New Genesis: Hunter

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Hunter is a returning class in Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis.
A class geared towards close-range combat, they excel at engaging enemies in close quarters. Boasting high HP and Defense, they can hold their own when operating solo.

Class Weapon Overview

Hunters have access to three unique weapons: Sword (NGS) Swords, Wired Lance (NGS) Wired Lances, and Partizan (NGS) Partisans.


A large broadsword used for heavy melee strikes. What it lacks in speed, it makes up for in raw damage. The Sword is a jack-of-all-trades weapon, possessing utility in almost any situation and being capable in a variety of areas, however, its mobility and slower attacks can be lacking. Using the Guard Weapon Action, you can block attacks and negate their damage when guarding right before the attack hits you.

Wired Lances

A pair of blades hooked to handles by an extendable cable. The specialized blades are capable of striking targets far and wide, at the cost of some raw damage. Among the Hunter weapons, Wired Lances also possesses the most versatile mobility, and faster attacks.

By being in the ideal range, you can deal increased damage to enemies using this weapon.

Using the Grapple Weapon Action allows for versatile movement and action when striking an enemy.


A long, bladed spear. It has decent reach and flexible maneuverability, but also has many attacks with long motions and high commitment.
Attacking aggressively with the Partisan isn't the best option, but reading the enemy's attack patterns and choosing the appropriate actions can help turn the tides of battle.

Using the Parry Weapon Action allows the user to swiftly guard incoming attacks. While this Weapon Action lacks its own counterattack, the Partisan is poised to take full advantage of skills related to Hunter Arts Avenger, giving it a way to deal large amounts of damage while dealing with enemy attacks.

Skill Tree Overview


War Cry
[Active Skill]
Draws the attention of nearby enemies for a set time. Enemies you hit are more likely to target you.
Can only be used by a Main Class. Main Class
Prerequisite -
Effect Skill Level
Threat Level 800%
Duration 30s
Cooldown 30s
Hunter Physique
[Active Skill]
Temporarily reduces damage taken, and stops you from being launched or knocked back by enemy attacks.
Prerequisite -
Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5
Damage Taken Main Class 50% 45% 40% 35% 30%
Damage Taken Sub Class 70% 65% 60% 55% 50%
Duration 30s
Cooldown 180s
Hunter Physique Short Cycle
[Active Skill]
Reduces the effect duration of Hunter Physique, but also shortens its cooldown time.
Prerequisite - Hunter Physique Lv. 1
Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5
Duration 25s 20s 15s 10s 5s
Cooldown 100s 80s 60s 40s 20s
Hunter Physique Extra Shield
[Active Skill]
Provides shielding when Hunter Physique ends.
Deploys a shield only while a PA is in effect, reduces damage received, and protects you from being knocked back or launched.
Being hit a certain number of times while the shield is deployed will cause it to deactivate.
Prerequisite - Hunter Physique Lv. 1
Effect Skill Level
1 2 3
Damage Taken Main Class 60% 60% 60%
Damage Taken Sub Class 70% 70% 70%
Shield Durability Main Class 1 2 3
Shield Durability Sub Class 3 3 3
Hunter Reflect Fort
When an enemy is nearby, if you nullify an attack with a Weapon Action, activate Hunter Arts Avenger, or take an attack during Hunter Physique or Hunter Physique Extra Shield, you will counterattack with a shockwave and temporarily reduce incoming damage to yourself and nearby characters.
*Main Class/Hunter weapons only.
Prerequisite -
Effect Skill Level
PP Recovery +20
Flash Guard
Reduces damage taken.
Prerequisite -
Effect Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Damage Taken Main Class 90% 89% 88% 87% 86% 85% 84% 83% 82% 80% 79% 78% 77% 76% 75%
Damage Taken Sub Class 99% 98% 97% 96% 95% 94% 93% 92% 91% 90% 89% 88% 87% 86% 85%
Iron Will
An incapacitating attack will leave you with 1 HP, and a moment of invulnerability when this skill is triggered.
Can only be used by a Main Class. Main Class
Prerequisite -
Effect Skill Level
Duration 10s
Cooldown 180s
Perfect Guard PP Gain
Recover PP when you successfully nullify an attack with a Weapon Action.
*Hunter weapons only.
Prerequisite -
Effect Skill Level
PP Recovery +20
Slow Landing
Slows fall speed when charging a Photon Art.
Can only be used with Hunter Weapons.
Prerequisite -
Effect Skill Level
- -
Hunter Arts
Taking a hit within a set time of using a Photon Art increases that Photon Art's potency.
Can only be used with Hunter Weapons.
Prerequisite -
Effect Skill Level
Potency 150%
Down Factor Increase 150%
Attack Extra
You can string up to 5 Normal Attacks.
Can only be used with a Sword. Sword (NGS)
Prerequisite -
Effect Skill Level
- -
Attack Extra
You can string up to 4 Normal Attacks.
Can only be used with a Wired Lance. Wired Lance (NGS)
Prerequisite -
Effect Skill Level
- -
Attack Extra
Allows you to string up to 4 Normal Attacks.
Can only be used by Partisans. Partizan (NGS)
Prerequisite -
Effect Skill Level
- -
Sword Guard Counter
Performing a Perfect Guard with Weapon Action will automatically unleash a counterattack.
Can only be used with a Sword. Sword (NGS)
Prerequisite -
Effect Skill Level
- -
Sword Arts
Over Charge
Charging a Photon Art for a set time increases its potency.
Can only be used by Swords. Sword (NGS)
Prerequisite -
Effect Skill Level
Potency 200%
Charge Time 3s
Anchor Advanced
Inputting a direction when Weapon Action is activated, will change its behavior.
Can only be used with a Wired Lance. Wired Lance (NGS)
Prerequisite -
Effect Skill Level
- -
Same Arts Skip
After using the same PA with the same weapon, your next Normal Attack will charge at the third step.
Can only be used with Hunter Weapons.
Prerequisite -
Effect Skill Level
- -
Another Arts Skip
After using different PAs with the same weapon, your next Normal Attack will change at the fourth step. If the combo has fewer than four steps, it will change at the final step.
Can only be used with Hunter Weapons.
Prerequisite -
Effect Skill Level
- -
Sword Guard Counter Plus
Performing a Sword Guard and following it with a Normal Attack will unleash an additional counterattack.
Prerequisite - Sword Attack Counter Lv. 1
Effect Skill Level
- -
Crossing Feather
[Active Skill] Unleashes a powerful forward slash by expending gauge built up via attacking.
Can only be used with a Wired Lance. Wired Lance (NGS)
Prerequisite -
Effect Skill Level
Potency 1,500
Cooldown 30 sec
Wired Anchor Perfect Parry
Negate enemy attacks when Weapon Action is activated.
Can only be used with a Wired Lance. Wired Lance (NGS)
Prerequisite -
Effect Skill Level
- -
Pressing and holding the Weapon Action button will unleash a spear of photons that accumulate damage. The spear will explode after a set time or taking a certain amount of damage.
Can only be used with a Partisan. Partizan (NGS)
Prerequisite -
Effect Skill Level
Cooldown 60s
Note: Only damage from a Partisan will count towards the explosion. As while you can "bypass" the need for a Partisan with a multiweapon, any damage from any other source than a Partisan will not cause explosion afterwards.
Hunter Arts Perfect Parry
Negate enemy attacks when you release a Photon Art.
Can only be used with Hunter Weapons.
Prerequisite - Hunter Arts Avenger Lv. 1
Effect Skill Level
- -
Sword Arts Charge Avenger
Once you've charge a photon art for a certain amount of time, being hit by an enemy will cause the photon art to be released with Hunter Arts Avenger applied to it.
Can only be used as Main Class with Swords. Main Class Sword (NGS)
Prerequisite - Hunter Arts Avenger Lv. 1
Effect Skill Level
- -
Sword Attack Alternation
Causes the first Normal Attack you perform after activating Hunter Arts Avenger to be
changed into a powerful attack.
Can only be used with Swords. Sword (NGS)
Prerequisite - Hunter Arts Avenger Lv. 1
Effect Skill Level
- -
Wired Anchor Avenger
When Hunter Arts Avenger is triggered, following the photon art up with a weapon action increases the potency.
Can only be used as Main Class with Wired Lances. Main Class Wired Lance (NGS)
Prerequisite - Hunter Arts Avenger Lv. 1
Effect Skill Level
Potency 150%
Wired Anchor Range Collection
Always maximizes the Potency Increase based on the distance of Photon Arts unleashed by Hunter Arts Avenger.
Can only be used with Wired Lances. Wired Lance (NGS)
Prerequisite - Hunter Arts Avenger Lv. 1
Effect Skill Level
- -
Assault Charge
Pressing the Weapon Action button at just the right time after a Photon Art will unleash a chargeable thrust attack.
Can only be used with a Partisan. Partizan (NGS)
Prerequisite - Hunter Arts Avenger Lv. 1
Effect Skill Level
- -
Volkraptor Short Cooldown
Reduces the cooldown time of Volkraptor when you successfully negate an attack with a Weapon Action.
However, there is a limit to how many times the cooldown time can be reduced.
Can only be used with a Main Class/Partisan. Main Class Partizan (NGS)
Prerequisite - Volkraptor Lv. 1
Effect Skill Level
Cooldown Reduction 15 sec
Maximum 3 times
Hunter Arts Avenger
PP Gain
Recovers PP upon executing Hunter Arts Avenger.
Prerequisite - Hunter Arts Avenger Lv. 1
Effect Skill Level
PP Recovery +10
Hunter Arts Parry Advanced
Confers an additional invulnerability period upon a successful Hunter Arts Perfect Parry.
Can only be used as Main Class with Hunter weapons. Main Class
Prerequisite - Hunter Arts Perfect Parry Lv. 1
Effect Skill Level
- -
Sword SC Alternation
The Sidestep Counter changes to an attack that quickly rushes at the enemy.
Can only be used with Swords. Sword (NGS)
Prerequisite -
Effect Skill Level
- -
Wired Anchor Strikeback
After learning Wired Anchor Perfect Parry, when you successfully neutralize an attack using a Weapon Action, Hunter Arts Avenger is applied to the next Photon Art you use.
Can only be used as Main Class with Wired Lances. Main Class Wired Lance (NGS)
Prerequisite - Wired Anchor Avenger Lv. 1
Effect Skill Level
- -
Assault Charge Avenger
After activating Hunter Arts Avenger, performing an Assault Charge with the Photon Art will increase its potency.
Can only be used with Partisans. Partizan (NGS)
Prerequisite - Assault Charge Lv. 1
Effect Skill Level
Potency 150%
Partisan Parry Alternate Assault
After a successful guard with a Weapon Action, the potency of your next Assault Charge will be increased.
Can only be used as Main Class with Partisans. Main Class Partizan (NGS)
Prerequisite - Assault Charge Lv. 1
Effect Skill Level
Potency 250%
Partisan Quick Assault
Pressing the Weapon Action button at just the right time after performing Sidestep Strike, Sidestep Counter, Assault Charge, or Photon Blast causes you to rapidly close in on an enemy and perform an attack.
Can only be used with Partisans. Partizan (NGS)
Prerequisite - Assault Charge Avenger
Effect Skill Level
- -

Deprecated Skills

Omnidirectional Guard
Guarding with Weapon Action will protect you from attacks from all directions.
Can only be used with Hunter Weapons.
Prerequisite -
Effect Skill Level
- -