From Arks-Visiphone
Revision as of 05:08, 15 December 2022 by Harrison (talk | contribs)
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In New Genesis, ARKS ID acts as an ID card which displays your player profile. The ARKS ID displays basic information such as their Player ID Name, their Player ID Number, their Xbox Live Gamertag, their Recently Played Character, their comment window, and their selected Symbol Art / Stamp. The visibility of the ARKS Card can be toggled to be visible to the All Players, Friends Only, Alliance Members Only, Friends and Alliance Members, or Private.



Editing the ARKS ID will allow you to select up to 3 obtained Titles to be shown on the top of the window, as well as visibility options, comment space, and selecting a Symbol Art or Stamp to display.

Players can also customize a rendered snapshot of their character that will be displayed on the ARKS ID. Players can choose the pose, expression settings, camera angle, and backdrop settings of their character.


Backdrops act as the background that appear behind your rendered character's snapshot. Additional Backdrops can be unlocked after obtaining a certain amount of Title Points, which are earned from obtaining Titles.

Backdrop Name Use Conditions
Backdrop Default A.png Default A Unlocked by default
Backdrop Default B.png Default B Unlocked by default