New Genesis: Mining Rig Defense: Aelio

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Quest Information Quests
Urgent Quest Urgent Quests Pedestal Battledia Quests Trigger Quest Trigger Quests Trinitas Trinitas Quests
Trainia Quest Trainia Advance Quests Trainia Quest Standing Quests Duel Quest Duel Quests Limited-Time Quest Limited-Time Quests
Dimensional Fault Major Target Suppression Missions Clock Time Extension Quests
Mining Rig Defense: Aelio
Quest Type Urgent Quests
Battle Power Requirements
Rank 1 1243
Rank 2 1898
Rank 3 2878
Average Enemy Level
Rank 1 Lv. 20
Rank 2 Lv. 40
Rank 3 Lv. 65
Quest Details
Location Central Aelio
Single/Multi-Party NGSUIMulti8Party.png Multi-Party Quests
Party Invitation Allowed
Time Limit 00:30:00
Damage Limit None
First Clear Rewards
N-Meseta Meseta 5,000
Rank Rewards
S Rank N-Meseta 10,000
A Rank N-Meseta 7,500
B Rank N-Meseta 5,000
C Rank N-Meseta 2,500
Rank 1 N-Meseta 10,000
Rank 2 N-Meseta 10,000
NGS Mineral Icon Photon Scale x8
Rank 3 N-Meseta 10,000
Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Might IV x3

Urgent Quest Notices

"Emergency Announcement: We are preparing for a defensive operation against a large number of DOLLS appearing in the Aelio region. All ARKS defenders, please prepare for deployment. (For players with 1243 Battle Power and higher)."

—Initial Announcement Notice

"Attention ARKS defenders: We are beginning a defensive operation against multiple DOLLS in the Aelio region. We request the participation of all ARKS defenders. (For players with 1243 Battle Power and higher)."

—Announcement Notice

Quest Objective

Defeat the target enemy

Quest Description

We've received an emergency support request from our active mining unit in Aelio Plains. Numerous enemy readings in the area suggest a major assault is likely. We need all ARKS defenders to hurry to the site and defend the Mining Rig.


Mining Rig Defense: Aelio is an Urgent Quest released on August 18th, 2021, in which you defend a resource mining rig from enemy attack. Like normal Urgent Quests, there is an announcement prior to the event and the starting location is displayed on your map.

The enemy attacks come in successive Waves. Your goal is to work with other players to successfully defend the rig until the end of the final Wave. The structural damage will affect the rank you receive when completing the quest, however, it will not affect the reward items you receive.

A trigger version of this quest titled Practice Drill: Mining Rig Defense: Aelio can be played with the use of NGS Tool Icon 5 Q-Trigger/Mining Rig Defense: Aelio.

Mining Rig Features

Accessing the Mining Rig will allow you to spend varying amounts of Earned Points for Support Modules such as Recover Structural Integrity and Barrier Shield. Mobile Cannons are powerful special equipment that you can call in via Delivery Devices.

Support Module Collectasigne Needed
Barrier Shield 500 pt
Special Equipment 1,000 pt
Recover Structural Integrity 2,000 pt
Barrier Shield 3,500 pt
Recover Structural Integrity 5,000 pt
Barrier Shield 6,500 pt
Recover Structural Integrity 8,000 pt
Special Equipment 10,000 pt
Recover Structural Integrity 12,000 pt

Ranking Details

Rank Remaining Durability
S Rank 80% - 100%
A Rank 40% - 79%
B Rank 1% - 39%
C Rank 0% (All Rigs Destroyed)

Minimap Details

Icon Enemy Notes
NGS Backhack Icon Backhack Appears as a red outline around bases.
NGS Meldrum Icon Meldrum Can spawn in groups of up to 3.
NGS Barrigale Icon Barrigale Appears in groups of 3, forming a wall.
NGS Small Enemy Icon Small Enemy Represents small enemies.
NGS Medium Enemy Icon Medium Enemy Represents medium boss enemies (Bujin, Varas, Eldi Scythe, etc.).
NGS Large Enemy Icon Large Enemy Represents large boss enemies (Destragras [Second Form], Daityl Sword, Nex Aelio).

Wave Details

The following information is based on preliminary observation, and as a result may be incorrect or may not accurately reflect the values seen in-game. Time values may also not fully represent values seen in-game due to server latency. The time values (displayed in x:xx format) represent the time that remains in the wave (visible on the left menu in-game).

Mining Rig Defense: Aelio Wave Details
Wave Enemies Special Enemies Wave Length Wave Notes Collectasigne Value
Wave 1 NGS Small Enemy Icon Tinos
NGS Small Enemy Icon Boms Sword
- 1:30 This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[1]] Spawns 3 enemy groups of Tinos and 1 Boms Sword on the map at 1:30, with small waves of Tinos afterwards.

This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[2]] Spawns 2 enemy groups on the left and right at 1:10, with small waves of Tinos afterwards.

10 pt
Wave 2 NGS Small Enemy Icon Evil Angelo
NGS Small Enemy Icon Lizard Fray
NGS Small Enemy Icon Lizard Ice
NGS Small Enemy Icon Lizard Thunder
NGS Small Enemy Icon Boms Sword
NGS Small Enemy Icon Boms Gun
NGS Backhack Icon Backhack x1
NGS Meldrum Icon Meldrum x1
1:30 This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[3]] Spawns 3 enemy groups of ALTERS Lizards, with ALTERS Lizards spawning either in the center, on the right, and on the left at random order starting at 1:30, 1:22, and 1:15.

This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[4]] Spawns 1 group of Evil Angelo on any side of the map at 1:08, with Boms Gun or Boms Sword afterwards.

10 pt
Wave 3 NGS Small Enemy Icon Lizard Thunder
NGS Small Enemy Icon Heruc
NGS Small Enemy Icon Boms Sword
NGS Small Enemy Icon Boms Gun
NGS Small Enemy Icon Bomks Sword
NGS Small Enemy Icon Bomks Gun
NGS Small Enemy Icon Dotts
NGS Small Enemy Icon Fuwan
NGS Backhack Icon Backhack x2
NGS Meldrum Icon Meldrum x1
NGS Barrigale Icon Barrigale x2
NGS Medium Enemy Icon Bigg Frogga x1
NGS Medium Enemy Icon Chiacurio x1
NGS Medium Enemy Icon Eldi Scythe x1
NGS Medium Enemy Icon Waulon x1
3:00 This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[5]] There is a chance that 2 Barrigale Walls will form and split each tower apart.

This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[6]] Chiacurio, Bigg Frogga, Eldi Scythe, or Waulon will spawn with two of the first three enemy groups for a maximum of 2 bosses.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[7]] Spawns 1 enemy group of Lizard Thunder and Heruc on the left at 3:00. Among the left enemy group may be a boss spawn.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[8]] Spawns 1 enemy group of Lizard Thunder and Heruc in the center at 2:53. Among the center enemy group may be a boss spawn.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[9]] Spawns 1 enemy group of Lizard Thunder and Heruc on the right at 2:44. Among the right enemy group may be a boss spawn.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[10]] 2 Dotts will spawn on either side of the map at 2:44.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[11]] Small waves of Boms Sword and Boms Gun will spawn behind each wave.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[12]] Spawns 1 enemy group of Bomks Sword and Bomks Gun and Fuwan on the left at 2:42.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[13]] Spawns 1 enemy group of Bomks Sword and Bomks Gun in the center at 2:25.

10 pt
Wave 4 NGS Small Enemy Icon Boms Sword
NGS Small Enemy Icon Boms Gun
NGS Small Enemy Icon Bomks Sword
NGS Small Enemy Icon Bomks Gun
NGS Small Enemy Icon Dotts
NGS Backhack Icon Backhack x2
NGS Meldrum Icon Meldrum x3
NGS Barrigale Icon Barrigale x2
NGS Medium Enemy Icon Oruq or Varas x1
3:00 This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[14]] 4 Dotts will spawn on both sides of the map at 3:00. Up to 2 Backhacks may also spawn during the start.

This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[15]] 2 Barrigale Walls will form and split each tower apart at 2:54.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[16]] 3 enemy groups of Bomks Gun and Bomks Sword and Tinos will spawn on the map at 2:54.
Among one of the enemy groups will be Oruq or Varas.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[17]] 2 enemy groups of Bomks Gun and Bomks Sword will spawn on the left and right sides of the map at 2:33.

20 pt
Wave 5 NGS Small Enemy Icon Bomks Sword
NGS Small Enemy Icon Bomks Gun
NGS Small Enemy Icon Dotts
NGS Small Enemy Icon Tinos
NGS Small Enemy Icon Gororon
NGS Small Enemy Icon Banehog
NGS Small Enemy Icon Lizard Fray
NGS Small Enemy Icon Lizard Ice
NGS Small Enemy Icon Lizard Thunder
NGS Backhack Icon Backhack x3
NGS Meldrum Icon Meldrum x5
NGS Medium Enemy Icon Destragras x1
NGS Medium Enemy Icon Bujin or Nogleth x1
3:00 This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[18]] 1 enemy group of Bomks Gun and Bomks Sword will spawn on the left or right side of the map at 3:00.

This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[19]] 1 enemy group of Bomks Gun and Bomks Sword will spawn on the top left or right side of the map at 2:55. Among the enemy group will be Destragras (First Form). ALTER Lizards will slowly spawn behind this enemy group.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[20]] 2 Dotts will spawn on either side of the map at 2:53.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[21]] 1 enemy group of Banehog, Gororon, and Tinos will spawn on the center of the map at 2:55. Among the center enemy group will be Bujin or Nogleth.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[22]] 2 Meldrums will appear on either side of the map at 1:28.

20 pt
Wave 6 NGS Small Enemy Icon Bomks Sword
NGS Small Enemy Icon Bomks Gun
NGS Small Enemy Icon Dotts
NGS Small Enemy Icon Tinos
NGS Small Enemy Icon Lizard Fray
NGS Backhack Icon Backhack x4
NGS Meldrum Icon Meldrum x6
NGS Barrigale Icon Barrigale x2
NGS Large Enemy Icon Destragras x1
4:00 This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[23]] There is a chance that 2 Barrigale Walls will form and split each tower apart.

This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[24]] Destragras (Second Form) will spawn on the top center of the map at 4:00. Destragras will split back into their First Form after taking sufficient damage.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[25]] One enemy group of Bomks Sword and Bomks Gun will spawn after Destragras at 3:50.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[26]] One enemy group of Lizard Fray and Tinos will spawn at 3:48. One Meldrum will spawn as well.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[27]] Two enemy groups of Bomks Sword and Bomks Gun will spawn on the top left and right sides of the map at 3:30.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[28]] The last enemy group will only spawn after defeating Destragras. The last enemy group consists of Bomks Sword and Bomks Gun and will spawn on either side of the map. 4 Dotts will spawn shortly after the last enemy group is spawned.

20 pt
Wave 7 NGS Small Enemy Icon Bomks Sword
NGS Small Enemy Icon Bomks Gun
NGS Small Enemy Icon Dotts
NGS Small Enemy Icon Gororon
NGS Small Enemy Icon Tinos
NGS Small Enemy Icon Evil Angelo
NGS Small Enemy Icon Heruc
NGS Small Enemy Icon Lizard Fray
NGS Small Enemy Icon Lizard Ice
NGS Small Enemy Icon Lizard Thunder
NGS Medium Enemy Icon Bujin, Eldi Scythe, or Waulon x1
NGS Large Enemy Icon Daityl Sword x1
NGS Barrigale Icon Barrigale x1
NGS Meldrum Icon Meldrum x2
3:00 This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[29]] Enemy groups and bosses in this wave may spawn as Enhanced variants with increased drop rates for 4 Evolcoat series weapons and Unit (NGS) Vialto armor variants.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[30]] One enemy group will spawn on the top center at 2:58. Bujin, Eldi Scythe, or Waulon will spawn with this group.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[31]]One enemy group of Gororon and Tinos will spawn on either side of the map at 2:58. One enemy group of Dotts may spawn after defeating the group of Gororon.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[32]] One enemy group of Evil Angelos, Herucs, and ALTERS Lizards will spawn on either side of the map at 2:56. A small group of Bomks Sword, Bomks Gun, and Gororon may spawn behind this group shortly after.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[33]] One enemy group of Bomks Sword and Bomks Gun will spawn in the center at 2:52.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[34]] One Barrigale Wall will form horizontally across the map at 2:54 and will block access to the Mining Rigs.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[35]] Daityl Sword will spawn on either side of the map at 2:30, near the Barrigale Wall.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[36]] One enemy group of Bomks Sword and Bomks Gun will spawn on the top of the map on either side at 2:24.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[37]] Two enemy groups of Bomks Sword and Bomks Gun will spawn on both sides of the map at 1:22.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[38]] One final enemy group of Bomks Sword and Bomks Gun will spawn on either side of the map at 0:54.
30 pt
Wave 8 NGS Small Enemy Icon Bomks Sword
NGS Small Enemy Icon Bomks Gun
NGS Small Enemy Icon Dotts
NGS Small Enemy Icon Gororon
NGS Small Enemy Icon Tinos
NGS Small Enemy Icon Banehog
NGS Small Enemy Icon Evil Angelo
NGS Small Enemy Icon Heruc
NGS Small Enemy Icon Lizard Fray
NGS Small Enemy Icon Lizard Ice
NGS Small Enemy Icon Lizard Thunder
NGS Large Enemy Icon Destragras x1
NGS Large Enemy Icon Nex Aelio x1
NGS Backhack Icon Backhack x4
NGS Meldrum Icon Meldrum x8
5:00 This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[39]] There is a rare chance that the enemies encountered in this wave will be Golden variants, and as a result, Sword (NGS) Gold Primm Swords may be available as rewards.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[40]] Nex Aelio will spawn at the top of the map on either side at 4:56.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[41]] Two enemy groups of Banehogs and ALTERS Lizards will spawn on either side of the map at 4:54.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[42]] One enemy group of Evil Angelos, Herucs, and ALTERS Lizards will spawn opposite of the first ALTERS group at 4:47.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[43]] Up to 4 Meldrums will spawn at 4:44.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[44]] 2 Backhacks will spawn at 4:14.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[45]] Destragras will spawn at the top center of the map at 3:40. Following Destragras will be one enemy group of Bomks Sword and Bomks Gun, and small waves of Tinos afterwards.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[46]] One enemy group of Gororon will spawn on the top of the map on either side at 3:27.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[47]] One enemy group of Bomks Sword and Bomks Gun will spawn close to the Mining Rigs on either side of the map at 3:12.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[48]] One enemy group of Dotts will spawn on either side of the map at 2:54.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[49]] One enemy group of Bomks Sword and Bomks Gun will spawn on the top of the map at 2:40.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[50]] One enemy group of Bomks Sword and Bomks Gun will spawn on either side of the map at 2:30.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[51]] One enemy group of Bomks Sword and Bomks Gun will spawn on either side of the map at 2:30.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[52]] One enemy group of Bomks Sword and Bomks Gun will spawn on the top of the map at 2:20.
This icon hasn't been defined. It can be defined here: [[53]] Up to 2 Meldrums will spawn at 2:18. Additional Meldrums may gradually continue to spawn slowly in random locations, but will stop shortly after.
30 pt

Delivery Devices


Delivery Devices are special teleporters found throughout the field during Defense Quests. Depending on how many Collectasigne points you've earned, you can make use of Mobile Cannons.

DOLLS Weapons


During Defense Quests, "DOLLS Weapons" will show up to cause problems.

  • Backhack: Adheres to the rig and inflicts direct damage.
  • Meldrum: Fires at the rig from a distance.
  • Barrigale: Impedes player movement.

Destroy these enemy weapons as soon as possible.



Photon crystals known as "Collectasigne" will appear on the field as you do battle with enemies. When you collect them, they are stored as "Earned Points" that you can use at the Mining Rig and Delivery Device support modules. Points earned are shared by all players and everyone may make use of them.

Emergency Alerts

Emergency Alerts are sudden incidents in which multiple dangerous enemies such as DOLLS Weapons and Enhanced Enemies appear. It's important to check your radar map to assess the enemy's strength, find your allies, and calmly formulate a response.

Mobile Cannons


Mobile Cannons are powerful special equipment that you can call in via Delivery Devices. While equipped, you are unable to use your normal weapons, and your player character's actions are restricted.

The Mobile Cannon can make the following actions:

  • Rapid Fire: Rapid-fire normal attack.
  • Charged Blast: Powerful charged shot with limited uses.
  • Boosted Glide: High-speed movement that uses PP.
  • Sidestep Bash: Strike an attack while dodging.

The Mobile Cannon has a time limit on its use, and when time is up, it is automatically unequipped. Selecting "Unequip" from the Sub-Palette or becoming incapacitated will also cause it to be unequipped.

Unique Enemies

Notable Rewards

Notable Items
Sword (NGS) Weapons / Unit (NGS) Units Ability Capsule (NGS) Augments
NGS Material Icon Materials NGS Rare Drop Icon Other
Additional Information
  • ⁽¹⁾ Only drops on Rank 2 or higher.
  • ⁽²⁾ Only drops on Rank 3.
  • ⁽³⁾ Chance to drop from Nex Aelio on Rank 2 or higher.
  • ⁽⁴⁾ Chance to drop from Bujin on Rank 2 or higher.
  • ⁽⁵⁾ Chance to drop from Nogleth on Rank 2 or higher.
  • ⁽⁶⁾ Chance to drop from Destragras on Rank 2 or higher.
  • ⁽⁷⁾ Chance to drop from Pettas Axe and Pettax Axe on Rank 2 or higher.
  • ⁽⁸⁾ Chance to drop from Daityl Sword on Rank 2 or higher.
  • ⁽⁹⁾ Chance to drop from Oruq on Rank 2 or higher.
  • ⁽¹⁰⁾ Chance to drop from Varas on Rank 2 or higher.
  • ⁽¹¹⁾ Chance to drop on Wave 8 when all enemies are Golden Variants.
  • ⁽¹²⁾ Chance to drop when encountering Daityl or Nex enemies.