New Genesis: Consumables

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Revision as of 02:08, 14 January 2022 by Harrison (talk | contribs)
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Boost Items

Rarity Icon Image Name Obtainment CollapseDescription
4 NGS Boost Icon NGSUIItemNEXPBoost1.png N-EXP Earned +5% Mission Pass Reward Boosts EXP earned 5% for 60 minutes after use. Duration will decrease while logged out.
4 NGS Boost Icon NGSUIItemNEXPBoost1.png N-EXP Earned +10% ARKS Cash Shop Boosts EXP earned 10% for 60 minutes after use. Duration will decrease while logged out.
4 NGS Boost Icon NGSUIItemNEXPBoost1.png N-EXP Earned [24h] +10% Star Gems Shop Boosts EXP earned 10% for 24 hours after use. Duration will decrease while logged out.
4 NGS Boost Icon NGSUIItemNRDRBoost1.png N-Rare Drop Rate +10% Mission Pass Reward Boosts rare drop rate 10% for 60 minutes after use. Duration will decrease while logged out.
4 NGS Boost Icon NGSUIItemNRDRBoost1.png N-Rare Drop Rate +25% Item Recycle Shop Boosts rare drop rate 25% for 60 minutes after use. Duration will decrease while logged out.
4 NGS Boost Icon NGSUIItemNRDRBoost2.png N-Rare Drop Rate +50% ARKS Cash Shop Boosts rare drop rate 50% for 60 minutes after use. Duration will decrease while logged out.
4 NGS Boost Icon NGSUIItemNRDRBoost2.png N-Rare Drop Rate [24h] +50% Star Gems Shop Boosts rare drop rate 50% for 24 hours after use. Duration will decrease while logged out.

Food Items

Rarity Icon Image Name Obtainment CollapseDescription
4 NGS Boost Icon NGSUIItemRappyShapedFritters.png Rappy-Shaped Fritters VGA x NGS Broadcast Promotion (type "FromDavid" in Area Chat between 01/13/22 to 01/28/22) Boosts N-Meseta earned, EXP earned, and rare drop rate 10% for 24 hours after use. Duration will decrease while logged out.

Scape Dolls

Rarity Icon Image Name Obtainment CollapseDescription
4 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemNHalfScapeDoll.png N-Half Scape Doll Login Stamps
Mission Pass Reward
Campaign Rewards
A revival device that can be used when its owner is incapacitated. HP will restore to half.
4 NGS Tool Icon NGSUIItemNScapeDoll.png N-Scape Doll ARKS Cash Shop A revival device that can be used when its owner is incapacitated. HP will restore to max.

Quick Food

You can cook Quick Food that can boost your ability temporarily by using the items acquired by Gathering.

Quick Food can be cooked by talking to the Food Stand Staff, and by Ryuker Devices.