* Eschaton Ritavlata

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Weapon CamoWeapon Camos Weapon Camo Multi-type Weapon Camos Weapon Camo All-type Weapon Camos NGS Weapon Camo IconWeapon Camos (NGS)
Sword Sword Camos Wired Lance Wired Lance Camos Partisan Partisan Camos Daggers Twin Dagger Camos Double Saber Double Saber Camos Knuckles Knuckle Camos Gunblade Gunblade Camos Katana Katana Camos Soaring Blades Soaring Blade Camos
Rifle Assault Rifle Camos Launcher Launcher Camos Twin Machineguns Twin Machine Gun Camos Bow Bow Camos
Rod Rod Camos Talis Talis Camos Wand Wand Camos Jet Boots Jet Boot Camos Harmonizer Harmonizer Camos
* Eschaton Ritavlata
Weapon camo of the Cosmogenic Arm "Eschaton Ritavlata". It was designed to have the power to cut anything in its way.
Rarity: UIStarBlueIcon.pngUIStarBlueIcon.pngUIStarBlueIcon.pngUIStarGreenIcon.pngUIStarGreenIcon.pngUIStarGreenIcon.pngUIStarRedIcon.pngUIStarRedIcon.pngUIStarRedIcon.pngUIStarGoldIcon.png
Weapon Types: SwordDouble SaberKatana
Color changeable: UIRestrictedBlue.png
Marketable: UIRestrictedBlue.png

SG Versus Annihilation - Bonus for Scratching 20 times - 2/10 - 8/11/2021
Reward Box Reward Box Aug '24

Cosmogenic Arms
Weapon CamoSword * Yonohate: Sealed

Weapon Camo * Yonohate: Confined
Weapon CamoWired Lance * Femme Fatale the Monarch Slayer
Weapon CamoPartisan * Labrys the Umbral
Weapon CamoDaggers * Mai the Unseen
Weapon CamoKnuckles * Vahram the Destroyer
Weapon CamoKatana * Blade of Genesis
Weapon CamoGunblade * Nanaki the Vigilant
Weapon CamoRifle * Hariette the Celestial
Weapon CamoLauncher * Quantum the Imperial
Weapon CamoTwin Machineguns * Aurora the Skydancer
Weapon CamoRod * Clarissa the White
Weapon CamoRod * Clarissa the White: 2nd Advent
Weapon CamoRod * Clarissa II, the Ashen
Weapon CamoRod * Clarissa III, the Bright
Weapon CamoTalis * Florenberg the Luminous
Weapon Camo * Reinolt the Shapeless
Weapon Camo * Eschaton Ritavlata
NGS Weapon Camo IconRod (NGS) * Curio Clarissa III


This is a weapon camo of the Sword used by Varuna, the God of Justice.
Although never specifically pointed out in the game, it is mentioned in its description, as well as in the EP6 Materials Collection, that Eschaton Ritavlata indeed is a Cosmogenic Arm.

Concept Art
Weapon Screenshots