New Genesis: Enhancement Material Exchange Shop

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Exchange Shop Details

The Enhancement Material Exchange Shop can be accessed through the Item Lab Vendor. The quantity limit for the Item Exchange Shop resets daily (every 24 hours).

Enhancement Material Exchange Shop
Rarity Image Name Price Quantity Limit Notes
4 NGSUIItemArmsRefiner.png NGS Tool Icon Arms Refiner x1 - Material refined from Strugment. Use for Limit Breaking in the Item Lab.
1 NGSUIItemMonotite.png NGS Mineral Icon Monotite x1 NGS Tool Icon N-Grinder x5 20 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for various purposes like unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
2 NGSUIItemDualomite.png NGS Mineral Icon Dualomite x1 NGS Tool Icon N-Grinder x5 20 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for various purposes like unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemTrinite.png NGS Mineral Icon Trinite x1 NGS Tool Icon N-Grinder x5 20 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for various purposes like unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.
3 NGSUIItemTetracite.png NGS Mineral Icon Tetracite x1 NGS Tool Icon N-Grinder x5 20 Mineral ore found in rocky places in various regions. Used for various purposes like unlocking Potentials and Limit Breaking at the Item Lab.