* Seburo C-40A

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NGS Weapon Camo IconWeapon Camos | NGS Weapon Camo IconMulti-type Weapon Camos | NGS Weapon Camo IconAll-type Weapon Camos | Weapon CamoWeapon Camos (PSO2)
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* Seburo C-40A
Rarity: NGSUIStarBlueIconTemp.pngNGSUIStarBlueIconTemp.pngNGSUIStarBlueIconTemp.pngNGSUIStarGreenIcon.pngNGSUIStarGreenIcon.pngNGSUIStarGreenIcon.pngNGSUIStarRedIcon.png
Weapon Types: Rifle (NGS)Gunblade (NGS)
Marketable: UICheckMarkIcon.png

Drop Info

AC (NGS) GHOST IN THE SHELL: SAC_2045 Style - 6/28 - 7/26/2023

Firearms of Year 2045
NGS Weapon Camo Icon * Seburo C-40A

NGS Weapon Camo Icon * Motoko Kusanagi's Handgun
NGS Weapon Camo Icon * Saito's Sniper Rifle
NGS Weapon Camo Icon * Seburo M-5

Additional Info

The Seburo C-40A is the assault rifle of choice used by GHOSTS, and is the weapon used by Batou, though the rifle he normally uses has a scope on top, which this one is missing.
The C-40A is an improved rifle that was based off of the Seburo C-30, with features like a rail on the upper receiver, a shorter barrel hidden within the receiver, and a grenade launcher.

Weapon Screenshots