Rising Weapons Badge 4 Exchange

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Rising Weapons Badge Exchange Shop 4

This shop can be found by going upstairs in the Shopping Plaza and talking to Nanon.


Rarity Icon Image Name Obtainment Description
8 Tool UIItemWeaponsBadge.png Rising Weapons Badge 4 Mission Pass S8 Reward
Crimson Fellwyrm Over the Castle (N+)
Castrum Demonica Hostility (N+)
Trick or Treat 2018! (N+)
Wisdom Incarnate (H+)
Longing for Omniscience (XH)
A golden badge obtained from a rare enemy.
Presenting it allows you to exchange for a variety of items.

★13 Jutus Weapons

Rarity Type Image Name Price Attribute/Augments Classes
13 Sword UIItemJutusLamina.png Jutus Lamina Rising Weapons Badge 4 x50 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Might III
Affix Spirit III
13 Wired Lance UIItemJutusCrys.png Jutus Crys Rising Weapons Badge 4 x50 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Might III
Affix Spirit III
13 Partisan UIItemJutusLanse.png Jutus Lanse Rising Weapons Badge 4 x50 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Might III
Affix Spirit III
13 Daggers UIItemJutusSeeker.png Jutus Seeker Rising Weapons Badge 4 x50 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Might III
Affix Spirit III
13 Double Saber UIItemJutusXyphos.png Jutus Xyphos Rising Weapons Badge 4 x50 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Might III
Affix Spirit III
13 Knuckles UIItemJutusLegant.png Jutus Legant Rising Weapons Badge 4 x50 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Might III
Affix Spirit III
13 Gunblade UIItemJutusStic.png Jutus Stic Rising Weapons Badge 4 x50 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Precision III
Affix Spirit III
13 Katana UIItemJutusCousios.png Jutus Cousios Rising Weapons Badge 4 x50 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Might III
Affix Spirit III
13 Soaring Blades UIItemJutusRepcion.png Jutus Repcion Rising Weapons Badge 4 x50 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Might III
Affix Spirit III
13 Rifle UIItemJutusSphera.png Jutus Sphera Rising Weapons Badge 4 x50 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Precision III
Affix Spirit III
13 Launcher UIItemJutusSeetio.png Jutus Seetio Rising Weapons Badge 4 x50 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Precision III
Affix Spirit III
13 Twin Machineguns UIItemJutusSweep.png Jutus Sweep Rising Weapons Badge 4 x50 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Precision III
Affix Spirit III
13 Bow UIItemJutusFleche.png Jutus Fleche Rising Weapons Badge 4 x50 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Precision III
Affix Spirit III
13 Rod UIItemJutusSaxion.png Jutus Saxion Rising Weapons Badge 4 x50 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Casting III
Affix Spirit III
13 Talis UIItemJutusSaluth.png Jutus Saluth Rising Weapons Badge 4 x50 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Casting III
Affix Spirit III
13 Wand UIItemJutusClaire.png Jutus Claire Rising Weapons Badge 4 x50 Light 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Casting III
Affix Spirit III
13 Jet Boots UIItemJutusGettle.png Jutus Gettle Rising Weapons Badge 4 x50 Light} 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Casting III
Affix Spirit III
13 Harmonizer UIItemJutusHarmony.png Jutus Harmony Rising Weapons Badge 4 x50 None Summoner

★13 Omega Falz Weapons

Rarity Type Image Name Price Attribute/Augments Classes
13 Sword UIItemDetonationRage.png Detonation Rage Rising Weapons Badge 4 x30 Dark 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Might III
Affix Spirit III
13 Double Saber UIItemDetonationFel.png Detonation Fel Rising Weapons Badge 4 x30 Dark 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Might III
Affix Spirit III
13 Gunblade UIItemDetonationFuge.png Detonation Fuge Rising Weapons Badge 4 x30 Dark 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Might III
Affix Spirit III
13 Launcher UIItemDetonationSlaughter.png Detonation Slaughter Rising Weapons Badge 4 x30 Dark 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Might III
Affix Spirit III
13 Wand UIItemDetonationGore.png Detonation Gore Rising Weapons Badge 4 x30 Dark 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Might III
Affix Spirit III
13 Partisan UIItemClaudiumSarissa.png Claudium Sarissa Rising Weapons Badge 4 x30 Dark 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Might III
Affix Spirit III
13 Gunblade UIItemClaudiumElpida.png Claudium Elpida Rising Weapons Badge 4 x30 Dark 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Might III
Affix Spirit III
13 Katana UIItemClaudiumGraccio.png Claudium Graccio Rising Weapons Badge 4 x30 Dark 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Might III
Affix Spirit III
13 Talis UIItemClaudiumCage.png Claudium Cage Rising Weapons Badge 4 x30 Dark 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Might III
Affix Spirit III
13 Jet Boots UIItemClaudiumCardis.png Claudium Cardis Rising Weapons Badge 4 x30 Dark 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Might III
Affix Spirit III
13 Daggers UIItemAllureAngz.png Allure Angz Rising Weapons Badge 4 x30 Dark 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Might III
Affix Spirit III
13 Gunblade UIItemAllureLauv.png Allure Lauv Rising Weapons Badge 4 x30 Dark 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Precision III
Affix Spirit III
13 Rifle UIItemAllureCyros.png Allure Cyros Rising Weapons Badge 4 x30 Dark 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Precision III
Affix Spirit III
13 Bow UIItemAllureGrenz.png Allure Grens Rising Weapons Badge 4 x30 Dark 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Precision III
Affix Spirit III
13 Harmonizer UIItemAllureVenera.png Allure Venera Rising Weapons Badge 4 x30 None ForceSummoner
13 Wired Lance UIItemXerraireCaprice.png Xerraire Caprice Rising Weapons Badge 4 x30 Dark 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Might III
Affix Spirit III
13 Knuckles UIItemXerraireKersch.png Xerraire Kersch Rising Weapons Badge 4 x30 Dark 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Might III
Affix Spirit III
13 Gunblade UIItemXerrairePetila.png Xerraire Petila Rising Weapons Badge 4 x30 Dark 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Might III
Affix Spirit III
13 Soaring Blades UIItemXerraireSchulp.png Xerraire Schulp Rising Weapons Badge 4 x30 Dark 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Might III
Affix Spirit III
13 Twin Machineguns UIItemXerrairePaxte.png Xerraire Paxte Rising Weapons Badge 4 x30 Dark 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Might III
Affix Spirit III
13 Rod UIItemXerraireLupier.png Xerraire Lupier Rising Weapons Badge 4 x30 Dark 60
Affix Mastery III
Affix Might III
Affix Spirit III


Rarity Icon Image Name Price Description
7 Material UIItemOmegaBooster.png Vesta Hearthstone Rising Badge 4 x50 A mysterious stone containing layers of ruby and violet flame.
It has the power to enhance flame-bearing weapons with either property.
7 Material UIItemOmegaBooster.png Chaos Malossistone Rising Badge 4 x2 Material found in Alternate Dimension: Omega.
Said to draw out limit-breaking power when used on a weapon created from supernaturals.
7 Material UIItemOmegaBooster.png Cleasis Booster Rising Badge 4 x1 Material that binds souls to the dark of night.
Said to draw limit-breaking power when used on a Special Weapon.
7 Material UIItemOmegaBooster.png Schvelle Booster Rising Badge 4 x5 Material that awakens a life-destroying darkness.
Said to draw limit-breaking power when used on a Special Weapon.
10 Trigger UIItemQuestTrigger.png Hostility Trigger Rising Weapons Badge 4 x8 Castrum Demonic: Hostility can be initiated from the Quest Counter.
Note: This item will not be returned for any reason once it has been Consumed.
10 Trigger UIItemQuestTrigger.png Castrum D. Madness Trigger Rising Weapons Badge 4 x8 Castrum Demonic: Madness can be initiated from the Quest Counter.
Note: This item will not be returned for any reason once it has been Consumed.
10 Trigger UIItemQuestTrigger.png Crimson Fellwyrm Trigger Rising Weapons Badge 4 x8 Crimson Fellwyrm can be initiated from the Quest Counter.
Note: This item will not be returned for any reason once it has been Consumed.
10 Trigger UIItemQuestTrigger.png Black Fellwyrm Trigger Rising Weapons Badge 4 x8 Black Fellwyrm can be initiated from the Quest Counter.
Note: This item will not be returned for any reason once it has been Consumed.
10 Trigger UIItemQuestTrigger.png Wisdom Incarnate Trigger Rising Weapons Badge 4 x8 Wisdom Incarnate can be initiated from the Quest Counter.
Note: This item will not be returned for any reason once it has been Consumed.
10 Trigger UIItemQuestTrigger.png Dying the Depths Trigger Rising Weapons Badge 4 x8 Dying the Depths can be initiated from the Quest Counter.
Note: This item will not be returned for any reason once it has been Consumed.
10 Trigger UIItemQuestTrigger.png The Malevolent Void Trigger Rising Weapons Badge 4 x8 The Malevolent Void can be initiated from the Quest Counter.
Note: This item will not be returned for any reason once it has been Consumed.
8 Tool UIItemWeaponsBadge.png Rising Weapons Badge 3 x2 Rising Weapons Badge 4 x1 A golden badge obtained from a rare enemy.
Presenting it allows you to exchange for a variety of items.
8 Tool UIItemWeaponsBadge.png Rising Weapons Badge 2 x4 Rising Weapons Badge 4 x1 A golden badge obtained from a rare enemy.
Presenting it allows you to exchange for a variety of items.
8 Tool UIItemWeaponsBadge.png Rising Weapons Badge x8 Rising Weapons Badge 4 x1 A golden badge obtained from a rare enemy.
Presenting it allows you to exchange for a variety of items.
AC AC Shop SG Star Gems Shop CC Casino FUN FUN Shop Swap Shop
Pet Supplies Shop Culinary Shop Zig Permit Exchange Furnishing Shop
Photon Exchange EX-Cube Exchange BC Battle Coin Exchange Weapon Badge Exchange Memory Exchange
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