New Genesis: NGS 1st Anniversary Ticket Exchange Shop

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The NGS 1st Anniversary Ticket Exchange Shop is an exchange shop where players can exchange NGS 1st Anniversary Ticket Exchange Shop obtained during the NGS 1st Anniversary Event. The NGS 1st Anniversary Ticket Exchange Shop can be accessed by talking to Xitre during the event.

Exchange Shop Details

CollapseNGS 1st Anniversary Ticket Exchange Shop
Rarity Image Name Price Quantity Limit Notes
5 NGSUIItemSchwarzestArmor.png Schwarzest Armor +50 x1 NGS 1st Anniversary Exchange Ticket x2 3 Comes applied with the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Power II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Spirit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Daityl Soul II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Dread Keeper II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Dark Exploit I
5 NGSUIItemSchwarzgardeArmor.png Schwarzgarde Armor +50 x1 NGS 1st Anniversary Exchange Ticket x2 3 Comes applied with the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Precision II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Spirit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Pettas Soul II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Dread Keeper II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Dark Exploit I
5 NGSUIItemSchwarzrossoArmor.png Schwarzrosso Armor +50 x1 NGS 1st Anniversary Exchange Ticket x2 3 Comes applied with the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Technique II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Spirit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Nex Soul II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Dread Keeper II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Dark Exploit I
3 NGSUIItemTheseusArmor.png Theseus Armor +50 x1 NGS 1st Anniversary Exchange Ticket x1 6 Comes applied with the following Augments:
  • Ability (NGS) C/Guard II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Spirit II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Dolz Soul II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Dread Keeper II
  • Ability (NGS) C/Dark Exploit I