adds the "Technique IV" Augment to weapons and armor.
4 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Deftness IV x1 Seasonal Point 2,000 40 A capsule that adds the "Deftness IV" Augment to weapons and armor.
4 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Mastery IV x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Mastery IV" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Triplble x1 Seasonal Point 2,000 40 A capsule that adds the "Triplble" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemMightCapsule.png C/Gigas Might IV x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Gigas Might IV" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemMightCapsule.png C/Gigas Might IV x1 Seasonal Point 25,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Gigas Might IV" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemPrecisionCapsule.png C/Gigas Precision IV x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Gigas Precision IV" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemPrecisionCapsule.png C/Gigas Precision IV x1 Seasonal Point 25,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Gigas Precision IV" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemTechniqueCapsule.png C/Gigas Technique IV x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Gigas Technique IV" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemTechniqueCapsule.png C/Gigas Technique IV x1 Seasonal Point 25,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Gigas Technique IV" Augment to weapons and armor.
4 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Freid Soul IV x1 Seasonal Point 2,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Freid Soul IV" Augment to weapons and armor.
4 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Freid Soul IV x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Freid Soul IV" Augment to weapons and armor.
4 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Doldor Soul IV x1 Seasonal Point 2,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Doldor Soul IV" Augment to weapons and armor.
4 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Doldor Soul IV x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Doldor Soul IV" Augment to weapons and armor.
4 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Nils Soul IV x1 Seasonal Point 2,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Nils Soul IV" Augment to weapons and armor.
4 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Nils Soul IV x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Nils Soul IV" Augment to weapons and armor.
4 NGSUIItemHPCapsule.png C/Dread Keeper IV x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Dread Keeper IV" Augment to weapons and armor.
4 NGSUIItemHPCapsule.png C/Dread Keeper IV x1 Seasonal Point 25,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Dread Keeper IV" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemAlphaReactor.png Alpha Reactor x1 Seasonal Point 300 200 A power reactor of some sort of machine. Can be sold at a high price.
Can be converted to N-Meseta 3,500.
2 NGSUIItemAlphaReactor.png Alpha Reactor x1 Seasonal Point 900 250 A power reactor of some sort of machine. Can be sold at a high price.
Can be converted to N-Meseta 3,500.
5 NGSUIItemNAugmentationAid2.png N-Augmentation Success Rate +10% x1 Seasonal Point 2,500 4 Boosts augmentation success rate when affixing an augment.
1 NGSUIItemNGrinderIcon.png N-Grinder x1 Seasonal Point 500 - A material used for enhancing weapons and armor. Can draw out capabilities beyond the item's limits.

Exchange Shop Details (Winter '23 Event)

This shop's selection was available during the Winter '23 Event.

CollapseSeasonal Points Exchange Shop (Winter '23 Event)
Rarity Image Name Price Quantity Limit Notes
5 NGSUIItemStarGem.png 20 Star Gems x1 Seasonal Point 500 5 Grants Star Gems. Fulfill the requirements to receive 20 SG.
1 UIItemScratchTicketPass.png Special Scratch Ticket x1 Seasonal Point 500 5 This ticket allows you one attempt at the Bonus Scratch.
5 Snow Crystal Tiara.png Snow Crystal Tiara x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 2 Allows you to select a new accessory.
6 NGSUIItemMotion.png MTN: Dash - Skate/C x1 Seasonal Point 15,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new motion.
4 NGSUIItemMightCapsule.png C/Might IV x1 Seasonal Point 2,000 40 A capsule that adds the "Might IV" Augment to weapons and armor.
4 NGSUIItemPrecisionCapsule.png C/Precision IV x1 Seasonal Point 2,000 40 A capsule that adds the "Precision IV" Augment to weapons and armor.
4 NGSUIItemTechniqueCapsule.png C/Technique IV x1 Seasonal Point 2,000 40 A capsule that adds the "Technique IV" Augment to weapons and armor.
4 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Deftness IV x1 Seasonal Point 2,000 40 A capsule that adds the "Deftness IV" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemMightCapsule.png C/Gigas Might IV x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Gigas Might IV" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemPrecisionCapsule.png C/Gigas Precision IV x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Gigas Precision IV" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemTechniqueCapsule.png C/Gigas Technique IV x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Gigas Technique IV" Augment to weapons and armor.
4 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Eradi Soul IV x1 Seasonal Point 2,000 40 A capsule that adds the "Eradi Soul IV" Augment to weapons and armor.
4 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Vardi Soul IV x1 Seasonal Point 2,000 40 A capsule that adds the "Vardi Soul IV" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Triplble x1 Seasonal Point 2,000 40 A capsule that adds the "Triplble" Augment to weapons and armor.
4 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Mastery IV x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Mastery IV" Augment to weapons and armor.
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousSword.png Tenebrous Sword +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousWire.png Tenebrous Wire +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousSpear.png Tenebrous Spear +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousDaggers.png Tenebrous Daggers +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousSaber.png Tenebrous Saber +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousKnuckles.png Tenebrous Knuckles +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousRifle.png Tenebrous Rifle +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousLauncher.png Tenebrous Launcher +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousMachineGuns.png Tenebrous Machine Guns +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousRod.png Tenebrous Rod +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousTalis.png Tenebrous Talis +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousWand.png Tenebrous Wand +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousKatana.png Tenebrous Katana +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousBow.png Tenebrous Bow +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousBoots.png Tenebrous Boots +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousBlade.png Tenebrous Blade +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousHarmonizer.png Tenebrous Harmonizer +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
1 NGSUIItemNGrinderIcon.png N-Grinder x1 Seasonal Point 500 - A material used for enhancing weapons and armor. Can draw out capabilities beyond the item's limits.

Exchange Shop Details (New Year '23 Event)

This shop's selection was available during the New Year '23 Event.

CollapseSeasonal Points Exchange Shop (New Year '23 Event)
Rarity Image Name Price Quantity Limit Notes
5 NGSUIItemStarGem.png 20 Star Gems x1 Seasonal Point 500 5 Grants Star Gems. Fulfill the requirements to receive 20 SG.
1 UIItemScratchTicketPass.png Special Scratch Ticket x1 Seasonal Point 500 5 This ticket allows you one attempt at the Bonus Scratch.
5 Illusionary Heart.png Illusionary Heart x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 2 Allows you to select a new accessory.
6 NGSUIItemMotion.png MTN: Glide - Defensive/B x1 Seasonal Point 15,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new motion.
4 NGSUIItemArmsRefiner.png Arms Refiner x1 Seasonal Point 500 20 Material refined from Strugment. Use for Limit Breaking in the Item Lab.
4 NGSUIItemInfernium.png Infernium x1 Seasonal Point 2,000 200 A rare mineral ore found in rocky areas of Stia. Can be exchanged for items in certain places.
4 NGSUIItemBlizzardium.png Blizzardium x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 150 A rare mineral found in rocky places of Kvaris. Can be exchanged for items in certain places.
3 NGSUIItemMonotite.png Monotite x1 Seasonal Point 500 999 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemDualomite.png Dualomite x1 Seasonal Point 500 999 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemTrinite.png Trinite x1 Seasonal Point 500 999 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials, Limit Breaking and Exchanged for Affix Capsules at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemTetracite.png Tetracite x1 Seasonal Point 500 999 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for various purposes like unlocking Potentials at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemPentalite.png Pentalite x1 Seasonal Point 500 999 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for various purposes like unlocking Potentials at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemHexakite.png Hexakite x1 Seasonal Point 500 999 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for various purposes like unlocking Potentials at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemPhotonChunk.png Photon Chunk x1 Seasonal Point 500 999 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemPhotonQuartz.png Photon Quartz x1 Seasonal Point 500 999 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for Multi-weaponization and Exchanged for Affixed Capsules at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemPhotonScale.png Photon Scale x1 Seasonal Point 500 999 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for various purposes like exchanging capsules at the Item Lab.
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousSword.png Tenebrous Sword +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousWire.png Tenebrous Wire +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousSpear.png Tenebrous Spear +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousDaggers.png Tenebrous Daggers +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousSaber.png Tenebrous Saber +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousKnuckles.png Tenebrous Knuckles +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousRifle.png Tenebrous Rifle +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousLauncher.png Tenebrous Launcher +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousMachineGuns.png Tenebrous Machine Guns +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousRod.png Tenebrous Rod +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousTalis.png Tenebrous Talis +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousWand.png Tenebrous Wand +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousKatana.png Tenebrous Katana +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousBow.png Tenebrous Bow +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousBoots.png Tenebrous Boots +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousBlade.png Tenebrous Blade +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousHarmonizer.png Tenebrous Harmonizer +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
1 NGSUIItemNGrinderIcon.png N-Grinder x1 Seasonal Point 500 - A material used for enhancing weapons and armor. Can draw out capabilities beyond the item's limits.

Exchange Shop Details (Christmas '22 Event)

This shop's selection was available during the Christmas '22 Event.

CollapseSeasonal Points Exchange Shop (Christmas '22 Event)
Rarity Image Name Price Quantity Limit Notes
5 NGSUIItemStarGem.png 20 Star Gems x1 Seasonal Point 500 5 Grants Star Gems. Fulfill the requirements to receive 20 SG.
1 UIItemScratchTicketPass.png Special Scratch Ticket x1 Seasonal Point 500 5 This ticket allows you one attempt at the Bonus Scratch.
5 CAST Twin Extensions.png CAST Twin Extensions x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 2 Allows you to select a new accessory.
5 NGSUIMagFormNoelaMinimo.png Mag Form/Noela Minimo x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 1 A device used to change the appearance of the Mag.
4 NGSUIItemBetaReactor.png Beta Reactor x1 Seasonal Point 1,500 20 A power reactor of some sort of machine. Can be sold at a high price.
Can be converted to N-Meseta 100,000.
4 NGSUIItemNEXCube.png N-EX-Cube x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 20 A crystal granted to those who seek power. Used for various purposes like unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
4 NGSUIItemNEXClassCube.png N-HU-EX-Cube x1 Seasonal Point 200 20 A precious crystal given to Hunter class seekers. Used to acquire Add-on Skills at the Class Counter.
4 NGSUIItemNEXClassCube.png N-RA-EX-Cube x1 Seasonal Point 200 20 A precious crystal given to Ranger class seekers. Used to acquire Add-on Skills at the Class Counter.
4 NGSUIItemNEXClassCube.png N-FO-EX-Cube x1 Seasonal Point 200 20 A precious crystal given to Force class seekers. Used to acquire Add-on Skills at the Class Counter.
4 NGSUIItemNEXClassCube.png N-FI-EX-Cube x1 Seasonal Point 200 20 A precious crystal given to Fighter class seekers. Used to acquire Add-on Skills at the Class Counter.
4 NGSUIItemNEXClassCube.png N-GU-EX-Cube x1 Seasonal Point 200 20 A precious crystal given to Gunner class seekers. Used to acquire Add-on Skills at the Class Counter.
4 NGSUIItemNEXClassCube.png N-TE-EX-Cube x1 Seasonal Point 200 20 A precious crystal given to Techter class seekers. Used to acquire Add-on Skills at the Class Counter.
4 NGSUIItemNEXClassCube.png N-BR-EX-Cube x1 Seasonal Point 200 20 A precious crystal given to Braver class seekers. Used to acquire Add-on Skills at the Class Counter.
4 NGSUIItemNEXClassCube.png N-BO-EX-Cube x1 Seasonal Point 200 20 A precious crystal given to Bouncer class seekers. Used to acquire Add-on Skills at the Class Counter.
4 NGSUIItemNEXClassCube.png N-WA-EX-Cube x1 Seasonal Point 200 20 A precious crystal given to Waker class seekers. Used to acquire Add-on Skills at the Class Counter.
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousSword.png Tenebrous Sword +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousWire.png Tenebrous Wire +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousSpear.png Tenebrous Spear +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousDaggers.png Tenebrous Daggers +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousSaber.png Tenebrous Saber +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousKnuckles.png Tenebrous Knuckles +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousRifle.png Tenebrous Rifle +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousLauncher.png Tenebrous Launcher +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousMachineGuns.png Tenebrous Machine Guns +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousRod.png Tenebrous Rod +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousTalis.png Tenebrous Talis +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousWand.png Tenebrous Wand +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousKatana.png Tenebrous Katana +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousBow.png Tenebrous Bow +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousBoots.png Tenebrous Boots +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousBlade.png Tenebrous Blade +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
8 NGSUIItemTenebrousHarmonizer.png Tenebrous Harmonizer +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 1 Equippable at Level 60.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Wintafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Ice Exploit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Vardi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
1 NGSUIItemNGrinderIcon.png N-Grinder x1 Seasonal Point 500 - A material used for enhancing weapons and armor. Can draw out capabilities beyond the item's limits.

Exchange Shop Details (Autumn '22 Event)

This shop's selection was available during the Autumn '22 Event.

CollapseSeasonal Points Exchange Shop (Autumn '22 Event)
Rarity Image Name Price Quantity Limit Notes
4 UIItemScratchTicketPass.png Autumn '22 SP Scratch Ticket x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 20 This ticket allows you one attempt at the Autumn '22 Special Scratch.
4 UIItemScratchTicketPass.png Autumn '22 SP Scratch Ticket x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 20 This ticket allows you one attempt at the Autumn '22 Special Scratch.
4 UIItemScratchTicketPass.png Autumn '22 SP Scratch Ticket x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 20 This ticket allows you one attempt at the Autumn '22 Special Scratch.
4 UIItemScratchTicketPass.png Autumn '22 SP Scratch Ticket x1 Seasonal Point 15,000 20 This ticket allows you one attempt at the Autumn '22 Special Scratch.
5 NGSUIMagFormMaplonMinimo.png Mag Form/Maplon Minimo x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 1 A device used to change the appearance of the Mag.
5 Head Mounted Ryuker Device.png Head-Mounted Ryuker Device x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 2 Allows you to select a new accessory.
5 Alpha Reactor Earring.png Alpha Reactor Earring x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 2 Allows you to select a new accessory.
5 NGSUIItemStamp.png STP: R Mag - Halloween x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new stamp.
6 NGSUIItemMotion.png MTN: Dash - Sledding/B x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new motion.
6 NGSUIItemMotion.png MTN: Landing - Frozen/B x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new motion.
5 NGSUIItemStarGem.png 20 Star Gems x1 Seasonal Point 500 5 Grants Star Gems. Fulfill the requirements to receive 20 SG.
5 NGSUIItemStarGem.png 20 Star Gems x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 5 Grants Star Gems. Fulfill the requirements to receive 20 SG.
1 UIItemScratchTicketPass.png Special Scratch Ticket x1 Seasonal Point 500 4 This ticket allows you one attempt at the Bonus Scratch.
1 UIItemScratchTicketPass.png Special Scratch Ticket x1 Seasonal Point 1,500 4 This ticket allows you one attempt at the Bonus Scratch.
7 NGSUIItemCrystiaSword.png Crystia Sword +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 55.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Automfevre
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta III
7 NGSUIItemCrystiaWire.png Crystia Wire +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 55.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Automfevre
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta III
7 NGSUIItemCrystiaSpear.png Crystia Spear +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 55.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Automfevre
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta III
7 NGSUIItemCrystiaDaggers.png Crystia Daggers +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 55.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Automfevre
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta III
7 NGSUIItemCrystiaSaber.png Crystia Saber +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 55.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Automfevre
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta III
7 NGSUIItemCrystiaKnuckles.png Crystia Knuckles +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 55.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Automfevre
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta III
7 NGSUIItemCrystiaRifle.png Crystia Rifle +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 55.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Automfevre
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta III
7 NGSUIItemCrystiaLauncher.png Crystia Launcher +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 55.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Automfevre
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta III
7 NGSUIItemCrystiaMachineGuns.png Crystia Machine Guns +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 55.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Automfevre
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta III
7 NGSUIItemCrystiaRod.png Crystia Rod +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 55.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Automfevre
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta III
7 NGSUIItemCrystiaTalis.png Crystia Talis +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 55.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Automfevre
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta III
7 NGSUIItemCrystiaWand.png Crystia Wand +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 55.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Automfevre
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta III
7 NGSUIItemCrystiaKatana.png Crystia Katana +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 55.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Automfevre
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta III
7 NGSUIItemCrystiaBow.png Crystia Bow +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 55.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Automfevre
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta III
7 NGSUIItemCrystiaBoots.png Crystia Boots +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 55.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Automfevre
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta III
7 NGSUIItemCrystiaBlade.png Crystia Blade +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 55.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Automfevre
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta III
7 NGSUIItemCrystiaHarmonizer.png Crystia Harmonizer +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 55.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Automfevre
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta III
4 NGSUIItemQualDeArmor.png Qual De Armor +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 3 Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Kvar Domina
5 NGSUIItemViosArmor.png Vios Armor +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 3 Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Kvar Domina
6 NGSUIItemSestatoArmor.png Sestato Armor +40 x1 Seasonal Point 15,000 3 Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Alts Secreta III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Kvar Domina
3 NGSUIItemMonotite.png Monotite x1 Seasonal Point 50 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemDualomite.png Dualomite x1 Seasonal Point 50 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemTrinite.png Trinite x1 Seasonal Point 50 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials, Limit Breaking and Exchanged for Affix Capsules at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemTetracite.png Tetracite x1 Seasonal Point 100 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for various purposes like unlocking Potentials at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemPentalite.png Pentalite x1 Seasonal Point 500 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for various purposes like unlocking Potentials at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemPhotonChunk.png Photon Chunk x1 Seasonal Point 300 100 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemPhotonQuartz.png Photon Quartz x1 Seasonal Point 300 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for Multi-weaponization and Exchanged for Affixed Capsules at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemPhotonScale.png Photon Scale x1 Seasonal Point 500 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for various purposes like exchanging capsules at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemBlizzardium.png Blizzardium x1 Seasonal Point 1,500 50 A rare mineral found in rocky places of Kvaris. Can be exchanged for items in certain places.
4 NGSUIItemLowTemperatureResist3.png Low Temperature Damage Resistance +100% x1 Seasonal Point 2,000 20 Increases Low Temperature Damage Resistance by 100% for 60 minutes. Duration will decrease while logged out.
3 NGSUIItemMightCapsule.png C/Might III x1 Seasonal Point 500 40 A capsule that adds the "Might III" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemPrecisionCapsule.png C/Precision III x1 Seasonal Point 500 40 A capsule that adds the "Precision III" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemTechniqueCapsule.png C/Technique III x1 Seasonal Point 500 40 A capsule that adds the "Technique III" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Triplble x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 40 A capsule that adds the "Triplble" Augment to weapons and armor.
4 NGSUIItemMightCapsule.png C/Dust Soul III x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 40 A capsule that adds the "Dust Soul III" Augment to weapons and armor.
4 NGSUIItemPrecisionCapsule.png C/Ragras Soul III x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 40 A capsule that adds the "Ragras Soul III" Augment to weapons and armor.
4 NGSUIItemTechniqueCapsule.png C/Renus Soul III x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 40 A capsule that adds the "Renus Soul III" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemMightCapsule.png C/Gigas Might III x1 Seasonal Point 2,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Gigas Might III" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemPrecisionCapsule.png C/Gigas Precision III x1 Seasonal Point 2,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Gigas Precision III" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemTechniqueCapsule.png C/Gigas Technique III x1 Seasonal Point 2,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Gigas Technique III" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemHPCapsule.png C/Dread Keeper III x1 Seasonal Point 1,500 10 A capsule that adds the "Dread Keeper III" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Megas Fusia x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Megas Fusia" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Alts Secreta III x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Alts Secreta III" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemAlphaReactor.png Alpha Reactor x1 Seasonal Point 300 200 A power reactor of some sort of machine. Can be sold at a high price.
Can be converted to N-Meseta 3,500.
2 NGSUIItemAlphaReactor.png Alpha Reactor x1 Seasonal Point 900 250 A power reactor of some sort of machine. Can be sold at a high price.
Can be converted to N-Meseta 3,500.
5 NGSUIItemNAugmentationAid2.png N-Augmentation Success Rate +10% x1 Seasonal Point 2,500 4 Boosts augmentation success rate when affixing an augment.
1 NGSUIItemNGrinderIcon.png N-Grinder x1 Seasonal Point 100 50 A material used for enhancing weapons and armor. Can draw out capabilities beyond the item's limits.

Exchange Shop Details (Moon-Gazing '22 Event)

This shop's selection was available during the Moon-Gazing '22 Event.

CollapseSeasonal Points Exchange Shop (Moon-Gazing '22 Event)
Rarity Image Name Price Quantity Limit Notes
5 NGSUIMagFormLapintMinimo.png Mag Form/Lapint Minimo x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 1 A device used to change the appearance of the Mag.
5 Bunni Earrings.png Bunni Earrings x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 2 Allows you to select a new accessory.
5 Sunny Finger Puppet.png Sunny Finger Puppet x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 2 Allows you to select a new accessory.
5 Moony Finger Puppet.png Moony Finger Puppet x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 2 Allows you to select a new accessory.
6 NGSUIItemMotion.png MTN: Dash - Long Leap/B x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new motion.
6 NGSUIItemMotion.png MTN: Glide - Powerful/B x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new motion.
5 NGSUIItemStamp.png STP: Sunny - Good! x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new stamp.
5 NGSUIItemStarGem.png 20 Star Gems x1 Seasonal Point 500 5 Grants Star Gems. Fulfill the requirements to receive 20 SG.
5 NGSUIItemStarGem.png 20 Star Gems x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 5 Grants Star Gems. Fulfill the requirements to receive 20 SG.
1 UIItemScratchTicketPass.png Special Scratch Ticket x1 Seasonal Point 500 4 This ticket allows you one attempt at the Bonus Scratch.
1 UIItemScratchTicketPass.png Special Scratch Ticket x1 Seasonal Point 1,500 4 This ticket allows you one attempt at the Bonus Scratch.
6 NGSUIItemCodeckSword.png Codeck Sword +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 40.
Unlocked at Potential (NGS) Potential Level 1.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Lunafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Nighttime Exploit I
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
6 NGSUIItemCodeckWire.png Codeck Wire +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 40.
Unlocked at Potential (NGS) Potential Level 1.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Lunafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Nighttime Exploit I
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
6 NGSUIItemCodeckSpear.png Codeck Spear +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 40.
Unlocked at Potential (NGS) Potential Level 1.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Lunafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Nighttime Exploit I
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
6 NGSUIItemCodeckDaggers.png Codeck Daggers +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 40.
Unlocked at Potential (NGS) Potential Level 1.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Lunafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Nighttime Exploit I
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
6 NGSUIItemCodeckSaber.png Codeck Saber +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 40.
Unlocked at Potential (NGS) Potential Level 1.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Lunafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Nighttime Exploit I
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
6 NGSUIItemCodeckKnuckles.png Codeck Knuckles +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 40.
Unlocked at Potential (NGS) Potential Level 1.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Lunafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Nighttime Exploit I
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
6 NGSUIItemCodeckRifle.png Codeck Rifle +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 40.
Unlocked at Potential (NGS) Potential Level 1.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Lunafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Nighttime Exploit I
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
6 NGSUIItemCodeckLauncher.png Codeck Launcher +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 40.
Unlocked at Potential (NGS) Potential Level 1.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Lunafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Nighttime Exploit I
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
6 NGSUIItemCodeckMachineGuns.png Codeck Machine Guns +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 40.
Unlocked at Potential (NGS) Potential Level 1.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Lunafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Nighttime Exploit I
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
6 NGSUIItemCodeckRod.png Codeck Rod +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 40.
Unlocked at Potential (NGS) Potential Level 1.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Lunafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Nighttime Exploit I
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
6 NGSUIItemCodeckTalis.png Codeck Talis +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 40.
Unlocked at Potential (NGS) Potential Level 1.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Lunafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Nighttime Exploit I
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
6 NGSUIItemCodeckWand.png Codeck Wand +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 40.
Unlocked at Potential (NGS) Potential Level 1.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Lunafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Nighttime Exploit I
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
6 NGSUIItemCodeckKatana.png Codeck Katana +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 40.
Unlocked at Potential (NGS) Potential Level 1.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Lunafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Nighttime Exploit I
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
6 NGSUIItemCodeckBow.png Codeck Bow +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 40.
Unlocked at Potential (NGS) Potential Level 1.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Lunafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Nighttime Exploit I
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
6 NGSUIItemCodeckBoots.png Codeck Boots +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 40.
Unlocked at Potential (NGS) Potential Level 1.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Lunafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Nighttime Exploit I
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
6 NGSUIItemCodeckBlade.png Codeck Blade +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 40.
Unlocked at Potential (NGS) Potential Level 1.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Lunafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Nighttime Exploit I
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
6 NGSUIItemCodeckHarmonizer.png Codeck Harmonizer +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 40.
Unlocked at Potential (NGS) Potential Level 1.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Sezun Lunafiv
  • Ability (NGS) C/Nighttime Exploit I
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
4 NGSUIItemQualDeArmor.png Qual De Armor +40 x1 Seasonal Point 8,000 3 Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Nighttime Exploit I
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Kvar Domina
5 NGSUIItemViosArmor.png Vios Armor +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 3 Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Nighttime Exploit I
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Kvar Domina
6 NGSUIItemSestatoArmor.png Sestato Armor +40 x1 Seasonal Point 15,000 3 Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Nighttime Exploit I
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Triplble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Kvar Domina
3 NGSUIItemMonotite.png Monotite x1 Seasonal Point 50 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemDualomite.png Dualomite x1 Seasonal Point 50 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemTrinite.png Trinite x1 Seasonal Point 50 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials, Limit Breaking and Exchanged for Affix Capsules at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemTetracite.png Tetracite x1 Seasonal Point 100 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for various purposes like unlocking Potentials at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemPentalite.png Pentalite x1 Seasonal Point 500 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for various purposes like unlocking Potentials at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemPhotonChunk.png Photon Chunk x1 Seasonal Point 300 100 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemPhotonQuartz.png Photon Quartz x1 Seasonal Point 300 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for Multi-weaponization and Exchanged for Affixed Capsules at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemPhotonScale.png Photon Scale x1 Seasonal Point 500 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for various purposes like exchanging capsules at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemBlizzardium.png Blizzardium x1 Seasonal Point 1,500 50 A rare mineral found in rocky places of Kvaris. Can be exchanged for items in certain places.
4 NGSUIItemLowTemperatureResist3.png Low Temperature Damage Resistance +100% x1 Seasonal Point 2,000 20 Increases Low Temperature Damage Resistance by 100% for 60 minutes. Duration will decrease while logged out.
3 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Nighttime Exploit I x1 Seasonal Point 300 100 A capsule that adds the "Nighttime Exploit I" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemMightCapsule.png C/Might III x1 Seasonal Point 500 40 A capsule that adds the "Might III" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemPrecisionCapsule.png C/Precision III x1 Seasonal Point 500 40 A capsule that adds the "Precision III" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemTechniqueCapsule.png C/Technique III x1 Seasonal Point 500 40 A capsule that adds the "Technique III" Augment to weapons and armor.
4 NGSUIItemMightCapsule.png C/Daityl Soul III x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 40 A capsule that adds the "Daityl Soul III" Augment to weapons and armor.
4 NGSUIItemPrecisionCapsule.png C/Pettas Soul III x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 40 A capsule that adds the "Pettas Soul III" Augment to weapons and armor.
4 NGSUIItemTechniqueCapsule.png C/Nex Soul III x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 40 A capsule that adds the "Nex Soul III" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemMightCapsule.png C/Might I x1 Seasonal Point 300 A capsule that adds the "Might I" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemPrecisionCapsule.png C/Precision I x1 Seasonal Point 300 A capsule that adds the "Precision I" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemTechniqueCapsule.png C/Technique I x1 Seasonal Point 300 A capsule that adds the "Technique I" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemMightCapsule.png C/Gigas Might III x1 Seasonal Point 2,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Gigas Might III" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemPrecisionCapsule.png C/Gigas Precision III x1 Seasonal Point 2,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Gigas Precision III" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemTechniqueCapsule.png C/Gigas Technique III x1 Seasonal Point 2,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Gigas Technique III" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemHPCapsule.png C/Dread Keeper III x1 Seasonal Point 1,500 10 A capsule that adds the "Dread Keeper III" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Lightning Exploit I x1 Seasonal Point 300 100 A capsule that adds the "Lightning Exploit I" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Ice Exploit I x1 Seasonal Point 300 100 A capsule that adds the "Ice Exploit I" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Fire Exploit I x1 Seasonal Point 300 100 A capsule that adds the "Fire Exploit I" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Wind Exploit I x1 Seasonal Point 300 100 A capsule that adds the "Wind Exploit I" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Light Exploit I x1 Seasonal Point 300 100 A capsule that adds the "Light Exploit I" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Dark Exploit I x1 Seasonal Point 300 100 A capsule that adds the "Dark Exploit I" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemAlphaReactor.png Alpha Reactor x1 Seasonal Point 300 100 A power reactor of some sort of machine. Can be sold at a high price.
Can be converted to N-Meseta 3,500.
2 NGSUIItemAlphaReactor.png Alpha Reactor x1 Seasonal Point 600 100 A power reactor of some sort of machine. Can be sold at a high price.
Can be converted to N-Meseta 3,500.
2 NGSUIItemAlphaReactor.png Alpha Reactor x1 Seasonal Point 900 50 A power reactor of some sort of machine. Can be sold at a high price.
Can be converted to N-Meseta 3,500.
2 NGSUIItemAlphaReactor.png Alpha Reactor x1 Seasonal Point 2,000 200 A power reactor of some sort of machine. Can be sold at a high price.
Can be converted to N-Meseta 3,500.
1 NGSUIItemNGrinderIcon.png N-Grinder x1 Seasonal Point 100 50 A material used for enhancing weapons and armor. Can draw out capabilities beyond the item's limits.
5 NGSUIItemNAugmentationAid2.png N-Augmentation Success Rate +10% x1 Seasonal Point 2,500 4 Boosts augmentation success rate when affixing an augment.
1 NGSUIItemNGrinderIcon.png N-Grinder x1 Seasonal Point 500 - A material used for enhancing weapons and armor. Can draw out capabilities beyond the item's limits.

Exchange Shop Details (10th Anniversary)

This shop's selection was available during the PSO2 10th Anniversary Event.

CollapseSeasonal Points Exchange Shop (10th Anniversary Event)
Rarity Image Name Price Quantity Limit Notes
4 UIItemScratchTicketPass.png PSO2 10th SP Scratch Ticket x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 20 This ticket allows you one attempt at the PSO2 10th Special Scratch.
4 UIItemScratchTicketPass.png PSO2 10th SP Scratch Ticket x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 20 This ticket allows you one attempt at the PSO2 10th Special Scratch.
4 UIItemScratchTicketPass.png PSO2 10th SP Scratch Ticket x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 20 This ticket allows you one attempt at the PSO2 10th Special Scratch.
4 UIItemScratchTicketPass.png PSO2 10th SP Scratch Ticket x1 Seasonal Point 15,000 20 This ticket allows you one attempt at the PSO2 10th Special Scratch.
5 NGSUIMagFormAnnivaMinimo.png Mag Form/Anniva Minimo x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 1 A device used to change the appearance of the Mag.
5 Rappy Finger Puppet.png Rappy Finger Puppet x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 2 Allows you to select a new accessory.
5 Rappy Cap.png Rappy Cap x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 2 Allows you to select a new accessory.
6 NGSUIItemMotion.png MTN: Glide - Rappy/B x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new motion.
6 NGSUIItemMotion.png MTN: Idle - Yummy Ice Cream 2 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new motion.
5 NGSUIItemStamp.png STP: Ceremo Emperappy - 10th Anniversary x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new stamp.
5 NGSUIItemStamp.png STP: NGS Heroines - Congrats x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new stamp.
5 NGSUIItemStamp.png STP: PSO2 Heroines - Congrats x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new stamp.
5 NGSUIItemStarGem.png 20 Star Gems x1 Seasonal Point 500 5 Grants Star Gems. Fulfill the requirements to receive 20 SG.
5 NGSUIItemStarGem.png 20 Star Gems x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 5 Grants Star Gems. Fulfill the requirements to receive 20 SG.
1 UIItemScratchTicketPass.png Special Scratch Ticket x1 Seasonal Point 500 4 This ticket allows you one attempt at the Bonus Scratch.
1 UIItemScratchTicketPass.png Special Scratch Ticket x1 Seasonal Point 1,500 4 This ticket allows you one attempt at the Bonus Scratch.
6 NGSUIItemEvolorbitSword.png Evolorbit Sword +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 53.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Daytime Exploit I
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Tripble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Kvar Domina
6 NGSUIItemEvolorbitWire.png Evolorbit Wire +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 53.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Daytime Exploit I
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Tripble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Kvar Domina
6 NGSUIItemEvolorbitSpear.png Evolorbit Spear +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 53.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Daytime Exploit I
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Tripble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Kvar Domina
6 NGSUIItemEvolorbitDaggers.png Evolorbit Daggers +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 53.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Daytime Exploit I
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Tripble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Kvar Domina
6 NGSUIItemEvolorbitSaber.png Evolorbit Saber +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 53.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Daytime Exploit I
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Tripble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Kvar Domina
6 NGSUIItemEvolorbitKnuckles.png Evolorbit Knuckles +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 53.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Daytime Exploit I
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Tripble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Kvar Domina
6 NGSUIItemEvolorbitRifle.png Evolorbit Rifle +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 53.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Daytime Exploit I
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Tripble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Kvar Domina
6 NGSUIItemEvolorbitLauncher.png Evolorbit Launcher +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 53.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Daytime Exploit I
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Tripble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Kvar Domina
6 NGSUIItemEvolorbitMachineGuns.png Evolorbit Machine Guns +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 53.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Daytime Exploit I
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Tripble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Kvar Domina
6 NGSUIItemEvolorbitRod.png Evolorbit Rod +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 53.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Daytime Exploit I
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Tripble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Kvar Domina
6 NGSUIItemEvolorbitTalis.png Evolorbit Talis +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 53.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Daytime Exploit I
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Tripble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Kvar Domina
6 NGSUIItemEvolorbitWand.png Evolorbit Wand +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 53.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Daytime Exploit I
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Tripble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Kvar Domina
6 NGSUIItemEvolorbitKatana.png Evolorbit Katana +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 53.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Daytime Exploit I
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Tripble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Kvar Domina
6 NGSUIItemEvolorbitBow.png Evolorbit Bow +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 53.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Daytime Exploit I
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Tripble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Kvar Domina
6 NGSUIItemEvolorbitBoots.png Evolorbit Boots +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 53.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Daytime Exploit I
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Tripble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Kvar Domina
6 NGSUIItemEvolorbitBlade.png Evolorbit Blade +40 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 53.
Contains the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Daytime Exploit I
  • Ability (NGS) C/Eradi Soul III
  • Ability (NGS) C/Tripble
  • Ability (NGS) C/Kvar Domina
3 NGSUIItemMonotite.png Monotite x1 Seasonal Point 50 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemDualomite.png Dualomite x1 Seasonal Point 50 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemTrinite.png Trinite x1 Seasonal Point 50 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials, Limit Breaking and Exchanged for Affix Capsules at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemTetracite.png Tetracite x1 Seasonal Point 100 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for various purposes like unlocking Potentials at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemPentalite.png Pentalite x1 Seasonal Point 500 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for various purposes like unlocking Potentials at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemPhotonChunk.png Photon Chunk x1 Seasonal Point 300 100 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemPhotonQuartz.png Photon Quartz x1 Seasonal Point 300 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for Multi-weaponization and Exchanged for Affixed Capsules at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemPhotonScale.png Photon Scale x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for various purposes like exchanging capsules at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemBlizzardium.png Blizzardium x1 Seasonal Point 1,500 50 A rare mineral found in rocky places of Kvaris. Can be exchanged for items in certain places.
4 NGSUIItemLowTemperatureResist3.png Low Temperature Damage Resistance +100% x1 Seasonal Point 2,000 20 Increases Low Temperature Damage Resistance by 100% for 60 minutes. Duration will decrease while logged out.
3 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Daytime Exploit I x1 Seasonal Point 300 100 A capsule that adds the "Daytime Exploit I" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemMightCapsule.png C/Might III x1 Seasonal Point 500 10 A capsule that adds the "Might III" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemPrecisionCapsule.png C/Precision III x1 Seasonal Point 500 10 A capsule that adds the "Precision III" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemTechniqueCapsule.png C/Technique III x1 Seasonal Point 500 10 A capsule that adds the "Technique III" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Melra Dualble III x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Melra Dualble III" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Meltech Dualble III x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Meltech Dualble III" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Ratech Dualble III x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Ratech Dualble III" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Kvar Note A x1 Seasonal Point 500 10 A capsule that adds the "Kvar Note A" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Kvar Note B x1 Seasonal Point 500 10 A capsule that adds the "Kvar Note B" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Kvar Note C x1 Seasonal Point 500 10 A capsule that adds the "Kvar Note C" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Kvar Note D x1 Seasonal Point 500 10 A capsule that adds the "Kvar Note D" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Ael Note A x1 Seasonal Point 500 10 A capsule that adds the "Ael Note A" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Ael Note B x1 Seasonal Point 500 10 A capsule that adds the "Ael Note B" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Ael Note C x1 Seasonal Point 500 10 A capsule that adds the "Ael Note C" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Ael Note D x1 Seasonal Point 500 10 A capsule that adds the "Ael Note D" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Ret Note A x1 Seasonal Point 500 10 A capsule that adds the "Ret Note A" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Ret Note B x1 Seasonal Point 500 10 A capsule that adds the "Ret Note B" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Ret Note C x1 Seasonal Point 500 10 A capsule that adds the "Ret Note C" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Ret Note D x1 Seasonal Point 500 10 A capsule that adds the "Ret Note D" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemMightCapsule.png C/Gigas Might III x1 Seasonal Point 2,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Gigas Might III" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemPrecisionCapsule.png C/Gigas Precision III x1 Seasonal Point 2,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Gigas Precision III" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemTechniqueCapsule.png C/Gigas Technique III x1 Seasonal Point 2,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Gigas Technique III" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemHPCapsule.png C/Dread Keeper III x1 Seasonal Point 1,500 10 A capsule that adds the "Dread Keeper III" Augment to weapons and armor.
3 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Megas Fusia x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Megas Fusia" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemAlphaReactor.png Alpha Reactor x1 Seasonal Point 300 100 A power reactor of some sort of machine. Can be sold at a high price.
Can be converted to N-Meseta 3,500.
2 NGSUIItemAlphaReactor.png Alpha Reactor x1 Seasonal Point 600 100 A power reactor of some sort of machine. Can be sold at a high price.
Can be converted to N-Meseta 3,500.
2 NGSUIItemAlphaReactor.png Alpha Reactor x1 Seasonal Point 900 50 A power reactor of some sort of machine. Can be sold at a high price.
Can be converted to N-Meseta 3,500.
2 NGSUIItemAlphaReactor.png Alpha Reactor x1 Seasonal Point 2,000 200 A power reactor of some sort of machine. Can be sold at a high price.
Can be converted to N-Meseta 3,500.
1 NGSUIItemNGrinderIcon.png N-Grinder x1 Seasonal Point 100 50 A material used for enhancing weapons and armor. Can draw out capabilities beyond the item's limits.
5 NGSUIItemNAugmentationAid2.png N-Augmentation Success Rate +10% x1 Seasonal Point 2,500 4 Boosts augmentation success rate when affixing an augment.
1 NGSUIItemNGrinderIcon.png N-Grinder x1 Seasonal Point 500 - A material used for enhancing weapons and armor. Can draw out capabilities beyond the item's limits.

Exchange Shop Details (NGS 1st Anniversary Event)

This shop's selection was available during the NGS 1st Anniversary Event.

CollapseSeasonal Points Exchange Shop (NGS 1st Anniversary Event)
Rarity Image Name Price Quantity Limit Notes
5 NGSUIItemColorChangePass.png NGS 1st Anniversary Exchange Ticket x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 4 Tickets that can be exchanged for items through Xitre during the corresponding event.
5 NGSUIMagFormFelicitaMinimo.png Mag Form/Felicita Minimo x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 1 A device used to change the appearance of the Mag.
5 NGSUIItemStamp.png STP: The Captain is Here! x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new stamp.
5 Companion Aina.png Companion Aina x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 2 Allows you to select a new accessory.
5 Companion Manon.png Companion Manon x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 2 Allows you to select a new accessory.
6 NGSUIItemMotion.png MTN: Dash - Hover/B x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new motion.
6 NGSUIItemMotion.png MTN: Glide - Helicopter/B x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new motion.
5 NGSUIItemStamp.png STP: Manon - Unhappy x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new stamp.
5 NGSUIItemStamp.png STP: Paradise x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new stamp.
5 NGSUIItemStamp.png STP: Rock x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new stamp.
5 NGSUIItemStamp.png STP: Scissors x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new stamp.
5 NGSUIItemStamp.png STP: Paper x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new stamp.
5 NGSUIItemStamp.png STP: Over here! x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new stamp.
5 NGSUIItemStamp.png STP: Aina - Munch x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new stamp.
5 NGSUIItemStamp.png STP: Oh, How Nice... x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new stamp.
5 NGSUIItemStamp.png STP: I'm Out of Reversasigne! x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new stamp.
5 NGSUIItemStamp.png STP: I Don't Understand x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new stamp.
5 NGSUIItemStamp.png STP: Rappy - Cry of Despair x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new stamp.
5 NGSUIItemStamp.png STP: Dotts - Take Aim! x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new stamp.
5 NGSUIItemStamp.png STP: Take Them Out! x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new stamp.
5 NGSUIItemStamp.png STP: Ash - Fired Up x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new stamp.
5 NGSUIItemStamp.png STP: Risa - Stare x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new stamp.
5 NGSUIItemStarGem.png 20 Star Gems x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 5 Grants Star Gems. Fulfill the requirements to receive 20 SG.
5 NGSUIItemStarGem.png 20 Star Gems x1 Seasonal Point 1,500 5 Grants Star Gems. Fulfill the requirements to receive 20 SG.
1 UIItemScratchTicketPass.png Special Scratch Ticket x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 4 This ticket allows you one attempt at the Bonus Scratch.
1 UIItemScratchTicketPass.png Special Scratch Ticket x1 Seasonal Point 1,500 4 This ticket allows you one attempt at the Bonus Scratch.
5 NGSUIItemObscuraSpear.png Obscura Spear +40 x1 Seasonal Point 3,000 2 Equippable at Level 15.
Contains the Dark (NGS) Attribute.
5 NGSUIItemObscuraDaggers.png Obscura Daggers +40 x1 Seasonal Point 3,000 2 Equippable at Level 15.
Contains the Dark (NGS) Attribute.
5 NGSUIItemObscuraKnuckles.png Obscura Knuckles +40 x1 Seasonal Point 3,000 2 Equippable at Level 15.
Contains the Dark (NGS) Attribute.
5 NGSUIItemObscuraKatana.png Obscura Katana +40 x1 Seasonal Point 3,000 2 Equippable at Level 15.
Contains the Dark (NGS) Attribute.
5 NGSUIItemObscuraLauncher.png Obscura Launcher +40 x1 Seasonal Point 3,000 2 Equippable at Level 15.
Contains the Dark (NGS) Attribute.
5 NGSUIItemObscuraMachineGuns.png Obscura Machine Guns +40 x1 Seasonal Point 3,000 2 Equippable at Level 15.
Contains the Dark (NGS) Attribute.
5 NGSUIItemObscuraRod.png Obscura Rod +40 x1 Seasonal Point 3,000 2 Equippable at Level 15.
Contains the Dark (NGS) Attribute.
5 NGSUIItemObscuraWand.png Obscura Wand +40 x1 Seasonal Point 3,000 2 Equippable at Level 15.
Contains the Dark (NGS) Attribute.
5 NGSUIItemObscuraBoots.png Obscura Boots +40 x1 Seasonal Point 3,000 2 Equippable at Level 15.
Contains the Dark (NGS) Attribute.
8 NGSUIItemGlissenSword.png Glissen Almati x1 Seasonal Point 20,000 1 A Weapon Camo that changes a weapon's appearance.
8 NGSUIItemFrostelWire.png Frostel Almati x1 Seasonal Point 20,000 1 A Weapon Camo that changes a weapon's appearance.
8 NGSUIItemFlamelSpear.png Flamel Almati x1 Seasonal Point 20,000 1 A Weapon Camo that changes a weapon's appearance.
3 NGSUIItemMonotite.png Monotite x1 Seasonal Point 50 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemDualomite.png Dualomite x1 Seasonal Point 50 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemTrinite.png Trinite x1 Seasonal Point 50 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials, Limit Breaking and Exchanged for Affix Capsules at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemTetracite.png Tetracite x1 Seasonal Point 400 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for various purposes like unlocking Potentials at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemPhotonChunk.png Photon Chunk x1 Seasonal Point 500 100 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemPhotonQuartz.png Photon Quartz x1 Seasonal Point 300 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for Multi-weaponization and Exchanged for Affixed Capsules at the Item Lab.
1 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Dark Exploit I x1 Seasonal Point 300 100 A capsule that adds the "Dark Exploit I" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemMightCapsule.png C/Might III x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Might III" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemPrecisionCapsule.png C/Precision III x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Precision III" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemTechniqueCapsule.png C/Technique III x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Technique III" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Melra Dualble III x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Melra Dualble III" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Meltech Dualble III x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Meltech Dualble III" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Ratech Dualble III x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Ratech Dualble III" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemMightCapsule.png C/Forms Soul II x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Forms Soul II" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemPrecisionCapsule.png C/Forms Machini Soul II x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Forms Machini Soul II" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemTechniqueCapsule.png C/Forms Sand Soul II x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Forms Sand Soul II" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemMightCapsule.png C/Daityl Soul II x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Daityl Soul II" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemPrecisionCapsule.png C/Pettas Soul II x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Pettas Soul II" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemTechniqueCapsule.png C/Nex Soul II x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Nex Soul II" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemAlphaReactor.png Alpha Reactor x1 Seasonal Point 300 100 A power reactor of some sort of machine. Can be sold at a high price.
Can be converted to N-Meseta 3,500.
2 NGSUIItemAlphaReactor.png Alpha Reactor x1 Seasonal Point 600 100 A power reactor of some sort of machine. Can be sold at a high price.
Can be converted to N-Meseta 3,500.
2 NGSUIItemAlphaReactor.png Alpha Reactor x1 Seasonal Point 900 50 A power reactor of some sort of machine. Can be sold at a high price.
Can be converted to N-Meseta 3,500.
2 NGSUIItemAlphaReactor.png Alpha Reactor x1 Seasonal Point 2,000 200 A power reactor of some sort of machine. Can be sold at a high price.
Can be converted to N-Meseta 3,500.
1 NGSUIItemNGrinderIcon.png N-Grinder x1 Seasonal Point 100 50 A material used for enhancing weapons and armor. Can draw out capabilities beyond the item's limits.
5 NGSUIItemNAugmentationAid2.png N-Augmentation Success Rate +10% x1 Seasonal Point 2,500 4 Boosts augmentation success rate when affixing an augment.
1 NGSUIItemNGrinderIcon.png N-Grinder x1 Seasonal Point 500 - A material used for enhancing weapons and armor. Can draw out capabilities beyond the item's limits.

Exchange Shop Details (Spring '22 Event)

This shop's selection is available during the Spring '22 Event.

CollapseSeasonal Points Exchange Shop (Spring '22 Event)
Rarity Image Name Price Quantity Limit Notes
1 UIItemScratchTicketPass.png Spring '22 SP Scratch Ticket x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 This ticket allows you one attempt at the Spring '22 Special Scratch.
1 UIItemScratchTicketPass.png Spring '22 SP Scratch Ticket x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 10 This ticket allows you one attempt at the Spring '22 Special Scratch.
3 NGSUIItemBTriggerSeasonal.png B-Trigger/Spring '22 x1 Seasonal Point 500 10 A Trigger usable at a dedicated Portal. Consumed upon clearing Drill: Flurry of Flowers Clean Up Op.
3 NGSUIItemBTriggerSeasonal.png B-Trigger/Spring '22 x1 Seasonal Point 1,500 90 A Trigger usable at a dedicated Portal. Consumed upon clearing Drill: Flurry of Flowers Clean Up Op.
5 NGSUIMagFormSpringMinimo.png Mag Form/Spring Minimo x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 1 A device used to change the appearance of the Mag.
5 NGSUIItemStamp.png STP: Moony & Sunny - Flower Viewing x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new stamp.
5 Cute Rabbit Slippers.png Cute Rabbit Slippers x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 2 Allows you to select a new accessory.
5 Decorative Knot Tassel.png Decorative Knot Tassel x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 2 Allows you to select a new accessory.
6 NGSUIItemMotion.png MTN: Dash - Standard/B x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new motion.
6 NGSUIItemMotion.png MTN: Glide - Standard/B x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new motion.
5 NGSUIItemStarGem.png 20 Star Gems x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 5 Grants Star Gems. Fulfill the requirements to receive 20 SG.
5 NGSUIItemStarGem.png 20 Star Gems x1 Seasonal Point 1,500 5 Grants Star Gems. Fulfill the requirements to receive 20 SG.
1 UIItemScratchTicketPass.png Special Scratch Ticket x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 4 This ticket allows you one attempt at the Bonus Scratch.
1 UIItemScratchTicketPass.png Special Scratch Ticket x1 Seasonal Point 1,500 4 This ticket allows you one attempt at the Bonus Scratch.
5 NGSUIItemLumiereSword.png Lumiere Sword +25 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 15.
Contains the Light (NGS) Attribute.
5 NGSUIItemLumiereWire.png Lumiere Wire +25 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 15.
Contains the Light (NGS) Attribute.
5 NGSUIItemLumiereDaggers.png Lumiere Daggers +25 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 15.
Contains the Light (NGS) Attribute.
5 NGSUIItemLumiereSaber.png Lumiere Saber +25 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 15.
Contains the Light (NGS) Attribute.
5 NGSUIItemLumiereKnuckles.png Lumiere Knuckles +25 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 15.
Contains the Light (NGS) Attribute.
5 NGSUIItemLumiereBlade.png Lumiere Blade +25 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 15.
Contains the Light (NGS) Attribute.
5 NGSUIItemLumiereRifle.png Lumiere Rifle +25 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 15.
Contains the Light (NGS) Attribute.
5 NGSUIItemLumiereBow.png Lumiere Bow +25 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 15.
Contains the Light (NGS) Attribute.
5 NGSUIItemLumiereRod.png Lumiere Rod +25 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 15.
Contains the Light (NGS) Attribute.
5 NGSUIItemLumiereTalis.png Lumiere Talis +25 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 15.
Contains the Light (NGS) Attribute.
5 NGSUIItemLumiereBoots.png Lumiere Boots +25 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 15.
Contains the Light (NGS) Attribute.
3 NGSUIItemMonotite.png Monotite x1 Seasonal Point 50 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemDualomite.png Dualomite x1 Seasonal Point 50 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemTrinite.png Trinite x1 Seasonal Point 50 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials, Limit Breaking and Exchanged for Affix Capsules at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemTetracite.png Tetracite x1 Seasonal Point 400 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for various purposes like unlocking Potentials at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemPhotonChunk.png Photon Chunk x1 Seasonal Point 500 100 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemPhotonQuartz.png Photon Quartz x1 Seasonal Point 300 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for Multi-weaponization and Exchanged for Affixed Capsules at the Item Lab.
1 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Light Exploit I x1 Seasonal Point 300 50 A capsule that adds the "Light Exploit I" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemMightCapsule.png C/Might III x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Might III" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemPrecisionCapsule.png C/Precision III x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Precision III" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemTechniqueCapsule.png C/Technique III x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Technique III" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Melra Dualble III x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Melra Dualble III" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Meltech Dualble III x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Meltech Dualble III" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Ratech Dualble III x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Ratech Dualble III" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemMightCapsule.png C/Forms Soul II x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Forms Soul II" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemPrecisionCapsule.png C/Forms Machini Soul II x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Forms Machini Soul II" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemTechniqueCapsule.png C/Forms Sand Soul II x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Forms Sand Soul II" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemMightCapsule.png C/Daityl Soul II x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Daityl Soul II" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemPrecisionCapsule.png C/Pettas Soul II x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Pettas Soul II" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemTechniqueCapsule.png C/Nex Soul II x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Nex Soul II" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemMightCapsule.png C/Daityl Soul II x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Daityl Soul II" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemPrecisionCapsule.png C/Pettas Soul II x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Pettas Soul II" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemTechniqueCapsule.png C/Nex Soul II x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Nex Soul II" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemAlphaReactor.png Alpha Reactor x1 Seasonal Point 300 100 A power reactor of some sort of machine. Can be sold at a high price.
Can be converted to N-Meseta 3,500.
2 NGSUIItemAlphaReactor.png Alpha Reactor x1 Seasonal Point 600 100 A power reactor of some sort of machine. Can be sold at a high price.
Can be converted to N-Meseta 3,500.
2 NGSUIItemAlphaReactor.png Alpha Reactor x1 Seasonal Point 900 50 A power reactor of some sort of machine. Can be sold at a high price.
Can be converted to N-Meseta 3,500.
2 NGSUIItemAlphaReactor.png Alpha Reactor x1 Seasonal Point 2,000 200 A power reactor of some sort of machine. Can be sold at a high price.
Can be converted to N-Meseta 3,500.
1 NGSUIItemNGrinderIcon.png N-Grinder x1 Seasonal Point 100 50 A material used for enhancing weapons and armor. Can draw out capabilities beyond the item's limits.
5 NGSUIItemNAugmentationAid2.png N-Augmentation Success Rate +10% x1 Seasonal Point 2,500 4 Boosts augmentation success rate when affixing an augment.
1 NGSUIItemNGrinderIcon.png N-Grinder x1 Seasonal Point 500 - A material used for enhancing weapons and armor. Can draw out capabilities beyond the item's limits.

Exchange Shop Details (Winter Event)

This shop's selection is available during the Winter Event.

CollapseSeasonal Points Exchange Shop (Winter Event)
Rarity Image Name Price Quantity Limit Notes
5 NGSUIMagFormWinterMinimo.png Mag Form/Winter Minimo x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 1 A device used to change the appearance of the Mag.
5 NGSUIItemStamp.png STP: Rappy - Snowfriends x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new stamp.
5 Tiger Cape.png Tiger Cape x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 2 Allows you to select a new accessory.
5 Tiger Head Mount.png Tiger Head-Mount x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 2 Allows you to select a new accessory.
5 Rope Ribbon.png Rope Ribbon x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 2 Allows you to select a new accessory.
5 NGSUIItemStarGem.png 20 Star Gems x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 5 Grants Star Gems. Fulfill the requirements to receive 20 SG.
5 NGSUIItemStarGem.png 20 Star Gems x1 Seasonal Point 1,500 5 Grants Star Gems. Fulfill the requirements to receive 20 SG.
1 UIItemScratchTicketPass.png Special Scratch Ticket x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 4 This ticket allows you one attempt at the Bonus Scratch.
1 UIItemScratchTicketPass.png Special Scratch Ticket x1 Seasonal Point 1,500 4 This ticket allows you one attempt at the Bonus Scratch.
5 NGSUIItemTempestaSword.png Tempesta Sword +25 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 15.
Contains the Wind (NGS) Attribute.
5 NGSUIItemTempestaSpear.png Tempesta Spear +25 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 15.
Contains the Wind (NGS) Attribute.
5 NGSUIItemTempestaKnuckles.png Tempesta Knuckles +25 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 15.
Contains the Wind (NGS) Attribute.
5 NGSUIItemTempestaKatana.png Tempesta Katana +25 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 15.
Contains the Wind (NGS) Attribute.
5 NGSUIItemTempestaBlade.png Tempesta Blade +25 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 15.
Contains the Wind (NGS) Attribute.
5 NGSUIItemTempestaRifle.png Tempesta Rifle +25 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 15.
Contains the Wind (NGS) Attribute.
5 NGSUIItemTempestaLauncher.png Tempesta Launcher +25 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 15.
Contains the Wind (NGS) Attribute.
5 NGSUIItemTempestaBow.png Tempesta Bow +25 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 15.
Contains the Wind (NGS) Attribute.
5 NGSUIItemTempestaRod.png Tempesta Rod +25 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 15.
Contains the Wind (NGS) Attribute.
5 NGSUIItemTempestaTalis.png Tempesta Talis +25 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 15.
Contains the Wind (NGS) Attribute.
5 NGSUIItemTempestaBoots.png Tempesta Boots +25 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 2 Equippable at Level 15.
Contains the Wind (NGS) Attribute.
3 NGSUIItemMonotite.png Monotite x1 Seasonal Point 50 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemDualomite.png Dualomite x1 Seasonal Point 50 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemTrinite.png Trinite x1 Seasonal Point 50 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials, Limit Breaking and Exchanged for Affix Capsules at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemTetracite.png Tetracite x1 Seasonal Point 400 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for various purposes like unlocking Potentials at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemPhotonChunk.png Photon Chunk x1 Seasonal Point 500 100 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemPhotonQuartz.png Photon Quartz x1 Seasonal Point 300 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for Multi-weaponization and Exchanged for Affixed Capsules at the Item Lab.
1 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Wind Exploit I x1 Seasonal Point 300 50 A capsule that adds the "Wind Exploit I" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemMightCapsule.png C/Might III x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Might III" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemPrecisionCapsule.png C/Precision III x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Precision III" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemTechniqueCapsule.png C/Technique III x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Technique III" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Melra Dualble III x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Melra Dualble III" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Meltech Dualble III x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Meltech Dualble III" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Ratech Dualble III x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Ratech Dualble III" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemMightCapsule.png C/Daityl Soul II x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Daityl Soul II" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemPrecisionCapsule.png C/Pettas Soul II x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Pettas Soul II" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemTechniqueCapsule.png C/Nex Soul II x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Nex Soul II" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemMightCapsule.png C/Daityl Soul II x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Daityl Soul II" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemPrecisionCapsule.png C/Pettas Soul II x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Pettas Soul II" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemTechniqueCapsule.png C/Nex Soul II x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Nex Soul II" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemAlphaReactor.png Alpha Reactor x1 Seasonal Point 300 100 A power reactor of some sort of machine. Can be sold at a high price.
Can be converted to N-Meseta 3,500.
2 NGSUIItemAlphaReactor.png Alpha Reactor x1 Seasonal Point 600 100 A power reactor of some sort of machine. Can be sold at a high price.
Can be converted to N-Meseta 3,500.
2 NGSUIItemAlphaReactor.png Alpha Reactor x1 Seasonal Point 900 50 A power reactor of some sort of machine. Can be sold at a high price.
Can be converted to N-Meseta 3,500.
1 NGSUIItemNGrinderIcon.png N-Grinder x1 Seasonal Point 100 50 A material used for enhancing weapons and armor. Can draw out capabilities beyond the item's limits.
5 NGSUIItemNAugmentationAid2.png N-Augmentation Success Rate +10% x1 Seasonal Point 2,500 4 Boosts augmentation success rate when affixing an augment.
1 NGSUIItemNGrinderIcon.png N-Grinder x1 Seasonal Point 500 - A material used for enhancing weapons and armor. Can draw out capabilities beyond the item's limits.

Exchange Shop Details (Halloween Fiesta)

This shop's selection is available during the Halloween Fiesta Event.

CollapseSeasonal Points Exchange Shop (Halloween Fiesta Event)
Rarity Image Name Price Quantity Limit Notes
5 NGSUIMagFormAutumnMinimo.png Mag Form/Autumn Minimo x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 1 A device used to change the appearance of the Mag.
5 NGSUIItemStamp.png STP: Rappy - Halloween x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new stamp.
5 Autumn Branch.png Autumn Branch x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 2 Allows you to select a new accessory.
5 Mushroom Earrings.png Mushroom Earrings x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 2 Allows you to select a new accessory.
5 NGSUIItemStarGem.png 20 Star Gems x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 5 Grants Star Gems. Fulfill the requirements to receive 20 SG.
5 NGSUIItemStarGem.png 20 Star Gems x1 Seasonal Point 1,500 5 Grants Star Gems. Fulfill the requirements to receive 20 SG.
1 UIItemScratchTicketPass.png Special Scratch Ticket x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 4 This ticket allows you one attempt at the Bonus Scratch.
1 UIItemScratchTicketPass.png Special Scratch Ticket x1 Seasonal Point 1,500 4 This ticket allows you one attempt at the Bonus Scratch.
4 NGSUIItemFlamelSpear.png Flamel Spear +25 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 3 Equippable at Level 14.
Contains the Fire (NGS) Attribute.
4 NGSUIItemFlamelDaggers.png Flamel Daggers +25 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 3 Equippable at Level 14.
Contains the Fire (NGS) Attribute.
4 NGSUIItemFlamelSaber.png Flamel Saber +25 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 3 Equippable at Level 14.
Contains the Fire (NGS) Attribute.
4 NGSUIItemFlamelRifle.png Flamel Rifle +25 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 3 Equippable at Level 14.
Contains the Fire (NGS) Attribute.
4 NGSUIItemFlamelMachineGuns.png Flamel Machine Guns +25 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 3 Equippable at Level 14.
Contains the Fire (NGS) Attribute.
4 NGSUIItemFlamelTalis.png Flamel Talis +25 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 3 Equippable at Level 14.
Contains the Fire (NGS) Attribute.
4 NGSUIItemFlamelWand.png Flamel Wand +25 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 3 Equippable at Level 14.
Contains the Fire (NGS) Attribute.
4 NGSUIItemFlamelBow.png Flamel Bow +25 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 3 Equippable at Level 14.
Contains the Fire (NGS) Attribute.
4 NGSUIItemFlamelBlade.png Flamel Blades +25 x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 3 Equippable at Level 14.
Contains the Fire (NGS) Attribute.
3 NGSUIItemMonotite.png Monotite x1 Seasonal Point 50 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemDualomite.png Dualomite x1 Seasonal Point 50 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemTrinite.png Trinite x1 Seasonal Point 50 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials, Limit Breaking and Exchanged for Affix Capsules at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemPhotonChunk.png Photon Chunk x1 Seasonal Point 500 100 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemPhotonQuartz.png Photon Quartz x1 Seasonal Point 300 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for Multi-weaponization and Exchanged for Affixed Capsules at the Item Lab.
1 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Fire Exploit I x1 Seasonal Point 300 50 A capsule that adds the "Fire Exploit I" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemMightCapsule.png C/Might III x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Might III" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemPrecisionCapsule.png C/Precision III x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Precision III" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemTechniqueCapsule.png C/Technique III x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Technique III" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemHPCapsule.png C/Alts Soul II x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Alts Soul II" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemMightCapsule.png C/Daityl Soul II x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Daityl Soul II" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemPrecisionCapsule.png C/Pettas Soul II x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Pettas Soul II" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemTechniqueCapsule.png C/Nex Soul II x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Nex Soul II" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemHPCapsule.png C/Alts Soul II x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Alts Soul II" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemMightCapsule.png C/Daityl Soul II x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Daityl Soul II" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemPrecisionCapsule.png C/Pettas Soul II x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Pettas Soul II" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemTechniqueCapsule.png C/Nex Soul II x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Nex Soul II" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemAlphaReactor.png Alpha Reactor x1 Seasonal Point 300 100 A power reactor of some sort of machine. Can be sold at a high price.
Can be converted to N-Meseta 3,500.
2 NGSUIItemAlphaReactor.png Alpha Reactor x1 Seasonal Point 600 100 A power reactor of some sort of machine. Can be sold at a high price.
Can be converted to N-Meseta 3,500.
2 NGSUIItemAlphaReactor.png Alpha Reactor x1 Seasonal Point 900 50 A power reactor of some sort of machine. Can be sold at a high price.
Can be converted to N-Meseta 3,500.
1 NGSUIItemNGrinderIcon.png N-Grinder x1 Seasonal Point 100 50 A material used for enhancing weapons and armor. Can draw out capabilities beyond the item's limits.
5 NGSUIItemNAugmentationAid2.png N-Augmentation Success Rate +10% x1 Seasonal Point 2,500 4 Boosts augmentation success rate when affixing an augment.
1 NGSUIItemNGrinderIcon.png N-Grinder x1 Seasonal Point 500 - A material used for enhancing weapons and armor. Can draw out capabilities beyond the item's limits.

Exchange Shop Details (Autumn Moon-Gazing)

This shop's selection is available during the Autumn Moon-Gazing Event.

CollapseSeasonal Points Exchange Shop (Autumn Moon-Gazing Event)
Rarity Image Name Price Quantity Limit Notes
5 NGSUIItemStamp.png STP: Moony & Sunny - Moon-Gazing x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new stamp.
5 Bunni Hood.png Bunni Hood x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 2 Allows you to select a new accessory.
5 Bunni Hairpin.png Bunni Hairpin x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 2 Allows you to select a new accessory.
5 NGSUIItemStarGem.png 20 Star Gems x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 5 Grants Star Gems. Fulfill the requirements to receive 20 SG.
5 NGSUIItemStarGem.png 20 Star Gems x1 Seasonal Point 1,500 5 Grants Star Gems. Fulfill the requirements to receive 20 SG.
3 NGSUIItemFrostelWire.png Frostel Wire x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Equippable at Level 13.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
3 NGSUIItemFrostelSaber.png Frostel Saber x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Equippable at Level 13.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
3 NGSUIItemFrostelKatana.png Frostel Katana x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Equippable at Level 13.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
3 NGSUIItemFrostelLauncher.png Frostel Launcher x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Equippable at Level 13.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
3 NGSUIItemFrostelMachineGuns.png Frostel Machine Guns x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Equippable at Level 13.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
3 NGSUIItemFrostelRod.png Frostel Rod x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Equippable at Level 13.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
3 NGSUIItemFrostelWand.png Frostel Wand x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Equippable at Level 13.
Contains the Ice (NGS) Attribute.
3 NGSUIItemTrinite.png Trinite x1 Seasonal Point 500 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials, Limit Breaking and Exchanged for Affix Capsules at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemPhotonQuartz.png Photon Quartz x1 Seasonal Point 300 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for Multi-weaponization and Exchanged for Affixed Capsules at the Item Lab.
1 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Ice Exploit I x1 Seasonal Point 300 50 A capsule that adds the "Ice Exploit I" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemMightCapsule.png C/Might III x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Might III" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemPrecisionCapsule.png C/Precision III x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Precision III" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemTechniqueCapsule.png C/Technique III x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Technique III" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemAlphaReactor.png Alpha Reactor x1 Seasonal Point 300 200 A power reactor of some sort of machine. Can be sold at a high price.
Can be converted to N-Meseta 3,500.
1 NGSUIItemNGrinderIcon.png N-Grinder x1 Seasonal Point 100 50 A material used for enhancing weapons and armor. Can draw out capabilities beyond the item's limits.

Exchange Shop Details (9th Anniversary)

A total of Seasonal Point 262,500 is required to purchase everything in the shop. This shop's selection was available during the PSO2 9th Anniversary Event.

CollapseSeasonal Points Exchange Shop (9th Anniversary Event)
Rarity Image Name Price Quantity Limit Notes
5 NGSUIItemStamp.png STP: Moony & Sunny - Heart x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 1 Allows all characters to use a new stamp.
5 Twinkling Ribbon.png Twinkling Ribbon x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 2 Allows you to select a new accessory.
5 Stellar Raiment.png Stellar Raiment x1 Seasonal Point 5,000 2 Allows you to select a new accessory.
5 NGSUIItemStarGem.png 20 Star Gems x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 5 Grants Star Gems. Fulfill the requirements to receive 20 SG.
5 NGSUIItemStarGem.png 20 Star Gems x1 Seasonal Point 1,500 5 Grants Star Gems. Fulfill the requirements to receive 20 SG.
3 NGSUIItemGlissenSword.png Glissen Sword x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Equippable at Level 13.
Contains the Lightning (NGS) Attribute.
3 NGSUIItemGlissenWire.png Glissen Wire x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Equippable at Level 13.
Contains the Lightning (NGS) Attribute.
3 NGSUIItemGlissenSaber.png Glissen Saber x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Equippable at Level 13.
Contains the Lightning (NGS) Attribute.
3 NGSUIItemGlissenKnuckles.png Glissen Knuckles x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Equippable at Level 13.
Contains the Lightning (NGS) Attribute.
3 NGSUIItemGlissenLauncher.png Glissen Launcher x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Equippable at Level 13.
Contains the Lightning (NGS) Attribute.
3 NGSUIItemGlissenMachineGuns.png Glissen Machine Guns x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Equippable at Level 13.
Contains the Lightning (NGS) Attribute.
3 NGSUIItemGlissenTalis.png Glissen Talis x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Equippable at Level 13.
Contains the Lightning (NGS) Attribute.
3 NGSUIItemGlissenWand.png Glissen Wand x1 Seasonal Point 10,000 1 Equippable at Level 13.
Contains the Lightning (NGS) Attribute.
2 NGSUIItemPhotonChunk.png Photon Chunk x1 Seasonal Point 500 100 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemPhotonQuartz.png Photon Quartz x1 Seasonal Point 300 50 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for Multi-weaponization and Exchanged for Affixed Capsules at the Item Lab.
1 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png C/Lightning Exploit I x1 Seasonal Point 300 50 A capsule that adds the "Lightning Exploit I" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemMightCapsule.png C/Might III x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Might III" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemPrecisionCapsule.png C/Precision III x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Precision III" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemTechniqueCapsule.png C/Technique III x1 Seasonal Point 1,000 10 A capsule that adds the "Technique III" Augment to weapons and armor.
2 NGSUIItemAlphaReactor.png Alpha Reactor x1 Seasonal Point 300 100 A power reactor of some sort of machine. Can be sold at a high price.
Can be converted to N-Meseta 3,500.
1 NGSUIItemNGrinderIcon.png N-Grinder x1 Seasonal Point 100 50 A material used for enhancing weapons and armor. Can draw out capabilities beyond the item's limits.