New Genesis: ARKS Record Badge Exchange Shop

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The ARKS Record Badge Shop is an exchange shop where players can exchange ARKS Record Badges in exchange for unique items and useful materials.

Certain items from this shop will only be available for a Limited-Time, where after the limited availability period has expired, they will be removed and replaced with a new set of items.

The ARKS Record Badge Shop is intended for release on August 17th, 2022 and be accessed by talking to any Item Trader within the Main Cities.

Exchange Shop Details

ARKS Record Badge Exchange Shop
Rarity Image Name Price Quantity Limit Notes
8 NGSUIItemPrimmSword.png Primm Almati CV x1 - A weapon camo that changes a weapon's appearance.
NGSUIMenuExclamationIcon.png Available until October 5th, 2022.
8 NGSUIItemGlissenSword.png Glissen Almati CV x1 - A weapon camo that changes a weapon's appearance.
NGSUIMenuExclamationIcon.png Available until October 5th, 2022.
8 NGSUIItemFrostelWire.png Frostel Almati CV x1 - A weapon camo that changes a weapon's appearance.
NGSUIMenuExclamationIcon.png Available until October 5th, 2022.
4 NGSUIItemArmsRefiner.png Arms Refiner x1 - -
4 NGSUIItemNEXCube.png N-EX-Cube x1 - -
7 NGSUIItemKaizaarSwordMkI.png Kaizaar Sword Mk. I x1 - -
7 NGSUIItemKaizaarWireMkI.png Kaizaar Wire Mk. I x1 - -
7 NGSUIItemKaizaarSpearMkI.png Kaizaar Spear Mk. I x1 - -
7 NGSUIItemKaizaarDaggersMkI.png Kaizaar Daggers Mk. I x1 - -
7 NGSUIItemKaizaarSaberMkI.png Kaizaar Saber Mk. I x1 - -
7 NGSUIItemKaizaarKnucklesMkI.png Kaizaar Knuckles Mk. I x1 - -
7 NGSUIItemKaizaarKatanaMkI.png Kaizaar Katana Mk. I x1 - -
7 NGSUIItemKaizaarBladeMkI.png Kaizaar Blade Mk. I x1 - -
7 NGSUIItemKaizaarRifleMkI.png Kaizaar Rifle Mk. I x1 - -
7 NGSUIItemKaizaarLauncherMkI.png Kaizaar Launcher Mk. I x1 - -
7 NGSUIItemKaizaarMachineGunsMkI.png Kaizaar Machine Guns Mk. I x1 - -
7 NGSUIItemKaizaarBowMkI.png Kaizaar Bow Mk. I x1 - -
7 NGSUIItemKaizaarRodMkI.png Kaizaar Rod Mk. I x1 - -
7 NGSUIItemKaizaarTalisMkI.png Kaizaar Talis Mk. I x1 - -
7 NGSUIItemKaizaarWandMkI.png Kaizaar Wand Mk. I x1 - -
7 NGSUIItemKaizaarBootsMkI.png Kaizaar Boots Mk. I x1 - -
7 NGSUIUnknown.png Kaizaar Harmonizer Mk. I x1 - -
5 Laurel Wreath.png Laurel Wreath x1 - -
5 NGSUIItemTicketBlank.png 121: Winner's Circle x1 - -