New Genesis: Practice Drill: Snow Field Workup

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Quest Information Quests
Urgent Quest Urgent Quests Pedestal Battledia Quests Trigger Quest Trigger Quests Trinitas Trinitas Quests
Trainia Quest Trainia Advance Quests Trainia Quest Standing Quests Duel Quest Duel Quests Limited-Time Quest Limited-Time Quests
Dimensional Fault Major Target Suppression Missions Clock Time Extension Quests
Practice Drill: Snow Field Workup
Quest Type Drill Quests
Battle Power Requirements
Rank 1 1,184
Rank 2 1,474
Rank 3 1,682
Rank 4 1,957
Rank 5 2,972
Average Enemy Level
Rank 1 Lv. 17
Rank 2 Lv. 25
Rank 3 Lv. 32
Rank 4 Lv. 42
Rank 5 Lv. 67
Quest Details
Location Central Kvaris
Single/Multi-Party NGSUIMulti8Party.png Multi-Party Quests
Party Invitation Allowed
Required Items -
Time Limit 30:00
Damage Limit None
Rank 1 Seasonal Point 7,500
Rank 2 Seasonal Point 9,000
Rank 3 Seasonal Point 10,500
Rank 4 Seasonal Point 12,000
Rank 5 Seasonal Point 15,000
First Clear Rewards
Rank 5 NGS Pass Icon Special Scratch Ticket x10


Practice Drill: Snow Field Workup is a Limited-Time Quest released during the Christmas '22 Event that can be accessed through the Quest Counter located within the regions' main cities. This quest does not require the use of any Battle Triggers.

Quest Objective

Defeat the target enemies

Quest Description

This is a practice drill created by analyzing Trainia Advance data. The current settings will allow you to simulate training in Mistra Woods of Central Kvaris. Use every ability available to you to defeat the enemies and destroy the targets.

Notable Rewards

Notable Items
Sword (NGS) Weapons / Unit (NGS) Units Ability Capsule (NGS) Augments
NGS Material Icon Materials NGS Rare Drop Icon Other
Additional Information
  • ⁽¹⁾ Chance to drop when encountering Emperappy and Great Rappy enemies.