New Genesis: Relay Quest: City Throwing Drill

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Quest Information Quests
Urgent Quest Urgent Quests Pedestal Battledia Quests Trigger Quest Trigger Quests Trinitas Trinitas Quests
Trainia Quest Trainia Advance Quests Trainia Quest Standing Quests Duel Quest Duel Quests Limited-Time Quest Limited-Time Quests
Dimensional Fault Major Target Suppression Missions Clock Time Extension Quests
Relay Quest: City Throwing Drill
Quest Type Limited-Time Quests
Battle Power Requirements
Rank 1 3981
Average Enemy Level
Rank 1 Lv. 95
Quest Details
Location Aelio City
Single/Multi-Party NGSUIMulti4Party.png Multi-Party Quests
Party Invitation Allowed
Time Limit 30:00
Damage Limit None
First Clear Rewards
Rank 1 NGS Pass Icon Spring '25 SP Scratch Ticket x5
Rank 1 NGS EXP Icon 900,000
Seasonal Point 75,000


Relay Quest: City Throwing Drill is a Limited Time Quest during the Spring '25 Event.

This Relay Quest was available from 3/15/2025 ~ 3/17/2025.

Quest Objective

Defeat the specified number of targets.

Quest Description

This is a special combat practice drill discovered while analyzing battle data.
In the current simulation, you will experience a test to measure the accuracy of your throwing ability.
Give this training a try if you're confident in your skills.
Non-combat simulation

Unique Enemies

Quest Dialog

NGS Emergency Trial Start of Wave 1 Dialog

Ran: Targets have appeared within Central City!
Destroy 40 of them!

NGS Emergency Trial Start of Wave 2 Dialog

Ran: A large number of new targets have appeared!
Destroy 300 of them!

NGS Emergency Trial Start of Wave 3 Dialog

Ran: That's the spirit! Keep it up,
more targets are appearing!

Near the end of Wave 3

Ran: You're almost there!
Destroy the big targets by pounding it with large attacks!

Notable Rewards