PSO2: Mission Pass Archive

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The latest PSO2 Mission Pass can be viewed on this page. Older Mission Passes can be viewed by clicking on the [Expand] prompt.
Alternatively you can visit Previous NGS Mission Passes with this link.

Season 3 (May 12th, 2020 to June 9th, 2020)

Tier Preview Normal Rewards Preview Gold Rewards
1 Fox Tail White.png Fox Tail Yellow.png Fox Tail Brown.png UIItemHalfScapeDoll.png UIItemIzaneCrystal.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemHalfScapeDoll.png UIItemIzaneCrystal.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Fox Tail: White x1, Fox Tail: Yellow x1, Fox Tail: Brown x1,
Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x3, Triboost +100% x2,
Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
2 UIItemWeaponsBadge.png Rising Weapons Badge 1 x3 UIItemWeaponsBadge.png Rising Weapons Badge 1 x5
3 UIItemGrinder.png UIItemGrinder.png Lambda Grinder x1, Grinder x5
4 UIItemRoseBouquet.png * Rose Bouquet UIItemTriboost50%.png Triboost +50% x3
5 Alvida Head.png Alvida Body.png Alvida Arms.png Alvida Legs.png UIItemEX-Cube.png UIItemPhotonSphere.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemEX-Cube.png UIItemPhotonSphere.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Alvida Head, Alvida Body, Alvida Arms, Alvida Legs,
EX-Cube x1, Photon Sphere x3
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, EX-Cube x1,
Photon Sphere x3
6 UIItemStarGem.png SG 5 Ticket x5 Helicopter Pilot Helmet.png Helicopter Pilot Helmet NV.png UIItemStarGem.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemStarGem.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Helicopter Pilot Helmet x1, Helicopter Pilot Helmet NV, SG 5 Ticket x5
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +100% x2, SG 5 Ticket x5
7 UIItemGreatEnhancementAid3.png Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
8 UIItemMissionBadge.png Mission Badge x10 Lark Barbatos.png Barbatos Ponytail.png Barbatos Hat.png UIItemMissionBadge.png
UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemMissionBadge.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Lark Barbatos, Barbatos Ponytail, Barbatos Hat, Mission Badge x10
[Group 2]
Triboost +100% x2, Mission Badge x13
9 UIItemAugmentationAid2.png Augmentation Aid +10% x2
10 UIItemWeaponsBadge.png Rising Weapons Badge 1 x3 Drake Head.png Drake Body.png Drake Arms.png Drake Legs.png UIItemPass.png UIItemWeaponsBadge.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemPass.png UIItemWeaponsBadge.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Drake Head, Drake Body, Drake Arms,
Drake Legs, Salon Free Pass, Rising Weapons Badge 1 x5
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2,
Salon Free Pass, Rising Weapons Badge 1 x5
11 UIItemHalfScapeDoll.png UIItemIzaneCrystal.png Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
12 UIItemRainyDayRappyDecor.png Rainy Day Rappy UIItemTriboost50%.png Triboost +50% x3
13 UIItemGrinder.png UIItemGrinder.png Lambda Grinder x1, Grinder x5
14 UIItemStarGem.png SG 5 Ticket x5 UIItemStarGem.png SG 5 Ticket x5
15 UIItemMeleeCapsule.png UIItemEX-Cube.png UIItemPhotonSphere.png
UIItemRangedCapsule.png UIItemEX-Cube.png UIItemPhotonSphere.png
UIItemTechniqueCapsule.png UIItemEX-Cube.png UIItemPhotonSphere.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Affix Augment (Melee), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
[Group 2]
Affix Augment (Ranged), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
[Group 3]
Affix Augment (Technique), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
16 UIItemMissionBadge.png Mission Badge x10 UIItemMissionBadge.png Mission Badge x10
17 UIItemGreatEnhancementAid3.png Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
18 UIItemWeaponsBadge.png Rising Weapons Badge 1 x3 Pirate Attire.png Wild Ponytail.png Pirate Hat.png UIItemWeaponsBadge.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemWeaponsBadge.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Pirate Attire, Wild Ponytail, Pirate Hat,
Rising Weapons Badge 1 x5
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x3, Triboost +100% x2,
Rising Weapons Badge 1 x5
19 UIItemAugmentationAid2.png Augmentation Aid +10% x2
20 UIItemTriboost50%.png Triboost +50% UIItemTwinPaperFans.png UIItemPass.png UIItemTriboost50%.png * Twin Paper Fans, Color-Change Pass, Triboost +50% x3
21 UIItemHalfScapeDoll.png UIItemIzaneCrystal.png Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
22 UIItemStarGem.png SG 5 Ticket x5 UIItemStarGem.png SG 5 Ticket x5
23 UIItemGrinder.png UIItemGrinder.png Lambda Grinder x1, Grinder x5
24 UIItemTicket.png 47: Pull Out Camera UIItemMissionBadge.png Mission Badge x10
25 UIItemEX-Cube.png UIItemPhotonSphere.png EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
26 UIItemWeaponsBadge.png Rising Weapons Badge 1 x3 UIItemLoveRosa.png UIItemWeaponsBadge.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemWeaponsBadge.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
* Love Rosa, Rising Weapons Badge 1 x5
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x1, Triboost +100% x2,
Rising Weapons Badge 1 x5
27 Heros Quarter.png UIItemGreatEnhancementAid3.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemGreatEnhancementAid3.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Hero's Quarter, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x1, Triboost +100% x2, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
28 UIItemTriboost50%.png Triboost +50% Irisia Staff.png UIItemTriboost50%.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemTriboost50%.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Irisia Staff, Triboost +50% x3
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x1, Triboost +100% x2, Triboost +50% x3
29 Regia Head.png Regia Body.png Regia Arms.png Regia Legs.png UIItemAugmentationAid2.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemAugmentationAid2.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Regia Head, Regia Body, Regia Arms,
Regia Legs, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
30 UIItemMissionBadge.png Mission Badge x10 Rosemary Head.png Rosemary Body.png Rosemary Arms.png Rosemary Legs.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Rosemary Head, Rosemary Body, Rosemary Arms, Rosemary Legs
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2
31 UIItemExperienceEarned150.png EXP Earned +100% x3 Lark Barbatos.png Barbatos Ponytail.png Barbatos Hat.png UIItemMissionBadge.png
Pirate Attire.png Wild Ponytail.png Pirate Hat.png UIItemMissionBadge.png
Drake Head.png Drake Body.png Drake Arms.png Drake Legs.png
Alvida Head.png Alvida Body.png Alvida Arms.png Alvida Legs.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Lark Barbatos, Barbatos Ponytail, Barbatos Hat, Mission Badge x1
[Group 2]
Pirate Attire, Wild Ponytail, Pirate Hat, Mission Badge x1
[Group 3]
Drake Head, Drake Body, Drake Arms, Drake Legs
[Group 4]
Alvida Head, Alvida Body, Alvida Arms, Alvida Legs
32 UIItemStarGem.png SG 5 Ticket x5 Helicopter Pilot Helmet.png UIItemStarGem.png UIItemPass.png
Helicopter Pilot Helmet NV.png UIItemStarGem.png UIItemPass.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Helicopter Pilot Helmet x1, SG 5 Ticket x5, Salon Free Pass
[Group 2]
Helicopter Pilot Helmet NV x1, SG 5 Ticket x5, Salon Free Pass
33 UIItemTriboost50%.png Triboost +50% x3 UIItemMeleeCapsule.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Affix Augment (Melee)
[Group 2]
Affix Augment (Ranged)
[Group 3]
Affix Augment (Technique)
34 UIItemMissionBadge.png Mission Badge x10 Fox Tail White.png UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemPass.png
Fox Tail Yellow.png UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemPass.png
Fox Tail Brown.png UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemPass.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Fox Tail: White x1, Mission Badge x10,
Color-Change Pass
[Group 2]
Fox Tail: Yellow x1, Mission Badge x10,
Color-Change Pass
[Group 3]
Fox Tail: Brown x1, Mission Badge x10,
Color-Change Pass
35 UIItemRDRBoost3.png Rare Drop Rate +250% x3 Heros Quarter.png UIItemMissionBadge.png
Irisia Staff.png UIItemMissionBadge.png
Regia Head.png Regia Body.png Regia Arms.png Regia Legs.png
Rosemary Head.png Rosemary Body.png Rosemary Arms.png Rosemary Legs.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Hero's Quarter, Mission Badge x3
[Group 2]
Irisia Staff, Mission Badge x3
[Group 3]
Regia Head, Regia Body, Regia Arms, Regia Legs
[Group 4]
Rosemary Head, Rosemary Body, Rosemary Arms, Rosemary Legs

Season 2 (April 14th, 2020 to May 12th, 2020)

Tier Preview Normal Rewards Preview Gold Rewards
1 Maid Hairband.png Wallet Chain.png UIItemHalfScapeDoll.png UIItemIzaneCrystal.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemHalfScapeDoll.png UIItemIzaneCrystal.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Maid Hairband x1, Wallet Chain x1,
Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +100% x2,
Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
2 UIItemWeaponsBadge.png Rising Weapons Badge 1 x3 UIItemWeaponsBadge.png Rising Weapons Badge 1 x5
3 UIItemGrinder.png UIItemGrinder.png Lambda Grinder x1, Grinder x5
4 UIItemHUnewearl.png * HUnewearl UIItemTriboost50%.png Triboost +50% x3
5 Medium Head.png Medium Body.png Medium Arms.png Medium Legs.png UIItemEX-Cube.png UIItemGrinder.png
UIItemPhotonSphere.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemEX-Cube.png UIItemGrinder.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Medium Head, Medium Body, Medium Arms, Medium Legs,
Lambda Grinder x1, EX-Cube x1
[Group 2]
Photon Sphere x3, Triboost +100% x2, EX-Cube x1,
Lambda Grinder x1
6 UIItemStarGem.png SG 5 Ticket x5 Laced Knee Socks Black.png Laced Knee Socks Pink.png Laced Knee Socks White.png UIItemStarGem.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemStarGem.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Laced Knee Socks: Black x1, Laced Knee Socks: Pink x1,
Laced Knee Socks: White, SG 5 Ticket x5
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x3, Triboost +100% x2, SG 5 Ticket x5
7 UIItemGreatEnhancementAid3.png Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
8 UIItemMissionBadge.png Mission Badge x10 Flamegash.png UIItemMissionBadge.png
UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemMissionBadge.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Flamegash, Mission Badge x10
[Group 2]
Triboost +100% x2, Mission Badge x11
9 UIItemAugmentationAid2.png Augmentation Aid +10% x2
10 UIItemWeaponsBadge.png Rising Weapons Badge 1 x3 Melder Head.png Melder Body.png Melder Arms.png Melder Legs.png UIItemPass.png UIItemWeaponsBadge.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemPass.png UIItemWeaponsBadge.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Melder Head, Melder Body, Melder Arms,
Melder Legs, Salon Free Pass, Rising Weapons Badge 1 x5
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2,
Salon Free Pass, Rising Weapons Badge 1 x5
11 UIItemHalfScapeDoll.png UIItemIzaneCrystal.png Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
12 UIItemCodebreakerGame.png Codebreaker Game UIItemTriboost50%.png Triboost +50% x3
13 UIItemGrinder.png UIItemGrinder.png Lambda Grinder x1, Grinder x5
14 UIItemStarGem.png SG 5 Ticket x5 UIItemStarGem.png SG 5 Ticket x5
15 UIItemMeleeCapsule.png UIItemEX-Cube.png UIItemPhotonSphere.png
UIItemRangedCapsule.png UIItemEX-Cube.png UIItemPhotonSphere.png
UIItemTechniqueCapsule.png UIItemEX-Cube.png UIItemPhotonSphere.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Affix Augment (Melee), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
[Group 2]
Affix Augment (Ranged), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
[Group 3]
Affix Augment (Technique), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
16 UIItemMissionBadge.png Mission Badge x10 UIItemMissionBadge.png Mission Badge x10
17 UIItemGreatEnhancementAid3.png Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
18 Nav Rappy Fake.png Nav Rappy Fake x1 Heartbreaker.png Another Side Ponytail.png Breakers Hat.png UIItemWeaponsBadge.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemWeaponsBadge.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Heartbreaker, Another Side Ponytail, Breaker's Hat,
Rising Weapons Badge 1 x5
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x3, Triboost +100% x2,
Rising Weapons Badge 1 x5
19 UIItemAugmentationAid2.png Augmentation Aid +10% x2
20 UIItemTriboost50%.png Triboost +50% UIItemKeikoutou.png UIItemPass.png UIItemTriboost50%.png * Keikoutou, Color-Change Pass, Triboost +50% x3
21 UIItemHalfScapeDoll.png UIItemIzaneCrystal.png Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
22 UIItemStarGem.png SG 5 Ticket x5 UIItemStarGem.png SG 5 Ticket x5
23 UIItemGrinder.png UIItemGrinder.png Lambda Grinder x1, Grinder x5
24 UIItemTicket.png 16: Bed 1 UIItemMagDeviceEatster.png UIItemMissionBadge.png Evolution Device: Eat-ster, Mission Badge x10
25 UIItemEX-Cube.png UIItemPhotonSphere.png EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
26 UIItemWeaponsBadge.png Rising Weapons Badge 1 x3 UIItemFunFunBazooka.png UIItemWeaponsBadge.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemWeaponsBadge.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
* Fun Fun Bazooka, Rising Weapons Badge 1 x5
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x1, Triboost +100% x2,
Rising Weapons Badge 1 x5
27 Adventos.png UIItemGreatEnhancementAid3.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemGreatEnhancementAid3.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Adventos, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x1, Triboost +100% x2, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
28 UIItemTriboost50%.png Triboost +50% Ballistic Coat.png UIItemTriboost50%.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemTriboost50%.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Ballistic Coat, Triboost +50% x3
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x1, Triboost +100% x2, Triboost +50% x3
29 Angriff Head.png Angriff Body.png Angriff Arms.png Angriff Legs.png UIItemAugmentationAid2.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemAugmentationAid2.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Angriff Head, Angriff Body, Angriff Arms,
Angriff Legs, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
30 UIItemMissionBadge.png Mission Badge x10 Ionia Head.png Ionia Body.png Ionia Arms.png Ionia Legs.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Ionia Head, Ionia Body, Ionia Arms, Ionia Legs
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2
31 UIItemExperienceEarned150.png EXP Earned +100% x3 Flamegash.png UIItemMissionBadge.png
Heartbreaker.png Another Side Ponytail.png Breakers Hat.png UIItemMissionBadge.png
Melder Head.png Melder Body.png Melder Arms.png Melder Legs.png
Medium Head.png Medium Body.png Medium Arms.png Medium Legs.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Flamegash, Mission Badge x3
[Group 2]
Heartbreaker, Another Side Ponytail, Breaker's Hat, Mission Badge x1
[Group 3]
Melder Head, Melder Body, Melder Arms, Melder Legs
[Group 4]
Medium Head, Medium Body, Medium Arms, Medium Legs
32 UIItemStarGem.png SG 5 Ticket x5 Laced Knee Socks Black.png UIItemStarGem.png UIItemPass.png
Laced Knee Socks Pink.png UIItemStarGem.png UIItemPass.png
Laced Knee Socks White.png UIItemStarGem.png UIItemPass.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Laced Knee Socks: Black x1, SG 5 Ticket x5, Salon Free Pass
[Group 2]
Laced Knee Socks: Pink x1, SG 5 Ticket x5, Salon Free Pass
[Group 3]
Laced Knee Socks: White x1, SG 5 Ticket x5, Salon Free Pass
33 UIItemTriboost50%.png Triboost +50% x3 UIItemMeleeCapsule.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Affix Augment (Melee)
[Group 2]
Affix Augment (Ranged)
[Group 3]
Affix Augment (Technique)
34 UIItemMissionBadge.png Mission Badge x10 Maid Hairband.png UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemPass.png
Wallet Chain.png UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemPass.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Maid Hairband x1, Mission Badge x10,
Color-Change Pass
[Group 2]
Wallet Chain x1, Mission Badge x10,
Color-Change Pass
35 UIItemRDRBoost3.png Rare Drop Rate +250% x3 Adventos.png UIItemMissionBadge.png
Ballistic Coat.png UIItemMissionBadge.png
Angriff Head.png Angriff Body.png Angriff Arms.png Angriff Legs.png
Ionia Head.png Ionia Body.png Ionia Arms.png Ionia Legs.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Adventos, Mission Badge x3
[Group 2]
Ballistic Coat, Mission Badge x3
[Group 3]
Angriff Head, Angriff Body, Angriff Arms, Angriff Legs
[Group 4]
Ionia Head, Ionia Body, Ionia Arms, Ionia Legs

Season 1 (March 17th, 2020 to April 14th, 2020)

Tier Preview Normal Rewards Preview Gold Rewards
1 Bunny Eared Ribbon A.png Bunny Eared Ribbon B.png Bunny Eared Ribbon C.png UIItemHalfScapeDoll.png UIItemIzaneCrystal.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemHalfScapeDoll.png UIItemIzaneCrystal.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Bunny-Eared Ribbon A x1, Bunny-Eared Ribbon B x1,
Bunny-Eared Ribbon C x1, Half Scape Doll x2
Izane Crystal x2
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x3, Triboost +100% x2,
Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
2 UIItemWeaponsBadge.png Rising Weapons Badge 1 x3 UIItemWeaponsBadge.png Rising Weapons Badge 1 x5
3 UIItemGrinder.png UIItemGrinder.png Lambda Grinder x1, Grinder x5
4 UIItemRoseSaber.png * Rose Saber UIItemTriboost50%.png Triboost +50% x3
5 Belga Head.png Belga Body.png Belga Arms.png Belga Legs.png UIItemEX-Cube.png UIItemGrinder.png
UIItemPhotonSphere.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemEX-Cube.png UIItemGrinder.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Belga Head, Belga Body, Belga Arms, Belga Legs,
EX-Cube x1, Lambda Grinder x1
[Group 2]
Photon Sphere x3, Triboost +100% x2, EX-Cube x1,
Lambda Grinder x1
6 UIItemStarGem.png SG 5 Ticket x5 Chin Beauty Mark A.png Chin Beauty Mark B.png UIItemStarGem.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemStarGem.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Chin Beauty Mark A x1, Chin Beauty Mark B x1,
SG 5 Ticket x5
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x2, Triboost +100% x2, SG 5 Ticket x5
7 UIItemGreatEnhancementAid3.png Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
8 UIItemMissionBadge.png Mission Badge x10 Zamlord.png Zamlord Guards.png UIItemMissionBadge.png
UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemMissionBadge.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Zamlord, Zamlord Guards, Mission Badge x10
[Group 2]
Triboost +100% x2, Mission Badge x12
9 UIItemAugmentationAid2.png Augmentation Aid +10% x2
10 UIItemWeaponsBadge.png Rising Weapons Badge 1 x3 Nadine Head.png Nadine Body.png Nadine Arms.png Nadine Legs.png UIItemPass.png UIItemWeaponsBadge.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemPass.png UIItemWeaponsBadge.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Nadine Head, Nadine Body, Nadine Arms,
Nadine Legs, Salon Free Pass, Rising Weapons Badge 1 x5
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2,
Salon Free Pass, Rising Weapons Badge 1 x5
11 UIItemHalfScapeDoll.png UIItemIzaneCrystal.png Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
12 UIItemRappyPlate.png Rappy Plate UIItemTriboost50%.png Photon Wings.png Photon Wings B.png Triboost +50% x3, Photon Wings, Photon Wings B
13 UIItemGrinder.png UIItemGrinder.png Lambda Grinder x1, Grinder x5
14 UIItemStarGem.png SG 5 Ticket x5 UIItemStarGem.png SG 5 Ticket x5
15 UIItemMeleeCapsule.png UIItemEX-Cube.png UIItemPhotonSphere.png
UIItemRangedCapsule.png UIItemEX-Cube.png UIItemPhotonSphere.png
UIItemTechniqueCapsule.png UIItemEX-Cube.png UIItemPhotonSphere.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Affix Augment (Melee), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
[Group 2]
Affix Augment (Ranged), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
[Group 3]
Affix Augment (Technique), EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
16 UIItemMissionBadge.png Mission Badge x10 UIItemMissionBadge.png Mission Badge x10
17 UIItemGreatEnhancementAid3.png Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
18 UIItemWeaponsBadge.png Rising Weapons Badge 1 x3 Zelsius.png Rough Pigtails GV.png Zelsius Headgear.png UIItemWeaponsBadge.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemWeaponsBadge.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Zelsius, Rough Pigtails GV, Zelsius Headgear,
Rising Weapons Badge 1 x5
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x1, Triboost +100% x2,
Rising Weapons Badge 1 x5
19 UIItemAugmentationAid2.png Augmentation Aid +10% x2
20 UIItemTriboost50%.png Triboost +50% UIItemKagiyaTsuzumi.png UIItemPass.png UIItemTriboost50%.png * Summer Festival Bow, Color-Change Pass, Triboost +50% x3
21 UIItemHalfScapeDoll.png UIItemIzaneCrystal.png Half Scape Doll x2, Izane Crystal x2
22 UIItemStarGem.png SG 5 Ticket x5 UIItemStarGem.png SG 5 Ticket x5
23 UIItemGrinder.png UIItemGrinder.png Lambda Grinder x1, Grinder x5
24 UIItemTicket.png 136: Air Guitar UIItemMissionBadge.png Mission Badge x10
25 UIItemEX-Cube.png UIItemPhotonSphere.png EX-Cube, Photon Sphere x3
26 UIItemWeaponsBadge.png Rising Weapons Badge 1 x3 UIItemSevenLillipan.png UIItemWeaponsBadge.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemWeaponsBadge.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
* Seven Lillipan, Rising Weapons Badge 1 x5
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x1, Triboost +100% x2,
Rising Weapons Badge 1 x5
27 Heretic Lord.png UIItemGreatEnhancementAid3.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemGreatEnhancementAid3.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Heretic Lord, Triboost +100% x2, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x1, Triboost +100% x2, Great Enhancement Aid +50% x2
28 UIItemTriboost50%.png Triboost +50% Candy Crown.png Candy Headgear.png UIItemTriboost50%.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemTriboost50%.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Candy Crown, Candy Headgear, Triboost +50% x3
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x1, Triboost +100% x2, Triboost +50% x3
29 Joker Head.png Joker Body.png Joker Arms.png Joker Legs.png UIItemAugmentationAid2.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png UIItemAugmentationAid2.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Joker Head, Joker Body, Joker Arms,
Joker Legs, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2, Augmentation Aid +10% x2
30 UIItemMissionBadge.png Mission Badge x10 Lamia Head.png Lamia Body.png Lamia Arms.png Lamia Legs.png
UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemTriboost100%.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Lamia Head, Lamia Body, Lamia Arms, Lamia Legs
[Group 2]
Mission Badge x4, Triboost +100% x2
31 UIItemExperienceEarned150.png EXP Earned +100% x3 Zamlord.png Zamlord Guards.png UIItemMissionBadge.png
Zelsius.png Rough Pigtails GV.png Zelsius Headgear.png UIItemMissionBadge.png
Nadine Head.png Nadine Body.png Nadine Arms.png Nadine Legs.png
Belga Head.png Belga Body.png Belga Arms.png Belga Legs.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Zamlord, Zamlord Guards, Mission Badge x2
[Group 2]
Zelsius, Rough Pigtails GV, Zelsius Headgear, Mission Badge x1
[Group 3]
Nadine Head, Nadine Body, Nadine Arms, Nadine Legs
[Group 4]
Belga Head, Belga Body, Belga Arms, Belga Legs
32 UIItemStarGem.png SG 5 Ticket x5 Chin Beauty Mark A.png Chin Beauty Mark B.png UIItemStarGem.png UIItemPass.png
Photon Wings.png Photon Wings B.png UIItemStarGem.png UIItemPass.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Chin Beauty Mark A x1, Chin Beauty Mark B x1, SG 5 Ticket x5,
Salon Free Pass
[Group 2]
Photon Wings, Photon Wings B, SG 5 Ticket x5, Salon Free Pass
33 UIItemTriboost50%.png Triboost +50% x3 UIItemMeleeCapsule.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Affix Augment (Melee)
[Group 2]
Affix Augment (Ranged)
[Group 3]
Affix Augment (Technique)
34 UIItemMissionBadge.png Mission Badge x10 Bunny Eared Ribbon A.png UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemPass.png
Bunny Eared Ribbon B.png UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemPass.png
Bunny Eared Ribbon C.png UIItemMissionBadge.png UIItemPass.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Bunny-Eared Ribbon A x1, Mission Badge x10,
Color-Change Pass
[Group 2]
Bunny-Eared Ribbon B x1, Mission Badge x10,
Color-Change Pass
[Group 3]
Bunny-Eared Ribbon C x1, Mission Badge x10,
Color-Change Pass
35 UIItemRDRBoost3.png Rare Drop Rate +250% x3 Heretic Lord.png UIItemMissionBadge.png
Candy Crown.png Candy Headgear.png UIItemMissionBadge.png
Joker Head.png Joker Body.png Joker Arms.png Joker Legs.png
Lamia Head.png Lamia Body.png Lamia Arms.png Lamia Legs.png
(Select One)
[Group 1]
Heretic Lord, Mission Badge x3
[Group 2]
Candy Crown, Candy Headgear, Mission Badge x3
[Group 3]
Joker Head, Joker Body, Joker Arms, Joker Legs
[Group 4]
Lamia Head, Lamia Body, Lamia Arms, Lamia Legs