New Genesis: Genesis Point Exchange Shop

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The Genesis Point Exchange Shop can be accessed by talking to Arche after completing the An Artificial World task. The quantity limit for the Genesis Point Exchange Shop resets every month, unless otherwise specified.

Exchange Shop Details

Genesis Point Exchange Shop
Rarity Image Name Price Quantity Limit Notes
1 NGSUIItemMonotite.png NGS Mineral Icon Monotite x1 Genesis Point 5 200 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for various purposes like unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
2 NGSUIItemDualomite.png NGS Mineral Icon Dualomite x1 Genesis Point 5 200 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for various purposes like unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemTrinite.png NGS Mineral Icon Trinite x1 Genesis Point 5 200 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for various purposes like unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemTetracite.png NGS Mineral Icon Tetracite x1 Genesis Point 5 200 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for various purposes like unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemPentalite.png NGS Mineral Icon Pentalite x1 Genesis Point 5 200 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for various purposes like unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemHexakite.png NGS Mineral Icon Hexakite x1 Genesis Point 5 200 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for various purposes like unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemPhotonChunk.png NGS Mineral Icon Photon Chunk x1 Genesis Point 5 200 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemPhotonQuartz.png NGS Mineral Icon Photon Quartz x1 Genesis Point 5 200 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for Multi-weaponization and Exchanged for Affixed Capsules at the Item Lab.
4 NGSUIItemMightCapsule.png Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Might IV x1 Genesis Point 50 40 A capsule that adds the "Might IV" Augment to weapons and armor.
4 NGSUIItemPrecisionCapsule.png Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Precision IV x1 Genesis Point 50 20 A capsule that adds the "Precision IV" Augment to weapons and armor.
4 NGSUIItemTechniqueCapsule.png Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Technique IV x1 Genesis Point 50 20 A capsule that adds the "Technique IV" Augment to weapons and armor.
4 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Deftness IV x1 Genesis Point 50 20 A capsule that adds the "Deftness IV" Augment to weapons and armor.
4 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Freid Soul IV x1 Genesis Point 50 20 A capsule that adds the "Freid Soul IV" Augment to weapons and armor.
4 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Doldor Soul IV x1 Genesis Point 50 20 A capsule that adds the "Doldor Soul IV" Augment to weapons and armor.
4 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Nils Soul IV x1 Genesis Point 50 20 A capsule that adds the "Nils Soul IV" Augment to weapons and armor.
4 NGSUIItemHPCapsule.png Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Dread Keeper IV x1 Genesis Point 100 20 A capsule that adds the "Dread Keeper IV" Augment to weapons and armor.
4 NGSUIItemSpecialCapsule.png Ability Capsule (NGS) C/Alts Secreta IV x1 Genesis Point 100 40 A capsule that adds the "Alts Secreta IV" Augment to weapons and armor.
5 NGSUIItemAegisIntegra.png NGS Tool Icon Aegis Integra x1 Genesis Point 100 5 Core component from the Dark Falz Aegis. Can be traded for items at an Item Trader's "Aegis Integra Exchange."
7 NGSUIItemAjaxArmor.png Unit (NGS) Ajax Armor x1 Genesis Point 150 3 -