Order Name/Description |
Unlock Requirement |
Objective |
Repeatable |
Meseta |
Experience |
Item reward
Time for Katana Lessons!ExpandKatana only. "Phongrulf Extermination" is recommended. |
Talk to Azanami |
Defeat any enemy x10 |
No |
1,000  |
250 - 10,000  |
Thriving Bellflower Lv 1 Disc
Reporting For The Katana Boot Camp!Expand Katana only. Clear any Quest listed in the objectives in 25 minutes. |
Any Expedition, ARKS, or Limited Time Quest x1 |
No |
5,000  |
300 - 15,000  |
The Katana Boot Camp Redux!Expand Katana only. |
Reporting For The Katana Boot Camp! |
Defeat Vol Dragon x1 |
No |
10,000  |
500 - 25,000  |
The Katana Boop Camp, Yet Again!Expand Katana only. |
The Katana Boot Camp Redux! |
Defeat Automata x20 |
No |
10,000  |
500 - 25,000  |
The Katana Boot Camp, Plus Alpha!Expand Katana only. Clear with an S Rank. |
The Katana Boot Camp, Yet Again! |
Clear Coast Exploration x1 |
No |
10,000  |
500 - 25,000  |
Be the Best Katana User You Can Be!ExpandKatana only. Defeat De Marmoth after destroying all breakable parts on its body. |
The Katana Boot Camp, Plus Alpha |
Defeat De Marmoth x1 |
No |
10,000  |
500 - 25,000  |
Time for Bow Lessons!ExpandBow only. "Phongrulf Extermination" is recommended. |
Talk to Azanami |
Defeat any enemy x10 |
No |
1,000  |
250 - 10,000  |
Torrential Arrow Lv 1 Disc
Reporting For The Bow Boot Camp!Expand Bow only. Clear any Quest listed in the objectives within 25 minutes. |
Any Expedition, ARKS, or Limited Time Quest x1 |
No |
5,000  |
300 - 15,000  |
The EXTREME Bow Boot Camp!Expand Bow only. |
Reporting For The Bow Boot Camp! |
Defeat Vol Dragon x1 |
No |
10,000  |
500 - 25,000  |
The INTENSE Bow Boot Camp!Expand Bow only. |
The EXTREME Bow Boot Camp! |
Defeat Automata x20 |
No |
10,000  |
500 - 25,000  |
The Bow Boot Camp Plus Alpha!Expand Bow only. Clear with an S Rank. |
The INTENSE Bow Boot Camp! |
Clear Coast Exploration x1 |
No |
10,000  |
500 - 25,000  |
Braver than Brave, Tougher than ToughExpand Defeat Level 21+ Falspawn using a Katana or Bow.- |
Procure Broken Falspawn Core D x8 |
No |
10,000  |
500 - 25,000  |
I Want To Be The Very Best: BraverExpand Defeat target enemies that are Level 21+ as a Braver. |
Reach level 30 with the Braver class. |
Defeat Fang Banshee x1 Defeat Gwanada x1 |
No |
0  |
0  |
+5 Braver Skill Points
Wanna Go On A Quest?Expand Braver only. Clear within 30 minutes with an S Rank. |
Clear Suppress Catredran x1 |
No |
10,000  |
500 - 25,000  |
Azanami's Partner Card
Boot Camp: ForestExpand Braver only. With Azanami as your only partner, clear with an S Rank on Very Hard or above. |
Wanna Go On A Quest? Difficulty Level Trial II |
Clear Forest Exploration x1 |
No |
25,000  |
800 - 40,000  |
Boot Camp: SeabedExpand Braver only. With Azanami as your only partner, clear on Very Hard or above. |
Wanna Go On A Quest? Difficulty Level Trial II |
Clear Seabed Exploration x1 |
No |
25,000  |
800 - 40,000  |
Boot Camp: Dragon AltarExpand Braver only. With Azanami as your only partner, clear on Super Hard or above. |
Wanna Go On A Quest? |
Clear Dragon Altar Exploration x1 |
No |
50,000  |
1,000 - 50,000  |
Synthesizer x2
Boot Camp: CoastExpand Braver only. With Azanami as your only partner, clear on Super Hard or above. |
Wanna Go On A Quest? |
Clear Coast Exploration x1 |
No |
50,000  |
1,000 - 50,000  |
Synthesizer x1
Boot Camp: Daybreak ProvinceExpand Braver only. With Azanami as your only partner, clear on Normal or above. |
Wanna Go On A Quest? |
Clear Daybreak Province Exploration x1 |
No |
10,000  |
500 - 25,000  |
Boot Camp: Floating FacilityExpand Braver only. With Azanami as your only partner, clear on Hard or above. |
Wanna Go On A Quest? |
Clear Floating Facility Exploration x1 |
No |
15,000  |
600 - 30,000  |